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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21228827 [View]
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>what do you mean only 3/5!? my writing is perfect! perfect! I will find out who you are and harass you online until you remove your rating!
Jesus, what is wrong with you?

>> No.20320421 [View]
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>he doesn't have adblock

>> No.17204723 [View]
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>women have differing opinions on things
B-but anon said...?

>> No.16700265 [View]
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>an unlikable character slightly inconveniences the MC
>readers: why doesn't the MC just kill everybody?
I'm starting to think Americans have the right of it and going outside without a gun is a really bad idea.

>> No.16344519 [View]
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>got to write 12,000 words in two days
Think I might have overdone it this time, lads.

>> No.16332509 [View]
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>tfw watching film with friends
>child main character shows sexual attraction to older woman
>one of my friends says "wtf why is that little kid turned on by that woman, that's fucked up"
>other friends nod in agreement
>I say, "well young children can feel sexual desire as well"
>they all look at me funny and don't respond
>my friends now probably think I'm a pedo
I'm not a nonce, I'm just speaking from experience, I started wanking when I was 6.

>> No.16033350 [View]
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Jesus Christ, anons, how fucking embarrassing

>> No.15972117 [View]
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>> No.15851421 [View]
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Do people actually fucking enjoy working out and doing exercise?

>> No.15414332 [View]
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>professor asks us in seminar to talk about any difficulties we're having doing essays
>think, for some reason, it would be funny and endearing to talk about how I leave all my essays to the last minute.
>"haha I'm such a doofus, I always do my essays the night before ahaha, got any tips on motivation haha"
>nobody laughs
>realize I've fucked up, keep taking though, start dropping spaghetti
>my friend next to me stares at the ground in embqressment
>my professor just glares at me
>"wow. That's really bad."
>end up do his essay night before
>only professor to see through my bullshit and give me a bad grade.

>> No.15406556 [View]
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>tfw that's my local train station
I've got to get out of here lads

>> No.15372054 [View]
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Not fair bros, I was going to meet her at a literary festival while publicizing my first novel and we would have a whirlwind romance and I would feel her beautiful hands brush through my hair as she tells me how much she loves me

>> No.12256771 [View]
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>Hamlet is a thinking man's play

>> No.10437583 [View]
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>> No.10176670 [View]
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>> No.9724698 [View]
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>read a book
>go online to talk about it
>people say you misunderstood the whole point
>actually they're just delusional and fantasized half of what they thought they read

>> No.9517500 [View]
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>I'm in college and havent read a book since the 8th grade
I hope to God that you're talking about SciFi books, and not books in general.

>> No.9469706 [View]
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>that chapter about his childhood in rural canada
the ending was just a goof, right?

>> No.9349189 [View]
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jesus christ, there's just no hope left for you

>> No.9054393 [View]
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>thought I had seen through all the bullshit
>realise there was still more bullshit to see through and the people who let me see through the initial bullshit were also selling bullshit and my field of view is limited as well

Jesus christ, its spooks upon spooks upon spooks ad a-long-fucking-chain-um.

A philosophies take up an infinitely small space within in an infinitely large space and the ones that are used as social signalling mechanisms or advertising are screaming at me every day, while being aided by the pseudo intellectual hangers on, including most of /lit/.

I think I could have become smarter by falling in to a coma for the past two years rather than read stuff and hope that I could find non-BS wisdom or fucking anything.

>inb4 go read some 10,000 page book by some dead person filled with trivialities and logical fallacies

>> No.9013168 [View]
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What's that word for when you realise that you'll look back at the previous year and three quarters and realise it was completely wasted?

>finished a degree I hated
>worked retailcuck part time jobs
>barely read more than 5 books
>did maybe a month's worth of productive stuff in my free time
>went to the gym regularly and lifts went up but ate lots of junk food and had coffee enough to harm sleep at times
>main hobby was taking walks or driving and feeling sad about my life and telling myself I would work extremely hard to learn productive skills tomorrow
>wasted gigantic amounts of time on internet and 4chan browsing
>told myself every day that I'd start working hard and eating healthily tomorrow and having genuine false hope almost every time

I can't motivate myself to work hard on anything or have goals. I know other people have quarter life crises but my life is fucking zooming past, not due to a boring 9-5 job but my inability to do anything with my free time.

>> No.8940972 [DELETED]  [View]
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Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?

I liked my subjects at school but thoughtlessly picked a chemical engineering degree. Even at its best, a chemical engineering degree is just introductory maths / physics / chemistry courses along with a load of job training-esque stamp collecting courses. A fourth year physics student could easily learn any part of the equivalent chemical engineering student's curriculum, but vice versa is obviously not true. I feel really sickened to have wasted my time in a glorified job training degree. I have my entire life to waste on pointless "professional" BS, so to have a university degree that is glorified job training is depressing.

In addition, I picked my nearest university instead of the best possible for my grades and realised halfway through that the courses have much less content and depth than other universities and employers consider me dumb. My courses were a huge joke compared to what I've seen from other universities. As an example, I got to fourth year without knowing what dev, grad, eigenvectors, or curl were, and I didn't know the difference between a model and a theory, (and this is the UK, so I took zero phsyics courses).

Sometimes I feel like an unwarranted snob to criticise my university so harshly, but it deserves criticism when it skips entire topics that other universities teach to all STEM students. And it got government money because I chose it. What a fucking joke, they have almost no incentive to offer courses with proper content. It loves advertising its old age but it offers shallow shit.

>> No.8927669 [View]
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How do I actually take advantage of all my free time and make myself work hard? For the past year it seems my main hobby is to borrow my mum's car, browse 4chan on my phone, drink tonnes of coffee and do very little work.

It just seems so fucking unbearable to imagine that I am literally paddling in the middle of an ocean of possibilities and reaching any shore will take hours and hours of painstaking paddling. And there's fog everywhere and I'm on my own.

I just feel so cucked no matter what I do. I studied applied maths today because I feel like a cuck for not knowing enough and while doing it I felt like a cuck for not doing something that would immediately lead to money. I feel cucked for sitting at home and I feel cucked being in busy places near Chad and Stacey couples.

I have never done anything outside of a structured environment. I always just follow the path given to me (though I barely did any work near the end of my degree, which was kind of freethinking of me, though mainly due to laziness). I have no patience. Everything seems either too trivial to bother with or immensely frustrating and beyond me.

What is there to do these days? It's either software or finance you are a peon. I am not ignorant. I look at who the successful famous people are. It's the same every time. Either software stuff or VC / hedge fund stuff. That's it.

I just can't be assed. I am lazy. I walked in to the computer science section of a library and saw ten trillion gigantic introductory text books, all for important topics.

People are always out to attack you if you haven't watched that movie or read that book or seen that play. It's all psychological warfare. Starbucks, Coca Cola, McDonalds, these are the most honest organisations in the world today, far ahead of all the universities. They sell you the products and you can judge them how you want and you have no further pressures. Universities are a caste branding system subsidised by the government.

>> No.8897838 [View]
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>tfw you realize that this really is the best thread on /lit/

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