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File: 127 KB, 600x600, diagnosis-autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9683346 No.9683346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I took the Rivto Autism-Asperger Diagnostic Scale test and got 164.


I wasn't expecting my score to be skyrocketed like that...

>> No.9683351

Also OP here, if I go get it done officially, what it guarantee autismbux?

>> No.9683434

No. I'm certified autistic by a psychologist but I don't get disability. I guess I could try applying for disability but it wouldn't be right. There are people who are far more seriously disabled and they deserve the money more than I do.

>> No.9683482

These questions are stupid.

>I have to "act normal" to please other people and make them like me.

What am I supposed to answer if I don't care whether or not people life me?

>> No.9683509

Then you're not autistic.

>> No.9683534

I see that you haven't studied autism very much.

>> No.9683555

I've never believed I was. I think I am completely normal, in the sense that I have no mental disorders.

These things interest me, I just like to see how these sort of tests diagnose me considering I believe I have no problems whatsoever.

These types of questions make me really annoyed though. Am I supposed to speak for myself and the other people? How am I supposed to know if they even like me or not to begin with.

>> No.9683563

Walker told me I have autism

>> No.9683566

Who's Walker?

>> No.9683571

Some guy in Texas.

>> No.9684137

/jp/ I have a question.
I don't know if I'm autistic and I'm too ashamed to go to check it.

I generally don't like being around people. I prefer being alone in my computer. There are like 6 people I actually enjoy being with.
I didn't talk until age 3-4.
I can fake being more social, but then I look like a retard when I try.
Until I was 13, when I talked to someone and they didn't reply, I thought that they just didn't hear so I repeated what I said until they answered.
I also took an autism test online and my score was double the average person.
But I'm not THAT antisocial, so I'm not sure.

>> No.9684169

Diagnosis = shy normie

Withdraw a little more from society to reach full autist

>> No.9684170

>Until I was 13, when I talked to someone and they didn't reply, I thought that they just didn't hear so I repeated what I said until they answered.

the worst

>> No.9684175

I don't understand. I know what I did was kind of stupid, but I don't get your point.

>> No.9684181

I am utterly antisocial, preferring to mingle only on the Internet. I want nothing to do with the outside world. However, ever since I was young I was talented at socializing, being able to provide the "correct" answer whenever necessary. In a way, I guess you could say it was a survival skill I developed.

What's my diagnosis? Am I autistic? Or perhaps, simply a two-faced prick?

>> No.9684186

I don't like talking to random people. If someone just repeats everything then that scares me and makes me uncomfortable as hell.

>> No.9684192


>> No.9684198

But I only did this with people I new, because I didn't talk to strangers. Really. Until I was 14, I was unwilling. When I was at a store and I needed to speak with someone, it took me about 10 minutes to get the courage to talk with him. Now it's not really much of a situation.

>> No.9684199

Can I get money for being edgy?

>> No.9684200

Diagnosis = social chameleon

You change to suit the people around you

>> No.9684203

But everyone does that. I do it so people don't judge me, but at the end I look like an idiot. It's between an antisocial asshole and a retard. Hard choice.

>> No.9684207

Yes, you could say that. It was the most efficient method I could find to avoid ostracization.

Although, don't many people do this to an extent? I just took it to an extreme.

>> No.9684208

Being me is suffering. Sometimes I wish I were actually super retarded. then at the very least people would feel sorry for me and I'd be blissfully unaware how lame my existence is.

>> No.9684226
File: 558 KB, 1040x728, Mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucks people give about retards

>> No.9684251

Autism is /jp/ culture, dude.

>> No.9686186

Autism is always /jp/ related

>> No.9686198
File: 86 KB, 600x555, 1294016925855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a Psychiatrist can diagnose you with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Stop fucking around with these "what mental/neurological illness do you have" internet quizzes /jp/. Or whatever the quiz in the OP is.

Your cutesy personality quirks are not the marks of real mental illness.

>> No.9686204
File: 39 KB, 248x274, 1331451289368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about seeing one of them? I'm kind of nervous, I wouldn't know what to expect on these evaluations.

>> No.9686226

Is there an interactive version of this that tallies it up for me?

This is too hard

>> No.9686230

>How do I go about seeing one of them?

Just ask your physician who you should see.

As for the tests, they differ.

In my case I was interviewed for a long time about my life, the Psychiatrist and Psychologists I saw listened to me and analyzed my responses, then I underwent a series of tests. Memory tests and whatnot. Then they wrote up a report about how I had assburgers/OCD/depression and prescribed me some pills.

>> No.9686235

Do they ask all the relevant questions and stuff or do you have to think of what to say?

>> No.9686243

In my case the whole thing took three days, it was fairly comprehensive.

Though I had already been diagnosed with OCD and depression when I took it.

>> No.9686251

They ask you the questions.

And again, they're analyzing the responses. Half of the time they don't care what you have to say, just how you say it.

The only really important things they want to know are your family's medical history and whatnot.

>> No.9686282

Years of avoiding real socialization have left me with autism like symptoms
I'm not autistic

>> No.9686313
File: 53 KB, 341x356, 1346546256563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do psychiatrists need to think up classifications and create a diagnosis for any personality trait which is a slight deviation from what they consider as the normal personality?

If anything these doctors with their obsessive interest in categorization are more autistic than the patients they're diagnosing.

Asperger's is complete bullshit. Same with ADHD. If you took every Buddhist monk in the world and made them take this test then they would all probably score off the charts for asperger's because of the introversion that their lifestyle involves. Doesn't mean that every monk in the world is autistic though.

Why can't some people just be "different" or "peculiar" instead of trying to invent a mental illness for them?

>> No.9686340
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1340942162115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what moron, diseases can affect the brain, just like very other part of the body.

See, every part of the body has a certain chemical balance. Including the brain. And when the brain's chemical balance is out of whack, mental illness is the result. Or if somethings wrong with the neurons themselves, then neurological illness is the result. That's oversimplified but I hope that you get the point.

>If you took every Buddhist monk in the world and made them take this test then they would all probably score off the charts for asperger's because of the introversion that their lifestyle involves

No. Tests for Autism don't revolve around an individual's lifestyle. The Psychiatrist will look for autistic behaviors: not looking another person in the eyes while conversing, insensitivity to pain, monotone voice, obsessive interests, ect.

I swear you "mental/neurological illnesses are just made up" people are the absolute fucking worst. You're taking very serious problems and speaking about them like they're nothing, that's terribly offensive.

>> No.9686353

I believe a lot of /jp/ is just socially crippled to an irreversible state. It may or may not resemble autism in some way.

What sucks is it would better to have autism, at least then you have an excuse and wouldn't be so trod upon by the world.

>> No.9686441

Traits of someone with aspergers:
Very honest
Happy to be alone with themselves and feels no need for socialization

Traits of someone who is normal:
Habitual liar that constantly modifies their personality, behavior, and opinions so that they can fit into any social situation. They are only honest when they feel that a lie wouldn't be more socially appropriate.
Unable to feel happy with themselves and they constantly need to be validated by other people. Their dependency and addiction to socialization and social contact makes a crackfiend's addiction to honking the pipe seem like nothing at all.

And we're the crazy ones? Normal people need serious help. We live in a society where being a liar and an addict is not only normal but encouraged.

Any discomfort during socialization that someone with asperger's shows is no doubt a result of attempting to live in such a backwards world. How can you not feel uncomfortable when you spend your entire life speaking to people who communicate with so many lies and half-truths that deciphering their real opinions is like solving a puzzle?

>> No.9686445

"Honesty" isn't a diagnostic criteria for assburgers. Tactlessness is though.

>> No.9686453

>If you took every Buddhist monk in the world and made them take this test then they would all probably score off the charts for asperger's because of the introversion that their lifestyle involves.
That is only one slice of the pie, they are more than likely sympathetic - unlike people who have aspergers. Just because a person exhibits a single syndrome doesn't mean that they can be diagnosed with said illness.

>> No.9686468


Tact is just lying though. Don't you see?

Our world is so twisted when it comes to these things that we don't even see a lie for what it is. Politeness, tactfulness, it's all just lying.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Imagine that someone asks you if they look fat or if they ugly. The polite and tactful thing to do is to lie to them, you find some way to twist your words with deception that you can give them an answer which either intentionally avoids the question or is an outright lie. The honest answer would be, "I believe that you look fat/ugly." but that's the rude, unacceptable answer.

People will tell you that they hate liars and lying is a terrible thing, but every single one of them does it all day in everything they say. The simplest of sentences are coated in dishonesty to avoid conflicts. We live in a world where it's only lying if the lie that you said wasn't friendly.

Just look at the definition of tact.
>a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense

In other words: the ability to know how to lie and behave deceptively in order to maintain good relations with others and avoid offense

>> No.9686469

>Politeness, tactfulness, it's all just lying.
Who cares?

>> No.9686476

yo'ure the liar

>> No.9686490


Everyone should care because this is the main reason why no one has any idea what the fuck anyone else is really saying.

Look at some of the questions on the asperger's test for example. Several of them had to do with empathy and being able to understand when someone is upset, but they leave out the part where this only a problem because people lie so much.

Someone is upset, you go up to them and ask them if they're upset, then they will tell you that they aren't. If we lived in a world where people were honest then that would be the end of it. They said they aren't upset so they must not be upset. That's not how it works though, you have to read their body language and pick up on the fact that they're compulsively lying for no reason at all, and then ask the right questions to dig the truth out of them when they should have just told you what the problem is right from the start.

This happens in everything. People will always avoid telling you the truth if they feel it would be easier to lie and the end result is that no one really has any idea what their friends or family feel about them. You just have to guess at their opinions based on the few truths that they unintentionally let slip out when their inhibitions are down.

>> No.9686497

>Everyone should care because this is the main reason why no one has any idea what the fuck anyone else is really saying.

>If we lived in a world where people were honest then that would be the end of it.
But we don't. The world values having people get along well more than it values honesty. Big fucking deal.

>> No.9686535



How can you function in society when you know that everyone else is lying to you? You might have a coworker who you believe is your friend, but the only reason he's acting kind is because society tells him to be polite and inside he really can't stand you. You have no way to know this though and if you trust this person then you're going to be blindsided one day when you ask for his help, this favor is too much of a bother for his conditioned polite behavior to go along with, and he tells you to fuck off. Finally you learned the truth, but it would have been nice if you knew that earlier.

The whole world is filled with situations like this. The only reaction that makes any sense at all when confronted with this is to retreat from society and enjoy being alone, but then they hunt you down and start studying you. Suddenly you're autistic, a social pariah, depressed, schizoid, schizotypal, or any other number of disorders that they want to diagnose you with when all along they are the ones with the problem here.

Abnormals get hunted down and stamped with labels and normals sit up on their throne, feeling like paragons of mental health, as they live a life filled with addiction and deceit.

>> No.9686542

>You might have a coworker who you believe is your friend
why did you think a coworker was your friend? he just works with you, retard

>> No.9686549


It's just a hypothetical situation. The same applies to everyone since everyone will give you the polite, tactful answer before they tell you the truth.

Doesn't matter if it's a friend, family member, coworker, or random acquaintance. Only in a setting like this does politeness go out the window and you hear the real opinions of people, but it required complete anonymity to get normal people to that point.

>> No.9686554

nobody likes a big meaniehead
not even other meanieheads

>> No.9686564

Calm down, nigga. It's gonna be OK.

>> No.9686572


Does honesty have to be cruel and angry though?

Many of the examples of mean behavior that you'll see in the world are what happens when people essentially explode from bottling up their true feelings for a long enough period of time. Other times it's just because some people get some kind of sadistic joy from bullying, but that doesn't have anything to do with honesty or lying.

If someone asks you for your opinion then there's nothing mean about saying that you dislike them, that you think they're unattractive or fat, it's just honesty.

Meanness is excessive and cruel though. Many times it's like a volcano of politeness, just this gigantic explosion of repressed opinions and hostility which turns into a curse filled and abusive rant of anger and meanness.

>> No.9686648

Scored 151 OP...

Le sigh, and here I've been putting off chatting with XBOX support about my hard drive replacement 'cause I'm afraid of pushing the button and talking to somebody I don't know.


>> No.9687380

I was misdiagnosed with Asperger's when I was 16, and then my parents practically made me the family retard ever since then. They went around telling other people about it, too (when I told them not to), so I couldn't escape from it.

I'm diagnosed with Schizotypal and Psychosis-NOS now, but my dad still uses the term "autistic" (because he's a retard who thinks that it can just be used as a catch-all term for being different). It was really hard to deal with; my family thinks that I absolutely need to be on SSI in order to survive. Well, sure, I can't get a full-time job, but I don't know.

I really just don't know. I do want to be on SSI and am going through the final trial, but it is for very different reasons than what my family wants. I'm just so tired of busting my ass only to be a part-time janitor or some shit, when I have the intelligence to be much more and yet am denied that chance by society.

Man, the stuff that your own family will put you through...

>> No.9687407

You are equating expression of intelligence as job. This is false. Get autismbux and enjoy true thought.

>> No.9687420

Just decline SSI and work through it then. SSI sounds like it might work against you if you want to get a decent job. Maybe being a NEET isn't for you. Don't ask for help on /jp/, they're all dead inside and would just tell you to get autismbux and leech off of your parents for the rest of your life.

>> No.9687650


Well the thing is that I'm starting to realize that I really do have a legitimate disability, and need help for it. I also wouldn't have a problem being a NEET at all, provided that I still had some way to be productive; it would beat what I'm doing right now. I work two jobs and I make less money busting my ass than I would sitting on it collecting SSI. Sad how it is.

>> No.9687679

Protip: you are not as intelligent and smart as you think. You're just a peggy hill

>> No.9687723


No one is. But that is irrelevant.

>> No.9687731

I just came back from my Asperger syndrome "initial assessment". I mentioned 4chan, and apparently a lot of people my local autism team have seen also visit 4chan, and are into the whole Japanese games and comics thing.

Shout outs to my fellow TEWV bros, I suppose.

>> No.9687743

But a professor told me that I will have a wonderful future in theoretical computer science.
