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9639086 No.9639086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Asian Americans most bullied in US schools

>Asian Americans endure far more bullying at US schools than members of other ethnic groups, with teenagers of the community three times as likely to face taunts on the Internet, new data shows.

>Policymakers see a range of reasons for the harassment, including language barriers faced by some Asian American students and a spike in racial abuse following the September 11, 2001 attacks against children perceived as Muslim.

>The research, to be released on Saturday, found that 54 percent of Asian American teenagers said they were bullied in the classroom, sharply above the 31.3 percent of whites who reported being picked on, 38.4 percent for African Americans and 34.3 percent for Hispanics.

>The disparity was even more striking for cyber-bullying.
>Some 62 percent of Asian Americans reported online harassment once or twice a month, compared with 18.1 percent of whites. The researcher said more study was needed on why the problem is so severe among Asian Americans.

merican, why do you guys bully me?

>> No.9639090
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>> No.9639096

why do you always use that image when posting news?

>> No.9639097

I remember slapping the shit out of some chink, he got up to fight me and I told to sit the fuck down. He actually did it, he sat down.

Ah well, he can take solace in the fact that I'm a loser neet know and he making top dorra.

>> No.9639100

Probably because USA sucks in education, doesn't it?

>> No.9639107

>Asian Americans
I want to have Asian Russians in my school.

>> No.9639125

>asian americans
>attacks against children perceived as Muslim

>> No.9639131

Everyone gets bullied when they're in school. Even if you weren't asian, they'd find a reason to make fun of you. Get over yourself.
And if you want to play the "wah my minority is the most harassed" game, homosexuals and transgendered people deal with far more harassment and 'bullying' than any other group.

>> No.9639137

you're so full of shit. people can't tell if you're gay at a glance but they sure as shit can tell when you're black or asian.

trannies are asking for it.

>> No.9639150

>people can't tell if you're gay
i haven't even met you and i know you're gay. gaylord homomaster go wear your manbra fagass loser

>> No.9639157

Not really. Race is just as equally valid as gender identity or sexuality or religion. Transgenders aren't asking for it more than anyone else is.

But the whining about bullying is ridiculous, people have always made fun of other people, it's how the world works. Build a bridge and get over it.

>> No.9639169

except for the fact that they're generally a man in a dress with a jaw that could crush walnuts and horrible makeup.

and if you don't go around talking with a lisp and wearing short shorts, people aren't going to assume you're gay.

we keep entertaining this circus tent antics because society as a whole has been turned into a massive blubbering vagina.

>> No.9639182

I hope that one day I can suck a bullied Asian American guys cock to make up for his horrible treatment at the hands of the barbarian lower life forms.(Unless he is Malaysian or Filipino that is a big no)

>> No.9639187
File: 46 KB, 408x572, Bullying is a crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

