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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9526761 No.9526761 [Reply] [Original]

do little girls make you excited /jp/?

>> No.9526765


>> No.9526766 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 502x512, ghost denis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. kepek

>> No.9526774

yes (not in a lewd way). whenever im on the bus sitting near some elementary school girls i always get nervous. everytime they giggle i think that they're laughing at me. its not a pleasant experience.

>> No.9526780

why would they laugh at you?

>> No.9526788

only white girls. asian girls are ugly

>> No.9526792 [DELETED] 
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t. kepek

>> No.9526809

Some of shiina's sets are so damn good.

>> No.9526812

I always try to avoid looking at little girls because I feel others might think I'm a pedophile.
I don't even like little girls

>> No.9526815

because im overweight and like chinese cartoons

>> No.9526833

i stare through my window at all the cute 5th graders that walk past my house everyday afterschool.

>> No.9526856
File: 26 KB, 221x276, elle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. japanese girls cannot compare with american girls in terms of cuteness

>> No.9526859 [DELETED] 
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t. kepek

>> No.9526902

I share your pain.
Except that i like little girls, not all of them though. Some of them.

>> No.9526904
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t. kepek

>> No.9526922

>not all of them though.

Isn't that the same for normal people? Like if you're attracted to adult women that doesn't mean you like all of them.

>> No.9526944

Most people would disagree I guess.
But I do agree on people saying Western model have some points on Asian models.

>> No.9526952

Pretty sure normal people have standards too.;

>> No.9526987
File: 122 KB, 815x1215, ___040407-Tomomi_Sakata_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a cute little girlfriend

>> No.9527016

Ehh. It's quite the opposite for me. Japanese schoolgirls make me squeal on the inside. American girls just make me feel disgusted looking at them. Maybe it's the /r9k/ talking and some bias personal experience, but American girls are shallow, obnoxious, annoying brats who will grow up to be sluts. I even feel the same about Asian Americans. When I went to Japan, I got all moe over the schoolgirls. I saw a schoolgirl playing some a random little boy while on the train. That shit was cute as fuck. When I'd eavesdrop on conversations, Japanese schoolgirls don't sound as conceited and stupid as compared to American girls.
Polite sage.

>> No.9527025

It actually depends, weeaboo. I have had some decent encounters with American lolis. But then I am a lucky guy.

>> No.9527044

Let's try in 300 years. Unless we can go back to the past after we die.

>> No.9527045

as someone who works at a school i agree. american schoolgirls are cunts in training

>> No.9527068

No but they do catch my attention. If only because I compare them to the ones in Chinese cartoons.

>> No.9527069

I got married to Momo.
You guys jelly?

>> No.9527083

You don't sound bitter at all.

>> No.9527327

you wish you were a german elementary school girl ;_;

>> No.9527367

the little girl on the right is ugly as hell compared to the blond one. she must feel terrible when shes around her friend

>> No.9527377

they look like grannies

>> No.9527387

don't bully her, she already looks so self-conscious

>> No.9527395

the blonde one is 13

>> No.9527419


>whenever im on the bus sitting near some elementary school girls i always get nervous. everytime they giggle i think that they're laughing at me.

They were.

>> No.9527426

no, they were laughing at me

>> No.9527434

would ficken

>> No.9527458

>make me squeal
>Maybe it's the /r9k/ talking
>I got all moe over schoolgirls
>Polite sage

Holy shit. I've never seen somebody so goddamn ignorant of our board in my life. It's like you have absolutely zero knowledge of how to act in this board.

Do you even know where you are? Do you regularly talk about your experiences with the other boards here? how about Gaia? do you flaunt your Gaianess to everyone around you?

Do you go to /b/ as well, and laugh at all the "le epic meme XD?"

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is; fuck off, retard. Never return to this board.

>> No.9527468

calm down nerd. who let you out of the psych hospital?

>> No.9527470

Yes, I do.

In a bad way. I hate american little girls, and for some reason I'm quite interesting to them, so upon sighting me they always make a goddamn b-line for me and try to start up a conversation.

I just want to be left alone! Most of them don't even have any real talking skills, they just ask shitloads of annoying questions, or point out stupid shit at random.

>> No.9527475
File: 995 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_C3_Cube_x_Cursed_x_Curious_-_09_[h264-720p][24F897C0].mkv_snapshot_06.00_[2011.12.01_20.50.09].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German elementary school girls always bullied me. Fuck them

>> No.9527497

ur mom

>> No.9527514

pretty cute but she seems like a spoiled girl. although i've always dreamed of living a life like this

>> No.9527521

are you german?

>> No.9527527


>> No.9527539


Damn. I pictured German schoolgirls sailing across the Atlantic just to call you a faggot, then hop on the boat and promptly sail back.

>> No.9527542

beware of cuteness.
involves tickling
not a tsuri

>> No.9527560

(German too)

We boys always bullied 2 girls for no reason, soon even the girls bullied them. They were rather pretty and I wasn't even sure why they were bullied (later I was bullied as well) but one day me and my friend talked with them for a while and soon they asked "How about we become friends?" really nicely. My faggot friend said "noo, you're girls and nobody likes you", I said "oh come on", but then he insisted on "no" and since I wasn't a very dominant kid I sticked up to his opinion and said "no" too. For the rest of my elementary years I always felt guilty for saying no, and to this day it's my biggest regret. I was always sad when they were very cruely bullied, I didn't even care about the bullying done to me.

/jp/ - Blogs

>> No.9527590

What the fuck. This are fucking teens. Stop posting this shit.

>> No.9527595

damn what a faggot you are. i was even ignored by girls during elementary school ;_;

>> No.9527605

I was beaten up by girls in elementary school

>> No.9527604

I like to watch kids playing with toys, not creepy at all

>> No.9527623

me too, i envy them. im an adult male and i wish i could play with toys, have tea parties with dolls, and play dress up without people calling me a faggot, nerd, etc. what a horrible world we live in

>> No.9527631


You've been brainwashed by the PEDOFUD of modern media.

>> No.9527637


>> No.9527639

that's sort of hot

>> No.9527647
File: 117 KB, 450x605, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taken home.

>> No.9527656

This made me sad for some reason... ;_;

>> No.9527681

When I meet little girls, sometimes they will look at me in amazement and then turn to their mother to tell them:
"Mama, der Mann hat gar keine Schuhe an!"
I like to imagine that this means:
Mum, that man looks totally hot."

>> No.9527683

is that the midget from game of thrones?

>> No.9527714
File: 81 KB, 600x447, Hzwj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little girls are the only reason i go outside

>> No.9527717

Is there a reason why you don't wear shoes?

>> No.9527724


>> No.9527729

How the fuck did you... ?
Are you a stalker?

It's summer. I like going barefoot. I also dislike the feeling of the sandals, but I don't want to wear socks with them.

>> No.9527737

are all german girls this kawaii?

>> No.9527744

Hey thats my picture

>> No.9527760

They are very, very slutty.

>> No.9527766

they are just liberated

>> No.9527768

my weewee has reached dangerous levels of blood pressure

>> No.9527780

Don't be afraid of me. I'm doing this because I love you!

Aren't you afraid of things like glass shards?
Doesn't it hurt to walk on hot asphalt?

>> No.9527786


Why was there a porno video on the right (recommended?) when I wasn't signed in?

>> No.9527826
File: 226 KB, 768x1024, 1342269970825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9527853

too bad. ronald prefers boys

>> No.9527867

Yes. It scares me and I try to only go out at night if school isn't in session so I can avoid them.

>> No.9527861

Glass shards don't bother me much. Hot alphalt does, at times, so I try to avoid being in the city without shoes at extreme temperatures.

Unfortunately I am also highly self-negligent, I have repeatedly walked for several hours on bleeding/burnt feet, when I actually had shoes in my backpack, so I need to pay attention.

>> No.9527904

because nico2 care only about copyright

also this

>> No.9527899

I accidentally went to /b/ instead of /c/ the other day and there was a huge CP thread on slot 1 of page 0. It was tempting, but I didn't open it or use the memory of the thumbnails for my lewd thoughts later. I know I shouldn't, but I am rather proud of that and feel like I done good for once.
