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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 211 KB, 1020x765, Heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9524883 No.9524883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. How do you translate this into Japanese? Also, how do you feel about it?


>> No.9524913


>> No.9524933

Sounds like you are trying to attack my freedoms.

>> No.9524935
File: 327 KB, 500x926, 1301632090936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad?

>> No.9524945
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1324328290324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does the scouter say about his mad level?

>> No.9524958



Sorry for that

>> No.9524971

Why do you believe signing an American petition is going to change anything in Japan?

>> No.9524973

>Yi Sun

>> No.9524980

Why is the scooter powered by pedals? Isn't this just a bicycle?

>> No.9524986
File: 27 KB, 534x140, 1344254229640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9524988


I've never been to Japan. Why does that bicycle look so swag?

>> No.9524990


Because he's retarded.

>> No.9524998

You know they could work with other publishers, right?!

That sounds more like BAWWWWWing from workers who are tired of working for their boss and want to make an union, well you know what, too fucking bad. Work for good companies like PG, Valve, or ... make your own. There's a distinctive lack of good gaming companies so it's for the best anyways.

>> No.9524997

>internet petitions
oh boy

>> No.9524996

Shut up fucking Jew.

>> No.9525005


Why do you believe signing an online petition is going to change anything anywhere?

>> No.9525019
File: 33 KB, 960x720, a_fit_scholar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> bending over and taking it in the ass instead of actually changing something wrong on principle

/jp/ isn't moe. It's beta.

>> No.9525020

Should have read your contract, not my fault you chose to get a shitty deal.

>> No.9525023


> thinking it's about the signatures

Think, man.

>> No.9525025

>extend intellectual property rights

>> No.9525030


Why not? Instead of going


As you masturbate in your own feces

>> No.9525044

Should have self-published your game or started your own company!

I hope this will be a lesson to you in the future.

>> No.9525054 [DELETED] 

It looks like you fail to grasp what he's implying.

Let's just say you're a full blown retard if you think a doujin community would care about something like this or support intellectual property legislation at large.

>> No.9525061


It looks like you fail to grasp what he's implying.

Let's just say you're a full blown retard if you think a doujin community would care about something like this or support intellectual property legislation at large.

>> No.9525059

They should make a kickstarter to gather funds to sue capcom to bankrupcy and beyond.
FUCK them and their DLC everywhere.

>> No.9525083


What is the difference between a Man and a parasite?

A Man builds, a parasite asks, 'Where's my share?'

A Man creates, a parasite says, 'What will the neighbors think?'

A Man invents, a parasite says, 'Watch out, or you might tread on the toes of God...'

You are the parasites.

>> No.9525088
File: 26 KB, 109x137, Andrew_Ryan_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic

>> No.9525084

Please do not use the terms "intellectual property" or using it in conjunction with "rights"
Instead of "rights", you should use "government established monopolies"
You should use the correct term of either trademarks, copyright, or patents instead of "intellectual property". Each system has different problems and benefits. The umbrella term only serves to confuse the public, and the only people who use it are either trying to confuse others, or are confused themselves.

>> No.9525092

I don't think you even know what doujinshi are. He wasn't talking about piracy. You're completely retarded.

>> No.9525100


I don't think you know how the law works

>> No.9525105

Yeah, okay. You just raise enough money to sue Capcom since they're obviously violating the law. Good luck.

>> No.9525123

/v/ pls go

>> No.9525121
File: 67 KB, 500x287, YOUBETRAYEDTHELAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9525138


Possession of moe without a license


>> No.9525166

I'm going to report this thread to sankaku.
Maybe they'll even use some of my comments in their column!(I'll be famous!)

>> No.9525185
File: 28 KB, 300x458, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then you could be as famous as this.

>> No.9525212

I'm thinking as hard as I can and I honestly can't understand what the point of an online petition is, besides the signatures.

And please stop misquoting people. He didn't say anything of the sort

>Work for good companies like PG, Valve, or ... make your own.

The workers at Valve are more stuck in a dead end than what you're lead to believe, though.

>> No.9525222

Valve is an American company, you bastard. America stands for Freedom!

>> No.9525231

A petition to change something in Japan, made by a Korean in the internet anglosphere, whose purpose is to bitch at a videogame company.

Why do /v/tards insist on calling us mad ITT?

>> No.9525255

Yet a "valve" is a device used to control.
funny how CEOs hide the true intentions of their companies in their names, huh?

>> No.9525261

What is going on in this thread?

>> No.9525271

Pretty much sums it up how retarded this whole idea is.

>> No.9525277


> made by a Korean in the internet anglosphere


I shiggy diggy

>> No.9525287

I think it would be just as retarded if it was a Japanese petition. It boggles my mind that retards think anything can be gained from internet petitions, let alone fundamental changes in the fucking law of another country.

I guess this kind of shit is what happens when kids see garbage like kickstarter and "omg from software totally listened to us and made a shitty port for PC!"

>> No.9525289
File: 17 KB, 286x215, Sturtleship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, maybe you meant this


So an Age of Empires nerd, bitching about Japanese games, on an American board?

>> No.9525312

Jesus fuck it is worse than I though. What a stupid idea.

>> No.9525316

Yi Sun is a pretty common Chinese name, though. I know one.

>> No.9525328

We're living in the age of I. People seriously think they can start a movement that can change anything and that their contribution is important. What happens is that these things serve no other purpose than stroking someone's ego and putting at ease a guilty conscience. Why donate money to charity or give food to the poor when one mouse click reportedly has the same effect? People have forgotten there's no such thing as an easy buck and that things can only change if you actually put effort in them.

>> No.9525355


Why should people give a shit about avenues not explored before? Better to settle for the mediocrity of what everyone else does as you make your next tax-deductible donation.

By the way, it's still not about the signatures.

>> No.9525400 [DELETED] 

Then I guess nobody will give a shit if nobody signs it.

>> No.9525410

Why sign a petition that is not about the signatures?

Is it a tsundere petition?

>> No.9525429


You still don't get it, do you?

I thought Asian culture was supposed to enrich intellectually.

>> No.9525442

Please explain, as we're obviously not smart enough to understand. Share the wealth that is your immense knowledge.

>> No.9525444

I've been begging for an explanation since >>9525212. Could you please provide it instead of distributing insults? Or are you not unlike the typical teenager who thinks people "just don't get it", while never saying what exactly there is to get?

>> No.9525452


If I just told you, it would ruin it. Let's just put it that way.

If you really want to know, meditate on it further.

>> No.9525495
File: 51 KB, 296x224, pffhaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, /v/-tard. Now go take your zen bullshit to /a/, I hear they're suckers for crap like that.

>> No.9525506
File: 27 KB, 100x100, satoko laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you were right on the money.

>> No.9525520

So you have no explanation and that was just your pathetic attempt at reverse psychology. The things people do for mundane crap like an e-petition that changes nothing.

>> No.9525533


I really pity those who not only don't know, but act superior for their ignorance.

Not mad, just sympathetic. Someday you'll understand. Hopefully not when it's too late.

>> No.9525538

He's most likely sixteen and there's probably a girl involved.

>> No.9525545

What you don't understand is that you were trolled.

You must be seriously retarded not to understand at this point.

The only thing I'm curious about is whether OP was ever serious.

>> No.9525551


You still misunderstand.

Not mad. Just sympathetic.

>> No.9525557

sry /b/ro but singning a petitien thats not abot da singatures is 2 deep 4 me ):

>> No.9525563


Was I ever not?

I must confess that I do enjoy Judge Dredd.

>> No.9525580


Do you train with a weapon just to kill?
Do you grow food only to eat?
Do you gain wealth only to spend?

>> No.9525590
File: 21 KB, 748x285, lol-i-troll-u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about saving face.

>> No.9525604

oly SHIT you just got soo physiological!! how do u do that?? o:

>> No.9525620


You spelled "cryptic" wrong.

>> No.9525628


That image is way too busy. You can do better than that.

E+ for Effort

>> No.9525798


le saving face

>> No.9525831
File: 108 KB, 555x612, 1344256581352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9525879

Hey /jp/

Why do you keep on living?

>> No.9525896

Want to know how Naruto ends.

>> No.9525930


It hasn't ended yet? Hasn't that series been around for at least a good 8 years?

>> No.9525952


Oh man, it's over 10 years old and still running. It's the Family Circus of Japanese comic strips.

>> No.9525982

There are much older manga, and, oddly enough, much better manga too.

>> No.9526034



>> No.9526124

Here are some older manga. Declaring anything better than Naruto will only result in a big fight with the Naruto fans.

>> No.9526131

30 years and counting.

>> No.9526359


You know, I'm looking through these. I'm surprised by the lack of moe.

It's a brave world, peering in from the old into the new.

>> No.9526518

Anime is moe. Manga is versatile.
