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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 410 KB, 640x480, touhou08reisen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9728966 No.9728966 [Reply] [Original]

Is it known what programming language ZUN used to make the Touhou games? Is it known what programs he used to make the music for the games?

If either of these things are known, would anyone be kind enough to tell me them?

>> No.9729001

He uses the programing language of Danmakufu, heheh.

>> No.9729010



>> No.9729018

That's a scripting language, dawg.

>> No.9729079

C++ and Cubase

>> No.9729086

Heres another one. What does ZUN use for spriting?

>> No.9729087

Written entirely in erlang.

>> No.9729089


>> No.9729095


>> No.9729096

/prog/ told me he used LISP and a magic banjo, who's lying here?

>> No.9729110

I don't remember where but I'm pretty sure I read this in a wiki somewhere.>>9729096

>> No.9729124


>> No.9729128

He uses Visual Studio, a C++ IDE and compiler.

>> No.9729640

He uses brainfuck

>> No.9729666

When will ZUN release in 64bit?

>> No.9729672

when my

>> No.9729677

When the number of bullets exceeds 2^32.

>> No.9729689


Spare us the technobabble, nerd.

>> No.9729702


>> No.9729707

Just speak English for fucks sake you pretentious elitist computer faggot.

>> No.9729732
File: 133 KB, 482x484, 1345674877843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know simple math

>> No.9729748

Not of all us went to high school alright poindexter.

>> No.9729756

Processor capacity.

>> No.9729757


Listen up, geek: don't you come in here with your fancy words and stupid symbols that we can't understand.
We speak English here, not incomprehensible nerd mumbo-jumbo. Talk like a normal human, please.

>> No.9729795

/jp/ is so cute

>> No.9729881
File: 127 KB, 500x333, 35177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9729894

All this information is very readily available on the "ZUN" entry on both wikis.

How about you learn some basic computer skills, OP? You fucking stupid ass faggot.

>> No.9729899

Please don't bully.

>> No.9729993

C++ using Visual Studio and DirectX.
He uses Cubase SX for his music. I'm pretty sure he uses that for sound effects, too.
Though, I don't know what music box he uses for the instruments in his games. I think it's the SD-90. Does anyone know?

>> No.9730005

LOL What a fucking retard.

>> No.9730133


wtf /jp/.
just wtf?
you used to have smarter people hanging around here in the past

>> No.9730144


Cool it, geekazoid. We didn't all go to programming school.

>> No.9730142

naisu bampu

>> No.9730176


>ZUN said that he develops his games with Visual Studio, Adobe Photoshop and Cubase SX.

Ah, thanks!

>> No.9730199

>ZUN uses M$'s VS
Lost all my respect for him.

>> No.9730206


thats the problem.
2^32 is just simple math.
it has nothing to do with progaming. (well, it IS used in programming but whatever)

is just a number with an exponent like 10^2 (which is 100) or whatever the fuck else

>> No.9730217


Whoa, whoa, ease up Einstein. I didn't come here to do calculus or whatever that shit is.

>> No.9730233

fine fine,
forget about it.

don't know why the fuck I went out of my way
to explain that. I usually couldn't care less


>> No.9730295

ebic torllan /b/rah xD

>> No.9730299


Thanks, I try.

>> No.9730307

It's simple but it's tiresome.
2^32 = 4.294.967.296 (hence why you can only use 4GB of ram with 32bit processor)

It's there a simpler way to multiply numbers with big powers like that?

>> No.9730319

Bit shit left, receive doubles.

>> No.9730338


>> No.9730404

Get the fuck out you eurotrash piece of shit.

>> No.9730576
File: 97 KB, 570x710, 1327624605700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Respect given.

In other news, ZUN confirmed for massive faggot for using Visual Basic.
I mean, of all the IDE's, Visual Basic? Dammit Zun. I used to think you were cool.

>> No.9730585

Visual Studio.

Not exactly better though.

>> No.9730599

Quality post, memes++

>> No.9730597

Visual Studio is a great IDE. Not everyone can be a fucking faggot, hacking away at Listhp in eMacs like you idiots.

>> No.9730608

screenshot of Touhou sourcecode

>> No.9730614

Is that from that magazine interview?
Man, I'd really love it if someone could scan it.

>> No.9730617

>M$ employer
Sorry but I don't like using products from a corrupted company that hates freedom.

>> No.9730664
File: 14 KB, 421x437, eosd names.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL out loud! Look at these this naming systems what a dipshit!

>> No.9730668

How many run Hurd?

>> No.9730672

not even rms runs it

>> No.9730686
File: 12 KB, 643x215, SEH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this, that dork ZUN actually uses exceptions like a fagboy instead of just returning -1! What a coward!

>> No.9730694


The games run fine, don't they?


What has rms even done in the last 25 years apart from have sex with parrots and be a nuisance to software companies?

>> No.9730695

Don't know about Hurd but Millions of servers run Unix.

>> No.9730696
File: 15 KB, 394x370, strings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG he hard coded strings! And he used \n instead of \r\n for a Windows only game! If I laugh any harder I'm gonna fall out of my chair!

>> No.9730702
File: 68 KB, 930x501, ZUNsSD-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems like it.

>> No.9730713

What are you using to view that stuff?
A .dat extractor I suppose?

>> No.9730718
File: 10 KB, 449x429, dowhile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit my sides, he's actually got like 5 loops inside each other when he could be using recursion! And no MMX, what's he compiling with, like -O1 or some shit, LMOA!

>> No.9730730

Is this the bullet hell thread?

I just bout Akai Katana for my first ever SHMUP/Bullet Hell.

Did I make a mistake?

>> No.9730734
File: 12 KB, 398x356, goto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit nigga! He actually used goto! Doesn't this punk know that it's considered harmful?

Hacker tools the likes of which you've never seen nor will see.

>> No.9730737

goto can be used to break a loop inside of a loop.

>> No.9730740

Share with your /jp/ friends! ;_;

>> No.9730743
File: 25 KB, 843x425, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God what the fuck there is MMX but I can't tell for fucks from three fucks in this stormy see of shit. What kind of man could make such a monstrosity as this?

>> No.9730747


How do you guys know what the hell is going on by reading that?

>> No.9730752
File: 149 KB, 1031x882, 63ijdck[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9730753
File: 37 KB, 502x460, 1337591409555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hacker tools the likes of which you've never seen nor will see.
well, it's not like I could do anything interesting with it anyway.

>> No.9730756
File: 12 KB, 555x330, cdecl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

__cdecl, what the HELL, __cdecl? What's wrong with __fastcall? Only dorks use varargs anyway.

Alright, it's IDA+Hexrays, but if that Ivan fellow catches you with it, he'll send the Russian Mafia to cut your head off. Use wisely.

>> No.9730763

Shit like this makes me want to learn assembly and read SICP.

>> No.9730768

But this isn't Assembly.

>> No.9730771
File: 3 KB, 512x87, null function.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHA, A null function, how quaint! I bet he's using function pointers or something just as sad, lul.

>> No.9730775

I thought it looked like pseudo ASM code.
Whatever, it's crazy low level shit.

>> No.9730773

Wait, don't go away.
Did you have to dump every instruction by doing a tedious process of playing the game over and over and adding a bunch of breakpoints or do you just load the .exe and the black magic happens on its own.
I'm seriously considering learning assembly now.

>> No.9730774


What language is it in?

I only know some C++.

>> No.9730782
File: 22 KB, 731x365, math strings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hot dicks, he's loading the names of the functions in math.h as strings! I can't even think of whats going on either he's some sort of Lain-esque god of computer wizard or this is just some homo shit done by a nerd compiler. (My money's on the ladder.)

>> No.9730787

or you're making shit up to try to discredit ZUN

>> No.9730792
File: 18 KB, 796x379, holy fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesesu Kurisuto guys, 196 local variables I kid you fucking not!

>> No.9730796

No! I'm only reading what I see in my hacker tools. If there's a problem, take it up with Datarescue.

>> No.9730801

He probably writes his code with the same detachment he writes his music.

As long as it looks pretty and gets the job done, who cares.
This is still really cool, thank you /prog/-kun for bringing this up.

>> No.9730804

>complain about C++ code from a decompiler
Next time try to do it with something readable like Java. You can't make shit from decompiled C++.

>> No.9730807
File: 13 KB, 387x422, fpu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This function is 99* bytes long, and does some intense floating point operations. Is this ZUN's apology to everyone's favorite genius?

*Well, 99 in hexadecimal.

>> No.9730818
File: 22 KB, 439x404, data in the code section.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, he even allowed data to be placed in code section! (Don't ask why MS calls the code section .text).

These posts are for satirical purposes only. Only a fool would take these as actual poor programming practices.

>> No.9730825

I wasn't kidding though, with each release Touhou gets more and more bloated and slow.
I can tell when I play on my netbook.

>> No.9730829 [DELETED] 

Oh look!

The ZUN cock sucker has come!

>> No.9730839 [DELETED] 

I can't speak for Ten Desires, as it is one my other hard drive which is across the room, but Subterranean Animism is only 180KB more than EoSD, which is only 500KB (and is what I was posting).

Maybe your netbook is shit and you need to stop installing free screensavers, and possibly get a real computer with a real GPU.

>> No.9730850 [DELETED] 

I can't speak for Ten Desires, as it is one my other hard drive which is across the room, but Subterranean Animism is only 180KB more than EoSD, which is only 500KB (and is what I was posting).

Maybe your netbook is shit and you need to stop installing free screensavers, and possibly get a real computer with a real GPU.

Fucking faggot, you made me mess up my quote and then you deleted your post like a worthless coward.

>> No.9730857

I can't speak for Ten Desires, as it is one my other hard drive which is across the room, but Subterranean Animism is only 180KB more than EoSD, which is only 500KB (and is what I was posting).

Maybe your netbook is shit and you need to stop installing free screensavers, and possibly get a real computer with a real GPU.

Fucking faggot, you made me mess up my quote and then you deleted your post like a worthless coward.

EDIT: And you made me fuck up the quote again you dipshit dickhead dumbass fuckface faggot moron retard.

>> No.9730858

>with a real GPU.
Yep, integrated. I didn't delete my post, shut up.
Still thanks for bringing this up, might be fun.

>> No.9730909

> ladder
Why would you put your money on the ladder? Money doesn't go on the ladder, silly.

>> No.9730950

/prog/-kun, can you show us the spell card code part?

>> No.9730961

No. That would require actual work in a debugger with break points and shit. Do it yourself, I'm sure you can figure it out.

>> No.9730983


>> No.9730992

Does he comment his code? Or can you not read that?

>> No.9731000

No. I'm far too busy fighting the Zionists to help you infringe on ZUN's copyright at the moment.

Are you fucking retarded? Of course that isn't in the binaries. Do you seriously not know a god damn thing about compilers?

>> No.9731037

I think you're spot on.

>> No.9731052

>Are you fucking retarded?
>Do you seriously not know a god damn thing about compilers?
The answers to these questions can be different, you know.

>> No.9732888
File: 28 KB, 973x211, angry as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9733125

Can you all please drop dead?

>> No.9733524

guy who post those screenshots and screams a lot is a retard
op, scan executables for strings with a hex editor. If i'm not mistaken, his first PC-98 game was made with borland c++

>> No.9733624

>These posts are for satirical purposes only. Only a fool would take these as actual poor programming practices.
oh, maybe not

>> No.9733646
File: 25 KB, 101x90, 1347055337428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look before you leap, read before you post.
