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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9824532 No.9824532 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a cute Korean girlfriend /jp/ ?

>> No.9824540

I am a buff white male with a rather large jaw. Would it be possible for me to look like a cute Korean girl with plastic surgery? Please respond.

>> No.9824542

I'm an 18 year old girl and i've just left school and taking a year off before i go to university (applying now)

At the moment i have just got a new job Fridays Saturdays and Sundays and hopefully more hours soon to earn money to go travelling in the second part of the year.
I live at home and my boyfriend who is 22 lives in Brighton and i see him as much as i can but its not enough as i love him alot and we have a really good relationship.

I dont enjoy my job and i hate living at home. My mum treats me like **** and never apologies; she makes me feel like crap. She tells me i have no social life, tells me im obsessed with my appearance, tells me to get a life, tells me i wont be able to do my job properly all for absolutely no reason. I never answer back to her and always ask if she wants any help and am so polite to her because im scared of her. If i ask her why shes being so rude she will tell me to '**** off' and 'grow up'.

>> No.9824543
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.9824544
File: 284 KB, 916x749, tokiko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9824545

I like it.

>> No.9824553

She drinks a lot in the evenings and i get scared when im home alone with her. My sister who is 21 is also living here and my mum absolutely loves her (shes cleverer than me, she has a lot more friends, shes the typical good girl and im different to that). My mum supports my sister in everything she does. She supports her boyfriend, her lifestyle, her friends whereas my mum dislikes my boyfriend because he isnt white and posh and rich like the people round here. If i buy anything my mum will get angry at me, if my sister buys stuff she will tell her how nice it all is even though shes £300 into her overdraft.

I'm honestly finding it hard to handle the home situtation and im not sure i can go on with my mum making me feel awful about everything i try to do and every aspiration i have.

I'm trying to apply to university and every uni or course i want to do she will tell me im not good enough for it or i 'couldnt handle' going there because there are too many scottish people or some retarded crap like that - she makes me feel so pathetic.
I'm also trying to sort out travelling and with that also the will put down every idea i have.

I've worked so hard to get a job and got it all by myself whereas my sister just got a job through a friend at a typical posh privelaged place whereas i actually went out and got a job at some random supermarket to kind of throw myself into the real world from a more privelaged background.

I really feel like she bullies me and the fact she is so nice to my sister about everything makes it worse..

I really don't like my job and my boyfriend can get me one in Brighton. I'm seriously considering living with him but i'm scared of how my mum will react. What do you think i should do in this situation?

(by the way my dad divorced my mum and so moved out of home - he lives about a half hour away and is really supportive of me but i dont get to see him much because he works all week)

>> No.9824558

Koreans are horrible and plastic.

>> No.9824562

They are way cuter than Japanese.

>> No.9824573

would she put out? can i get a gook gf if i speak a few words but not too many?
where do they hang out somewhere i can actually get them alone?

>> No.9824583

I can't understand what they're saying.
