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>> No.12518417 [View]
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>One can even find examples throughout history where the same shit happens. People no longer identify with the society and skill and craft begin to fall apart. The buildings which are meant to represent that society are made poorly, which in turn is a symbol of the society's failing health.
i think this is true also. if you look at the history of China, there are oscillating periods in which Confucianism rises and falls, and Taoism or Buddhism respectively draw crowds. then those in turn lead to new Confucians who want to get things organized again, and so on. periodically punctuated by suboptimal encounters with the Mongols or whoever else. it may be the same thing with the West for a while, as socialism and libertarianism rock back and forth. there's no moral fix for wealth disparity. even Rome was wracked with all kinds of internal crises during the switch between the republic and the empire. then the Empire ends and kind of quietly dissolves itself in the West into feudalism, while in Byzantium it lasts another thousand years or so. where a given society begins and ends both geographically and historically is pretty interesting to think about.

>Accelerationists have things backwards, just like marxists - they just take it to the extreme so that the easily confused think there is something to it.
the problem is that it becomes hard to separate the Marxism from the neoliberalism, and that is why /acc matters, because it functions as a critique of both. that is its basic goal, to be disappointed. >>12517643 pretty much gets it. this was Freud's project: you can't fix the real pain, but you can fix the neurotic pain, ditch the existential unhappiness for the regular unhappiness. it makes sense, when you take your cues from Schopenhauer and not Nietzsche (even if Nietzsche is more interesting).

that burned-out accelerationists might eventually kind of try and re-install whatever is left of themselves in Catholicism really cannot be all that surprising either. or why Heidegger would be cozy. all of this is a weird place to wind up, but it feels appropriate too. when you really want an ideology to squeeze into but you can't find one, just be a walking shipwreck and call yourself a failed accelerationist.

>> No.12001824 [View]
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i'm back from Box Life and wish to continue more Cosmotech Adventure Time.

as skeptical as i am about the supernatural, it warrants mentioning that i have had at least three experiences that i would classify as supernatural, all of which involved ghosts, death, or near-fatal injury. warrants mentioning, none of them were me. and i have met (briefly) at least one person who was in training to be a no-joke witch and who basically convinced me that chakra works, especially if you are a highly-stressed and malfunctioning fuckface meatbag (that would be be). i don't know what kind of forces Uncle Nick and Aunt Sadie tapped into back in their CCRU days but i wouldn't put anything past them. and besides the Brits have always had a mildly pagan strain running there anyways. when it comes down to figuring out capitalism there is absolutely no story i would not believe about Land relating to the occult. if anything, his experiments were entirely *too successful,* imho, as i have been fucking obsessed with him for years now. true, this is in part because i am probably not that hard to seduce, charm, hoax or otherwise fool in the first place; the world is full of lost souls and addled seekers and other people like me.

so generally speaking i prefer to keep it on the skeptical side of the esoteric. i don't really need to go much further than Land or Hegel for kind of stuff. Hegel has occult roots, Land contacted the Other Side, Heidegger made Being great again, Lacan connects psychoanalysis to the sphinx at the deepest possible level, the list goes on and on. i was saying in the other thread that, warts and all, i do find something quite admirable about Freud's vision for what he imagined psychoanalysis to be: and in a sense i'm on board with that project also. there is a distinction to be made between neurotic unhappiness and normal unhappiness, and it's because the neurotic stuff - the genuine, no bullshit Heraclitean Fire - is what propels politics, but it also produces art, philosophy, religion, and much more.

but the power of meme-magic is real. it still fucks with us to this day, it's why postmodernity has *still* failed to get a grip on Terra Firma Reality. and even though Girard isn't so keen on Hegel, there are without question parts of his thought that i like - namely, the Phenomenology of Spirit. that is truly one of the wildest texts ever written, God as History, and can be read beside the Ethics, God as Nature. there's not much love between the Spinozists and the Hegelians, but that's fine. what the Spinozans don't have is anything like a political platform, but that's also their advantage. conversely, the Hegelians do have one - every major 20C ideology follows from Hegel, in one sense or another - for good as well as evil. and today we have Planet Meme and universal capital, to trigger Zizek to no end. and Uncle Nick, &c, &c.

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