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9538474 No.9538474 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ drink? I usually drink a lot of rum when I get super lonely. it makes me feel better I guess.

>> No.9538479

Occasionally. Preference for scotch.

>> No.9538480

Alcohol gives me peace of mind. It calms down my evil spirits and kills the hate.

>> No.9538483

And the liver.

>> No.9538484

I prefers rum. Usually spiced and mixed with ginger ale or straight when its not spiced.

>> No.9538485

Who the fuck needs that?
Apart from other people, I guess. Would suck to die and then my liver would be too damaged for anyone else to use.

>> No.9538487

I have high expectations on it. It will not fail.

>> No.9538493

There's faster and more pleasant ways to die than cirrhosis.

>> No.9538490

I saw some of that rum and it looked nice.

I usually drink sake though cause it isn't fattening

>> No.9538495

I got a whole bunch of erguotou from chinatown recently, 56% and tastes kinda sweet. Gives the best throat burn ever.

>> No.9538499

That's why you keep those for when the cirrhosis kicks in

>> No.9538509

no i don't want anymore

>> No.9538510

I don't drink very often, because booze is expensive and getting drunk isn't hugely entertaining for me. Of my very limited experience with alcohol, here's my preference list in order of taste:
Sake (sweet and easy to drink)
Wine (can be a little strong, but still drinkable)
Rum (tastes pretty good, but too strong to drink straight, usually followed up by a glass of water to kill the aftertaste)
Whisky (Poor taste, close to impossible to drink straight, coke makes it better but coke alone tastes better, so what's the point?)
Beer (utterly awful in every respect, easier to drink than some of the harder spirits, but it tastes so bad that I wouldn't bother. Alcohol content is also far lower so you have to drink more to get drunk)

>> No.9538511

>it looked nice.

>super cheap rum
>reads heavily spiced on label
>looks nice

That's what they all say. I have 2/3 of a bottle of that in my closet. I use it to troll my friends, when they aren't looking, their vodka and coke is switched with pure kraken, and they vomit almost immediately after taking a mouthfull

>> No.9538513
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I haven't missed a day in three years. I usually just go for cheap beer, but sometimes I splash and make rum/coke or G&T's.
Getting drunk gives me peace of mind and lets me calm down and enjoy myself. Plus I absolutely love the taste.

>> No.9538515

Take is easy anonymous. Some of us can't drink everyday because we aren't NEET.

>> No.9538518

You're an ass who both wastes and causes to be wasted perfectly good ethanol

>> No.9538523

Neither am I. When you're an alcoholic, you'll find your opportunities to drink, whether you're NEET or a hard-working student/salaryman.

>> No.9538526

i swear it's giving me bran damage, so i do it fortnightly to recover.

>> No.9538532

I tried the 6 o'clock swill, every day, lifestyle. The alcoholism, shitting myself, blacking out and hiding alcohol bits weren't the problem.

The problem was that it didn't stop me thinking. Why keep drinking if it fails to obliterate you?

>> No.9538537


I won't deny the first one, but the alcohol itself is so vile I can't take more than a single shot while completely sober and manage to hold it down.

I've had that bottle for 5 years now, and it's only 1/3 gone.

>> No.9538544
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I love getting drunk. Usually do it once a week. I usually do shots of rum with chasers. I hate the taste of liquor, so I just go with cheap stuff usually. Often have beer for sipping between shots-it also helps me with the hangover, because if I just drink liquor, my stomach hurts like hell the next day.

Being drunk makes just about everything interesting and fun. It's not nearly as good if you do it too much, though.

>> No.9538551

80% alcohol isn't fattening at all. You're doing it wrong.

>> No.9538553

I drink when I can't smoke weed and I want to sleep, so long as it isn't shitty pilsner.

>> No.9538560 [SPOILER] 
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The more you do it, the better it gets. I suggest drinking meths continuously. You can open a portal to another dimension, a gateway to a world of pure pain.

>> No.9538561

Love drinking beer, not too imaginative with my choices though. Anything I can find at the local store.
