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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.9979308[SPOILER]  [DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hatoful Thread.

>> No.9982781

cool NSJ deletes a whole page of shit but not this

>> No.9982802

Freeware VNs are not /jp/-related anymore. Cool.

>> No.9982837

He probably read the last thread you were posting in.

>> No.9982833
File: 87 KB, 260x200, evil bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would this be deleted? It's a visual novel by a Japanese creator. Are you sure you belong here?

>> No.9982840

Please don't rape me Hannibal Lectar-bird-sensei.

>> No.9982865

The thread in question:

>> No.9982874


>> No.9982877


>> No.9982879
File: 100 KB, 636x477, hatoful621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He only wants to be grossly incandescent

>> No.9982886

I wanted to play this but it forced me to install QuickTime.

>> No.9982901

Cool. Yet another /vg/ subhuman setting camp in /jp/.

I have so many people to thank! From the guy who spammed chen in guildwars 2 general threads, way back in the day... A visionary for sure! The /q/ whiners, the mods, the janitors... And who could forget the people making chained mmo general threads! And touhoumon and genios of sapheiros! Let's not forget those either! I want to thank you all for your contributinos to /jp/, that made shitstains such as OP take notice of the board! Truly, I'm glad.

>> No.9982930
File: 119 KB, 638x478, hatoful663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so mad that /jp/ is an inhospitable shithole infested with NEETs? I could just as easily tell you to keep your 300lb+ parasites out of /v/ and /vg/

>> No.9982936

Why would anyone visit those horrible boards?

>> No.9982943
File: 301 KB, 400x300, tumblr_m3113jlVAs1r48fxi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow those boards manage not to have awful, pathetic off-topic "NEET support threads" up 24 hours a day.

>> No.9982950

Your average /jp/ user won't be leaving the board, however, people like you come here all the time to make super epic threads such as this and the previously linked one.

>> No.9982955

If you think that doujin games (GoS and Touhoumon) are a bad thing, you're really fucking up.

>> No.9982959

Those threads don't represent /jp/ and are a product of people bitching on /q/. Why are you still posting here, are you getting a kick out of this or something, why stay if you hate this board so much.

>> No.9982960

They have a right to be here but they don't need 500 "generals".

>> No.9982980
File: 105 KB, 636x475, kickreason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they not represent /jp/? How are they a result of /q/ bitching? Wouldn't those threads be more at home on /b/ or /r9k/? I'm not getting something here.

>> No.9982977

But there's not really a problem for having them. I've never really liked them but you can't just blame the problem over shit that has been here since 2008. As for the OP in question, the thread is not rulebreaking if you think about it, but he shouldn't expect good reception after saying that stupid shit on the other thread.

>> No.9982986

Well I wasn't the guy complaining about them. I just gave a reason why he might have.

>> No.9982994 [DELETED] 

And I don't see what some /v/tard making a NEET thread on /v/ has to do with /jp/.

>> No.9983006

The NEET topics were kinda just spread around, but after people bitching on /q/ they were allowed to have one "NEET lifestyle" thread up at any one time. They just ended up turning into /r9k/ levels of whining and people discussing work/school, in addition to quite a few posters that clearly came to /jp/ entirely for the NEET threads. Hopefully thats a better explanation, you can probably go check a few of them out in the archive if you want to see what I mean.

>> No.9983010

Oh. That makes sense I think. I sure do hope mods crack down on them, I have seen a few on /v/ in my time and they are a true blight, as bad as ponies. Maybe some kind of containment board / hugbox is needed.

>> No.9983018

A similar situation is happening in the dedicated MMO thread right now, that essentially looks a lot like the NEET threads that devolved into pure bitching.

>> No.9983024

NEET threads are /jp/ culture. I don't see what your opinion of them has to do with anything other than serving as a strawman argument.

>> No.9983035

Good to remember that they are pretty much back to spreading around too. Not as often as before /q/, but they are still around.

>> No.9983043

That's just reverse-"trolling". Like when people spam ironic Touhou threads and when something gets forbidden, they start spamming it out of spite.

>> No.9983046

So instead of having a few NEET related posts in each thread we have multiple giant NEET threads composed of people discussing work and school. Not currently but just kind of how its been over the last week.

>> No.9983052

NEET - Not in Employment, Education, or Training

>> No.9983057

OP is a racist /v/irgin. I guess /v/ had a thread about this recently.

>> No.9983062

Prove it.

>> No.9983063

Yeah its great isn't it. Oh well, can't do much about it I suppose.

>> No.9983068

But it has been like this for the whole year. I fail to see the point of blaming this on /q/

>> No.9983072
File: 29 KB, 430x650, MEIDO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this thread still here?
why is this person still here?
get to work, janiturd.

>> No.9983081


I laughed, okay?

>> No.9983118

>wanting janitors to delete on topic threads so more "NEET SUPPORT THREAD - BULLY FREE ZONE" shit can take over /jp/

>> No.9983135

>The NEET topics were kinda just spread around, but after people bitching on /q/ they were allowed to have one "NEET lifestyle" thread up at any one time. They just ended up turning into /r9k/ levels of whining and people discussing work/school, in addition to quite a few posters that clearly came to /jp/ entirely for the NEET threads.
I completely agree with you, and I argued on /q/ against shitposting. Back then we had the occasional NEET thread(s), and though they were shit at least most of the posters were from here. And even combined they didn't have as much activity as NEET generals now.

>> No.9983142

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9983151

If you think this should change, just go to /q/ and make a thread about it. I'm willing to support you, anon. As long as you don't spam your ideals like that other anon and disregard any argument against you, I'm completely fine with it.

>> No.9983148

>resorting to copypasta shitposting

>> No.9983154

Stop abusing greentext, /a/g/v/shit.

>> No.9983155
File: 36 KB, 313x223, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9983165

A popular 4 word phrase isn't copypasta, ``faggot''.

>> No.9983161

>Implying I visit /a/

/a/ is shit-awful since moe took over anime.

>> No.9983168

Are you referring to the person who wrote that, if so, I wasn't even aware anyone else had responded to me.

>> No.9983173

Who are you quoting?

And please crawl back to whatever the shithole (>>>/v/) you've spawned from: https://archive.foolz.us/_/search/username/Zinthros/

>> No.9983178

Actually this goes to anyone that thinks that /jp/ could have some room for improvement. No matter how much you hate /q/, that's the only place where you can get some changes.

>> No.9983182

Does anyone still even read /q/?

>> No.9983184

I wasn't disregarding any arguments though, I was just updating this Zinthros guy on what the situation was.

>> No.9983185

If you genuinely want an on-topic discussion, drop the tripcode (we don't know who you are) and write in prose like an adult. Otherwise you're just going to get banned.

>> No.9983191

Mods seem to be quite absent but moot shows up from time to time. And if we manage to reach some decision over what's wrong with /jp/ and how to fix it, I'm sure that a mod would show up, just like last time.

>> No.9983193

Why are you acting like a moderator?

>> No.9983196

Because boards (especially /jp/) are supposed to self-moderate.

>> No.9983206

I guess I said they didn't represent /jp/, which I think is the case, normally the board isn't so volatile or at least not so much in one thread. Hardly spamming ideals and disregarding arguments, I'm guessing I misunderstood who that was meant for.

>> No.9983215

If boards are supposed to self-moderate where did doubles go?

>> No.9983218


>> No.9983231

/v/ used doubles to derail and ruin off-topic threads and threads about awful video games like CoD and MoH.

>> No.9983232

We aren't infantile and retarded at the point of needing dubs to self-moderate ourselves.
You can't get dubs on /v/ anymore because /v/ used to derail any off-topic thread with dubs... And guess what, on-topic threads they didn't like too. It's kinda like the worst board out there.

>> No.9983223

this guy's shitposting is on another level

>> No.9983230

He's probably speaking of the removal of double digits posts on some boards.

That says a lot about those communities.

He's from /v/.

>> No.9983240

What does that have to do with /jp/?

>> No.9983241

I'm of the opinion that /jp/ is actually in a worse state. Look what happened to this on-topic thread.

>> No.9983244

I think it was a direct cause of how you acted in the last thread to be honest.

He was using it as an example of self-moderation.

>> No.9983247

This happened because anon likes to self-moderate and anon does not like people like you here. Want a good Hatoful Boyfriend thread? Drop your trip, wait a few days, write a good opening paragraph, and the discussion will naturally flow. Remember to write like a respectable human being (that means not using greentext or crossboard behaviour). People hate /jp/ because they can't get past these simple requirements.

>> No.9983246

It's what happens to threads made by crossboarding scum. Someone gave you good advice earlier in this thread but you seem to be out for "epic trolling" instead of on-topic discussion (this VN doesn't need any discussion anyway, at least none that couldn't be done in the VN general) so this is what you get.

>> No.9983252


>> No.9983263

Good bye then.

>> No.9983260

>Muh race-mixing!
>Fucking foreigners

I wasn't aware this was /pol/

How insular and shitty.

>> No.9983270

>implying you can ding dong bannu

>> No.9983271

I don't really like how exagerated /jp/ can get sometimes but you've passed the common sense line a long time ago on that thread.

>> No.9983273

Well now you're just being rude, >>9983244 here, and I just simply explained to you why this thread turned out as it did.

>> No.9983278
File: 14 KB, 250x250, kusothread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9983279

What did you expect form subhuman /v/-scum?
