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>> No.12929702 [View]
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it's why things like this along with BTC are absolutely worth the insomnia. what else do we expect to happen? tying finance to ideological control through tech both was and was not possible in earlier ages, but we are both more closely linked up now by the internet and subsequently more able as a species to do all kinds of mischievous shit to each other by and through those same channels.

social credit may well be one of those things that just defines an age, as much as the atomic bomb was the symbol of an era a few generations ago.

>> No.12691541 [View]
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the real breakthrough to me is this one, the hybridization of Marx (with a little help from Confucius, or vice versa) to technology by way of finance. is this enforcing ideological conformity through technological control of finance, or enforcing financial conformity through technological control of ideology, or enforcing technological conformity through financial control of ideology, or, or, or.

it just seems like a perfect circuit, neoliberalism completed through the CCP, the CCP completed through neoliberalism. things only a 21C can do.

>> No.12617313 [View]
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that's one for sure. that's the one Land *wants,* and - being him - he's unlikely to get it. shoop Xi Jinping's face in there as an alternate too.

there's a whole bunch of possibilities for how these things will shake out. there's also a horribly Super Friendly version of Shodan - Siri, or Alexa - which doesn't even have the good taste to oppress you in the way that would really make your dystopian cyberpunk fantasies come true, so that you could at least suffer like a Shadowrun LARPer!

the world is a cruel, strange, sad place...

>Difference is equated with law in Hegelian dialectics: what is absolute difference but the underlying law of universal distinction?
yeah. this is the big stuff. if you're looking for some seriously high-test continental fun, read into the Deleuze/Badiou stuff by Roffe or Crockett or whoever. about as mind-twisting as it gets.

>More ideology might be a fix, but the trick is it cannot just be more of the same ideology. We need more ideologies, more experimentation, more becoming-other.
yes. absolutely this.

>Neitzsche was wrong, we need more philosophical worker -- the trick is don't put them to construction.
ah, that's terrific! yes, i completely agree with this.

>Give them a Deleuzian jackhammer and some Landian dynamite and see what you can make out of the rubble.
yup. this is my feel also, there's something actually quite wonderful about the post-apoc world...you cannot LARP fascism after the bomb. i want to imagine that great fallout, not in a literal sense, but just in a metaphorical one, so that we can try some things out, without this crippling interior gravity about the Real...

demented lighthouse keeper, that's me. stay the night and enjoy scavenged rations and weird riddles, back to the trail with you tomorrow, adventurers.

>> No.12584823 [View]
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i mean McLuhan wlll say that Christ is an irreducible sign (Baudrillard, who was no Catholic, seemed to think Disneyland was a more interesting site to think about, but we probably don't need to spend too much time wondering what he would have thought about the cross). Lacan too says, i think, there is only one serious religion worth talking about; i think Heidegger's own sensibilities probably went the same way. Heidegger would not have been so demolished by Nietzsche if he felt you could shift your metaphysics eggs to a Hindu or a Confucian basket. Zizek says he is an atheist, but only an atheist through Christianity. he too dislikes the Vedanta. i think the Vedanta is fine, of course, and the Tao; this is one of those places where Schopenhauer often seems like a forgotten man of philosophy - he would have fought you tooth and nail over the right to call himself a no-bullshit Kantian successor, dismissive of Hegel, and yet keeping in the highest regard not only the Upanishads, but mystical Christianity as well.

i don't know if religion is the only hope to stop total kippelization; one of Luther's own objections to the Church is the kippelization of sin by way of indulgence. no end of freethinkers or fanatics were burned at the stake (or worse) for attempting to interpret things that the orthodoxy absolutely said there could be no further interpretation of: think Bruno, or Galileo, or Copernicus. or even the career of Augustine, who is always trying to find the Aristotelian middle point between free thought and puritanism.

here's what i think is good about religion: it slows the process of interpretation. i will give you one small example of this, borrowed from Milbank: i think it does not seem all that crazy to call a hate crime a sin. the boundaries of offense, of hate, of triggers are absolutely infinite. anyone can be triggered by anything today. for earlier monastics, on guard against the Devil's infinite capacity to find work for idle hands, sin was a constant danger. there is to me a direct line between that and the hysterical self-curation of thought which takes place in the most radical progressive world today: a comment is posted on your YouTube page which hints at reconciliation with a Problematic Thought - it must be burned immediately, denounced, made to disappear. this is Protestant zeal at a high degree of intensity. in China Social Credit works on exactly this program: a constantly updated social credit score, tied directly to your finances, and which implicates your friends, family, working acquaintances also...there is something in all of this which is profoundly *sensible* to me, but which is not the same thing as saying it is good, or wise, or even sane...and to me it all belongs to this continual need for happiness, to provide the fruits of capital and technocommerce with a psychic dimension that keeps everything under control.


>> No.12581401 [View]
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i got baited, well done OP

>> No.12010209 [View]
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and again, in terms of whether or not pic rel is an *improvement* on globalization is anyone's guess. my own intimation is that it will probably wind up being no less nightmarish and horrible than everything you hate about neoliberalism now, and of which it seems to me is an outgrowth. Zizek has already said lots of stuff about this, that authoritarian state capitalism China-style is just as bad as corporations running wild everywhere. Social Credit will not save anyone, but what it does do is fuck with multinational corporations.

and, in turn, those multinationals will almost certainly fuck with SC in return, and so on, and so on, forever, as is the case with the Wild Ride.

in the end the point is that there is no happiness for the slobs that we become. it just seems to be a Cosmic imperative that if one is both stupid and evil, there will be a price paid for it. i'm convinced that Social Credit will work, that it is a reaction to postmodernity in about as laser-detailed a sense as one could possibly ask for, and that it is the nature of history to solve all problems with larger problems. this is hardly news. my only contribution is to make a case for a little nondual mysticism to orient oneself towards technology such that some of these inevitable gravity wells, which lead in turn to meme politics, can be resisted. and so to that end it is, as the Great Learning says, imperative for everyone to take self-cultivation as the common root. in one sense this means anthropotechnics; but i think psychically it required cosmotechnics as well, and not only for you, but for the milieu in which you live.

it is manifestly all commonsensical to the point of absolute and paradoxical pointlessness and obviousness, which is also basically Zen.

>> No.11896645 [View]
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i am deeply fucked up by social credit, tho. there is something incredible to me about the idea of re-grounding the Real of capital in the will of the party itself. we have been abstracting money for centuries in the west, and have gone all the way from tribal exchange of mana-freighted talismans, to double-entry bookkeeping, to networks of (arguably proto-sentient) Bitcoin. and now perhaps this system has an eerie doppelganger in China, where the CCP is going to make it Real Simple for everyone, in a kind of breathtakingly simple way: the real credit is your score, it is only your score, it will only be your score, it always was your score, and so glhf.

systems of economics are also systems of culture, but those systems of culture are deeply intertwined with technological systems, which perhaps in the end almost inevitably must become systems of economics. it's old Marxist stuff, and the story is more fully explored by Fredric Jameson, if you want to read more on this - and in particular, those areas where he talks about the unique situation of postmodernity engendering a culture which, like its own financial resources, is capable of living entirely on the fruits of its own self-speculation.

it is possible to imagine china led by Xi Jinping Thought engaging in an ultimately very similar process.

>> No.11871164 [View]
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What do you think about Cyberpunk With Chinese Characteristics guys?

>> No.11870993 [View]
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Interesting thread, OP.
I truly wonder what will come out of pic related.
Chinese cyberpunk?

>> No.11844890 [View]
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What kind of story for this setting /lit/?

>> No.11840935 [View]
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Where can I find SF dealing with pic related?

>> No.11830578 [View]
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unironic SoC sinofuturism

>aka chinese socialism with western characteristics

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