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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9838177 No.9838177 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up in a groggy haze and open your eyes to two spotlights.

One is a brand new Gameboy Color with a modified back-lit screen. If you choose the Gameboy Color, you will gain every title in it's library brand new, including japanese exclusives, PAL exclusives, and prototype cartridges for unreleased games. You will also have a GBC version of Touhou(flawless import of the original with 8-bit GBC resolution).

The other is a 2nd generation back-lit Gameboy Advance SP with every Famicom game built in that runs flawlessly. If you choose the SP, you will have brand new copies of every GBA title released in PAL/USA/Japan and any prototype cartridges. (Note: your SP is not backwards compatible to GBC games because choosing the SP removes GBC from existence)

If you choose the GBC, the gameboy advance never existed.

If you choose the GBA, the gameboy color was skipped and evolution went from the original gameboy to the advance.

Choose /jp/

>> No.9838181

i choose your mom

>> No.9838188
File: 28 KB, 243x396, Idoun32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want either of them.

>> No.9838189
File: 108 KB, 800x704, top-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose to sage and hide your convoluted and tarded thread.

>> No.9838193


I'm not redirecting you for the video games, I'm redirecting you because your post is /v/ quality.

Thanks for understanding the difference.

>> No.9838196


It's past your bedtime, you don't want daddy to get the belt do you?

>> No.9838209

Gameboy color was gay. I got one when I was five, and got an SP when I was eight. I cannot tell you how much better the SP was in every single way.

Fuck you OP. I didn't even read your gay post.

>> No.9838219

Biggest faggot of the day award goes to...

>> No.9838222

ya your daddys gonna need that belt to hang himself after i fukked ur mom

>> No.9838223


It wasn't mean't to be taken seriously bro, it's almost 2 in the fucking morning and I got bored; the way you reacted I wouldn't be suprised if a gameboy color killed your family.

>> No.9838230

You and OP can both get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.9838236

That's a kind of random question. It's like me making a thread asking which you'd prefer, a plum or a melon.

>> No.9838249

One of these fruits will be abolished from existence, and only you can decide which.

Make your stand.

>> No.9838252



>> No.9838256

Who's taking it seriously? Certainly not me.

>> No.9838260

SP came out in 2003. You are no more than 18 years old, and possibly 17.

Children should not be speaking that way.

>> No.9838263

But what kind of melon?

Fuck it, plums are better than all types. Even the beloved watermelon.

>> No.9838273

Err what? 18 = adult in most parts of the world, broski. And yes, I am 18. What are you going to do, report me for being lower than whatever arbitrary age you want people here to be at? I've seen as high as 25 or 30 to be considered not a kid anymore by you retards.

Literally autistic.

>> No.9838275
File: 476 KB, 1280x853, dmct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GBC for life nigga


>> No.9838276

fuck you bitch ur a pussy

>> No.9838280

Well, I'm 18. uh. It was somewhere around there. I might have been like nine and a half, because it was the 4th grade.

>> No.9838282

You act like you're twelve, though. Which isn't against the rules, but it is unsightly.

>> No.9838296

You're not even me.

It's 3 AM here. I think there's a certain acceptable level of autism?

>> No.9838303

I'd still choose melon, because you can fuck a melon.

>> No.9838309

I usually notice the discussion becomes a little more articulate between now at 5 am PST. However, even if that was the case, it doesn't help anything by joining in.

>> No.9838313
File: 4 KB, 80x80, 1347799255924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this a question? The best GameBoy games were made in the '90s, and the SP felt awkward when you held it.

You'd have to be an ultra omega baka to prefer it over the brick

>> No.9838316

Today's 18 year olds are so juvenile. But it's convenient, since it means I'm not held accountable for as much as I should be. I don't think I'd be very happy on a farm.

>> No.9838327

Are you a girl, dude?

>> No.9838354

You put a backlight on the GBC, so why have an SP instead of a modified original Advance?

>> No.9838359

I own 4 gbsps. They are right here in this room as a testament to how much you can fuck those bricks.

>> No.9838359,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like hypothetical situation threads. Does anyone else?

>> No.9838359,2 [INTERNAL] 

heres a hypothetical situation your mom lets you fuck her what do you do

>> No.9838359,3 [INTERNAL] 

I get a fresh new loli sister.

>> No.9838359,4 [INTERNAL] 

why would you fuck w/ history for some outdated games you can emulate anyway


>> No.9838359,5 [INTERNAL] 

heres a hypothetical situation your new brother lets you fuck him what do you do

>> No.9838359,6 [INTERNAL] 

is he cute?

>> No.9838359,7 [INTERNAL] 

Romani got anal probed LMAO

>> No.9838359,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9838359,9 [INTERNAL] 


My favorite new hobby is finding people who have anime/etc. avatars and public Steam profiles then stalking them around every game killing them repeatedly with super plain names like "Jorje" or "Tom", never saying a word and frequently changing my Steam avatar. They eventually stop playing and I move on to the next weab.

>> No.9838359,10 [INTERNAL] 

i like playing lycan on dota and typing awoooo in chat

>> No.9838359,11 [INTERNAL] 

wow are u cal-o pro??

>> No.9838359,12 [INTERNAL] 


I'm a lot better than the average weab anyway, and I just got a 144hz monitor which helps

>> No.9838359,13 [INTERNAL] 

I don't get it. What's there to use other than an anime avatar?

>> No.9838359,14 [INTERNAL] 

Are you serious? You're playing video games, so use video game avatars. And no, that doesn't mean you can use ones from weeb games.

>> No.9838359,15 [INTERNAL] 

I keep getting friend requests from random people on steam for no reason and I have a Touhou avatar. Is this related? Yesterday someone asked me what steam guard is and I was like who are you.

>> No.9838359,16 [INTERNAL] 

>Ugh. Why is this kid with a 2013 account and subpar steam score talking to me?

>> No.9838359,17 [INTERNAL] 

who even plays video games anymore?

>> No.9838359,18 [INTERNAL] 

I' mplaying pokemon

>> No.9838359,19 [INTERNAL] 

I do but I don't use Steam.

>> No.9838359,20 [INTERNAL] 

no you're not, you spend you're entire day looking for opportunities to force you're internet friend meme

>> No.9838359,21 [INTERNAL] 

I play runescape.

>> No.9838359,22 [INTERNAL] 

What else would you do? Poop on warosu all day?

>> No.9838359,23 [INTERNAL] 

Hamtaro Heartbreak is literally one of the best GBA games and my loli cousin loves it.

>> No.9838359,24 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not going to take even more pictueres for you again

>> No.9838359,25 [INTERNAL] 

What a dumb lolikid

>> No.9838359,26 [INTERNAL] 

I miss threads made with effort like this...

Nowadays there's no point in spending effort on a thread because janny might delete it. So all you get is stuff like "patchy has a butt"

>> No.9838359,27 [INTERNAL] 

video games are like a job you pay money for

>> No.9838359,28 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt you ever had a job so you're not qualified to speak on this matter.

>> No.9838359,29 [INTERNAL] 

so jobs are exciting and fun unlike video games?

>> No.9838359,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9838359,31 [INTERNAL] 

i don't get it

>> No.9838359,32 [INTERNAL] 

That's a pretty stupid generalization dude

>> No.9838359,33 [INTERNAL] 

No, they're boring. Unless you're very passionate about it.

>> No.9838359,34 [INTERNAL] 

why? are you some kind of gamer normal or some think?

>> No.9838359,35 [INTERNAL] 

sounds like video games

>> No.9838359,36 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds like you're mentally ill to me. Enjoying videogames doesn't make you a normal.

>> No.9838359,37 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, it maeks you a teenbro lmao

>> No.9838359,38 [INTERNAL] 

haha owned hard

>> No.9838359,39 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry. I'll leave you to your superior forms of entertainment, whatever they are (I assume sperging around all day on the W, that is)

>> No.9838359,40 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure it's spamming "please just fucking kill me" all day

>> No.9838359,41 [INTERNAL] 

heres a hypothetical situation suck my dick

>> No.9838359,42 [INTERNAL] 

cant suck something that tiny lol
