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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9658466 No.9658466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can't anyone understand me?

>> No.9658477

Why would anyone want to understand a loser like you?

>> No.9658481

And why are you so desperate for that? Are you 15?

>> No.9658483

It's weird, right? I didn't even have a bad childhood or any traumatic experiences, I'm not an autist, I'm just different. I act differently because I like to act that way, not because it's impossible for me to do otherwise, yet people seem to have a hard time understanding or even appreciating my behavior.

>> No.9658485


>> No.9658488

No one really understand anyone.
We are destined to be alone.
Friendship and love are just illusions.
If someone says he loves you, in reality he just loves the image of you that he created in his mind, which, since he doesn't really undersand you, isn't reflecting your true self at all.

>> No.9658491


>> No.9658492


>> No.9658495

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>> No.9658496

But don't worry OP, /jp/ is the closest thing to understanding you that you'll find anywhere.

>> No.9658497


That's really fucking chuunii.

I agree.

>> No.9658498

I think even stereotypical hipsters would think I'm weird. Does that mean I'm not a hipster at all or the biggest of them all?

>> No.9658499
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1332308069341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9658504
File: 494 KB, 500x283, tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I could find someone who really enjoyed my company?
Wouldn't that be amazing?

>> No.9658501

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>> No.9658507

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>> No.9658509

This is /jp/, we are all about living off illusion we create.
If they make you happy I don't see what's wrong about maintaining these illusions

>> No.9658511

Even hipsters are too mainstream for you.
You're way beyond any categorization.

>> No.9658517
File: 26 KB, 430x430, 1333126921474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoomay 2key fans confirmed for edgy teenagers

>> No.9658523

That's right the only way to be happy is to live the illusions.

Normalfags aren't different on that regard, they just don't realize they live in an illusory world.

>> No.9658524


the grand illusion of loving someone else ... and the whole society is built on this! no wonder everyone wants to kill themselves!

>> No.9658534

Deliberately misinterpreting OP's understanding of "understanding" isn't helping.

It's like answering the question "Why shouldn't I kill myself?" with "Who knows if we're really alive? Maybe we just think we are. And how are you supposed to kill something that's not even alive?". Sounds stupid, doesn't it? And it's not even an answer to the question, just like your post.

>> No.9658541

That doesn't sound stupid at all. It's just not something that can be solved logically. You have to explore deep within your mind to excavate the answer.

>> No.9658542

"illusion" implies it's fake... If a person genuinely likes something about you, what else is there?

>> No.9658550

I've experienced this firs hand.
I've been in a relationship with a girl for a few years.
She kept trying attaching on me features of a stereotypical boygriend that had absolutely nothing to do with me. No matter what I did, she'd still imagine me like that. It was annoying.

And she claimed she loved me, I mean she really was in love, and yet she didn't really see me at all.

The funny\sad part is that she often told me that she didn't understand me. But she didn't even try...

>> No.9658555

What is there to understand?

>> No.9658570

Well, fact is people do kill themselves, just as they do understand each other. It only becomes unsolvable if you switch the commonly accepted meanings of "live" or "understand" with your own ones that don't even have any logical base to begin with.

>> No.9658571

I've experienced something similar.
I've been with a girl and tried my hardest to please her by creating a illusion of myself.
I would start pretending to be interested in the stuff she does and keep my weird hobbies a secret.
It's also funny how I always said that I can be myself around her.That was a illusion I've created for myself.
Another funny thing is that she kept many things secret from me herself even though I never would have judged her for anything.No matter what I would have tried to understand her and love her regardless of her flaws.
I tried so hard to understand her but she just wouldn't open up to me.
Humans are so weird, and I have trouble trusting anyone who says something positive about me

>> No.9658578

The person who understands you most in life is yourself.

Make an imaginary girlfriend. It makes perfect sense.

>> No.9658587

Fuck off! I'm not going to create some fucking "Tulip" or whatever!

>> No.9658590

You are assuming that they genuinely love something about you, and not loving something that isn't you, like in the case of:

When you are arguing against someone who claims X you can't make him change his mind just by saying it is a "fact" that X is wrong.

We are claiming that people do not understand each others, and you claim it is a fact. Well you can claim it as much as you want, but why should I listen to you? At least try to bring up some logical argument.

>> No.9658621

I'm not saying your claim is wrong. I'm saying it's based on a different definition of "understanding" and therefore irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.9658636

Seems to me that people CAN understand one another, but cannot or will not always do so.
Also, it could be said that nobody will understand you like you understand yourself, but that shouldve a given.
What a pedantic argument...

>> No.9658662

My last boyfriend didn't see the importance of making the most of the small time we had to talk to eachother each day and I was missing the hell out of him

