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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9829245 No.9829245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that your life would have turned out differently if you had a strong and caring father figure in your life?

>> No.9829258
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If Marisa was my father, things would be different around here..

>> No.9829264
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>> No.9829265

I wish that I had a father with a mustache.

>> No.9829270

I would wager that most people on /jp/ were raised by a single mother.

>> No.9829294

Sully would be a terrible father. He's never home, he's a murderer and a thief. He does have a nice mustache though.

>> No.9829296
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This video makes me cry. It makes me think about what it would be like to have a close relationship with a father

>> No.9829320

When I was a kid my mother wanted to make me join a little league baseball team because I guess she wanted to have the typical white mom experience. But I wanted to stay home and play video games and stuff instead. She tried to force me to do it, but my dad didn't let her because he wanted to let me choose what I want to do. So thanks, Dad.

>> No.9829323
File: 13 KB, 302x287, Alan-Watts-Conversation-with-Myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things would be different around here if Alan Watts was my father.

>> No.9829332



>> No.9829334

Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to have a father. It would have been nice to have someone to push me and try to make me care about achieving things. Something about being a bastard seems to make you prone to being fairly apathetic towards life.

>> No.9829365


Adderall fixed that for me. Now I care about things for about five hours of the day.

>> No.9829368

I had one and I turned out like this. Thanks dad!!

>> No.9829376

>typical white mom experience
So she sucked nigger dick all night long?

>> No.9829378

This. I shudder to think of how I'd have turned out had the tard had a hand in raising me. Thanks absentee dad.

>> No.9829383

Okay, maybe not that typical.

>> No.9829413

Why only 5 hours?

>> No.9829421

My father was an asshole and his constant negativity and inability to actually care about other people drove away a total of two wives. He was a huge hypocrite and an overall asshole. He was and likely still is stuck in the past and spends most of his time watching FOX News for 14 hours straight alone.

And I have his asshole genes and it's a bitch to fight them. All I wanted was a strong father figure who actually cared about his family. He was nothing but talk. All talk and no fucking walk.

Now I'm sad /jp/

>> No.9829437


The high doesn't last much longer than that. I don't like the extended release versions because they don't give as much euphoria as the instant release versions.

Dexedrine is also great, but all I did was dance all day.

>> No.9829450

But can't you just take two pills a day?

>> No.9829455

The time release can easily be broken down. Whether capsule or pill.

>> No.9829478


I don't have enough pills to do that everyday. I'm going to ask for more pills later this week.


Seems like a pain.

>> No.9829488

It's actually pretty easy to crush up any kind of pill. Just put it in a bowl and start smashing it.

>> No.9829499

I used to think I had a void in my life from growing up with a shithead dad. That still might be the case. However, being able to spend time on /jp/ with my Tou-Bros every day had been a ray of sunshine on my soul. I might have had emptiness once but now I am full of love for my Tou-Bros and I hope that never changes!!

>> No.9829502

>2 wives
>Huge hypocrite and an overall asshole
>Stuck in the past
>spends his time watching FOX news
check+ watches hentai in secret

Well at least he introduced me to the classic video games, the staple of childhood.

>> No.9829505

I don't know. As it is, I can't understand the father/son dynamic at all. It doesn't make sense to me, and I can't be sure how I would function in such a context. I think it would breed more resent in me, though. I hate being told what to do, especially in a forceful way, so I'm inclined to think it would not turn out well. I think I would have been fucked up either way.

>> No.9829518


Say Tou-bros 1 more time and I'll find you and hurt you.

>> No.9829523

No. Stop that shit now.

>> No.9829529
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..everyone please stop saying this.. i beg of you..

>> No.9829530

This will never be a thing.

>> No.9829533

My dad is alright but my mother is very lazy and stupid and put very little effort into raising me and my brothers.

>> No.9829534

My father was an awful person. My parents finally got divorced during my senior year of high school, after his most recent affair was discovered.

He was emotionally abusive, and physically abusive, to a point. He never actually hit me but he would push me against walls or onto the floor and whatnot.

During my parents divorce he did everything he could to screw my mother over, and as soon as the divorce was finalized he sued her for various bullshit reasons. He never got the damages he sought of course because none of his claims against my mother had any basis in reality, but she did have to spend thousands on legal fees because the idiot judge wouldn't make my father pay my mother's legal fees.

My younger siblings were lucky enough to find replacement father figures in family friends and neighbors, but I grew up without any such influence. I wonder how that affected me.

>> No.9829539

shut up crybaby

>> No.9829540

>I wonder how that affected me

Well you're on /jp/ aren't you?

>> No.9829543

>My younger siblings were lucky enough to find replacement father figures in family friends and neighbors, but I grew up without any such influence. I wonder how that affected me.

This, pretty much, in my case.
Oh well, it can't be helped now. I guess I'll start to work out and join the military or something. Or just kill myself.

Sage for blogging, sorry that you had to read through this. Take it easy, /jp/.

>> No.9829544

I never met my father so yeah, probably.

>> No.9829561

I am your father. Hello, son.

>> No.9829564

yes, definately. i was a normal (i surfed 3-5 times a week and played waterpolo) up until my dad died when i was 12. then i stopped going outside and started getting into computers and video games. anime soon followed, then i started doing drugs every day. now i am a NEET who still does various drugs daily and lives off of inheritance.

>> No.9829596

They should make this into a manga. I would read it.

>> No.9829600

I swear I can hear crawling in my skin when browsing this thread.

>> No.9829608


>> No.9829622
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>> No.9829640

I don't hate my parents, but I don't particularly like them either. I'm probably just a bad son rather than there being any fault with them.

>> No.9829668


Socially inept people usually stem from a destroyed nuclear family. You learn constantly and early when you have a father and siblings.

Now its all single parents, you spend 5/7 of your daytime life in a day care bonding with no one, come home and cant go outside because everyone is treated as a rapist murder, your parents need to work a job or 2 and come home exhausted, they get divorced because you are a little bitch, they don't spit out enough kids for replacement birthrate so you can't even bond/compete with your siblings, all the kids do outside of school is play video games and stare at their phones to talk to their friends when they used to have to go down the street for n64 goldeneye pizza sleep overs. This means every kid is a fucking animal with no discipline, no respect and no family structure / reserved opposite sex to keep them on the right path. They turn into monsters and then into jaded abrasive adults.

the nuclear family was killed by feminism, apathy and the endless GDP growth fallacy.

Chinese children working in lead factories for pennies a day making everything in the world and being paid in manipulated dollar pegged artificially cheap exports doesn't do well for economic prospects either.

We didn't stand a chance. I expect male suicide rates won't be going down anytime soon.

>> No.9829677

And the rate of females being murdered will continue to rise.

>> No.9829683
File: 727 KB, 1280x853, 0456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woa step back nigga , that's my friend

>> No.9829687

Cry babies.

>> No.9829689

Suck my cock dude.

>> No.9829693
File: 286 KB, 654x361, what-the-fuck-is-that-a-head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna bully you.

>> No.9829695

My dad was cool but he died.

Fuck your thread.

>> No.9829743

My thread was cool but it died.
Fuck your dad.

>> No.9829776
File: 744 KB, 1280x960, 1331068256148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all.
INFACT it is the opposite. I had a strong and caring father as a role model.
I have turned the way I am because of his pressure to become same as him.

>> No.9829791

Women outnumber men

>> No.9829819

I prefer the attention and friendship of women so it's no biggy.

>> No.9829838

My parents are awesome... so awesome that they never pushed me to anything and I suck at life.

>> No.9829860
File: 57 KB, 341x512, Eri Kamei in cute fur below shorts08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said back off nerd or you know what will happen
