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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9674417 No.9674417 [Reply] [Original]

>1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will be a victim of sexual assault in their lifetime.
>College age women are 4 times more likely to be sexually assaulted.
>In 2007, there were 248,300 victims of sexual assault.
>Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.
>60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police.
>Reporting has increased by 1/3 since 1993.
>Approximately 73% of rape victims know their assailants.
>Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.
Still supporting rape culture, /jp/?

>> No.9674420

All flesh must be raped!

>> No.9674424

>60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police.
Complete bullshit.
>Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.
Tell that to all the people who were falsely accused of rape and spent years in jail.

>> No.9674426

I don't trust any of these statistics, because a lot of them mix up buyer's remorse with rape, or use consensual sex between something like a 15-18 couple as "rape" in their statistics.

>> No.9674425
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>Most rapists don’t believe they have committed a crime. They think it’s ok to pressure their girlfriend in to having sex. They think it’s ok to threaten to remove support from their wife if she doesn’t put out. They think it is ok to have sex with a person who is too incapacitated to consent. They think that a woman showing a desire to have sex in general means that she wants to have sex with them specifically, and if she says no she obviously doesn’t mean it. Rapists think that a verbal “no” doesn’t mean no if their victim is not fighting. Rapists think if you are fighting but your body appears aroused that you don’t really want them to stop.

>> No.9674453

All rape statistics are poor. How do you work out what percentage are unreported, if you don't know the number of unreported rapes ?

Do you take into the account the fact that 10% of all sexual assault/harassment allegations are malicious ?

>> No.9674456
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>> No.9674463

I wonder what would it feel like to be raped by a girl...

>> No.9674464

ahahahah what?

>> No.9674473

>How do you work out what percentage are unreported

>> No.9674479
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regardless of "buyer's remorse" or "malicious accusations" rape culture is still a thing and the overwhelming majority of rape allegations are true, same with the statistics

but when people start thinking about that, they find it disturbing, so they start coming up with excuses for why it's probably not true. they shoot it down immediately. how privileged it must be to just be able to ignore the problem, when there are many people around the world who cannot

>> No.9674481

I will start talking this stuff seriously when they stop defining rape as "well I was drunk and now I regret it". Rape is when you are held down and fucked by a stranger, not buyer's remorse.

>> No.9674487

not only that, but when it comes to "buyers remorse" and/or "malicious accusations" there are many people who are pegged as either who have suffered legitimate rape or sexual harrassment but are denied being taken seriously. if someone accuses someone of power of being a rapist, the initial conclusion is that the victim is making it up, because no one wants to think that a powerful person has the ability to do something so monstrous

not to mention disregarding rape statistics because of "malicious accusations" makes it that much easier to disregard someone who has actually been raped as someone who is making it up because it might not fit with your own skewed ideal of what "rape" is

>> No.9674484

There's nothing more hilarious than hearing pampered cunts in first world countries say there is a "rape culture". How about you go live in some African shithole for a year, that's a fucking rape culture.

>> No.9674492


>> No.9674493

rape culture is universal. just because something is worse somewhere else doesn't mean the problem doesn't still exist where it's not as bad. ideally, rape culture will be excised everywhere

>> No.9674494

He's cute I wish there was a way to rape a man that didn't involve me jamming it in his mangina as I prefer to receive.

(No homo)

>> No.9674496

Define "rape culture" for me, I'll try not to laugh.

>> No.9674500


Slightly related

>> No.9674501


No one said anything about denying what happened to the victims of legitimate rape, we're just saying the statistics are bullshit, and completely useless.

If you want people to take rape more seriously, maybe you shouldn't be attacking random people, and you shouls be attacking the people that make false rape accusations, or believe that statutory rape = rape, or believe that buyer's remorse is rape.

Why aren't you attacking those people instead of trying to convince everyone that those people don't exist?

>> No.9674502


Uh, that's what exactly NO ONE says rape is. Rape is when someone has sex with you and you didn't give them consent.

Are you an idiot?

>> No.9674505
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keep in mind that this treatment of rape hurts all genders. the statistics of men being raped is most likely skewed because of the high chance that a man won't admit to it, won't realize he's been raped, or will not be taken seriously. see: all the instances where a female sexual predator will molest a boy in school or something and people will start saying they're jealous, etc

anyway thats all i have to say about the matter i think

>> No.9674507

In each incident report, respondents were asked, “Do you consider this incident
to be a rape?” For the 86 incidents categorized as a completed rape,
46.5 percent (n = 40) of the women answered “yes,” 48.8 percent (n = 42)
answered “no,” and 4.7 percent (n = 4) answered “don’t know.”


>> No.9674508


Define "art" for me. Oh, you can't? Too bad. That means it doesn't exist.

>> No.9674514


Molestation =/= Rape

I'm more jealous of the little girls that get to have guys molest them anyway.

>> No.9674513

no ones attacking anyone. why, do you feel as if you're being attacked?

>> No.9674510

due to how society sees rape, there is a high chance of a woman being raped and not being sure she was. victim blaming can also skew this, as well as the woman blaming herself. modify the gender where applicable of course

>> No.9674511
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>Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.
i like those odds

>> No.9674512

So you're bitching about something that you can't even define?

>> No.9674515



>> No.9674516

It's been postulated quite a lot that what happens in prisons could mean that more men are raped than women.

>> No.9674525


You won't shut the fuck up about real rape, but you feel no need to criticize these people;

>the people that make false rape accusations, or believe that statutory rape = rape, or believe that buyer's remorse is rape.

I'm just pointing out the fallacy in that.

>> No.9674521


Just because I can't define it doesn't mean it doesn't have a definition, doofus.

>> No.9674522

But in real undevelopped Africa, there is no rape culture, people just don't give a fuck and sleep with everyone else, or fuck in public as some kind of ritual.
They are just not tied down by the same morals as ours. But they are full of AIDS (Literally).

>> No.9674523

The modern definition of rape is sex which was in retrospective regratable.

>> No.9674529


'sup femanon.

>> No.9674527

>all genders

There are only two, you mean "both".

So let me get this straight. If a woman and a man have sex, and the woman doesn't consider it rape, it was still rape because you say so? How the fuck can a woman be raped and not think she was?

>> No.9674526


Holy fuck. I weep for my country that people as dumb as you live here.

>> No.9674528

rape culture is values set by society that makes rape easier to ignore, or allow. it's primarily something people don't realize they're doing, and all genders are victims of it. the idea is that you could rape someone, or be raped and not even realize it, but there could still be psychological damage.

its all about educating, but people don't want to be educated. they want to think what they know is true, and get defensive when there's any implication that it isn't.

there's nothing wrong with considering the other side of an argument. but it's up to you whether to buy into it. at the same time, when people don't agree with your beliefs, they are liable to argue against it. (and vice versa, obv)

>> No.9674530


We're not talking about those people. There's no evidence that those people exist in great numbers. Please stop trying to make things up to excuse your gender for being disgusting and prone to rape.

>> No.9674534

Why are men so violent??

>Being male nearly doubles the odds of being a victim of domestic violence as an adult but decreases the odds of perpetrating domestic violence. This finding, although contrary to public perception, is consistent with findings of national surveys in the United States and New Zealand 庸emales hit more often than males, but males do more damage when they hit. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Youth Violence Research Bulletin ・February 2002)

>Early studies of partner violence assumed that men's perpetration rates exceeded those of women, in part because these studies relied almost exclusively on clinical samples of women who sought assistance or of men in court-mandated counseling programs. Later surveys using community samples have shown women's rates of violence to be comparable to those of men. (American Psychological Association, Inc., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Gender Differences in Partner Violence in a Birth Cohort of 21-Year-Olds: Bridging the Gap between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches ・997, Vol. 65, No. 1, 68-78)

>Approximately 13 percent of women and 21 percent of men report having survived severe physical domestic violence. (American Psychological Association, Inc., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Gender Differences in Partner Violence in a Birth Cohort of 21-Year-Olds: Bridging the Gap between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches ・1997, Vol. 65, No. 1, 68-78)

>> No.9674540
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And here, "ladies" and gentlemen, is the truth.

>> No.9674541


Women are significantly less strong than men, so it's viewed as more acceptable for them to hit, as it is unlikely to cause damage. You love bringing up the woman strength factoid in debates about employment, but neglect to pull it out here.

>> No.9674544

But I thought men were more aggressive and violent? Obviously that's not true.

Sorry I shattered your argument so easily, I could have been more gentle.

>> No.9674545


Fuck off from /jp/ you disgusting failure of nature and take your gender comrades with you.

>> No.9674547


It's the fact that you're not talking about those people and pretending like they don't exist that is retarded.

You're wondering why people say those statistics are bullshit, we told you, and you basically pretended like "those people" don't actually exist.

>> No.9674548


Uh, no. That's the "truth" as interpreted by a teenage narcissist who has cheetos for dinner (probably you.)

>> No.9674554


Wow, you're an epic troll. Damn. Got me real good o.o

>> No.9674556

i'm going to use an example i got off the internet; a girl is drunk, a guy is drunk, guy wants to have sex, girl isn't sure of it, they end up having sex, girl regrets it, it's a continuous source of pain, but she isn't sure if it was rape or if it was her fault. that's what i mean. i believe that she was technically raped, but at the same time because both participants were drunk and both participants were affected in how they would normally make decisions, it's obviously not as clear cut as that. you can see it one way: if one of the people regrets, or didn't want, the intercourse, then it's rape. but perhaps that doesn't necessarily make the other participant a rapist? but that's getting kind of complicated and now i'm off track.

there are a lot of facets that go into the psychology of sex/rape and what counts as sex or rape. i find exploring these things a lot more interesting than just coming up with a conclusion of what "rape" is and what isn't and disregarding anything else. what do you guys think?

anyway, basically, due to how the standards of rape are set up, there might be someone who has been raped who isn't sure if it was their "fault" or not, and that can tie into whether or not they're sure if they got raped.

>> No.9674561

>Women are significantly less strong than men, so it's viewed as more acceptable for them to hit, as it is unlikely to cause damage.
so it's alright to go around beating people up, because you're weak

>> No.9674562

It's true, women are weak and inferior and the only reason they are allowed their freedom in society is because men allow it. If one day civilization were to collapse, you all would be fucked because you wouldn't have the government or the police to protect you.

Women only have what men allow them to have, continue to deal with it.

>> No.9674563

>a girl is drunk, a guy is drunk, guy wants to have sex, girl wants to have sex, they end up having sex, girl regrets it, she is sure it was rape
that's what really happens

>> No.9674564

Epic namecalling, you really refuted the argument well.

>> No.9674565


That's called regret or buyers remorse, not rape.

If someone doesn't verbally or physically express that they don't want to have sex, and agree to it, it's not rape. Don't fucking matter if they regretted it later, that's not rape. Are you expecting men to be fucking mind readers and know whether or not a girl is consenting, even if she shows absolutely no sign of disagreement, verbally or physically?

Fuck off back to your feminist forum.

>> No.9674566

So basically, all this is about people trying to escape the results and consequences of their own actions?

How very modern.

>> No.9674570

>they end up having sex
>girl regrets it
>then it's rape

Kill yourself.

>> No.9674574

also domestic violence isn't cool, regardless of what gender is perpetrating it

the idea of feminism isn't to put women above men, it's to put them on the same level. this helps men as well, because everyone suffers from misogyny, from the man who gets picked on for being "feminine" or "weak" in a society who sees those thing as flaws because they're more often associated with women to the woman who gets paid less because of her gender.

i think when people hear the word 'feminism' they already get their claws out before they've even considered the argument, because people are afraid of the change those considerations could bring, even if it does help.

>> No.9674577


I've never heard a single intelligent argument come from a self proclaimed feminist.

>> No.9674579
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For a group of people that claims to be fighting to rid the world of misogyny, they sure have made me misogynistic.

>> No.9674580
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Check your heteronormative privilege.

>> No.9674581

I don't know who is dumber, feminists or misogynists. Anyway, are thread like this accepted here? How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9674582

but what if alcohol is involved? the person who might be consenting is technically not in the right mind. and before you say "then they shouldn't get drunk around someone who could have sex with them," that implies that all women should go around thinking that getting drunk around a man randomly means the man is going to want to have sex with them, which i'd like to believe isn't true. not all men are sex-obsessed idiots. i also think that women shouldn't be worried about what they do around members of the opposite sex.

i think the idea is that before you have sex with someone you need a loud, resounding yes, not just someone who doesn't fight you off or says 'yes' after a long while of badgering.

>> No.9674584
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Reminder that science is sexist.

>> No.9674585

Now you understand feminist logic.

>> No.9674588

The feminists in this thread make me physically sick.

>> No.9674590

They put that drug into their body by choice, fully aware of the effects. If they can't make decisions (not necessarily sexual ones) under the influence of alcohol, then they shouldn't drink it.

For example, can I murder someone and then say "It's okay I was just drunk, I had no control of my decisions"?

Buyers remorse still doesn't equal rape regardless of any form of alcohol or other drugs involved, unless the person is incapacitated.

>> No.9674594

Then they should oh, I don't know, offer an indication that it's not what they want? Saying,"no" surely can't be that hard.

If you're past the point where you can't put up even that much resistance, then you need help for your drinking problem.

>> No.9674607

these are good points. i think that sometimes, even if someone says no, that no can be turned into a yes with enough badgering, because a lot of women are actually brought up to not be too resistant or blunt about things they don't like (it's seen as 'bitchy').

anyway, like i said before, the logic of whether drunken regrettable sex= rape is something i'm not entirely sure of, and it is nice to get other opinions of it. i think it is possible to have sex of that nature and come out of it feeling violated, but that might not necessarily mean that the person who perpetrated it, unless they did it under the knowledge that the other person wasn't willing/etc, is a rapist.

>> No.9674609
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So is drunk driving not a crime in a feminists mind? The driver was drunk so he wasn't in control of what he was doing, so if he mows down a little girl, it's not his fault, right?

Your response would be "Well he shouldn't have gotten in the car if he was drunk!", and to that I say, you shouldn't have gotten drunk around people if you don't trust yourself to make good decisions around them.

>> No.9674619

there's also the possibility that they trusted the people around them to the point where they assumed it would be safe to drink around them. only 1/3 people are raped by strangers. a lot of rape victims are raped by people they're close to, like friends or family. people they think it would be safe to get drunk near. so the "don't get drunk if you aren't willing to have sex" argument doesn't entirely work, i don't think

>> No.9674623

>don't get drunk if you aren't willing to have sex

I'm not saying that. Obviously if a girl is drunk and doesn't want to have sex and a man holds her down and fucks her it's rape. But if they both consent and then the girl regrets it later because she was drunk, it's not rape.

End of story.

>> No.9674625


Fine, how about; "You shouldn't drink alcohol ever, if you can't drink without losing the ability to consent or not consent to sex".

>> No.9674632

While becoming intoxicated enough to lose the ability to properly say "no" is incredibly foolish, you have to take into consideration the situation as a whole, including the intent of the other person. When you have someone who purposely takes advantage of someone that they know is unable to fight back or say no, then it's rape. Obviously there's the possibility that the initiator is also drunk out of their wits and then things are less black and white. But in the case of someone intentionally taking advantage of someone incapable of giving consent, then it counts as rape.

>> No.9674640

>regardless of "buyer's remorse" or "malicious accusations" rape culture is still a thing and the overwhelming majority of rape allegations are true, same with the statistics

At least where I live, less than 20% of rape accusations are sustained by evidence.

And those are the people who actually take their accusations to trial: most lying whores who claim they were raped (usually to get attention or sympathy) don't finger anyone in particular.

>> No.9674645

It's not rape if she consents.

>> No.9674648

>It's not rape if she consents.

But if a girl acts like a slut when she's drunk, that's rape!

>> No.9674653

Nice strawman, kiddo. What I said was, if she indeed consents to sex, it is not rape. Ever.

I don't care how much she regrets it the next day.

>> No.9674656


>incapable of giving consent

Drunk =/= unable to give consent. Completely incapacitated? Yes.

But; "I was drunk, agreed to have sex, and then regretted it later." is not rape.

Why are you trying to say it is?

>> No.9674657

You are a rapist and you should feel bad for all the rapes you do.

>> No.9674664

the rules of /jp/ do not consent to this shitty thread, therefore the board is being raped

>> No.9674672

No feminist or any other human being who is at least partially sane believes that if a man regrets having sex when he was drunk that he was raped. Also, I really don't buy the entire "you're not responsible for what you do when you're drunk." I know there's plenty of shit out there about girls being raped while passed out and shit, but this clearly isn't the fucking case.

The thing about this is that you're replying to a post that specifically takes on the scenario of "a girl being conscious and making shitty decisions while drunk" so it becomes hard to believe when you throw the word rape around constantly.

I don't see how you can call it rape when it hardly even compares to rape by deception. You're talking about someone who has temporarily poor decision skills, consensually having sex with someone who may or may not be aware of them being under the influence.

If a male anon consensually had sex with a 3DPD, while under the impression it was Chen and squinting his eyes, do you honestly think anyone would give a fuck about his disappointment?

>> No.9674680

yeah, i see what you mean, and i was never sure of the definition that drunken sex= rape. i said earlier that someone can feel violated after having regrettable sex but it's not necessarily rape, and i think that's the conclusion i've come to

sorry for any confusion

>> No.9674685

I would. Chen is supposed to be pure, damn it

>> No.9674693

>If a male anon consensually had sex with a 3DPD, while under the impression it was Chen and squinting his eyes, do you honestly think anyone would give a fuck about his disappointment?

I can't imagine anything more horrible than that.

>> No.9674694

so if a guy gets drunk and has sex with a woman and then regrets it afterwards, can he say he was raped?

>> No.9674705

if he feels violated then perhaps he can say he feels as if he was raped

>> No.9674707

No, he's a male.

>> No.9674708

Both the guy and the girl were equally drunk. What if the guy starts to regret? Is the girl a rapist then? If they both regret did they both rape each other?

>> No.9674714

Men can't be rapists because they always want sex. That much is obvious.
