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9583145 No.9583145 [Reply] [Original]

I'd be stupid not to know what she's getting at.

>> No.9583161

The only decent route in Fate/stay Night was Heaven's Feel.

>> No.9583172

Oh god the design of that guy is horrible

>> No.9583179



>> No.9583196


You forgot mind of steel and sparks liner high.

>> No.9583208

Why does everyone bash F/SN?

I'm assuming it's the same deal as YMK, everyone has already discussed everything that needs to be discussed about this game.

But come on, what visual novel could really top F/SN? It has amazing story, great effects, lots of bad ends, hint corner, etc

>> No.9583238
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``This game is popular and enjoyed by many people, so if I claim to hate it I am special and unique''

--actual transcript from an interview with /jp/, circa September 2009

>> No.9583240
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Mind of Steel is part of HF. What scene was Sparks Liner High again? Was that the Rider fight in Fate?

It's gotten too mainstream for /jp/, so they must bash it in order to feel better than newbies.

>But come on, what visual novel could really top F/SN?
Remember11 (opinion can vary)
VNDB also suggests Muv-Luv Alternative (haven't tried because I can't get through shitty Muv-Luv), Steins;Gate (opinion can vary, I prefer f/sn) and Baldr Sky Dive2 (untranslated, so no idea if it's better).

>> No.9583249

This. Not only his personality, but I hate his goddamn annoying stupid shirt with that fucking blue stripe.

>> No.9583252

You forgot Tsukihime.

>> No.9583256

F\SN has good and bad points, but its discussion shouldn't be encouraged on /jp/. Chuuni power level shit (type moon) and already well discussed VNs generally should get out and stay out, imo.

>> No.9583265

Blue stripe? It's a fucking baseball tshirt jesus fuck when will third worlders learn to keep their mouths shut

>> No.9583273

Fuck off. Shirou is a god among men, and he has incredible fashion sense.

>> No.9583280

Two flaming homosexuals detected.

>> No.9583300



Don't start slinging shit you can't backup kid. The average baseball player could crush your fucking skull in with a single swing

How about you go run away like the bitch you are and resume jacking off to your edgy as fuck Archer x Lancer yaoi

>> No.9583313

I hope you quoted the wrong person, kid. I will fucking wreck you.

>> No.9583318

>the average baseball player
I'll have you know I've been training in the art of Aikido for 20 years, son. I'm practically at the fucking top of the food chain. Baseball doesn't even hold a candle to the greatest martial art of all time. Not once have I ever been defeated, so don't you start shit with me. I'll track your little pansy ass down and strike you dead while you're shaking in your boots, fucking queer. Let's see your baseball save you then.

>> No.9583339

Type-Shit fans are the single WORST group of posters on /jp/ and should keep their shit contained to one thread!

>> No.9583341


>> No.9583356

Fat/Shit Night

>> No.9583357

There's nothing left to discuss. FSN still gets daily on /a/ due to newfaggotry, however.

>> No.9583367

Fate/Awesome Atraxia

>> No.9583374
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I don't want to have to go to /a/ to discuss my favorite series by finding a discussion that's already 200 posts long on a board that moves 10x faster than I can take it easy in.

>> No.9583387
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Name a time and place and I will give BOTH of you piece of shit anime club rejects personal fucking swimming lessons. By the time I'm done with you communist fags you will wish customs had opened your last shipment of pedophilia comics and locked you away, Big Bill one cell over doesn't have SHIT on the pain and misery I will visit to your unprepared souls. You will rue the day you even THOUGHT of insulting baseball. Did you know baseball is the national sport in the country of FREEDOM? You didn't, did you? I'm sure they don't teach you this shit in whatever shithole you fell out of your mom's cunt onto, but don't worry I'm happy to instruct. You DO NOT and WILL NOT talk down to freedom. If you haven't made good with the big man up above I'd think about it REAL fucking hard, you'll want to be straight with him before you show up at his pearly gates with my bat broken off in your ass

>> No.9583400
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>I'll track your little pansy ass down and strike you dead while you're shaking in your boots, fucking queer.
That's not how Aikido works.

Besides, does Aikido even train against heavy long blunt weapons like baseball bats? I know they train for attacks with light long blunt weapons, but they are radically different (the speed of an incoming baseball bat is not constant as it is with a light weapon, instead being modified by its weight depending on how it's swung, and unlike light weapons you can't block a baseball bat, only dodge).

I suppose if it's a random grunt with a baseball bat it'd be too easy to defeat him (can't space himself properly, just rush in and screw up his balance), but if you're dealing with someone who has actual experience fighting I'm not sure if Aikido is the best match-up against a physically fit fighter with a baseball bat.

>> No.9583427


>route about a filthy slut whore shoving various objects into her vagina

Try again

>> No.9583433

> Remember11 (opinion can vary)
> Umineko
> Clannad

I can let Ever17 pass even though I don't think it's a masterpiece, but you can't tell me Umineko is better than Fate/Stay Night, you can't say it's better than most of the translated novel.
The same goes for Dragon Ball After Story.
Remember11 has a great pacing but it's unfinished so it's worse than Fate/Stay Night but better than the other two.

>> No.9583438

VNDB lists Clannad (8.97) higher than f/sn (8.91), and Umineko is slightly below it (8.75). You might personally disagree, but general opinion says they're roughly of equal quality.

>> No.9583455

Your taste is shit.
Ever17 is even more overrated than FSN.
And Clannad is definitely a lot more solid than both.

>> No.9583471

Uhh, I think Katawa Shoujo has an insanely high rating on VNDB. So it doesn't really matter if people think x is more popular. It all comes down to opinion. For me, for example, I'd take Tsukihime over all of the novels you've listed.

>> No.9583496

Sure, because Umineko is loved by everyone.
In fact he has an awesome score on egs and no one makes fun of the ending.

Clannad is solid, you say?
If you say so.

>> No.9583507

>Clannad is solid, you say?
Yeah it is.
There is 2 bad routes among 11.
Compared to most VNs that's pretty good.

>> No.9583534

too bad clannad is false-feel horseshit

>> No.9583549

Clannad should have ended with Tomoya raising Ushio, not with all of that Dragon Ball Z bullshit. It would have been so much better like that.

>> No.9583542 [DELETED] 

Clannad should have ended with Tomoya raising Ushio, not with all of that Dragon Ball Z bullshit.

>> No.9583547

>What scene was Sparks Liner High again?
Bad End 38 where Shirou battles Saber Alter alone. Comes with 2 unique tracks made JUST for that ending.

>> No.9583553

>But come on, what visual novel could really top F/SN?
Dies Irae

>> No.9583571

>You might personally disagree, but general opinion says they're roughly of equal quality.
An opinion replied to that of another opinion stated.
It's no more subjective than how all of them would be better than Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.9583612

>Comes with 2 unique tracks made JUST for that ending.
I actually liked the original that simply played. Kogane no Ou.
I don't know, there were really little actual battle going on. Mighty Wind is nice and all but Kogane no Ou was better as they spent half of the time talking.

>> No.9583622

>as they spent half of the time talking.
Let me correct that. As Shirou spent half the time thinking.

>> No.9589051

But that's not true: the drama is so forced it makes me laugh, the style is plain and boring and the ending is a dragon ball rip off.
The routes are more or less all average.

>> No.9589214

>drama is so forced
Did you just bump a thread where the latest post was one day old just for that?
Fucking go back to /a/ faggot.

>> No.9590860
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>the drama is so forced it makes me laugh
Please elaborate. How is the drama 'forced' and what separates this 'forced drama' from 'normal drama'?

>the style is plain and boring
I and many others disagree. Clannad had a unique feeling to it that pulled you into its world. It was also filled with lots of humor that was very amusing.

>and the ending is a dragon ball rip off.
A wish being granted through magical means? It's an age-old trope, from way before Akira Toriyama was even born. Besides, 'the ending'? Clannad has several separate endings which are not part of a single 'main story' that would otherwise continue; that ending just happens to be the ending to After Story. The 'collecting lights' theme was also present throughout all of the story, occurring in every route, not just the ending.

Or was it perhaps that you were not aware of this because you have only watched the anime, which lacks the wonderful atmosphere, pushes the plot together into a mess that does not fit well together, condenses the drama so that it occurs without the build-up that is supposed to precede it, omits most of the visual novel's humor and only has one single true ending with the "routes" being things that just happen during the story?

>> No.9590912

forced drama feels like it's going into buzz word territory. I had someone say that about kokoro connect which has an entire plot around a supernatural entity forcing the characters to have dramatic experiences for it's own entertainment.

>> No.9590959

Bring the knife down
Only decent part of Heaven's Feel.

>> No.9591032

Besides, who are you quoting?

>> No.9591518
File: 169 KB, 417x600, Fate Hollow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollow is even worse, right?

>> No.9591609

Clannad After Story is pretty much the best anime around.

>> No.9591614

You left out saya no uta

>> No.9591765


I liked the entirety of Heaven's Feel.
