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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 606 KB, 1200x899, 1345692645218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9620554 No.9620554 [Reply] [Original]

Fate/Zero staff officially making fujoshi pandering creeps me out

>> No.9620558

More of you /jp/ guys probably jack off to them than fujoshi

>> No.9620567

Why is Saber there....I know who she is based from and all but she is a girl right?

Anyways all those guys are too muscular or too ugly (Except Gil)

>> No.9620570

She's there to be lesbian with Rider behind her, for those kinds of fujoshi

>> No.9620574

I thought Rider was a man.....

>> No.9620575

>Rider behind her
You are retarded.

>> No.9620582

You mean it wasn't fujoshi-pandering garbage in the first place?

Color me tickled.

>> No.9620588

lol those niggas look autistic as FUCK

>> No.9620591

That's Lancelot aka Berserker

>> No.9620593

It used to be grimdark-lover pandering masterpiece instead.

>> No.9620594

>/jp/, would you suck my dick?
>/jp/, do I look good in a skirt?
>/jp/, fujoshi pandering creeps me out

Make up your mind, /jp/.

>> No.9620615

Considering that people don't complain when they pander to male otaku it seems rather hypocritical to complain about this.

>> No.9620649

Pandering to female otaku is fine. Fujoshi are like female moe fags/tit fetishes who only watch things based on how many partially naked men are in it.

>> No.9620646

I complain. That's why I hate moeshit.

>> No.9620657

At first I thought there was finally news about Girl's Work or whatever it's going to be called.

>> No.9620655


Typical Type-shit fan

>> No.9620659

Can I be called a Type Moon fan if I don't read the visual novels?

>> No.9620753

I think she's there to be the fujoshi self-insert.

>> No.9621347

hahaha no, fujoshi don't care about nudity; it's all about the homo subtext (or maintext).

also I am a fujoshi and I'd Saber.

>> No.9621355

Wow, that's a seriously gay artwork. Lancer especially looks like a faggot.

>> No.9621364

Tokiomi is FOREVER ALONE xD lel

>> No.9621381

Wow it's Freezing's wet dream given corporeal form.

>> No.9621388

It's lacking Archer to be "Freezing's wet dream".

>> No.9621524

Its definitely my wet dream.

>> No.9621820

Tokiomi is likely the one who is actually with his wife somewhere else rather than joining the sausage-fest.

>> No.9621873

Holy shit, there are fujyoshis in /jp/?

A girl on the Internet?

>> No.9621899

well someone's gotta post on /y/, right?

And also /u/. I was initially surprised at how many people on /u/ are (or claim to be) female.

>> No.9621905


More like typical /a/ regular.

>> No.9621939

I thought /a/ worships K-ON, a typical moeshit show.

>> No.9621947

I'm not gay but I want Gil to fuck me really hard.

>> No.9621960

You see what you want to see, man. Ain't nothing gay about what I'm seeing here. Me and my brothers dress and pose like that all the time.

>> No.9621966


The only people I've seen use the term moeshit were normalfags who don't know jack shit about Japanese media and/or from /a/.

>> No.9621988

A lot of people on /a/ hate on cute things impulsively. They mostly do it because they're either afraid of being called a weeaboo, are obsessed with convincing others that they have the tastes of a refined gentleman, or just want to fit in. Sometimes all three.

>> No.9621986

So, what should I call them then?

>> No.9622007

Sorry mate, my reason isn't any from those three.

I've never really liked cute things since I first know anime.

And my hate of series that only emphasize cuteness increases tenfold when I'm exposed to Touhou.

>> No.9622021

It is a sad sight alright.
I really cant believe the moeshit prosecution. It is like they are gay and hate on anything that is cute.

>> No.9622022

Why must you bring the gays into this?

>> No.9622023

"Fuck off!" yelled anonymous

>> No.9622027

Sorry, you can't ban me from /jp/ for stating my opinion.

>> No.9622039



>> No.9622041


You should call it nothing.
"Moe" is not a genre and "moeshit" is a stupid word made by faggots who watched Cowboy Bebop/Ghost in shell and think they're experts on Japanese media..

Wait a second, you're posting on /jp/ and you have no idea what moe means?


>> No.9622065

So, slice-of-life then? I know it's a genre and it's pretty much the one who capitalizes on moe.

>> No.9622067


Just leave.

>> No.9622077 [DELETED] 

Get a load of this retard XD

>> No.9622079

Nope. Who are you to tell me to leave?

>> No.9622074

>slice-of-life then
No you dumbshit.
That isnt what moe mean. The bastardized "moeshit" might mean that though.
I will give you a protip, do you know that the anime that is most responsible for starting the so called "moeshit" trend is from the 90s. The name of the series is Evangelion.

>> No.9622084

He's trying to help you preserve what little dignity you still have left.

>> No.9622086

Ah, Rei Ayanami, right? An experiment on portraying a creepy girl gone wrong.

You from Gaia or something?

>> No.9622091

Dignity? I don't think I need another person with a questionable dignity to help manage my own.

>> No.9622092 [DELETED] 

``XD'' is /jp/ culture, fuck off crossboarding scum.

>> No.9622106

Oh, it's a /jp/ culture now? I see.

/jp/ indeed has changed.

>> No.9622110 [DELETED] 

Yeah tell em oldfag bro XD

>> No.9622113

Just report and hide their posts, it works.

>> No.9622120


>> No.9622132


Pretending not to be a newcomer while not knowing the definition of moe or anything about Evangelion.

You are no otaku. You're not one of us.

Go back to >>>/DannyChoo/

>> No.9622144

Not him but I need to say this

EVA is boring shit to the highest degree and the only saving grace is Asuka.

>> No.9622162

I'm glad I'm not one of you. Who wants to be associated with /jp/ after all?

>> No.9622168

Why are you here? To laugh at the so called basement dweller losers?
Well, I have some bad news for you......

>> No.9622192

What's the bad news if I may ask?

>> No.9622196

You are actually the loser. They are the winner.

>> No.9622197


Excuse me good sir but Rei does not start with an A. Neither does Misato or Maya.

>> No.9622203 [DELETED] 

u sure told him /b/ro xD

>> No.9622211


Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.9622215
File: 74 KB, 288x422, 234235453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute girls, but only if they do badass stuff like shoot bullets and not part of some idiot's harem.

Cute girls doing cute things is just dull and boring.

>> No.9622219

Bad example. The Nanoha series are super boring.

>> No.9622224

I gotta report him too I knew I forgot something.

Thanks anon!

>> No.9622225


Nanoha is amazing.

>> No.9622244

Minami-ke and Mitsudomoe are comedy gold if you bitch about the female cast being cute YOU are insecure.

And fuck Cowboy Bebop that shitty show brought the worst type of people around.

>> No.9622257
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, akanee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moefist bro.
I understood the western fandom fascination with cowboy bebop? Why so much hype? It is just an outlaw star clone.

>> No.9622258

Thank you for bringing that extremely important news to me, kind sir.

Cowboy Bebop is awesome and anyone who thinks otherwise has shitty taste.

And the reason for the report is?

>> No.9622259

Insecure of what?

>> No.9622265
File: 37 KB, 316x276, Gene1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's very stylish.

Outlaw Star is definitely awesome though.

>> No.9622277


>> No.9622280

Sure if you are little kid.
I grew up. Watching grown men beating the shit out of other grown men is retardedly stupid. There is a reason why the anime industry change so much down the years. People grew up and their taste change. You guys should too.

>> No.9622295 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 264x307, 1345281840061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm lost, since when was Outlaw Star like DBZ or something.

>> No.9622307
File: 84 KB, 264x307, 1345281840061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm lost, since when was Cowboy Bebop like DBZ or something.

>> No.9622309

id watch Fate/Zero if their hair was shorter and their bodies meatier

>> No.9622333

And watching cute girls doing cute things is not?

>> No.9622351


>> No.9622364


>I grew up.

Well there's your problem right there. People who "grow up" have a nasty tendency to think that they aren't allowed to enjoy something simply because to do so would be immature. And what's really sad is that the very act of saying "I shouldn't like this anymore" is more immature than anything they were doing before.

>> No.9622378

But that is wrong. I still like DBZ. I just never enjoy cowboy bebop. Problem?

>> No.9622381 [DELETED] 
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 1343684621927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I grew up. You guys should too.

You know this is /jp/ right?

>> No.9622389
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 1343684621927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I grew up. You guys should too.

You know this is /jp/ right?

>> No.9622387

This, to a tee. In fact, I spent most of my childhood rejecting childish things because I wanted to be mature and grown up. In the end it made me miserable, but revisiting what I missed as an adult has given me so much joy.

It's the worst when grown-ups want to do something but don't because they feel they're not allowed to. I've heard quite a few people say something like, "Oh, I wish I could play Pokémon again." Just go fucking play it, you'll have fun. As long as you don't become a "lol im such a retro geek xDD" attention whore, nobody will even judge you.

>> No.9622410

/jp/'s definition of growing up is to fap to cute anime girls all day while refusing to get out of their mom's basement because they feel superior towards all those "normalfags" out there.

>> No.9622411

> There is a reason why the anime industry change so much down the years. People grew up and their taste change.

You're probably being facetious, but I've heard people seriously claim this. As if there are three people who made all the anme ever, and they were teenagers in the 80s, twentysomethings in the 90s, and thirtysomethings in the 2000s.

All anime is made by adults, and is aimed at a lot of different demographics which sometimes overlap, intentionally or unintentionally. It's not as though teenagers stopped existing in the early 2000s.

> It is just an outlaw star clone.

Weren't they released around the same time? The anime, at least.
Both were great shows, but I don't see why you would say this. They're both set in space and have guns. Star Wars is now a Doctor Who rip-off.

>> No.9622413


If I had to give up my gaming hobbies, life just wouldn't be worth living.

>> No.9622417

There are other source of happiness other than gaming, you know.

>> No.9622419

If you disagree with that or feel the need to chide us for it, why are you even here?

>> No.9622422

Fair enough. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.9622421

Because I'm bored.

>> No.9622429

The people that are making anime in the 90s are still making anime in 10s. They are hardly any new blood in the anime industry. You should take a read at one of the old school animator blog where he was bashing the japan culture for not making or producing new blood. All of the new people are stuck doing shitty job in the industry. There is a reason why even a nutjob like yamakan still has his job.

>> No.9622438
File: 67 KB, 575x544, 13451770963323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what? Drugs? No thanks.

>> No.9622450
File: 491 KB, 450x253, 1320985076020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even sexified Gille? Really?

>> No.9622461

Who's Yamakan?

Oh, I don't know. Sports?

>> No.9622471

>Who's Yamakan?


>> No.9622474

Disgusting normalshit scum!

>> No.9622477

I only know him as that guy who complains about moe animes.

Oh, and he decapitated Yui.

>> No.9622478

Do normal people even do sports? Or do you mean watching them?

I'm seriously under the impression that the average, normal person with a job gets recreation from: watching TV, getting drunk on the odd weekend, and having occasional sex. If this is the case, it's seriously the saddest life ever.

>> No.9622483


I hate sports.

>> No.9622485

You some sort of faggot, son?

>> No.9622491

Ugh here we go....

Kill yourself off of /jp/!

>> No.9622494
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 259331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No dad, I just want to play my Chinese games.

>> No.9622507
File: 143 KB, 450x300, 2451274072_9706876a5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal people do sports recreationally, like on weekends and such. Jogging, going to the gym, swimming, etc.

Also, you don't know about what a sad life is until you live on a house like this.

>> No.9622512

Holy shit, is that a cosplayer?

>> No.9622518

Thanks for the tip /jp/ added to order list.

>> No.9622524

That house genuinely looks cool. I'd seriously like to live in a place like that. I guess the maintenance would get annoying, and I hate bugs. But in terms of location and necessities, it'd be pretty swell.

>> No.9622526
File: 574 KB, 3008x2000, 4353453452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, why?

>> No.9622528

Is your nose ready for the stench coming from the river?

If so, I can sell you one of those for just 1000 dollars.

>> No.9622529


No they don't. Hardly anyone is playing sports unless they're in highschool. Everyone pretty much sits around one way or another, if when they're out they sit on their ass in the car, or at whatever event they're go to.

I don't blame them, because sports are gay as HELL. If I were to fuck guys in the ass for exercise it would be less gay.

>> No.9622531

I'm embarrassed to be a Touhou fan now.

>> No.9622533

How long will the word "gay" be synonymous with the word "uncool"?

>> No.9622535

>Also, you don't know about what a sad life is until you live on a house like this.
I agree with this to some degree. I'd leave out the word "sad", though. It's an educating experience to reach the bottom. Not just the hierarchical bottom of your society, but absolute poverty. It's not necessarily healthy or empowering, but educating.

>> No.9622539

enjoy ur malaria and flooding

>> No.9622543


He was using gay as in "I want to fuck you in the ass" gay.

>> No.9622554
File: 116 KB, 500x844, tumblr_m26722yPhm1rpwf5mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if when they're out they sit on their ass in the car,
just go to any big public park. People exercising everywhere all day long, even the hambeasts.

>> No.9622577

I see people jogging and walking their dogs everyday

>> No.9622605


>> No.9622629


It was used both ways really.

>> No.9622652

Type-Moon a shit

>> No.9623517

Is it really Type-Moon??? Or some parody like "Faith stay knight"??? I didn't want to believe this shit !!!
