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File: 31 KB, 559x777, jesus_of_nazareth_by_shimod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9584605 No.9584605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus is youkai ?

>> No.9584610

No he isn't. He's the son of man.

>> No.9584621

youkai are demons

so no

>> No.9584648

nah he's just your regular western zombie.

>> No.9584651

Edgy atheist kid detected. Why don't you stop disgracing our Lord and Saviour? /jp/ is a religious board. Go back to /a/.

>> No.9584654

What is Jesus even supposed to be? A monk?

>> No.9584668
File: 58 KB, 748x818, 1338996412983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's God to the Christians and a prophet to the Muslims. To everyone else he's a Semitic philosopher around whom a whole religion developed.

>> No.9584665


Please contact your local bible study group for more information.

>> No.9584716

who is stronger reimu or jesus ?

>> No.9584738


You're misinformed since Jesus is the son of God.

>> No.9584754


Oh look, the edgy Reddit atheists are gathering on /jp/ again.

Haha, zombie! Very amusing! American pop culture references make me laugh! Carl Sagan quotation!

>> No.9584758

The idea is that he is God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate parts of a single entity. Jesus is a part of God that become human.

>> No.9584762

Futurerama quote!

>> No.9584806


Learn about the Holy Trinity, atheist scum.

>> No.9584818

Trolling aside we can agree that teenage reddit atheists are awful, can't we? Everything from reddit is awful.

>> No.9584836


Why reddit? Atheists are the scum of the earth and should be treated as such.

>> No.9584839

You'll need to be more subtle if you're trying to convince anyone that militant theists browse /jp/.

>> No.9584851


You could always leave the board if you don't like it. Most people here are Christians, deal with it. There is always a spot for you on /a/.

>> No.9584854
File: 76 KB, 562x650, 1335999102658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and many other denominations don't believe that.

>> No.9584859


Right of course, everyone who isn't a deep and edgy atheist is a "troll". Please stop projecting so hard.

>> No.9584863


That's because they aren't Christians.

>> No.9584864
File: 51 KB, 525x600, 1336003789855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584874

Those sects make up a small minority. Roman and Orthodox Catholics and most Protestant sects, including all of the old world ones I think, do believe that God is one entity made up of distinct parts.

>> No.9584918

Isn't he more like a Loremaster?

>> No.9584943


Out of context Carl Sagan quotation? If you wish.

>The next day Vavilov came to Muller in a state of some agitation, informing him that he, Muller, had just volunteered to serve in the Spanish Civil War.

Uh... not that one.

>There were many toasts, as there always are at dinners in that part of the world.

No, that didn't work either.

>'Senots. Esir.'

As can be expected of a dead man, the professor isn't being very helpful tonight. The dead have a tendency for that when the living decide what they can say or not.

>> No.9585008


not christians, they believe that god is some human. they like "baptize" deceased people to "save them" obviously dead people can't object such act. if you behave like a crazy mormon cultist your could be god too.

>Jehovah's Witnesses
a disgusting, heretical and dangerous sect, also not christian (they don't even like jesus or the new testament) . they are deceptive. if you need a blood transfusion to save your live and you are a jehova's witness, you are a fucked, no blood for you.

>> No.9585018


I am an ex Jehovah's Witnesses myself.. That religion sucked so much I've converted to Communism! I know that is not a religion... But it is still better!

>> No.9585019

>if you behave like a crazy mormon cultist your could be god too.

And that's exactly what they believe. They think they'll be all gods after the apocalypse.

>> No.9585020

Hes the son of God

>> No.9585028


He is god.

>> No.9585034
File: 135 KB, 500x642, ice_giants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic christian betas.

>> No.9585035
File: 40 KB, 756x760, 1281907972740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done comrade

>> No.9585037
File: 130 KB, 800x600, Shadow_Finds_Salvation_by_DCLeadboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "pretend i'm a christian while sitting on gigabytes of JAV and Loli Doujin" schtick is pretty played out guys. In the end it somehow makes you less respectful of religion than the worst jack off from /r/atheist.
He's both, that's the divine nature of the trinity. Just imagine it's like a 3 way fusion from DBZ.
Didn't Odin only have one eye?

>> No.9585046

>Didn't Odin only have one eye?

That isn't Odin.

>> No.9585048

oh look, here's the virgin neckbeard who think he's manly because hr loves norse mythology and jacks off to cartoons

>> No.9585050

Oh haha, I swear that image originally said Odin! Whoops.

>> No.9585051

That's Thor.

Also what's up with the racist neo-pagans who go on about the superiority of their "white European" gods and how much better they are than the "Jewish God."

Don't they know that European mythology was originally Asian, just like the European languages? Every culture in Europe, except maybe for the Basques, originated in Asia. That's what "Aryan" fucking means, speakers of Indo-European languages.

>> No.9585054
File: 127 KB, 800x600, enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm a new-age polytheist pagan buddhist.

>> No.9585055

being anordic god sucks , at the end tey are all suppose to die and lose against the giants

>> No.9585056

The atheist philosopher, uh, what's his name, that British guy who died in the 70's, considered ideologies like Communism to be akin to actual religions.

>> No.9585065
File: 30 KB, 324x447, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well like your average white supremacist they're fucking idiots.

>> No.9585072

Some Buddhist sects are polytheistic but that doesn't make them "pagan."

"Pagan" is a term used to refer to certain pre-Christian religions, not polytheist religions in general.

Also why's Buddhism gotten so mixed up with new age bullshit? People say that it's Orientalism but then why isn't Hinduism or Taoism as popular with white kids too cool for their Christian upbringing?

>> No.9585077
File: 37 KB, 499x366, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus never said anything about not fapping to weird japanese porn, he was a total bro.

>> No.9585078

Relax. I wasn't being serious

>> No.9585087


Indo-Europeans came from the Black Sea region, the area that's called Ukraine today. Barely "Asia". They spread from there to Europe, central Asia and northern India. "Indo-European" as a term originated in the 19. century to indicate the common features of the European and northern Indian languages, it hardly made any statement about the origin.

>> No.9585107

If you use the umbrella definition of youkai, then yes.

>> No.9585171

>Indo-Europeans came from the Black Sea region

[citation needed]

Also this:

>According to some archaeologists, PIE speakers cannot be assumed to have been a single, identifiable people or tribe, but were a group of loosely related populations ancestral to the later, still partially prehistoric, Bronze Age Indo-Europeans.

>> No.9585183


>> No.9585194

The rule among the Jews is not to "spill one's seed." Since Jesus isn't recorded anywhere speaking against that rule it can probably be assumed that he didn't think that it should be broken.

>> No.9585200

>According to some archaeologists

[weasel word]

>> No.9585214

You're right. The point stands though, there isn't a group of people that we can point at and say "these were the original Indo-Europeans.

>> No.9585267


Non-common ancestry doesn't say anything about the origin. All genetic researches show that there is no genetic relationship between Asian and European people. It lacks any scientific background to say Indo-Europeans were Asians.
