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>> No.19103869 [View]
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maybe related, but not really

>> No.12697282 [View]
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>And just for that reason, I think he’s wrong about the idea that China is confined to some off-center, off-brand internet, peripheral to the “true” Anglo one.
this tho, i'm not sure if i've ever really proposed such a thing. i don't know if there is such a phenomenon, and if it does exist, it exists only as teleoplexy, the truth of which is pretty much a priori unknowable (nor does it give a fuck where it comes from, and the Basilisk is silly too). i do think that there is a substantial philosophical shift in the way the Chinese and the West understand the nature of these processes, and it is for that reason i will shill once again for a close reading of Yuk Hui's book, because he explores a great many distinctions that are crucial, as well as a great many similarities that may be disastrous for everyone...

how we understand the nature of technical knowledge, human relations, social organization, the future horizons of capital and intelligence, all of this...it's got a huge question mark after it for me. there is no Core/Periphery argument being advanced by me in these things, i am fucking bewildered by it all and trying to get my bearings. 'tis all

>> No.12662119 [View]
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one of the best ideas Land ever had was a translation of Kapital aimed at the conservative and reactionary right. i thought this was quite brilliant. to me this gets at the heart of a fundamental question about the nature of political economy: who wore it better, Marx or Mises? you can't really *choose* one way or the other, and what makes Uncle Nick who he is is that he well and truly crossed the streams here, and with great vigor. so much so that it basically destroyed his mind. now of course he largely preoccupies himself with writing about BTC, because crypto probably is the universal platform for the 21C, and you can see why. a currency not pegged to the petrodollar or the will of the federal reserve is a thing worth thinking about. his own theory of the BTC whitepaper is more about him (and Kant) than about BTC itself, which is obviously going to have all kinds of other problems that go far beyond his own wheelhouse.

but this is a Machine Planet in many ways. there is some absolutely fascinating philosophy to be found there in the interstices between finance, technology, computer science and the rest. those questions eventually become questions for moral philosophy, and moral philosophy that has no technical expertise whatsoever rapidly degenerates into ideological puritanism of the extreme left or extreme right varieties. this is exactly what winds up being exposed in the 2000s: there is no outside view of the critique of ideology that does not in the long run come back to Because I Said So in some form or another. the singularity is arguably already here in that sense, and we have to figure out what the fuck we want to do about it.

clearly money and tech have something to do with each other, and both of those ultimately dovetail back into questions of public policy and private life. so wat do? some kind of balance or equilibrium has to be struck here, b/c otherwise we just wind up falling in love with Utopias only accessible via the road of bones. it's why i'm such a shill for Yuk Hui: the balance between the moral order and the technological order is necessary, even more than a balance between the technological and economic orders. how do we do this? by asking ourselves what it means to think at all in the first place. it's a Feels > Reals world, and however cosmopolitan i am, i still think that we can at least begin to start moving back towards Ideas > Feels too. every ideology is at bottom romantic in some sense or another, but we have to de-romanticize some things also, we have to have the capacity to take the cold and technical perspective on things, and at the same time not sacrifice our own humanity completely also on the altar of Progress, in whatever form that takes.

the isms are a doomed game of rock-scissors-paper, they all just lead back to each other in the end. there has to be a higher and more integrated view, but one which is also i think predicated on old-fashioned virtues of charity, temperance and love.

>> No.12619770 [View]
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>I fundamentally disagree with his conception of 'multiple cosmotechnics.'
not me senpai. i think those are agreeably postmodern in a context which does not presume an easy exit from the planetary cosmotechnic par excellence, that being capitalism itself. but to each his own.

everybody's free to wear sunscreen, but i shall still unironically shill for a reading of this. it's a great primer on a whole host of interesting questions for today - Heidegger, ancient Greek thought, ancient Chinese thought, contemporary Chinese thought, much much else. otherwise all we are doing is picking our choice of doomsday scenarios, imho.

>> No.12446205 [View]
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Yuk Hui is a boss, you should check him out. this is a fantastic read if you're into Heidegger, Chinese philosophy, Greek philosophy, acceleration or lots of other stuff. he's not a partisan hack for the CCP, if that's what you're wondering, nor does he think Land is the cat's pyjamas either. he is his own dude and he is no dummy.

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