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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9961548 No.9961548 [Reply] [Original]

How many visual novels and Touhou games must one play in order to fit into /jp/?

>> No.9961551


>> No.9961555

Every Windows Touhou game.
VN's are optional.

>> No.9961561

about 500, depending on the length

>> No.9961560

Watch VN anime adaptions.
Read/watch only fan made Touhou works.

>> No.9961562

Liking Touhou is optional.

>> No.9961568

I just read some guy's guide to Touhou, listened to a bunch of the music, and lurked to learn about VNs. I can tell you everything about Fate/Stay Night or Saya no Uta, but I still don't know what a visual novel actually is.

>> No.9961569

A lot of games or visual novels.
You could suck every veteran /jp/ poster cock.

>> No.9961571

"Trying to fit in"

lol take a look at this loser

>> No.9961575

It's not 2008 any more, anon. Most people on modern /jp/ only have a passing interest in Japanese media.

>> No.9961576


Why did you write VN's when you wanted to put it in plural form? Why did you use the possessive form?

>> No.9961577


You can just wing it.

>> No.9961587
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if you have to ask

>> No.9961589

I haven't played any VNs, but I really want to. I'm not sure why I keep stalling.

I've played all the touhous, but really only like the 8th and 9th ones.

>> No.9961599

I am also curious about this.
It seems as though >>9961555 is suggesting that someone called VN has Touhou games, and they are optional. Who is this VN? Whence get we its games?
Yeah, whence.

>> No.9961613

I'm American. Our schools are pure shit. I never learned the proper use of punctuation.

>> No.9961605

They all left years ago...

>> No.9961610

just pretend like everybody

>> No.9961622

yuropoor detected

>> No.9961616

Is that Sailormoon?

>> No.9961620

I think a good community should have new inexperienced users and veterans with years of wisdom. This is why /jp/ is such a good place.

>> No.9961630

please delete your post
dont you want to get your dick sucked?

>> No.9961631

That's true. I still don't know when to use a semicolon.

>> No.9961633

As long as you have a willingness to learn and a passion for cute and sometimes lewd girls, then you're alright by me.

>> No.9961655


No one knows when to use a semicolon, not even poets.

>> No.9961667

really /jp/?

>> No.9961674

You wanna enlighten us, poindexter?

>> No.9961684

I fucked OP's mom last night; she said that her son was a faggot.

>> No.9961687

You have to have at least read all of the entry level visual novels like Saya no Uta, Ever17, Chaos;Head and Tsukihime.

No one cares if you are a secondary Touhou fan anymore so you don't have to play any of the games. Just watch all of the IOSYS videos and download or buy the albums...

>> No.9961688

you use it when you end the phrase but then you talk about the same subject

hope my english is good enough

>> No.9961693

This thread; She is an angel
A thread of many wings; and sandals

>> No.9961700

Wrong way to use semicolons, brah

>> No.9961720

We'll figure this out together.

>> No.9961728

I went out with Rei yesterday; we had fun.

>> No.9961739

Read Katawa Shoujo, it's why this board was created.

Watch Bad Apple and pick your favorite (mine is the one with the hat).

You're ready.

>> No.9961744

says the fagget namefag

>> No.9961800

Touhou is optional, read at least 20 VNs.

>> No.9961938

try colons

>> No.9961955

Avoid using a comma when a semicolon is needed:
Incorrect: The cow is brown, it is also old.
Correct: The cow is brown; it is also old.

What's going on here? Both parts of the sentence are independent clauses, and commas should not be used to connect independent clauses if there is no coordinating conjunction. This mistake is known as a comma splice.

Incorrect: I like cows, however, I hate the way they smell.
Correct: I like cows; however, I hate the way they smell.

What's going on here? The conjunctive adverb however signals a connection between two independent clauses, and commas should not be used to connect independent clauses if there is no coordinating conjunction.

Incorrect: I like cows: they give us milk, which tastes good, they give us beef, which also tastes good, and they give us leather, which is used for shoes and coats.
Correct: I like cows: they give us milk, which tastes good; they give us beef, which also tastes good; and they give us leather, which is used for shoes and coats.

What's going on here? It's unclear what the three list items are, since the items are separated by commas.

Incorrect: Cows, though their bovine majesty has been on the wane in recent millenia, are still one of the great species of this planet, domesticated, yet proud, they ruminate silently as we humans pass tumultuously by.
Correct: Cows, though their bovine majesty has been on the wane in recent millenia, are still one of the great species of this planet; domesticated, yet proud, they ruminate silently as we humans pass tumultuously by.

What's going on here? It's unclear where the first independent clause ends and the second independent clause begins.

>> No.9961963


VNs are optional, play at least 20 weeks of Touhou.

>> No.9961970

I'm pretty sure most of the Touhou posters on /jp/ don't even play Touhou.

>> No.9961978

Watch the famous 'Bad Apple' video on youtube/nicovideo

Congrats, you are now as literate as the average /jp/er when it comes to touhou

>> No.9961980

how about the youmou nyan cat

>> No.9961986

iiChan translated Bad Apple!! and brought Touhou to the world.

What has /jp/ ever done?

>> No.9961994

Why would you need to translate bad apple

The lyrics are just chuuni prose that doesnt make sense

>> No.9962030

That's why I like Cristina Vee's version:

>> No.9962074

I just pretend. The real key to fitting in is learning how to make shitposts that get alot of replies

>> No.9962081

Teach me, sensei

>> No.9962103
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Download and play http://narcissu.gwathyr.net/NarcissuSetup%5Binsani+Haeleth%5D.exe . It's a short entry-level VN. Just do it. You won't regret it.

/jp/ these days is overrun with shitposters. Nobody knows anymore what is right or wrong according to board culture, and even veterans are accused of being newbies on a regular basis. I hope you'll join the cause of trying to turn /jp/ back into a place for friendly VN discussion (read a bunch of them to get a decent grasp on VNs as a whole, keep up with the translation scene and play VNs when their translation is released), but you don't really need to do anything to 'fit in' as nobody 'fits in' anymore.

>> No.9962126


Don't listen to this guy. Everyone's first VNs have always been Saya, YMK, or Planetarian ... at least that's how it was in my day

>> No.9962141

>in my day
Ageist faggot.

>> No.9962158
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Browse /a/ until you get tired of their shit. Then you are qualified to lurk /jp/.

>> No.9962165

Three hundred hours worth, maybe.

Doing something just to try and fit in is sort of retarded, though.

>> No.9962236


That won't take long, it's gotten really shitty over there

>> No.9963771

basically if you want to join two thoughts that could work as separate sentences, you may use a semicolon.
