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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9879250 No.9879250 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats on the marriage, Anonymous.

>> No.9879257


>> No.9879261

You lost me.

>> No.9879267

Alice is your wife.

>> No.9879273
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How can I have a wife if I'm not married?

>> No.9879274

I didn't get married though.

>> No.9879276


>> No.9879277
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but, I don't love Alice

>> No.9879287

Many people are in loveless marriages.

>> No.9879289

Am I the only one who dreams of being married?

>> No.9879296

No me too.

>> No.9879297

worst 2hu, horrible, disgusting
0/10 would not bang, wouldn' give
my pussy for her, even tough i'm a 7 year old lesbian

>> No.9879308
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Replying because I hate you, Alice.

>> No.9879315
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thats like marisa

also reimu a misstress

>> No.9879322
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>> No.9879318

but that is too cruel, I can ask for divorce?

>> No.9879328 [DELETED] 
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>You would die even if you were killed

>> No.9879342

I do too, kinda.

>> No.9879350


I like some ideas of it. The whole love someone forever, not being parted from each other and all that business. The actual service seems like a drag though, I'm not into formal stuff.

>> No.9879371

Everyone always seems so pessimistic about it. But they seem to think it's only a ceremony or formality. But it symbolizes something I think is beautiful. Obviously not all marriages are happy, but that doesn't mean all of them are.

>> No.9879405

I've never been able to picture myself married even back when I did love someone. I think I might have too much 3rd person romanticism to let it ever happen.

>> No.9879435
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>> No.9879459

While I don't exactly care for Alice, I don't really hate her either. Whatever dark forces made this union happen could have done worse I suppose. She seems like she would be dutiful and efficient in her wife duties with the help of her dolls. We might even learn how to make it work once we both accept that we were somehow forced into the situation. Maybe we'll even be able to undo this dark union by tracking down and defeating the demon of "I'll wed you to a touhou that you don't particularly care for"

That touhou would be Medicine for a good majority of people though.

>> No.9879500

I guess that's normal. I dream about raising kids all the time. I can actually be in the middle of a conversation with someone and just fall into day dreaming again...

I know it'll never happen but it always warms my heart thinking about raising innocent child in this world.

>> No.9879499

Lukewarm feelings tend to do well in marriage, as there is no real high held ideal for the other to fail to live up to. Not to mention if neither had a say in the matter, both would be more open to compromise if they were of mild temperament.

Best regards, and may your first born be a masculine child.

>> No.9879506

And nothing brings together forced couples like fighting against a common enemy.

>> No.9879552
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Come here anon, together let's raise a beautiful family.

>> No.9879563


I actually adore the idea of taking care of someone and raising them. Just watching them grow and teaching them new things. It seems interesting.

>> No.9879567

When I picture something like that I always imagine that I would be a shitty dad because I would be too nice to them and treat them more like small retarded friends than my children.

>> No.9879570

But I'll never be a good enough mother ;_;
because I have a dick

>> No.9879573

I tend to be really heavy handed, so I'm just worried I'd hurt them.

>> No.9879591

Then you realize that no matter how hard you try the world will just end up corrupting that child.

>> No.9879587

This is why it's better to have a nonworking mother raise them, and only taking a more active role in the child's life after they've reached the age of reason. Up until that time playing the role of strict disciplinarian and thereby allowing some semblance of order to exist in you home.

They'll like you more for it after you become more personable, than if you had been that way from the start.

>> No.9879616

That's why I gave up on life. What's the point? If my kids are going to turn into apologetic, political correct mind slaves of society, I don't want them. I don't want that for any human, let alone someone I spent time raising. Everyday I wake up and wonder to myself whether it's me who's fucked up or society. Either way, I'm not going to raise a kid (this is implying I ever even see a naked woman in real life) because I don't want it having an idiot for a father.

I feel selfish in one way, but I know I'm doing the right thing here. No one deserves to be raised by me.

>> No.9879618

That's my dream right before being married. If I had to choose, I'd rather have a daughter than be married

>> No.9879624

That's actually a pretty good idea. I can just be the fun time parent that only shows up to do fun stuff while the mom can be seen as the mean bitch that tells him not to do things and makes him do homework.

Man, it's going to suck if I end up married to someone as soft as I am.

>> No.9879636

All you've got to do is put in the time actually being there and raising them and you can pump as much of your beliefs into them as you want. Sure, they'll end up forming their own opinions one day but at least this way there's a chance that they'll turn out the way you want them to with your opinions at the base of theirs.

>> No.9879648
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Do Japanese women really wear Western style gowns at their weddings?

I thought that most Japanese people had Shinto ceremonies for weddings. And Buddhist ones for funerals, but that's another matter.

>> No.9879658

You've got it all wrong, YOU have to be the strict speaker of law and be the one to mete out punishment. The one who's stuck with the child at all times has to be the fun one.

Otherwise your existence is superfluousness and unnecessary and you'll be as influential as the countless other divorced dads out there who only spring into their kids lives to take them to tacky theme parks twice a year.

>> No.9879661

/jp/ - parenting skills

>> No.9879680

How hard is it to adopt kids? Can you adopt kids if you're a single parent?

It can't be too hard raising someone anyways. Just have to feed them and take them to school. Plus, you never have to be lonely again. Make a friend for life!

>> No.9879684

Like with most things, they just do it because it's pretty. They don't give two fucks around the christian tradition behind the ceremony.

Kind of like Halloween and Christmas over there.

>> No.9879686

I think all you need is proof that you aren't a piece of shit and you can take care of a kid.

>> No.9879688

Not as hard as it used to be, it hinges primarily on your bullshitting skills, as there will be many many interviews.
Having some sort of partner certainly increases your chances though.

Just don't show up in your rain coat and giggle the entire time, and you should be fine.

>> No.9879691

>Can you adopt kids if you're a single parent?

No. Especially not if you're a man. The reasons should be obvious.

Also parents aren't supposed to be friends with their kids.

>> No.9879695


It's far more difficult than you think. It gets easier as they age and become more autonomous, but it's still extremely difficult.

Captcha: Surrender wererat

>> No.9879697

My dad and I are friends.

>> No.9879698

Wedding gowns don't really have anything to do with Christianity in particular.

>> No.9879702

>Do Japanese women really wear Western style gowns at their weddings?

I don't know if it's universal, but tons of them do. You can see a lot of Japanese tourists in Hawaii getting married in Western-style ceremonies.

>> No.9879703

Do feminists think that women should wear suits to their weddings? Or is this one given a pass?

>> No.9879711

Feminists don't believe in marriage, since they're all hairy and overweight anyway.

>> No.9879707

You are supposed to hate your father, that way you'll know how not to treat your future kids.

>> No.9879710

Well are you an adult? Growing up you shouldn't be friends with your parents.

>> No.9879714

These days it's either a Kimono, or a dress. The dress is popular these days.

>> No.9879712

I mean the ceremony in general. They like to have it at fancy churches since churches are usually pretty even though they aren't really into Christianity.

>> No.9879718

But then how can they divorce and live happily ever after on looted earnings?

>> No.9879724

My dad always asked me to call him his friend. We'd do fun things together and eat junk food and stuff. He never really said no to anything I did. I wasn't a problem child though. And my mom was the same way. Maybe that's why I'm "sheltered", too much love from them.

I love him.

>> No.9879727

Aw damn, I'm no good at being a serious person. I guess I'll just have to think of creative but comical punishments like forcing them to look at deviant art pictures of their favorite cartoons if they don't clean their room.

>> No.9879738

>They like to have it at fancy churches since churches are usually pretty even though they aren't really into Christianity.

So are they being married by Christian ministers? Why don't the Japanese just make a some Shinto temples in the style of western cathedrals?

I had been told that most Japanese weddings were conducted as Shinto rituals.

>> No.9879739

Unless you homeschool them there's simply no chance. Public school's entire purpose is to drill current social beliefs into your child's brain, and if you try to raise your child to think for themselves they'll only suffer more for it, and you'll probably be labeled a bad parent in the process.

Unless you're a richfag there's simply no way to win in raising a child these days.

>> No.9879747

Homeschooling isn't so hard, and it's a must if you want the kid to learn anything useful anyway, as the public school system is so overloaded with propaganda training it lacks the time to teach valuable skills or knowledge of any worth.

It's a shame you'll have to hammer in some of the useless stuff so they pass the tests to prove you're doing your part in training the slaves of tomorrow, but that stuff can be covered very quickly as an aside to their actual studies.

>> No.9879758
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But I can't cheat. That would be immoral.

>> No.9879756

Shame that I'm too dumb to teach anyone anything myself sent I spent so much of my youth sticking it to the man by not paying attention at school.

>> No.9879765

That's the thing though, unless you have money you're probably going to be working a full time job and won't have the time to properly homeschool your kid in the first place.

>> No.9879774

This is why it typically helps to have a spouse who has the time to handle educating your offspring.

Of course the higher costs of living prevent you from looking into the city unless you're rich, but it's by no means impossible if you own your home and work full time making more than minimum wage.

>> No.9879864

Yeah.. That's probably the other reason why I would never want a kid.
