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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 127 KB, 800x600, Boy and Girl .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
96204 No.96204 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite/least favorite part about Japan? The point of this thread is to find better things about Japan so no fucking "Hentai" or "Pocky/Ramune".

My favorite part would be the respect that is understood throughout their culture. Although respect is just an opinion of an action, they at least know how to show fucking gratitude unlike us in the US. It's pretty much what got me into liking Japan in the first place.

My least favorite part about Japan is their high suicide rates. I'm sure you can take a guess why and I wish I had my /b/ folder on this linux partition for that future army cat-girl motivation poster so i just have this instead.

pic unrelated.

>> No.96211

I like how they women are actually lady like

I don't like the xenophobia

>> No.96215

Least favorite? Probably their overly complicated society with acting so overly polite that its almost creepy. And their xenophobia of course.

>> No.96216
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I LUV NARUTO LOL @____@ ^_____^

>> No.96218
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Like: Their absolute ridiculousness. Call it ignorant american is pig disgusting, but I think even they realize that they do do some ridiculous things, and they love it. I love it.
I get that they aren't constantly ridiculous, but they do have their moments.
Hate: I can't really hate any place I've never been to.

>> No.96256
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Favorite: more effective fold psychology. Mind=body=spirit is a nice starting point.

Unfavorite: ingrained lack of respect for the scientific method (worse than the US). Blind trial and error (1000 kicks every night) is put on the same level as search guided by theory.

>> No.96297

Favorite - sexy women.
Least favorite - lack of respect for women.

>> No.96326
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I like the scenery in Japan, be it modern or old.

The bad side is the retarded bullying that nobody does anything about.

>> No.96333

Favorite: The concept of "wa".

Least Favorite: FUCKING NIHONJINRON AND THE OBSESSION WITH 本音 AND 建前. Shit can get infuriating.

>> No.96339

Japan has some great authors and artists.

However, from what I can tell they have huge problems helping a lot of their population socially adjust properly.

>> No.96341

do want: scenery, culture..
do not want: anti gaijin sentiments.

>> No.96351

Fav: Their obsession with high speed internets
Least: Their fucking banks. Holy shit they suck.

>Although respect is just an opinion of an action, they at least know how to show fucking gratitude unlike us in the US.
This is because they are brainwashed into obeying people from birth. Also another thing I hate is the class system that's woven into their language.

>> No.96357

The massive obsession with themselves to the point of absurdity.

If you ask a Japanese why melons can cost as much as 10,000 yen, they will say "Why are your so cheap? You know they say there's things wrong with foreign foods..." Japan has more cognitive dissonance than any other country in the world, and this leads to the belief that everything their country does is inherently right *even if it makes no logical sense*. This is compounded by the fact that most Japanese are apolitical, and grassroots organizations basically don't exist.

>> No.96358

>Fav: Their obsession with high speed internets


>> No.96359

+: The morals of common courtesy/respect and "straight-to-the-point" language system

-:Complex character system of Kanji (hiragana & katakana are easy)

>> No.96367

Tell them to enjoy their 6X as expensive rice.

>> No.96374


7X, and rising.

The Japanese are brainwashed by their media into the belief that Japanese products are inherently superior; not only that, but they are basically the opposite of the Chinese. The Chinese want to pay as little as possible for everything, and will haggle you down to the last dollar. But the Japanese will never haggle--they will rarely look for an alternate brand--they will just pay the absurd price given to them because that's what everyone does.

>> No.96379

I lol'd. God bless California rice.

>> No.96388

Least favorite: Xenophobic, conceited, and totally unwilling to admit past crimes against humanity.

Favorite: fuckawesome hairstyles.

>> No.96389

hooray artificially inflated cost of living in exchange for no trade deficit

>> No.96397

>This is because they are brainwashed into obeying people from birth.
Everyone everywhere is. They aren't special.

>> No.96402


But their national debt is far worse than the US's, as compared to GDP--and unofficial estimates put it even higher. This is because Japan has the strongest Iron Triangle in the world, and with the complete apathy about the political system by most Japanese, nobody tries to change it, and they just keep wasting billions of dollars on special interests, handouts to business, and corruption while constantly raising taxes.

>> No.96406


You're generalizing. People in America, on average, do not believe that American products are inherently better than anyone else's. If they did, they wouldn't be trashing Ford and buying Honda.

>> No.96419

Con: straight to the point language used by people who invented beating around the bush.

Pro: Everyone loves the gaijin at nomihoudai places.

>> No.96425

Japan would be a nice place to go on holiday (GB2/trv/) but I don't know about living there. Their culture and laws are far too strange for me. 50% property tax when you sell your home? No thanks. Less than 0.5% interest on your bank account? Pass. Paying far too much for everything and not even questioning it? Ugh.

Still, beautiful landscapes if you're into that kind of thing.

>> No.96436

You must be young. Once upon a time, "buy American" was the US motto.

Until we figured out it's cheaper to outsource to other countries.

>> No.96437
File: 202 KB, 1600x1200, obey-haruhi.1188792545740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed something crucial there that impaired your reading comprehension.

>> No.96443


Of course--but things have changed. With the advent of globalization, we have learned to accept products from abroad.

The Japanese still think that rice from anywhere else is probably poisonous.

>> No.96450

Well this is a difference between Obeying people and nationalism.

>> No.96454

The government/companies don't really help by jacking up the price so they keep buying Japanese rice either.

>> No.96460

>Everyone loves the gaijin at nomihoudai places.

Really?! let's go drink some slants under the table!

>> No.96464

The house thing sucks, but really, most people rent/lease anyhow. While they're growing out of the 'parents living in' thing, people still don't let houses out of their family very often. Especially when the shear cost takes the average person like 40 years to even think it viable to own a house.

>> No.96465


That goes back to my original point--cognitive dissonance. The Japanese *rationalize* the high prices and tarrifs and such by making absurd claims about foreign products. This applies to nearly everything in Japanese society; its all about rationalization.

>> No.96468


>> No.96479

Welcome to protectionist economics 101.

>> No.96490

Time to exercise that Russian blood, ey?

>> No.96501


I'll save you the homogenous population explanation as to why this is so.

>> No.96507

I hate how slim and feminine their men look. It weirds me out.

>> No.96584

It's a beautiful country, and people are extremely polite most of the time.
That being said, many people are so "polite" that they'll lie to your face if they think it will make you feel better, and it's quite possibly the most racist place I've ever experienced.

>> No.96631

I've had people lie to my face in the US that way. I think it's more common on the coasts.

>> No.96719
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Favorite: That they completely shun people who dress poorly, wish American women would learn to stop dressing like shit and just relying on their bodies.
Least Favorite: The fact that half of them are completely infatuated with whites for no real reason. Pic related.

>> No.96753

The whole "lock a naked guy in an apartment and force him to live off postcard contests without his consent and make it into a national television show" thing.

What the fuck, Japan.

>> No.96777
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>> No.96779

That was AWESOME.

>> No.96914

Favorite: Cleaner cities than the U.S., vivid and attractive interests (anime, games, etc.), many tourist attractions.

Least Favorite: Possible arrogance towards other countries, common stereotype that all Asians have a natural talent for mathematics.

>> No.96969


Me on the right.

>> No.96976

My favorite: Their lack of respect for women.

My least favorite: The hidious people who inhabit the place.

>> No.97012

Lol, irony, the number 69.

>> No.97038


>> No.97228

Bump for great justice! Interesting thread is interesting.

>> No.97250


>> No.97258

My least favorite part about Japan is that some of my primary hobbies (anime, manga, visual novels) are so dependent on a country where the speak a language that doesn't even use the same alphabet as mine and where the genres themselves are only tolerated by a certain segment of the population.

Seriously, when it comes down to it, Japan is so damn conservative, all it would take would be a few new laws, or some kind of crackdown on fansubbing and translating in general, and our hobby is basically gone.

>> No.97327

+ The U.S Marines have bases there.

-Pearl Harbour, executing POWs they have captured and other humanitarian crimes

>> No.97368

+: The morals of common courtesy/respect and "straight-to-the-point" language system

Unfortunately, they are taught from an early age to avoid getting to said point at all costs.

+: Food, shopping, transportation
-: Not necessarily Japan but I hate people that Japan == what they see in manga

>> No.97745


If pic is true I am on the first plane over there

>> No.97766

Yeah, uh, everything in that post is completely wrong.

>> No.97778

the weeaboo you run into all the time in tokyo

>> No.97788


Speaking of this.....Does anyone have a link/rapidshit/etc to all of Charisma Man?

>> No.97795
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>> No.97807

If you think the manga thing is bad, try meeting some Japanese who's only views of Black people come from J-MTV...jesus fucking christ talk about awkward.

>> No.97815

What the fuck are you talking about? Lack of respect for the scientific method? Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.97818
File: 47 KB, 200x324, Pedobear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite: CM photo albums and videos
Least favorite: Local ages of consent above the national one

>> No.97848
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can't believe no one's mentioned it...I hate how you're not supposed to have public displays of affection and how you're looked down on for it, don't know how it's actually there but it seems ridiculous from what I've seen in animu

>> No.97895

least favourite: the altruist/collectivist morality

>> No.97922

anime manga and games, everything else does not seem too likeable, oh and maybe kimono.
Japanese culture does not amuse me at all.

>> No.97957

>Favorite: The concept of "wa".
why do you like this?

>> No.98006

Favorite: the unique sensei-disciple bond you can experience in Japan. True there are similar situation all over the country, but a teacher will really take you under his or her wing and it's a pretty amazing bond. Common courtesy and respect from the general populace, something so alien to this Los Anglean. Also, the hot and willing wimminz.

Least Favorite: as mentioned, Japanese banks suck ass. They are expensive and inconvenient as hell. I mean, the ATMs fucking CLOSE. Like, ALL SUNDAY and after some crazy hour like 9pm. WTF. What's the point of having a fucking ATM if you can't even use it after closing hours? Plus if you want to transfer money to another account there's always like a $6 bullshit charge. Gah.

>> No.98008

Favorite: the unique sensei-disciple bond you can experience in Japan. True there are similar situation all over the world, but a teacher will really take you under his or her wing and teach you everything. Not just how to play the instrument or whatever but like life lessons. It's a pretty amazing bond. Common courtesy and respect from the general populace, something so alien to this Los Anglean. Also, the hot and willing wimminz.

Least Favorite: as mentioned, Japanese banks suck ass. They are expensive and inconvenient as hell. I mean, the ATMs fucking CLOSE. Like, ALL SUNDAY and after some crazy hour like 9pm. WTF. What's the point of having a fucking ATM if you can't even use it after closing hours? Plus if you want to transfer money to another account there's always like a $6 bullshit charge. Gah.

>> No.98035

>Possible arrogance towards other countries
There's no "possible" about it.

>common stereotype that all Asians have a natural talent for mathematics.
What? We're talking about the country and what we dislike about it, not what they don't like.

>> No.98151

From what game is this?

>> No.98153

go to an ATM in a convenience store it's not that hard...

>> No.98184

Xenophobia in Japan is awesome. Just beacse you have a fetish for your daughters and sisters being raped by third world immigrants doesn't mean others have to like it.

>> No.98203

Any truth to the idea that the 'attractive Japanese' geneotype is what they've acquired from Koreans centuries ago, and that the standard Jap is only a shade more attractive than a Chinese?

>> No.98220

I didn't even know even thought this way, and no, it's not even close to being true. Every country has its share of ugly/attractive ratio.

>> No.98224

I bet it's one of those Korean axioms. They'll claim anything is theirs.

>> No.98226

If you mean the look that's commonly thought as attractive then yes, it's more of a Korean face, there was a lot of genetic mixing.

>> No.98232

I like their gender views. American women are all bitchy because they think they can compete with men, even though that's obviously not true. Thanks to that we don't have any obedient submissive women left anywhere but in the deep south, so it's impossible to find a suitable wife. I dislike how they have a complete lack of shame at buying porn doujins in public.

>> No.98240


>> No.98257
File: 207 KB, 980x1150, koreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single Korean has ugly faces.

>> No.98273

Exactly. Those weaboos who said Orientals are hot must have watched too much 2D.

I am an Asian myself, though I am not an Oriental I too can testify that most of the people here are not beautiful looking either.
And NO I don't see Orientals as hot.

>> No.98284
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, imgszs_20080117182552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. Only Koreans are ugly. I know that Koreans write "Oriental or Asian" when they want to say "it is not only Korea".
Look, Aya Hirano and Korean girl.

>> No.98286

Fuckwin hat

>> No.98289

Theres ugly people in every country, get over it.

>> No.98290


Don't be such a dip. Every type has its share of pig disgusting.

>> No.98296

So can I safely assume Japanese girls in general look like Aya? I don't think so.

I knew of some very hot Koreans as well, like Jang Nara, but that doesn't mean Koreans in general are as pretty as her.

But some races or places have higher proportion of beautiful people than others. This is a fact that you can not deny.

>> No.98297
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beautiful korean girls

>> No.98300
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Korean high school girls

>> No.98303

What's with the fucking small eyes? DISTURBING!!!!

>> No.98306

>My favorite part would be the respect that is understood throughout their culture
Yet another weeaboo gets japanese culture from anime & jdramas rather than visiting the country.

It's like NYC minus the niggers. They have brazilians instead of spics, indians instead of italians, and persians instead of jews. Everyone has a shitty attitude to strangers and proud of it. They're all under pressure over the "eyes of others" constantly which makes to act "respectful". Thats just a fascade and in reality the pressure makes them want to jump in front of trains.

>> No.98312
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I know that Korean boys insist that Korean girls are the ugliest in the world,
and Korean girls insist that Korean boys are the ugliest in the world.
And I have to say they say true.

>> No.98325

I am not sure whether it's the same in Japan, China or Korea. But in my place Singapore, whenever there is a beautiful Asian lady people would say "She must be of mixed blood" or more commonly "she must be half-European".

Asians admit openly that full-blooded Asians are BUTT UGLY! So ugly that one had to be mixed with a (usually western) race to look beautiful.

>> No.98332

Japanese: Very industrious but not so smart.

Americans: Very smart but not so industrious.

>> No.98348

>>98332Americans: Very smart
lol wut?

>> No.98359

Compared to Japs. I think Americans are smarter. Just making a point...

>> No.98362

Lemme guess. You are a Chinese citizen. Then it's the same case.

>> No.98364

Americans generally work harder and live rougher lives, and considering that there are people that still love Bush I would say it's the other way around.

>> No.98369

Americans are a lot more practical than the Japanese, but smarter? That's pretty debatable...

>> No.98372

bullshit. try working in japan sometime and tell me how you feel after a 12 hour workday.

>> No.98378

That's what I mean. More practical, more creative, intuitive, etc. I am not refering "smart" as being good at doing something you are accostumed at doing. Even a bonehead can be good at calculus if he practiced hard enough, but he is only good at answering the problems he encouter regularly. When faced with a new one, he is stumped dead.

I am Asian, and I can testify that while it's true that students here are hardworking they weren't particularly bright - even the math students.

>> No.98385

Oh really, in Japan, ppl don't say that half-white is beautiful. Do you know the word "バター臭い"? It means "bad smell of butter". Words to make fun of white or half-white.

>> No.98392

In fact I can confidently say that they pass tests not due to their intelligence but it's because they drilled themselves to answer every single variety of perceived problems - and they happened to be lucky that the exams ask something they had already practiced.

Try giving them a task that requires them to re-evaluate, combine various knowledge, improvise and create new solutions in order to solve a problem. Western students will beat Asians to shame.

>> No.98394

Some of my classmates in community college work 2-3 jobs AND study for classes. If you're at the bottom of the barrel, being an American is pretty damn rough. Though I'll concede that our middle class might be a little more comfortable, but even that is shrinking pretty fast.

>> No.98397
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>> No.98403

how does america solve problems?

>> No.98407

by bringing in bright minds from outside.

>> No.98411

then its not really america solving its problems huh?

>> No.98413

Capitalism. Survival of the fittest. In America, you have to creative or you're fucked. It's a good way to push a country to the brink of destruction, but we produce a lot of cool shit along the way.

>> No.98416

It's the amerikkkan dollarz

>> No.98418

What I like: Japan is beautiful on the outside. It has wonderful scenario. People seem pleasant and always very polite. Lots of attractive women.

What I hate: It's fucking hideous on the inside. The people are just complete assholes who just force a smile to get rid of you, the entire government and police system is corrupt to the core, and the damned island is going to be empty in a few hundred years because what few kids that are being born are getting the fuck out of there and never going back.

>> No.98422

I think Japs with equal financial hardship will endeavour to do the same.

>> No.98426

But it is. Unlike other countries, you can just come here and BECOME American. If you got skills and you're willing to work, we'll take you, even if native born people get shafted.

>> No.98433

wait what does america excel at now?
we don't export shit(or not in enough quanities to make a difference)

>> No.98443

American porn is shit....

>> No.98447

Um... the past 27 years don't count! Yeah!

>> No.98457

man we are going down a death spiral

>> No.98459

All of America's creative energies now go towards fucking itself over in every way possible. But we were cool once! And our universities still kick ass!

>> No.98468

I hate you everything feels prefabricated or fake.
women, movies, music. None of it feels real.

>> No.98479

Those unis that are filled with foreign teachers and students, I presume?

>> No.98481

it's probably all over in 2012 anyways, so might as well enjoy it till the end

>> No.98489

No that's the thing. I don't like it. I wont enjoy it.

>> No.98493

The thing with the US is that if you have skill or talent, it'll tolerate you even if you're a foreigner.

>> No.98495

party hard and fap like there's no tomorow

>> No.98499

Awesome. I'll migrate there from Singapore as soon as I can.

>> No.98506

yup 6 trillion dollars of national debt is awsome.
America fuck yeah!

>> No.98511

America is awesome. We come out of tech bubble in 2001, what do we do? Do we stop and say "hay guyz fictitious wealth isn't cool"? Fuck that, let's go right into a housing bubble. Who needs real wealth? We kicked reason to the curb long ago; we run on our dreams!

>> No.98513

Course, people pay us to sell shit to us.

>> No.98515

people aren't buying enough of our shit to make profit

>> No.98517

total amount is sortof irrelevant. it's the defecit & interest payments that are important.
if things got bad, runaway inflation would erase the national debt because everyone would be paying millions in taxes.

>> No.98522
File: 30 KB, 320x277, jomon vs yayoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the subject of Japanese facial types: it largely stems from the fact that modern Japanese are a mix of two tribes, the Jomon and the Yayoi. i don't know how accurate this picture is, but i'm sure you can tell which type is more commonly perceived as 'attractive' both in and outside Japan.

inb4 lol Korean blood

>> No.98527

were so close to reccession we might go into another economic depression

>> No.98538

Fav: This >>96753,
Video games (not just Touhou), and the good anime

Least fav: The bad anime (most of it these days), the ridiculous expectations that are placed on students, and the xenophobia (despite being exaggerated, its still worse than most 1st-world countries).

>> No.98539

We're so fucked that the only way to avoid depression is to start pumping up the economy with another bubble, which I'm guessing will be alternative energy. Obviously, that's just digging ourselves deeper into the hole and prolongs the time before we're all fucked. Lose-lose situation is lose-lose situation.

>> No.98544

I see someone read this article on bubbles:

It's good to see there are people on this board that read this shit.

>> No.98546

>xenophobia (despite being exaggerated, its still worse than most 1st-world countries).

I don't think so. Just fucking google it. Why mangaka of Hellsing draw Nazi-like ppl invade England.

>> No.98551
File: 124 KB, 698x438, 2006_babel_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I want more than anything:
Favorite: the unique sensei-disciple bond you can experience in Japan. True there are similar situation all over the world, but a teacher will really take you under his or her wing and teach you everything. Not just how to play the instrument or whatever but like life lessons. It's a pretty amazing bond.

What a beautiful thing to write, anon! I love Japan for the same reason!

LIKE ABOUT JAPAPN: They hate Chinese people
DISLIKE ABOUT JAPAN: The fact that I don't live there and live in China instead.

>> No.98555

we cant just fuck around on 4chan all the time, and besides... if I'm gana get raped i want to know about it beforehand so i can brace for impact

>> No.98572


>> No.98576

日本語喋れるか? 虫けら野郎

>> No.98726

why not? better you being here than anywhere else
