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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21259037 [View]
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i find it helps to go out and do things, anything, as often as you can. go browse thriftshops or bookstores, stop in a pub to have a pint, find somewhere to go and read and walk around, or hell, just go for a walk around the neighborhood if thats all you can do, just do anything to get you out into the world and ground you and remind you that you are alive. after that you will have to begin increasing your social interactions with other people if possible.

i would suggest is EXERCISE in general. i cant lift much due to injury but if you can, it will be a godsend. when you lift enough that you start seeing results ior at least feeling better. and you really get into it, it gives you a certain level of what i can only describe as "physical confidence" which goes a long way in helping you focus on reality and stay grounded

chances are, if you're someone who smokes weed, you will almost certainly have to stop that, though I find a hoot can be ok on an occasion when you are countering the effects with some alcohol to relax you and you arent putting yourself under the pressure of being around other people. if you dont smoke weed then definitely dont start though

something that really snapped me back was doing the above, going walking around my neighborhood, specifically after getting a little bit drunk. this might be unique to me because of my past experiences and memories, but the combination of walking around and being out in the world, being physically active. combined with the effects of some alcohol, produced in me a certain sense of clarity and physical grounding with an almost nostalgic character that reminded me of my younger days when I wasn't such a schitzo. this event, which started as me simply walking to the store drunk to get a pack of smokes, is something that really kickstarted my attempts at getting better which has certainly seen at least some success
good luck my friend. hope this helps. if it makes you feel better, you arent alone.

>> No.19928981 [View]
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I know you don't mean it fren

>> No.18826882 [View]
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reading is, maybe, but literature is only for us men. women don't get real literature. don't worry op. your masculinity is intact, safe within my arms.

>> No.18822494 [View]
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you know, sometimes I feel like this board is trash and near unusable, but reading threads like that make me realize how good we have it here. love you guys

>> No.18221908 [View]
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Russell is retarded. Completely overrated.

>> No.17826594 [View]
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>he keeps cursing and complaining about nothing in particular
I will rape you with my love

>> No.16856577 [View]
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Or any kind of named, permanent online presence. People should have the wherewithal to know that they'll go unnoticed in death. This is part of the reason why I like /lit/ so much. If any of you were deaded by a bus tomorrow I would neither know nor care- and the same goes for me.

>> No.16815800 [View]
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>I told you guys I am autistic idk what you expected
We're cheering for you. We expect your best effort. This is a RARE opportunity for a super kino /lit/ relationship. I'm rooting for you Autistanon.

>> No.16760700 [View]
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Not making excuses, but teens are having less sex. I did a lot of drugs in high school, but never had sex.
t. 19yo

>> No.16507024 [View]
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If it's a boy make sure you give him a strong name. Names mean A LOT more than most people think. If you're huwhite go with something Germanic, ideally something regal. Names like William, Harald, Ronald, Magnus, etc. Personally I really dislike biblical names, but that's just an opinion. If you're not huwhite go with something that is relevant to your ethnicity. Don't be a zhongguoren naming your son Chris or some shit. As for girls, honestly look for something "old" and don't add random letters (ie. Mehgan, Christynia, Julyie, etc). Read potential girl names out and ask youself if they sound like a whore's name. Good luck fren and make sure your spawn starts browsing /lit/ from a young age.

>> No.16500659 [View]
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That's a nice moustache, young man.

>> No.16457807 [View]
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Sure. How much contact was there between Cornish and Breton kings per-Charlemagne? I know they were effectively cousins, but I wonder if there was ever a sort of over-king that held sway on both sides of the channel. Really anything cool about early medieval Brittany would be neat.

>> No.16454795 [View]
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Based fellow fren

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