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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 500x500, ha-p-neet-ny-b-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9629942 No.9629942 [Reply] [Original]

I mean no disrespect at all by the following questions. In fact I'm unemployed myself so I pass no judgment at all, I'm only curious.

What's it like not feeling like you're working towards anything? Do you have anything at all that could be considered a goal? If not, what's it like just passing your time with no expectation of anything in the future? The closest I can perceive to it would be a summer vacation during school, but even then i knew that it was temporary. What is a sense of permanent leisure like?

Could you also give a description of your typical day?

>> No.9629949

Well, I'd tell you but /jp/ isn't my personal blog.

>> No.9629953

Wake up
Study Japanese for 3 hours
Work on tulpa for 2 hours
Play vidya/eroge/watch anime
Browse /jp/
Go to sleep

>> No.9629955

It's ok in the NEET thread.

>> No.9629960

>Could you also give a description of your typical day?

>Wake up at 12:00pm
>Don't leave room until I'm near pissing myself
>Play vidya/nap until dinner
>After dinner get on /jp/ and shitpost until 4:00am or whenever I get bored

>> No.9629966

I wish I had a goal or motivation, I just don't.

It kind of is terrible but at the same time I cannot see it being any other way as most future scenarios I can imagine seem like they're not worth working towards.

My day is getting up at wildly different hours (can fluctuate by more than 12 hours) this is pretty much the best part. Sitting in front of computer for a while, then eating a small breakfast then more hours in front of computer interspersed with feelings of wanting to do something more "productive" but not finding the energy to actually do it.
The day either ends when I get too tired to stay awake or continues until the next night when I feel like I need to get up earlier. Which of course inevitably turns back into getting up late in the day after about a week.

It's not great, but pretty much the only scenario I can imagine functioning somewhat within.

>> No.9629969

Did you even read sticky?
Nosage to counteract butthurt fags.

>> No.9629974 [DELETED] 

go to sleep
get banned for shitposting
flush dns

>> No.9629975

Currently in employment.
Suffice to say, it is shit and suffering.
Handed in my resignation and will be change my status to to TruNEET from IEET.
Life should be enjoyed to the fullest, not chasing material wealth and social status while doing shit that you dont like.

>> No.9629973

Well, i'm not a NEET now, but I used to be. I also used to be a Hikikomori.

It sucks. It feels like you are driving 10 miles per hour and in like 10 years you are gonna drive off a cliff and you can't get out of the car. So to pass the time you just pull out your computer and try to forget that you are on a doomed path. You also try to justify your lifestyle to others, but you are just trying to convince yourself. And it doesn't work.

Let's forget the depressive episodes.

I have hobbies now and I am in school. I have one real life friend but I don't really hang out with her because I don't think we have good a personality combination. And she also called me a female because I don't act masculine enough. I don't care that she called me female, but it's what she meant by that is what prevents any friendship development.

Please note that introvert and social reclusion does not mean you are a Hikikomori. Nor is NEET and Hikikomori interchangable terms.

Also, Hikikomori is not an honorary title.

>> No.9629976

Wake up, get some tea, go on /jp/ until I'm hungry, get some food, get back on /jp/, have a snack, go back on /jp/, go to sleep.

>> No.9629977

I know you're not getting smart with me. I'll pop you dead in your kisama-tachi mouth.

>> No.9629978


Also, I never believed that I could be skilled in anything that could produce wealth. That was probably the biggest factor in my depression.

>> No.9629983

Goal: Take it easy.

1.Wake up at 4:30pm
2.Spend the day on 4chan/Playing a video game/Watching anime/Reading manga/Masturbating/Listening to Music (In no particular order, just whatever I feel like)
3.Have dinner at around 6:30pm
4. Go back to step 2.
5. Start drinking at around 10:30 if I have the money for alcohol, preferably till I'm really drunk.
6. Watch anime/Masturbate/Listen to Music/Draw birds for /jp/
7. Eventually go back to bed at 6:30-7am

>> No.9629985

It's like being retired except when your body is still fully-functional and you aren't worn-out after having worked for 30-60 years

>> No.9629987

I also forgot to add the consumption of alcohol whenever possible. Which luckily isn't too often due to being poor.

>> No.9629991

I don't have any goals. In fact, I say I am living the dream right now.

I wake up around 7pm.
Drink chai with some sweets.
Browse /jp/.
Watch like 10 episodes of anime and eat in between.
Read a VN for a little while
Browse /jp/
Sleep at around 9am

>> No.9629993

shut the frig up homo

>> No.9629996

Wake up
Go on the internet for x hours
Faint from fatigue

And then repeat for 12 years

>> No.9630001

are there any NEET here that get up in the morning and go to sleep in the evening?

>> No.9630004

What the HELL

>> No.9630006

my only motivation for getting out of bed is grinding on shitscape

>> No.9630013
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I started neeting it up at only 16, four years ago. It definitely wears you down. You start thinking about how useless you are compared to other human beings. I'm more cynical than ever before and I don't enjoy /jp/ related things like I used to. Lately I've been trying to find a skill or a hidden talent but that didn't turn out too well for me. I also fucked up by acting like a retard to get the autismo bux, now the army won't accept me even if I get off it.

>> No.9630022

>Hating the game you spend most of your time playing
I like it.

>> No.9630027

recently I decided to dedicate almost all of my NEET time by exploring the deep web in search of ancient aliens

>> No.9630028
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Occasionally. It can be refreshing.

>> No.9630031

Wake up, piss, grab some snacks, browse /jp/ and /g/ whilst playing a game/fapping/listening to music

Eat dinner, browse the internet/play a game/fiddle with my bass/watch anime/read manga

This continues until morning, then I fap to exhaustion and sleep. There's good days and bad days,

>> No.9630035
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>> No.9630053

Feels like beeing unchained.

>> No.9630057

-wake up 10-11am
-fantasize about waifu all day and night
-browse online, do some chores
-do my kanji reps
-more browsing
-regret not getting around to any games/anime
-head to bed at 2-3am

I'd like to stay up until dawn, but I'm afraid that if my sleep schedule was any more fucked it would only further convince my family that I need a job. It would be far easier to take it easy if I wasn't terrified of the very real possibility that I might eventually have to leave reclusion. I had a job briefly before and was a complete wreck, was considering suicide in order to escape. My family didn't realize realize this though and I'm very materialistic (mainly figure collecting), so they just keep saying "if you get a job you'll be making money again!"

>> No.9630067

Wake up.
Play League of Legends.
Fall asleep.

Occasionally I'll break up the monotony and do something else.

>> No.9630070

What a lot of people don't seem to realize is how strong the aversion towards a normal life can be. So strong in fact I and probably many others would rather die.

>> No.9630091

>Wake up.
>Brush teeth.
>Get forced into driving my lil brother to pick up drugs.
>I do it because I don't trust him to drive my car.
>Go home.
>Get bitched at by dad for being such a loser.
>Eat dinner.

I used to have a job and live by myself.
shit went all wrong for me and then I'm fucked.
Just today my car was stolen so... I have no idea what to do next.

>> No.9630100

ye gb2r9k and cry nerdlord

>> No.9630110
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>> No.9630115
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>> No.9630120

I do. Though it tends to fluctuate, I'm almost never up after 11 AM. I'm not completely sure that I'm a NEET though. As you could probably imply from the original post, I have some goals that keep me from ever truly feeling like my leisure time is permanent. I educate myself on topics like baking and programming that *might* be profitable if they were on a trade certificate or diploma, but sadly are not.

This. I know that as soon as I had to give up my NEET lifestyle, I would turn to a homeless lifestyle in a national park or something. Dealing with people in person is hell on earth.

>> No.9630123

Was that song a metaphor for gay sex?

>> No.9630135

But I am working towards a lot of things, OP. I just consider more interesting reading books/writing stories/browsing the web/playing videogames than buying a new car, having children, etc.

>> No.9630138

Get out of here homo nerdlord.

>> No.9630146

youre mums face is a metaphor for gay sex

>> No.9630159

I can understand that people want to be/stay neet.

but, not me.
All my attempts to better myself fail.
No matter how hard I try or how many things I do I always seem to find myself back at square one.
I contemplate moving far away and being homeless.
Yet, I can't bring myself to take that bold step.

>> No.9630174

can you post the louch dick hi five?

>> No.9630195

Ok, I'm not a NEET, but I should have become one since a year or six months ago, because, as most of you, I don't have any goal. I'm still in college in a major I hate to get the psychological help, since doing it otherwise would be too expensive.

So, as I said, I have no goals, but I'm doing exactly what others (and professionals) tells me to do. That is, stay active in some social hobby, studying, taking meds and shit. I know that in a few months I'll get sick of it.

Why do I do this? because without that, I would run out of options. Not hope, I don't expect that shit to work, but is all I got, and sadly my family won't let me be a NEET a while.

>> No.9630196

I do work toward things, every day. I eat three meals a day but only allow myself the food if I accomplish something, or get closer to accomplishing something. For example, I won't let myself eat dinner until I've studied programming for a couple of hours. Or studied Japanese, or exercised, or just wrote stuff. Makes me feel pretty satisfied.

Though on the weekends I relax. Saturdays I don't work as hard. On Sundays I don't work at all and just eat whatever I want.

>> No.9630205

I don't recommend trying homelessness and especially not far from home. It's truly a desperate last resort. It won't get you moving to accomplish your goals. However it will keep you sleepless, physically ill, poorly nourished, and in danger of being a crime victim. Whatever problems you have that keep you from achieving your goals need to be solved in your head where you are now. Lowering your quality of life to increase your quality of life won't work. May I ask what some of those goals are?

>> No.9630211

Studying Japanese, exercise and writing are all just entertainment, programming is the real accomplishment in that list.

>> No.9630216

For me it'd be the exact opposite.

>> No.9630221
File: 460 KB, 999x1000, china get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All my attempts to better myself fail.
I found your problem.
/jp/ is not the board.
It is time for you to leave and improve your life.
Remember the saying "Birds of a feather flock together", you wont improve your life by staying in /jp/.
Try >>>/r9k/.

>> No.9630233

Do you have some kind of obsession with that picture? You use it earlier.

>> No.9630244

Yeah, it reminds me of you'are mom!

>> No.9630430

31 year old NEET, no sign of stopping any time soon. I work on intellectual pursuits that I find personally fulfilling. I spend a lot of time researching topics that interest me. With the internet I am not sure if I could ever get tired of it. I can create art, music, write, do whatever I want when I want.

I do have some psychological problems, working only exasperated the symptoms of them. I understand some people enjoy work and the socialization that goes along with it, for me it was hell. I can be in the company of one person okay but any more than that I start to get anxious, get me in a group of people and I have a panic attack.

>> No.9630432

I wish I could wake up in the morning. I miss the sun, but I also like the quietness of the night.

What kinds of things do you guys eat for dinner? I'm always fixing frozen meals and crap like Hamburger Helper. I want to try something new but not too advanced.

>> No.9630482

>wake up from anywhere from 12pm to 6pm
>listen to music for about an hour to wake up slowly and relaxed
>play some video games until i get bored
>smoke weed
>play more video games until about 12 am
>smoke more weed
>start reading VN and simultaneously binge drink
>pass out at 3-7am

>> No.9630488

Get a job.

I'm a teacher at a elementary school.
The only sad part here is that no one will ever call me 'sensei'

Though I miss NOT WORKING. fuck. it's a bit tiring.

>> No.9630499

How easy is it to become an elementary school teacher? Maybe I'll give it a try.

>> No.9630507

If only the people who hired you knew you browsed here.

>> No.9630511


>> No.9630514

Why would it matter?

>> No.9630520

More importantly, how do you guys live? Are you all on autism bux?

Really want to go NEET and dedicate myself fully to my hobbies, but I don't qualify for welfare.

>> No.9630521

A bachelor's degree got me through easily.
4 years of college.

Then again jersey schools suck.

I'm smart enough to keep 4chan away from my personal life.


>> No.9630523

Wake up
Watch the newest youtube let's plays that I subscribe to
Play a video game for a few hours (currently Banjo Tooie)
listen to music while browsing /jp/
Check for more let's plays
browse /jp/ while listening to music or watching discovery channel shows

>> No.9630533

I live with my parents and pay for my own food with food stamps; My parents pay for everything else.

And by everything else I mean just the stuff I need. No figs, games, dildos, ect. I haven't grown in years so I don't even have new clothes or shoes.

It's okay, though. Sometimes I feel depressed about not having anything but I live in a decent suburb and eat once a day so I have no reason to complain, right? I really wish I had some stuff sometimes, though.

>> No.9630537


I'm crazy and can't function in society.

>> No.9630544

I hate how I have to type in both words in the captcha now. I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.9630549

You don't it's just really touchy and you can't forget the space.

>> No.9630550

3 AM. Grocery store time!

>> No.9630560

Maybe it was switched to make it so that I have to type in the word that doesn't have a consistent typeface and style. Let's see.

Nope. I can't do it unless I type in both. I do pay attention to spaces, putting a space before the word if it's the second and a space after if it's the first.

>> No.9630587

2pm: get up, brush teeth, make coffee, maybe eat, and then take adderall
3pm: sit on my computer doing nothing possibly playing games/browsing /jp/
5am: go to sleep

>> No.9630596
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 05 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_13.58_[2012.02.04_03.22.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually get up and eat some shreddies or coco pops
then i watch cartoons for an hour
then i go back upstairs and look at jp on my laptop
then i play video games lately im playing sleeping dogs and dark souls for pc and WoW
i have some peanut butter on french bread for lunch
i sometimes watch some anime
and then i have dinner time
and after that i get into bed and talk to my friends online until i fall asleep

>> No.9630635
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Do you guys empty out your piss bottles or just toss them into to trash can without emptying them?

I don't empty mine but I'm always afraid someone's going to rummage through my trash and call the cops or something, tell them I'm pissing and shitting all over the neighborhood.

>> No.9630641

My bathroom and my room are connected. Get on my level.

>> No.9630649

Stop imitating George please, he doesn't know how to reset his router and can't post.

>> No.9630655

Wake up
Computer for 12 hours
Talk to friend on phone
Maybe talk to parents on phone

It's pretty sad. I live on my own. I have PTSD and some other issues. Right now my only goal is to get rid of my sinus infection. It hurts to be near dust which is impossible because I don't vaccuum enough. I can't open the window due to ragweed allergies. I don't sleep either, unrelated to the sinus infection.

Literally internet 12 hours a day.

>> No.9630666

I used to have a connected room and bathroom. It was great.

>> No.9630681
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Well my internship just ended a week ago and school doesn't start until September so I'm NEETing it up by playing vidya and sleeping at 4a.m. for like 12 hours straight. I'll miss these days once uni starts. Unless they give me a FT job offer and then I can just take it easy for my last year.

>> No.9630689

I see a penis.

>> No.9630692

Being on a Summer Holiday =/= being a NEET

>> No.9630700 [DELETED] 

Close enough since technically I'm not in education or employment as of this moment =P

>> No.9630706

Do you browse /jp/ a lot?

>> No.9630714


That's a cat and you are not a NEET.

>> No.9630717


I 've done embarrassing things, why can't I just forget about them? Why must I cringe and curl up in a ball while pulling my hair and yelling obscenities and relive those moments?

>> No.9630723


>> No.9630731

A look at his posts should answer your question.

>> No.9630734

Yeah, I was being rather tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.9630738
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That was incredibly clever. Good job.

>> No.9630740

I wasn't trying to be...

>> No.9630742


You are must be a natural.

>> No.9630744

Most NEETs that aren't depressed have goals and ambitions. Pretty much everyone does.

They're just goals like learning Japanese or just enjoying their day as much as they can.

>> No.9630750

I wish. There isn't anything particularly wrong with me, but a lack of goals and ambitions is what constantly keeps me at a standstill.

>> No.9630817
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today I realized that I can't into programming because there's way too many things and terms that I don't know and the fact that I never went to high school is a huge disadvantage


>> No.9630837

What language?

>> No.9630842

My goal is to find a job that allows me to take it easy while living in a cheap apartment in a decent neighborhood. But every time I look for such a job I feel helpless. I don't even know where to begin.

Why did you skip high school? And just out of curiosity, how old are you?

I once wanted to learn how to program stuff but I don't have the patience for it. Codes are usually tl;dr to me

>> No.9630857

NOt the guy who you are referring to but I dropped out of highschool because I have some hardcore anxiety problems. Instead of getting proper help my parents sent me to the hospital and I ended up in a terrible group home which left me traumatized and unable to even help my dad at work. (There were too many triggers.) That was 3 years ago since I really tried and I keep getting worse and worse. The professional help I had in place were -all completely clueless. I wish I had my license or a way to go get food on my own. I wish I knew how to function in real life and society. I want to be able to at least have a group of friends and be able to live with someone when I'm older. But I can't becuase of the trauma and other issues. Some are health issues too like sinus infections.

>> No.9630876
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Life as I know it

>> No.9630882
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Ok nerd, I'll indulge your curiosity.

Wake up at around 7 - 8pm.
Drink some coffee.
Make my daily run of surfing the web to check out what's new.
Wash myself off / take a bath occasionally.
Eat dinner / breakfast - whatever you want to call it.
Time for 4chan while listening to some using.
Make some good threads.
Make some good posts until I get bored.
(Occasionally masturbate at around this time some days)
Time to kill some time playing some stupid game.
Get bored of that, time to watch or re-watch some stupid Anime.
Ha Ha! Time for 4chan while listening to some music again.
Make some good threads.
Make some good posts until I start to feel sleepy.
Eat some icecream while watching / re-watching some stupid Anime.
Go to sleep at 9 - 10am.

>> No.9630890

And as you can see by the spelling errors, I am about to go to sleep.

See you nerds later.

Also, delete this fucking thread.

>> No.9630898


>> No.9630928

u wot m8

>> No.9630943
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I live with my mom and do shitty online work when I need money.

Right now I'm mentally preparing to apply for the bux since I read about the home visits in a previous thread.

>> No.9631095
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does volunteering at places disqualify the NEET status? My last real job was in December...and it really sucks to not have an income. I still have money, but if you still meet your friends and meet new people on a regular basis like I do, one of the most painful questions is "what do you do", followed by relationship/girlfriend questions.

One of the most painful/annoying things is having my mom occasionally try to have a talk with me about my "plans" because I've been out of work for so long. I've currently been trying to get a teaching job in Japan since I believe I have enough qualifications (speak English and not be retarded), but it's been a lot harder than I thought. My mom has been not supportive at all of my current pursuit and is trying to force me back into looking for jobs related to my original major, or going back into education for it (because my skillset is too outdated now). I already feel like shit for not having a job, so her telling me about the situation I already find myself in, and talking like I can just magically fix it instantly just makes me feel even worse.

As for schedule, I like staying up as early as 6-8am, so that means waking up around 12-5pm. Surf the net, play games, watch movies, and try to study Japanese. I feel bad for not having a better studying routine. After a year, I've finally made it to Genki volume 2. Back when I started I thought I could go thru a chapter a day, if I treated it like a 8hr job. It's a struggle just to study for 2hrs straight.

Anyway I have to break the neet phase soon. If Japan won't take me then I might settle for Korea. If not that then I'll go back into education but that won't make me feel any better.....as I still won't be making money.

6:44am....gonna have a fap before going to bed.

>> No.9631102

>I've currently been trying to get a teaching job in Japan
Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to japan working culture? Just get a normal job and buy a flight ticket there for a vacation.

>> No.9631108

>but if you still meet your friends and meet new people on a regular basis like I do, one of the most painful questions is "what do you do", followed by relationship/girlfriend questions.

The best advice I can give you is to stop meeting them.

>> No.9631112

/jp/ is not your blog

These NEET generals are getting shittier everytime.
It's a normalscum social club.

- sincerely , a pissed off truNEET

>> No.9631188

i wake up and go to bed at different times every day

>> No.9631218
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Wake up at 1-2pm
Browse /jp/
Play eroge/Melty Blood/something else
Watch anime/read manga
Eat convenience food
Browse /jp/
Go to sleep at 3-4am

I don't need a goal as long as I can take it easy.

>> No.9631219
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I fill it one of these up overnight and I empty it once I've woken up. I chug about a half gallon of water before I go to sleep so it breaks up my sleep sessions. That way I get the chance to experience many different dreams instead of going to sleep and possibly not dreaming at all in that one session of sleep.

>> No.9631225
File: 114 KB, 640x480, index[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many friends do you have in your school, /jp/?

>> No.9631234

I wish I was born Japanese so I could engage in tanoshii bukatsu.

>> No.9631236

Two in elementary school, one in jr high, none in high school. I feel being alone is better than being surrounded by friends could ever be.

>> No.9631237

I get so envious in every NEET lifestyle post I read.
I will never again be a NEET, I have no enablers and no potential source of funds.
Makes me want to end it now, is a non-NEET life even a life? What's the point in going on?

>> No.9631241

Move to a country where you can apply for welfare money.

>> No.9631248


I live in a country (AU) where I can apply for welfare money.
They make you search for work while you receive it.
There is no stable source of funds unless you are unemployable, and my educational and medical history show them that is not the case.
It would be a month to month, even week to week affair if I could get on welfare. Nothing ongoing.

>> No.9631251

There is a point, if you really enjoy what you're doing with your life and feel happy at the end of the day. There is no way I would live any life, NEET or not, if at the end of the day when I laid in bed I only felt dread over waking up the next day knowing that it will be just as bad as the one you just went through.

>> No.9631320
File: 323 KB, 835x1200, Hidamari_Sketch_2012-04-p6_[asagichou].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just quit. I already handed in my resignation letter to go back as a TruNEET even though I get paid like $6k/month. It is not worth it to work as a slave just to make money for some lazy ass old dude.
Live as a freeter. You can win at life too.

>> No.9631354
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For the past four years I've been working on not being a hikikomori.
I've been doing pretty great, used to be afraid of people, and now I can handle small talk with two random persons at a time. Still working on how to not lose my shit if more people appear, or if I'm caught unprepared/sober.

Otherwise, I get up at noon to early afternoon, browse /jp/, read books, VNs and fanfiction or play touhou. I try to doodle something every day and draw something every week. Progress is excruciatingly slow on all accounts, but it's there.
Once a month I like to bake stuff, though I don't really like eating them myself. I try to offer them to Jehovah's witnesses, but they've started avoiding my house now.

Recently I've been taken an interest on becoming fit, but it seems I need to cut for a year before I can afford everything. I set up a small /fit/box I fill up with loose change.

I might try getting a part time job some day, though I'm still bad at talking to people over the phone. If I could work full time, I could afford to do all the things I wouldn't have time or energy to do.

I'm usually pretty happy, and content otherwise. I never expected much from life, and I'm making most of what I have.
I've got a lot of things going on, but I've been doing great balancing them while taking it easy. Life is good.

>> No.9631358

Sounds like you are doing great. Just make sure you get a job that won't completely destroy your psyche.

>> No.9631417

>I try to offer them to Jehovah's witnesses, but they've started avoiding my house now.
Why would they do that? You'd think they would like your cooking.

>> No.9631422

If I was a person that knocked on peoples doors annoying them. I'd make it a rule not to accept anything given to me. Im sure a lot of people would love to poison them.

>> No.9631424

Hm, that is a very good point. Are they really that paranoid?

>> No.9631435

Well, as long as it isn't customer service, I shouldn't have much trouble. I even went through with my compulsory military service without breaking but once, and that was because I didn't know the nuances of how males socialize rather than the menial tasks. If I can enjoy standing in a hole for four hours after a day of no sleep while annoyingly upbeat, I doubt removing staples for a few hours a day would do me in.

As one of them explained, they need to do the rounds before they can go home, so they can't stop for a cup of tea or they'll be late. It did sound like an excuse, though, >>9631422 is probably right. People being nice to each other in my country is a point of suspicion for just about anyone, nevermind someone like the Jehovah's witnesses.

>> No.9631472

You guys should really stop naming blog threads NEET threads. Most posts are either closet normals or full blown normals, anyway.

>> No.9631496

Any post-30 NEETs here, or do you just kill yourself at 30?

>> No.9631508

Indeed. /jp/ now is not like /jp/ before

I'm sick of the current community

sure, there were always some closet normals or wanna be hikkies but now it has gone too far

>> No.9631521

Not NEET this year. Though it's arguable. I'll stop going to my course in some weeks because I stopped doing the coursework long ago.
It's no wonder I was left out, right? The retards teamed up with the retards, the "internet tough guys" teamed up with their kin, some friends obviously teamed up by themselves. A buffed up version of "find a partner" from the long gone days of PE.
Not a matter of man-hours, but of morale. No way I'll stand doing four people's worth of work when it could be for nothing.
That's what happens when I try going out of the house.

But on the plus side, waking up early and "having a routine" has helped me a bit. I can read, I'm grinding kanji, my attention deficit has lessened. Though of course the feeling of doom is still there. I still don't have any qualifications for work that pays more than minimum salary, and I think I would kill myself if I found I had no other choice but to be with lower middle and working class, rude, ignorant, loudmouthed scum for eight hours every day.
To all the NEETs with psychological problems who want to get better, I'd wholeheartedly recommend something like what I'm doing. I know there are very few "no pressure" activities in this shit society, but if you find one, it could at least enhance your NEET activities. Some voluntary work, maybe. Or a 3+ hours per day course.

>> No.9631537
File: 141 KB, 433x457, 1344108902858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought something for fun and to pass the time and I'm already having buyers remorse. I haven't even gotten it yet. Having very limited money from autismbucks is stressful.

I just want to save every penny I get for "emergency funds".

>> No.9631543

but. how can you give it your all if you just live from day to day?
question: don't you wan't to live your life to the fullest?

directed at /jp/

>> No.9631568

not neet or not even a secret Otaku

>> No.9631571


How can you live your life to the fullest if you have a job and waste half of your time there? Nearly everyone has something interfering with their pursuit of happiness. If you are more interested in material gain a NEET lifestyle would be very bad for you. If you value your time above money working would be bad for you.

>> No.9631578

Let's change gears. What was the last thing you recently ate? Or what will you be eating next?

I deciding between mapo tofu or porkchops with eggs on rice.

>> No.9631595

I started working three weeks ago and I already hate it. I have no time for anything aside of weekends and I'm always tired.

>> No.9631596

what's the point of working

doing something you don't care for 8-14 h straight

what's the point, I rather be dead

>> No.9631598

I wish I lived in a welfare state

>> No.9631601

There are a few hanging around here

>> No.9631602

Last thing I ate was a pretty basic chocolate cake I made myself, was pretty neat. Might have eggs and fried rice later.

>> No.9631607

I realized something today

being NEET is not a choice

it's luck

if your country doesn't have a proper welfare program or opportunities for autismbux, then you are forced to work or you will die on the street

next time you badmouth a falseNEET, just remember that they might have not had a choice

>> No.9631611

Dark chocolate covered raisins and cashews.

>> No.9631617


No, its gets better as you get older. Every day is awesome. I'm a bit lucky though since there is a giant forest behind me and almost no people around. If I ever get bored inside, I can just go outside in my private forest (it's like 15sqm and has a lake and many bogs in it).

Oh you. Keep looking forward to your retirement, I'm already there.

I wasn't smart enough to do anything amazing for NASA or in cutting-edge engineering fields, therefore there was no point doing anything. Less than 0.1% of the human population is actually useful.

>> No.9631619

>No, its gets better as you get older. Every day is awesome. I'm a bit lucky though since there is a giant forest behind me and almost no people around. If I ever get bored inside, I can just go outside in my private forest (it's like 15sqm and has a lake and many bogs in it).
So you're rich or what?

>> No.9631626

Yes, it's just like >>9631607 said. It's why I don't look down on half-NEET or pseudo-NEETs.

It's like double luck. You have to be born first in the right country and not in Africa, then beyond that you have to born into a rich family or be able to get excessive mentalbucks (You can go a long way on very little money if you are willing to live with a few other people, even if you never interact with them).

>> No.9631628


I had some Wheat Thins.

>> No.9631630

He eats beetle grub like Bear Grylls

>> No.9631634


The only thing that bugs me are summer vacation NEETs.

>> No.9631638

i never talked about working. i was merely talking about living from day to day. isn't that just another way of wasting yur time?

i also never talked about being useful to anyone.

i guess i'm just talking about having a higher goal. something that may be harder to do. what is your excuse for not pushing yourself /jp/?

the arguments in these threads arguments are not as solid as you might think. the outside world would be perfectly correct in calling you lazy.

so, do you admit being lazy?

>> No.9631642

My goals are to play every video game and watch every anime and look at chinese cartoon porn and have fun.

I think I do well at it, but I am not the best. I am wasting time on /jp/ right now, after all.

>> No.9631652

It seems like there are a lot Neets that don't want to be that way.

I wish I could something, but I'm not much better (I just have work and pretend to study a career but fail everything always)

I'm beginning to think that the NHK conspiracy is actually real. There are a lot of people getting money out of ruining some people's lifes.

>> No.9631654


Well, the majority of people NEET or not don't accomplish anything worthwhile. I am a shut in NEET with some goals, none of which involve working. It is hard reaching those goals while struggling with mental illness, but I am working on it. I actually had one goal in life when I was younger, I met it a long time ago, now I have a new goal. If I don't meet my new goal I suppose I will be a failure, but if I do a new goal will need to be created. Either way, we all fail in the end, everyone will always wish they did a little more.

>> No.9631659

you get money, that's the point

>> No.9631668

Used to be NEET, found a job and got my own place. So far I have started going to the gym (I look like a normal person), visited a tan salon, read books about social and cultural stuff, bought some better clothes, and made some acquaintances. I still feel inadequate, but by next summer I hope I can integrate better in society.

>> No.9631672

being as hedonistic as possible doesn't qualify as 'pushing yourself'

>> No.9631671

I'm a self employed neet that earns 1~3k a month. That way I can justify doing nothing when I'm earning at least minimum wage. I need SOMETHING to come out of very week and month so that my life doesn't seem like a waste.

>> No.9631678

You're joking, right?

>> No.9631679

>visited a tan salon
oh god why.

>> No.9631686


Nope. I was in denial before when I thought I was enjoying being a NEET and staying inside all day on the internet.


Because I'm very pale from years of no sunlight.

>> No.9631689


What's so great about being tanned? I'll never understand white people.

>> No.9631690


That does not sound appealing to me at all. It's nice that you are happy but just because you like something doesn't mean everyone should.

>> No.9631691

That sounds horrible

>> No.9631694

You just try and play as many video games as I do, then you'll understand.

>> No.9631696


No rational explanation, people think it's more attractive so I do it.

>> No.9631698

Keep on doing those things that you guys do.
I dont give a fuck. Being lazy is an enjoyment.

>> No.9631714

Yeah, I bet you've be doing this all summer. Sure is fun, huh?

>> No.9631726

What are you talking about.
I have been doing it for years.

>> No.9631729

>There are a lot of people getting money out of ruining some people's lifes.

No, the rich just need you to remain a consumer and work just hard enough to pay for your consumption and thus they make money off your consumption. Any additional wealth beyond a certain amount is actually a threat to their position because you might begin to compete and join their ranks.

>> No.9631732

Let's rob a bank, /jp/.

>> No.9631733

This is a NEET thread.
This isnt a thread for non NEET to blog about their super interesting real work exploits.

>> No.9631735

Shut up, Weekend Neet.

>> No.9631738

Push myself? Tell me, what is the purpose of straining myself for the short time I will be alive in this world? I got a 100 short years at the absolute most - do you really think I'm going to spend any second doing something that I dislike? In a thousand years from now, nobody will care or remember whether or not I existed or what I did during my time. I have to enjoy as much as possible while I'm still here. As for the rest of the world's population, they can suffer and be enslaved all they want. I'm not going to follow that path.

>> No.9631739

Fuck off normalfag. >>>/r9k/ is waiting for you.

>> No.9631741

let's do it nigga I already got a glock on me, loaded and shit too

>> No.9631763

calling me a normalfag... lel, nigga, lel. Isn't your summer vacation almost over? You must be so psyched to start school next week.

>> No.9631775

Lazy is an inaccurate label to use for NEETs because that implies that person could do more. It is possible that person is running almost full bore and being a NEET is about all they can handle at that point in their lives. If they can, they should fix their mental problem and move on with their lives.

I will tell you this, if you remain out of work for a long time, it looks very bad on your resume (like a conviction). That's because human resource departments as well as interviewers look at this as a symptom of the person's mental stability. As a supervisor, I've interviewed people and turned them down solely on the basis of them having a poor work ethic. We don't need to hire who get a job because they need money to live; we hire people that WANT and LOVE working because that is their career. If you're working just to make a living, we don't want you. Because of the gap between wealthy and not-wealthy, the better jobs (like ours) can afford to have this attitude in hiring. Frankly, we'd rather leave the position open than to hire someone that wasn't ideal.

Surely you've all heard the various stories of people who are the opposite of NEET. Even when they are wealthy and retired, they cannot stop working since idleness drives them up the wall. My own grandfather was like that.

>> No.9631776

Don't forget to wear pantsu on your face to hide your identity.

>> No.9631789

It's nice how you can afford to turn away someone who's trying not to starve to death. I understand that you're not running a charity and need to make money, but damn.

>> No.9631792

Stay frustrated. What is the problem? Cant slack? Have a job to go to? Having monday blue?
Sleeping whenever you want and thinking about all the wonderful thing(non work/enjoyable entertainment) that you can do in your free time is a privilege. Enjoy your work and social obligation nerd.

>> No.9631807

You make it sound like I'm idle. I'm playing three video games at once right now, fart commander.

Get on my level.

>> No.9631812

Ah, shut the fuck up. Most NEETs aren't going to be fucking important to company in the first. I hope you're all prepared to move crates like a spick nigger.

>> No.9631821
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Neeting every day.

>> No.9631833

oh sh*t nice idea, I'm on that

aite yo I'm pickin you up in my NEETmobile in about 5 hours do that up do that up

>> No.9631864

>Wake up at noon.
>reply to all the texts I've missed from my friends with normal sleeping habits.
>Practise violin/read/draw
>Work on script/illustrations for my comic which I will eventually try to get published.
>Do a couple of commissions if I have any outstanding. (Not a job as I don't take enough work to make a stable income.)
>Go out if I can be bothered. If not leisure time.

I also set aside at least 2 hours of study time in a day because I get bored if I'm not particularly engaged. When I get bored I get impatient and frustrated and when that happens I make rash decisions.

In my boredom I have; worked as a PI for 3 months, joined mensa, threw knives into a door just to see if I could still throw them, built an MP3 player from scratch circuit boards and all and during my more depressed episodes watched entire seasons of TV shows in a single sitting. I have been unemployed for about a year though and spent at least 6 months completely idle.

>> No.9631869
File: 3 KB, 255x162, neetmobile v0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh here's the vehicle prototype design nigga

I might fix it up a bit before we go to the bank if you want some sick shit on it too homes

>> No.9631909

Ugh, I hate all you bastards with skills or talents. Can you please fuck off?

>> No.9631914

>What's it like not feeling like you're working towards anything?
How does it feel constantly deluding yourself that you're always working toward something?

>> No.9631919 [DELETED] 

keep turning 'em down smart guy. they'll just go collect your tax money via unemployment insurance, food stamps, and other social welfare.

i don't know what company you work for, but "career" love working? i think you're too full of yourself. work is the means, not the goal for many. full your head out of your ass and don't think just cause you like it so much everyone else should. there's been many people who'd have more to society than your entire bloodline and have that same philosophy.

>> No.9631923

keep turning 'em down smart guy. they'll just go collect your tax money via unemployment insurance, food stamps, and other social welfare.

i don't know what company you work for, but "career" love working? i think you're too full of yourself. work is the means, not the goal for many. pull your head out of your ass and don't think just cause you like it so much everyone else should. there's been many people who've added more to society than your entire bloodline and have that same philosophy.

>> No.9631924

You should be a knife-throwing PI that uses the power of music to solve problems

>> No.9631938

I work towards things everyday, OP is an ignorant normal.

>> No.9631941

I don't think he is being honest about who he is, man. Honestly, I don't know what kind of human resources imbecile would even believe that the first jobs NEETs are going to look into are going to be desk jobs at some company.

>> No.9631942

i work towards orgasm every single day too. doesn't make me special.

>> No.9631946

There are almost seven billion people on the planet, how could anyone possibly be special?

>> No.9631957


Music solves nothing, although PI work is surprisingly simple. It's made out to be a glamorous but difficult job. In truth it's mostly working for law firms although I did get one case where a "government worker" was being followed and he wanted my help... Turns out he was just some low level security guard at MI5, but, he was being followed. I proved it, documented it and turned the official case over to the police because legally I couldn't actually confront the people following him.

I did have to house break once, that was a clients house though.

>> No.9631974


Develop a skill or talent, it's not like you're born able to do anything really besides breathe and sleep.

>> No.9631984

yeah also i went to space moon and shit and got hired by nintendo to make chips from my ass

>> No.9631991

or just fake it, I mean as long as you're not mentally ill your current dissatisfaction with life must be indicative of some intelligence.

>> No.9632006

That logic is retarded. Not trying to say that I'm a unique snowflake myself, or even that anyone really is special, I just hope you realize that what you said is a non-sequitur.

>> No.9632029


how did you manage to become a PI and what did you do

>> No.9632050


What's wrong?

High school educated at a guess, definitely public schooled and working class. If you have had a job you were dissatisfied with it and any future prospects are definitely not as grandiose as you would like. I would go further but you haven't given me much to go on.

Just because someone does something you don't, or that you believe is more interesting than you personally are capable of doesn't mean they're lying now if you are that insecure about yourself then you really ought to work on self improvement.

>> No.9632054

is it true that moon wimmyn have 3 tits

>> No.9632073


I took a quick 2 month course, PI's over here don't actually need to be licensed but it helps to have a qualification or two. After that I just posted on CL and gumtree and after doing a couple of basic, silly cases I got took on by a law firm on a freelance basis.

Most of your clients will likely be; law workers, paranoid idiots, people being cheated on, people who occupy very minor positions in government and people with too much money.

It helps to have a good working knowledge of computer forensics, and a business card. Hand them out to clients they tend to be circulated without you helping them along.

There are probably PI firms near where you live, try getting a part time job there.

>> No.9632076


>Bragging about joining Mensa

This is how I know you're a faggot.

>> No.9632084


Aww look at the poor attempt to circumvent an argument with an over-used defensive mechanism. Have you been to see a therapist about that inadequacy complex yet? How's your Dad?

Sooo adorable.

>> No.9632088


I wasn't bragging, I did say it was a stupid decision.

>> No.9632091


Jesus Christ dude get over yourself.

I think it's pretty obvious you're the one with an inferiority complex if you feel the need to brag about your cool life on /jp/.

>> No.9632095


It's not cool, it's boring. I just don't like being called a liar is all.

>> No.9632096

Not that guy, but thanks for using a trip. Now I don't need to see your egotistic posts.

>> No.9632099


and if anything it'd be narcissistic personality disorder, not an inadequacy complex. Do your research.

>> No.9632102

He reminds me of all the girls that end up tripwhoring themselves all over /jp/ since they know they are failures in every other domain

You just have to find someone that you think is one step lower than you, brag about your accomplishments to them, and it will give you a nice false (although it seems very real) sense of security and happiness

>> No.9632122

do u have cadillac fedora

>> No.9632126


Can anyone convince these two to continue the conversation I'm rather enjoying it. I wonder what sort of 'expercience' they're basing the conclusions on.

>> No.9632136



>> No.9632162

If you wanted to not derail the conversation you probably shouldn't have readily engaged in a slap fight with these two fags.

>> No.9632181

wake up

>> No.9632195

Why not be a NEET? I don't work because I don't necessarily have to. I'm a healthy individual that prefers to live a fairly simplistic life. I'm also extremely cheap and I rarely buy anything for myself. The only time I really spend up money is when I hang out with my friends and even then it's never more than nine dollars.

>> No.9632246

I have a little under a month to get a job or my jack ass of a father is throwing me out. Any where that would little stress and social interaction? Bonus points if its hours are at night/early morning.

>> No.9632261


I'm pretty sure they both blocked my trip

>> No.9632272
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I don't block trips.

>> No.9632290

Remember mah niggas... you got the touch!


>> No.9632340


I am indeed a failure, but, I never did try to feel superior to anyone on the internet.

I know that I lack all motivation to better myself in any real sense of the word. I simply do not want to be more than I am. I'm happy to just be an ordinary worker who does an 8 hour shift 5 days a week and comes home to a relatively comfortable apartment. That's all I want and need and right now I have enough money to not work for the next 18 months and so I wont.

>> No.9632349


Graveyard? Gas station? Whale-mart?

>> No.9632364

1. feels like nothing. i don't care anymore.
2. learning a language, do well at school
3. i can answer this too: see 1
4. taking it easy in the literal sense

wake up
browse /jp/
play mmo's
browse /jp/
wasting more time until dinner
browse /jp/
sleep late
and so on

>> No.9632375

new to /jp/ right?

kindly fuck off

>> No.9632383

>built an MP3 player from scratch circuit boards

Ha. Do you expect anyone to believe you built an mp3 decoder and a headphone amp all from scratch? Nice try.

>> No.9632386

Don't tell me what to do you, bum sniffing faggot. I oughta snuff u dead in ur dick.

>> No.9632390

Jelly faggot you wish you were as skilled as that.

>> No.9632397

> I never did try to feel superior to anyone on the internet

Not any of the people you're talking to, but this post:

Is dripping with feelings of superiority. Why are you even using a trip anyways?

>> No.9632401

Ha, I hope you quoted the wrong person for your own sake. I will wreck you.

>> No.9632403

i live with my mom, i have no job. i feel that i must do something to improve my current situation

>> No.9632407

what to do when you spend 4 hours laying in bed watching stupid shit (i watch runescape videos and i dont even play that game) instead of sleeping. if i turn off the computer and try to sleep i'll just end up laying there for 5 hours. every single night.

>> No.9632408

He's lame as fuck is all I know. How much of a loser do you have to be to wave your dick at a bunch turbonerds?

>> No.9632410

I don't spend any money really, and my mom still pays for my food. I'm 29, I'll kill myself when I turn 30.

>> No.9632413


Actually I did cheat a little I used a preloaded SMD (VSLI) chip for MP3/WAV decoding and headphone amp.

I know, I suck.

>> No.9632418

So you find the DIY mp3 kit from google just now? Nice.

>> No.9632422


I was mildly annoyed in that post, and I needed it on another board when I was posting and forgot to delete it. Besides now people can direct rage at me.

>> No.9632423
File: 20 KB, 300x425, sagancollection[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to create an MP3 player from scratch, you must first create the universe.

>> No.9632434

He comes off to me as some tokiko-esque troll abomination.

>> No.9632436

32 here, my life is shit

>> No.9632443


No, but I did buy that same chip. I wanted a configuration that I could stick on a watch strap for running instead of having an ipod rattling around in my pocket.

Simple printed circuit board using a copper plate, mapped out on egocad. I using the tom gootee toner transfer method, 1 part HCL to 2 part H2O2.

Am I done with this argument yet?

>> No.9632448

do u know how the screw driver?!

>> No.9632455

that's pretty cool, i wish i could know about electronics

>> No.9632511

>mapped out on egocad

>> No.9632517

wake up at 6
browse 4chan
get bored
go back to sleep
wake up around 2 or so
internet until about 12
go back to bed

Anything I want to do is tossed in that 10 hour span, but most of the time it's just scrolling down 4chan

Not having a goal is terrible. Some days I just sit here and lay my head on the desk because I'm experiencing nothing new and having no satisfaction. I make goals for myself on the brighter days, but by the time the next day comes along I've tossed them aside because I know I won't achieve them.

I currently live with my grandparents, who not only support me but also my mother and uncle as well. I know this life can't continue on, because eventually they'll pass. I was lucky and was born the favorite, so they don't ever bother me with finding work while trying to force it onto the others of the family. Anytime the issue is brought up though, I get anxious and set myself away from the rest of the house.

If I could just have a place where I could just have the necessities + internet, I would be alright I think. Even though I was the favorite, I never was much on spending a ton of money.

>> No.9632546


egocad not egout

>> No.9632575

I like you, anon. Why don't you come over? I'll let you fuck my sister.

>> No.9632582

oh god did you misheard a certain video from youtube or something. this is getting really funny.

>> No.9632598

You guys are lucky.

Being NEET sucks when you have PTSD.

>> No.9632605


Could be remembering wrong but I'm 80% sure it was egocad

>> No.9632617

tee hee. it kind of sounds like they are saying ego. but they aren't saying ego.

>> No.9632618

No thanks
That's fucking gross
I'll never touch a 3D girl

No offense to you or your sister, anon

>> No.9632621

hikki of 13 years (dropped out at 13 y/o, haven't really left the house outside doctors appointments or a walk when its pitch black and no one is out around 2am...26 soon.)

I wake up at 1PM
make breakfast
play games, watch anime, masturbate or stress out about my future until dinner
eat dinner (mother makes)
continue to play games, etc
go for a walk when its really fucking dark out and on a weekday so no one sees me
lay in bed stressing out about my life

IF anything happened to my mother I would be completely fucked:

no high school degree
never worked a day in my life (26)
suffer panic attacks even around 1-2 people
white, male -- no government handout
no car, license, motivation, money
0 friends, no family I could leech off of
too stupid to complete Canadian GED

why can't I take it easy?

>> No.9632628


I have it installed on my other computer still, I'll check it when I have time.

>> No.9632630

Holy shit, dude and I thought four years was bad... maybe I shouldn't bitch so much.

>> No.9632634


Also yes I did use a youtube video to figure out how to map the circuit board but can't remember which one

>> No.9632636

"feminine" is shaming language used by females to get you to "Man up" because men are disposible (they work the coal mines, go to war and work the fishing boats) while women are supposed to leech off of the state (that mostly men fund) while they sit at their comfy office jobs talking all day.

Lemme guess, you were raised by an "independent single mother" right?

No wonder you are a pussy, never had a real male role model just like Women / the state want.

If you had a uterus you could take it easy by leeching instant free welfare or claiming one of a billion other legal options

Men are disposable (Nature), women are not (Nurture)


Welcome to the Men's Rights Movement.

>> No.9632637

I'm going through the exact same situation, except I'm a lot younger than you. I'm actually taking GED classes soon though. I need something to occupy my mind. It's hard to take it easy with traumatic thoughts racing in your head. Anime and Games have been my only gateway to sanity.

>> No.9632643


You can at least take the GED. The test is so easy, any retard can pass it.

>> No.9632644

The past week I gave woken up, watched LPs on youtube, played video games and then watched The Office until I went to bed.

I am 2 episodes to season 7.

>> No.9632649

the only way you can confuse the names so badly is by hearing it only.

>> No.9632651


You too. All you need is 2 days on khan academy. Even the math is laughable...it's just geometry and statistics. Everything else is just grammar which should be no problem for you since you post on 4chan all day. I passed mine the first time in my sleep.

>> No.9632652


>> No.9632682

I just keep my bank account at the same number. It's been at the saem amount for like 3 years now. I buy and collect some stuff, just to passt he time as a hobby.

Is that a good idea or should I save for emergencies? Fuck I have nothing to do when I get bored I collect things.

>> No.9632684

Canadian GED isn't like that...you have to do as well as 50% of the passing class from the year or two previous (they rewrite the tests using people that pass)

only benefit is that parts of it are multiple choice.

I still have to learn:

Math (Might as well be innumerate, can't do simple times tables without using my hands nevermind square roots and pre-calc)

Science (Atomic theory, carbon cycle, chemistry, biology and other math heavy stuff)

Social Studies (I want to study ... but good luck retaining any information on CANADIAN HISTORY ... the most boring thing EVER)

Writing (I could probably do this part, but need to study up ... english is pretty complex but I don't think this part is that hard because they just want simple sentence correction ,reading comprehension and a short essay)

As far as Science,Math and Canadian History goes, they aren't like the American system where 2+2 = diploma.

>> No.9632692

I find Khan academy hard to use for GED study because:

1) there are thousands of videos
2) the videos are out of chronological order and its hard to find each individual lesson they incorporate into other videos.

>> No.9632698

Isn't there a legitimate guide on the site? As in, you follow different paths in chronological order?

>> No.9632714


they have some "talent tree" looking thing if you dig deep, but it too is out of order.

would be a good corospondance tool if you had a framework from another school that told you exactly what you need to learn (specific Algebra functions) but they never do, thus you miss critical lessons and have have the tools to fix a problem and don't know where to find the others.

It's a cluster fuck.

>> No.9632732
File: 262 KB, 600x600, 4ef954c7aa8b118592fb9d8365fda059575394ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tear your face off and strangle you with your own butt cheeks.

>> No.9632772

Which province are you in? Kinda obvious but some are more generous with asspies than others. Hope you don't live in don't-trample-on-me Alberta, otherwise known as Canadian Texas.

>> No.9632792

It isn't fucking rocket science... you search the subject, you look at the videos on the subject and that's it.

>> No.9632793
File: 8 KB, 275x183, metallica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you have a culture of "don't tread on me" in a monarchic state where everybody's technically a "subject" i.e. a piece of property?

>> No.9632819

It's a constitutional monarchy and the monarchy component really doesn't mean shit. Specifically it's just the attitude that they want and expect others to take care of their own problems. They'd much rather play cowboy with their guns a'plenty (highest amount in Canada duh) than leave anything to the cops or government really. Alberta as a province also has something akin to an attitude problem which is pretty funny when you see it tussle with the government and other provinces on just about everything. Rugged individualism abound.

>> No.9632840

Wiki Ralph Klein if you want to see the kind of attitude I'm talking about. That swashbuckling drunk was absolutely hilarious though. Their new premier has to step up his game to truly represent Alberta.

>> No.9632852

British Columbia

I am a white, natural born Canadian male so I doubt I would qualify for any type of welfare ... I also live with my mother who brings in 60k a year so, yeah.

>> No.9632864
File: 7 KB, 169x169, 1327813721318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stopped fapping a good 2 months ago because I wanted to stop wasting my NEET time, but a couple hours ago I was daydreaming about being in a museum and there was a video where they were showing dinosaurs having intercourse and for some fucked up reason I got aroused and made a mess in my boxer briefs.

I woke up and just laughed at how screwed up it was. It also feels like I failed at the one task I gave myself and am completely worthless now, even though I figured it would happen against my will at some point.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.9632886

You just want to be an alpha t-rex getting pussy, s'alright.


>> No.9632896

An overseas monarch, of another country, is technically your head of state, lol

>> No.9632910

Welp, you're out of the running but BC should be nicer than some in terms of welfare. Even if you're homeless you won't have an angry drunken premier throwing coins at you and telling you to get a fucking job like in Alberta. You can always enroll in an adult HS. They're still free for you. If the day ever comes, you can qualify for welfare without your mum and if you're bilingual with roots in Quebec or have even a single drop of aboriginal blood that'd help too.

>> No.9632938

The Queen doesn't have any formal power so it's just a drain on the coffers for all the ceremonial stuff/positions for the sake of HISTORY. After all, Canada was the 'good' kid that never rebelled punk-teenager style like the relatives to the south. Full autonomy was gained slowly.

>> No.9632951
File: 85 KB, 286x264, 1344782884538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just accepting it, you're defending it?

>> No.9633010

Don't know. I've never really been a goal oriented person. When I was a kid all I wanted to do was have fun and enjoy myself and I guess I never matured from that mindset. I have no natural talent or intelligence to back up that lifestyle so I was pretty much shit at academics all my life too since all I wanted to do was enjoy myself.

I can see that my future is going to be pretty dark but that's all the more reason to enjoy myself to the fullest right now. I'm kind of counting on the world ending this year so I don't have to worry about that future but it probably won't. Still, I'm an optimistic person, I've lived my life thinking "Everything will alright" and so far it has.

>> No.9633067

You guys have so little human interaction.

I'm on teamspeak every hour whilst I'm awake, with people I've known from 2004 to the present day. Without these familiar voices I'd be dead.

>> No.9633070 [DELETED] 

>Wake up
>watch some anime while I eat breakfast
>watch my youtube videos and other random crap
>play video-games
>browse 4chan
>eat dinner and watch more anime
>play some games with my friends
>browse 4chan
>play video games
>when I finally get bored I take my meds and go to sleep

>> No.9633071
File: 40 KB, 360x687, bbqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But our Queen so kawaii desu desu

>> No.9633072

Sounds like you're too dependent on them.

>> No.9633076

It's been years since I've spoken a full sentence, I don't know if I even remember how to.

>> No.9633077

they would probably think you're pathetic if they knew about your neeting. enjoy your 'real friends'

>> No.9633088

doesn any one have this thing

can't remember day to day activities. you have to think really hard about what you did the day beofre

if i were to ask you what you did last wednesday, would you remember. i cant remember that but can usually commit things to memory otherwise

something about totally ruining your circadian rhythm and not living in a linear timeframe, which is what hours and years of computer use will do to your mind as with me

>> No.9633104

Omega men leaving a hedonistic life-style because they had no male role model and they know that only the popular/wealthy alphas get ALL the sex ... thus they would only be worker drones in a society that threw them overboard decades ago... they can't even get pussy anymore.

At least before feminism and the destruction of religion you could find yourself a virgin wife through the church community and actually build a healthy community.

Now everyone is a hedonistic drone ... working hard for status to potential get a 1 night stand with a "sexually liberated woman" to have her spit out a kid and ruin your life while she fucks an alpha and uses you as bank roll.

No morals
No compassion
No place for the omega that built this shit and sent men to the moon, created the internet and invented the retard tube so they could watch celebrity gossip.

Let it burn ... and it will sooner or later because we WERE the glue to hold this shit together.

embrace what is coming.

>> No.9633105
File: 48 KB, 456x432, truemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDGY award of the day.

>> No.9633108

My days are all the same, I just check what I've opened on my computer recently to see what I've been doing.

>> No.9633111

You sound fucking retarded. It's hard to believe you're a normal person.

>> No.9633115

Omegas never were hedonistic. Omegas never get any.

>> No.9633116

Can't refute it, can't point to any glimmer of hope.

Can only throw shit... but its okay, but its happening whether you like it or not.

>> No.9633121

There's nothing to refute. You prop up a string of baseless assertions with nothing to back them up, and couch them in a very self-important language.

>> No.9633122

Yo Alex u r gey :D

>> No.9633139

Just stop it David, if you want to tell me something just say it on Steam chat. The people on /jp/ don't care about our lover's feud.

>> No.9633142

But I don't love you. You are too hairy, I want a cute hairless boyfriend.

>> No.9633141

Watch The F Word

>> No.9633146

Be tsun as you want, you might not admit it in front of these /jp/sies but you'll say the truth soon enough.

>> No.9633155

I love these /jp/sies more than I will EVER love you!
They ask me to suck their cocks at least 3 times a day.
That's 3 more than you EVER have

>> No.9633160

You make it sound as if we wanted to get some in the first place.

>> No.9633161

But do they give you your minimum of 4 hugs a day?

Yeah, I didn't think so. Lewdness is never as great as hugs.

>> No.9633162

I can sympathize, here's something to giggle about, last week I went to tell my dad all the lights in the bathroom had finally burnt out, but when I opened my mouth all that came out was like a strangled squeak. After a moment of horror I muttered the word "lights" and went back into my room.

It dawned on me that I hadn't spoken aloud since around February or so. Bit of a shock, that. Especially considering I used to talk to myself pretty often. Wonder when I stopped.

>> No.9633186

A carbon fiber powerhouse with a 5-liter V8 from an old BMW M5 in the back.

>> No.9633243
File: 213 KB, 477x358, 134cdd386a5de4f916f6b3570282520c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday a doctor checked for testicular cancer. No cancer, thankfully, but It was the first time anyone had touched my penis since infacy. Unfortunately it was a man.

>> No.9633292

best you can hope for omega, back to work.

>> No.9633298

Who the fuck are you calling omega? I'll go outside right now and fuck your mother.

>> No.9633405

I wish I could make a reply but I do work. I get paid for doing home health care for my older brother and work remotely from home. It's really an open ended sort of schedule and I don't make much money, but it's enough to pay my mom rent.

>> No.9633432

did you pop a boner?

>> No.9633513

Wake up at around 10 am
eat while watching an episode of Futurama
Play TF2 for 1.5/2 hours
browse 4chan
download a bunch of music or watch anime
go to bed around 2/3 am

no truNEET yet, but this has been my routine for 4 months or so. I'm feeling really weird about it. Used to enjoy going to concerts but stopped going and ignore party buddies that keep asking me why I'm not coming. Used to go to football (soccer) games a lot, but I can't be bothered now. Can't remember the last time I went out for something other than buying food.

>> No.9633521

Could scooter anon please tell me which electric scooter he has?

>> No.9633702

Wake up between 9 and 11 a.m.
Eat breakfast, check RSS reader
Browse 4chan for 2-3 hours
Spend anywhere from 1 to 8 hours doing housework, yardwork, and taking care of the family dog (who is very old)
Depending on how much stuff to do and how lazy I am that day, I'll spend more time intermittently browsing 4chan or playing games
Make dinner around 7 or 8 p.m., start doing Anki reps
Parents and dog go to bed around 9-10
After that, I usually spend about 1-3 hours studying Japanese (after doing Anki reps)
Then 1-3 hours watching anime, reading manga, reading LNs, reading VNs, or browsing 4chan more
Go to sleep around 2 a.m.

If I could find some way to cut down on my 4chan usage, I would have a lot more time for other hobbies.

Anyway, my parents usually yell at me every few months to get a job, but with how much stuff I do around here for them, I feel like I have a job already. Not to mention the fact that I often end up taking care of my grandparents and doing other errands every week. Spending hours doing work around here, and then turning around and spending hours applying to places asking for 10 years of experience for a minimum wage job, well, it's just too fucking depressing to think of.

I keep wanting to start drawing, just for fun. But after reading up on it, and browsing /ic/ off an on, it seems like an insurmountable task, and a huge time sink to even see improvement.

>> No.9634396


Just get a pencil and some paper. That's all you need to start.

>> No.9634639


/ic/ is the worst. They would have you believe that unless you paint like a Dutch master your art is shit.

>> No.9634651

Why are the Japanese more accepting of letting their children be NEETs? Is it the honorable to the family name thing?

>> No.9634657


also they probably know they fucked their children over by stimulating a doomed economy and going into massive debt...wait....JUST LIKE AMERICA!

>> No.9634810 [DELETED] 

I'm 29 and I've been NEET for 10 months. Failed out of Uni again last December. If I start back up in the Fall, it will be my 9th year in college. I dropped out of high school, so graduating from college would be huge and it is my life's goal. I haven't worked in 9 years either, and even then it was only for 4 months. In college, I've never had a girlfriend, only been to like 2 parties, never had any friends, never worked. My parents supported me but now I'm on the bux, as I have a long medical history. I'm not a virgin, though. I gave the in out to a few fat chicks.

My days this past 10 months have been waking up around 11am and literally browsing the internet until I fall asleep around 12am. Sometimes I watch anime, take naps, or go through my old textbooks to stay sharp. I don't want to be NEET. My parents are getting old and it has always been my intention to give them grandkids, but at the rate I'm going it may not happen.

Even though I don't really get depressed about my life anymore because I'm heavily medicated, I'm still bitter at all the jobs I've been turned down for. There's a party near my place and I seriously entertained the thought of calling the cops and reporting a noise disturbance even though they aren't playing music just so I could spite all those normalfags. How dare they have fun without me. I tried to be normal and have a job and friends just as much as they did. But I didn't have the luxury of nepotism or a support network of friends to help me through my bad times. Anyway, I'm long past the point of feeling bad about spending the weekend home alone.

>> No.9635508


Shit, I've never been there before. I just when, all the OC I found was straight up amateur shit. They have no right being pretentious about anything.

>> No.9635529

Any one else like cooking and preparing food? It's always nice to go to a store and buy ingredients for later. You've always got sweets to go with your tea this way.

>> No.9635543


I like microwave burritos and Pepsi.

>> No.9635547

I'm interested in cooking, but I never know what to make.

>> No.9635648

I got a job at a video rental store, people don't still rent movies often do they?

>> No.9635663

I've been working for about a week at a movie theater, the day shift. Its not too bad, since I run the projector.>>9635648

>> No.9635684

I actually ponder if i should become a NEET. I'm currently 25 and have worked for 10 years. Still in employment right now but feeling like i could get a mental break down any moment if things continue the way they are.

Since i'm living a were humble lifestyle, i accumulated quite a bit of money. Enough so i can leech of it for the next five years without a problem.

My family isn't exactly poor either(not rich by any means) so even after those five years i shouldn't have to worry about money that much.

I'm still reluctant to do it. My goal was to earn enough dough for atleast 10 years of unemployment

>> No.9635689

I would say work until you're 30 than live the good life. Maybe you'll get some inheritance by then too.

What do you do for a living?

>> No.9635702

What if I joined the army? You only have to work until you're 40.

>> No.9635709

Working on a call center(hillarious because i'm not a very social person) Our customers are particulary stressful and certain things just happend to make that even worse

Inheritance is certainly an option, but thats not something i will consider out of respect

Deep down i already know that i won't quitting. Either the company breaks down(very likely) or i go insane(not mutual exsclusive)

>> No.9635716

Don't quit, get fired or laid off and collect unemployment.

>> No.9635729


Thats funny because it was the same thing my grand parents said(they are pretty cool people)

It will probably end that way anyway, maybe i should just try to keep my sanity by not giving a shit anymore

>> No.9635730
File: 105 KB, 969x420, omuraisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cook more, for healthiness, variety, and just because it can be enjoyable sometimes. I'm such a picky eater though, I'll pore through recipes and not find anything I'd want to eat. Though one recipe I came across was for lemon chicken and that might be something I'll try eventually.

>> No.9635735

Same, I'm tired of ramen.

>> No.9635736

do you have any more pictures like this?

>> No.9635743

Seems like a lot of food.

>> No.9635760

Nope, sorry.

>> No.9635774

I can't even enjoy tv anymore. I just get pissed at how all these people have such easy lives and all this money by doing basically nothing.

>> No.9635789

ah thats a shame. i never learned to cook and simple recipes like these are really interesting to me because i can actually make them.

>> No.9636013

I remember seeing a pretty good omurice recipe on youtube, search for "cooking with dog" (I'm serious), they have a lot

>> No.9636024

Anyone trying to reduce masturbation?

I've been trying it, but doing it less than twice a week makes me get wet dreams.

>> No.9637739
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x786, Chicago_Style_Pizza_with_Rich_Tomato_Topping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly ads help me a lot in deciding what to make. Tomatoes are on sale this week at 6lbs for 99¢ so I'm going to make a pizza.

>> No.9638281

What can I make with a can of peach pie filling? Besides making a pie, of course.

>> No.9638334

Get a spoon.

>> No.9638371

I actually thought about doing this and I trust your advice, so maybe I'll eat them tomorrow if I can't think of a better way to use them.

I was going to make crepes but the eggs expired 6 days ago and I don't feel like bothering my mom about buying a new carton.

>> No.9638506

I did it with cherry pie filling once and it was tasty but if I were you I would wait to make crepes.
