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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9618626 No.9618626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ways to detect neo-/jp/sies

If they say "You don't belong here"
If they redirect you to other boards
If they suck moderator/janitor/moot cock
If they think that /q/ was a good idea
If they like the new sticky and rules
If they claim that you are tokiko because you aren't sucking mod cock like them
If they hate fun
If they think that this board was made for touhou

>> No.9618637

They make worthless replies like "Go away" instead of just reporting and hiding threads.

>> No.9618642

If they disagree with me, they are from "neo"-/jp/. How classic.

>> No.9618646

Neo-/jp/sie confirmed, fire away.

>> No.9618650
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> If they claim that you are tokiko because you aren't sucking mod cock like them

Nice try, Tokiko. Go back to trolling /q/.

>> No.9618654

If they think that the steam shitposting group is a real thing

>> No.9618655
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Signs of new /jp/ denizens:

-Appears constantly irritated, sometimes even enraged
-Never posts without using sage
-Feels the need to police the board
-Will spam board redirects to anyone who disagrees with or irritates them
-Complains about greentext, image macros, doubles and other standard 4chan fare
-Complains about established /jp/ content, usually Touhou or visual novels
-Tends to overuse the terms "summer", "shitpost(er)", "newfag", and "samefag"
-On that note, they will almost invariably call two people who disagree with them "samefag"
-All in all, treats /jp/ as if it's a secret club that only they belong to

>> No.9618657

If they're making meta-threads.
