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>> No.18643562 [View]
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I have heard of Carlo Michelstaedter, I have planned to pick up Persuasion and Rhetoric. I'll prioritize it sooner just because of the recommendation here. I've been strongly considering learning Italian just so I can translate some of the books I've notice that haven't been yet.
>Also, what is your favorite book (fiction or not) ?
I don't have just one favorite, but I'll share one that I actually really enjoyed. A History of Central Banking by S. Goodson. It surprised me by not being very anti-semitic, which is what I was expecting, but it gave a rapid history of various forms of banking, how they changed over, etc.
It made me become a little bit more interested in reading up on the history of financial institutions. By doing so, I'd also find any contradictions from my "favorite" book.
Wouldn't you hate a movement that dillutes your achievements into "OMG UR A GIRL AND U DID DIS"? It is demeaning.
>because it's the only life they've ever know so they assume the same is true for everyone
It might be one of the saddest worldviews to genuinely believe that we are all the same.
>He has something I don't have
This is pathetic. I didn't come here to brag. I came here to mock this mindset. You want to spend all your life jacking off to ugly women, larping as something you wish to be, then crying about how >tfwnogf? Go fuck yourself. I'll shame the fuck out of you, you waste of fucking oxygen. Go ahead. Get fucking MAD, get fucking UPSET. GO CRY ABOUT IT YOU FAGGOT.
Then use that raw emotion to go fucking fix your problems. Women don't want you because YOU are the destestable fucking faggot. Imagine not trying to be the best you can possibly fucking be. Fuck you, coward.

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