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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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966097 No.966097 [Reply] [Original]

Unlocking characters in this game is so fucking hard!
Well 5 more to go.

>> No.966118


>> No.966122


>> No.966124

Is that the unofficial patch that adds new characters?

>> No.966123

I can unlock mima for you

>> No.966127
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>> No.966132

Mannosuke was easy to unlock, but I can't figure at all how to get Youki. Help?

>> No.966133

Holy shit, how'd you get Shinki? I've been trying to get her for a while now but Hina's lunatic spellcards always wreck me.

>> No.966134

Mima is already Unlocked there by default.

>> No.966153

Hint on unlocking Cirno: Defeat Lunatic 9 times with 9 different characters. Only then can you fight the strongest.

>> No.966168

She is only the first boss of the 9th game... Why does /jp/ always call her the strongest?

>> No.966179

Don't do that.

>> No.966203

You have to get pas arcade mode with Alice 20 times.

>> No.966205

What? You guys told me that she was cool in the 9th game so I tried it. Beat her in like a minute and only noticed that she was Cirno when she died

>> No.966207


>> No.966250

I'm not trolling, seriously.

...Do I have to read the English translation of the game to understand how "cool" she is or something?

>> No.966263

Im sure some japanese hero will come and make these characters to reality. at least mugen style.

>> No.966269
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So who's your main anon?
I'm a Shinkifag love to use the Yumeko assist spell card against the Sakuyafags and see them suffer.

>> No.966274



>> No.966282

What's wrong with Mugen?

>> No.966285

I thought only /v/ hated mugen...

>> No.966287


>> No.966295


Ask /v/.


Everyone that isn't 12 years old and retarded hates it, unless they're fortunate enough to not know about it.

>> No.966298

Hinafag here, I don't like the speeding, it's a fucking slow then charge attack, since it wastes the power & doesn't regenerate...at least, it's balanced and lets you use cards when you end charging.
Also, Kaguya rocks.

>> No.966309


>> No.966311

I've tried to main Mokou but it's just so hard to keep pressure up with nothing but her dial A because all of her projectiles have huge startup.

>> No.966357

I main Yukaahfuckit.

If this thread wasn't posted every other minute you might have someone fall for it.

>> No.966371

Fuck off, nevar happening.s

>> No.966387

take it easy

>> No.966394


>> No.966410

No le U

>> No.966431

No U.

>> No.966435

damn it, I want all the characters, but I hate unlockable content

>> No.966440

It's true that there never going to be any more chars for Touhou 10.5 but i can still RAGE and complain about how Yuka isnt in it. If they never add new chars it's going to be a new game.

>> No.966450

so when can we expect the full unlock patch
in b4 op is a lie which means so is the cake

>> No.966458

She's fucking overpowered, dumbfuck.

>> No.966467

How is it different from the other fighting games? It can work exactly like Touhou or Melty Blood or Guilty Gear.

>> No.966544

And Yukari isn't?

>> No.966557

>It can work exactly like Touhou or Melty Blood or Guilty Gear.

That's the problem

What's the point in using Chun Li against Kuradoberi Jam if you know that you're going to lose?

>> No.966563

Suika is, Yugi is...ect...

>> No.966585

Because when you want to play Tag-team SSJ4 Broly mirror matches using Arcana Heart physics, things get a little broken.

>> No.966597

Well, it's just that you need friends to play mugen. No one here has friends, so they're all butthurt about not having anyone to play mugen with

>> No.966703

What is love?

>> No.966729

This is a post by the average Mugen user.

Mugen is for the mentally retarded.

>> No.966754

I still cant figure out if that pic is shopped or not.

>> No.966804

Sanae/Kaguyafag here.
I was going to main Reisen later, but I think Suwako will be next.

>> No.966890

it can work like other games with 1/4th of the framerate. also if you want to play melty blood/guilty gear why mood crapjin? just get melty blood/guilty gear. not like you faggots pay for anything anyways.

>> No.967062

I blame the general hate of mugen on the fact that the western community loves the shitty SSJ>9000 bastards and God Omega Gogeta and the like.

Obviously, Mugen isn't meant for balance (well, if it's the ones where you mix up stuff) unless you make it accurate to the original game.
>>966890 has a point for that. Personally, balance is only an issue for me in vs matches, and I enjoy the masochistic challenge a lot of the AIs(not the innately cheap characters) give, using an "average" character

there are also quite a few good full games there (Babel Sword, KOF Zillion etc.), but those are the exception

Mugen got me into /jp/ related stuff anyway, and I play most fighting games.

>> No.967084


You're the guy who liked Linkin Park when he was 12 and desperately tries to rationalize it instead of just moving on and repressing the memories of what a faggot he was when he was younger.

Don't be that guy.

>> No.967142

>>967084repressing the memories
Not him but thats bad in the long run

>> No.967144
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Tonight's the night!

>> No.967162

who's the one on rinnosuke's right and mansuke's left? pc98 chars prolly

>> No.967163

Huh, this is the first i've seen of this. Looks pretty cool

>> No.967169

3:30 hours till Japan time!

>> No.967180
File: 60 KB, 500x596, 1215487811583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koto-hime and Rikato

>> No.967211

Is there a set with all the full portraits?

>> No.967223


>> No.967220

MUGEN's only good for Kuromaru.

>> No.967228


>> No.967233

Suwako is more useless than Reisen, I beat that bitch up on Lunatic like it was nothing.

>> No.967246

Kotohime looks different from the rest of the characters.

>> No.967266

The server is currently overloaded. Try searching Google.
This page will automatically refresh in one minute.


>> No.967273


>> No.967278


You're a faggot. ;_; is always allowed.

>> No.967279

Looks like someone's new. ;_; is acceptable in 4chan. ^_^ is not.

>> No.967286


>> No.967283


Life-like texture

>> No.967285

YOU stop acting like a faggot, faggot

Nowadays it's ju astn excuse to use emoticons

>> No.967289


use all the stupid memes you want to use on that site, but do not turn it into the miserable pile of fail pooshlmer is now

>> No.967290


>> No.967295


life like texture ;_;

>> No.967296

YOU stop acting like a faggot, faggot

Nowadays it's just an excuse to use emoticons

>> No.967298

>do not turn it into the miserable pile of fail pooshlmer is now

Too late.

>> No.967304


not really, go take a look at pooshlmer and you will see the difference

>> No.967305


>> No.967309


>> No.967311


>> No.967318
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Thread successfully derailed.
Thank you, newfags!

>> No.967324


What a loss, a MUGEN thread got derailed. Whatever will we do.

>> No.967403

>>967324a MUGEN thread
OP isn't MUGEN...

>> No.967405

MUGEN sucks. Seriously. Take this crappola to /v/.

>> No.968595

Tasofro should have given us this massive scale game instead. Maybe we should spam their inbox with this to get the point across.

And add VIVIT for good measure.

>> No.968615


>> No.968641

Is there an unofficial patch in the workings or is it all so much bullshit?
