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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 428 KB, 758x800, erica from campione!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9522046 No.9522046 [Reply] [Original]

Light novel girl of the year /jp/ thread. Feel free to post others.

Pixiv ID for pic is 14883786.

>> No.9522058

How bad is this in terms of haremshit?

It tends to not sit well with me recently.

>> No.9522059

Upset that milk was getting all the attention?

>> No.9522062

Dunno I don't really care if cartoons/books have harems or not.

>> No.9522065

What is the first sentence of the first volume?

>> No.9522078

Like !bar would know. He even starts talking about the anime in his first response in this thread. It's amusing that he made this thread at this moment, when there's no moderation. It would surely be deleted otherwise.


>> No.9522081

He "reads" the light novels ;-)

>> No.9522087

But Chris is from an eroge!

>> No.9522091

Tell me what in the fuck is that supposed to even mean.

>> No.9522107

Here is a light novel thread where ZUN!bar mentions "reading" the novels in question:

See, he "reads" the books. Get it?

>> No.9522108
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>> No.9522109

Look it up yourself nerd.



You're just e-autistic and think this instead of actually talking about the series we post about.

>> No.9522115
File: 161 KB, 800x600, majiHG050500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>But Chris is from an eroge!

I love you Anon.

>> No.9522118

Please just explain it to me.

Sure thing !bar. Ignore what I'm saying, insult me, and then lie to yourself to try to make your off-topic bullshit relevant to /jp/ in your own mind.

>> No.9522124

>Please just explain it to me.

He's using "read" (with scare quotes) as a euphemism for watching the anime adaptation.

Jesus, how can you be this autistic?

>> No.9522134

Why doesn't he just discuss his anime in /a/?

>> No.9522129

Name me all the 2hus in alphabetical order. Actually no just fuck off.

>> No.9522136
File: 714 KB, 806x1200, Campione_Vol.01_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sucks because you're just gonna "shitpost like a boss" in my thread instead of talking about light novel girls at all.

>> No.9522140

Not him, but you did exactly that to my Spice & Wolf thread and got it deleted.

Yes, I'm still e-upset about it.

>> No.9522141

I want my cartoons to have cute girls in them, if all the girls crave some shitty protagonist's dick it makes them much less cute.

It's why stuff like Horizon is so nice.

>> No.9522151

Whatever you say, !bar. You're honestly too far gone to even reason with. I used to like you a lot. What happened?

>> No.9522154

Is zun!bar gay?

>> No.9522160

Remember, kids: ZUN!bar is the victim here.

>> No.9522164

Nope, 100% macho man.
We had hot steamy sex all night, he's a real intercourse expart

>> No.9522172

I'm still waiting for him to post pictures of a pie he baked. It's one thing to lie in real life because there might be consequences, but there's no reason to lie on the internet.

>> No.9522173

Where is the guy congratulating him on his (gay) marriage?

>> No.9522182

Congrats on the marriage.

>> No.9522188

Now I can finally go to bed in peace.

>> No.9522190

wait is he really gay

>> No.9522191
File: 489 KB, 626x800, nobuna28700836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon posting Horo's uncensored puffy vulva is what got that thread deleted though. But that thread was awesome anyways because it had some great pictures.

I can't understand because I'm always banging all the 2D girls (in my mind) regardless if the protagonist sucks or not. So they're always cute to me.

>> No.9522212

Does !bar even read light novels or is it just an excuse to make inane 2D dumps?

>> No.9522210

i like mariya better

she's socially awkward just like me

>> No.9522211

>I'm always banging all the 2D girls

You should be someone who writes or tells jokes.

>> No.9522213

Whatever, if you idiots don't wanna partake in my thread just because I have a tripcode then be that way. I know you like to demonize Reddit but I'm starting to like that place more anyway.

>> No.9522219

You were also responsible and you know it.

This sort of thing happens a lot, anyway. I'm sure you remember this one GS thread:

>> No.9522215
File: 446 KB, 790x934, 1426444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nothing good gets translated

>> No.9522221

You should use a trip from http://pastebin.com/32MhLFfh

>> No.9522225



>> No.9522227

Did someone crack !bar's trip or did he have another traumatic breakdown?

>> No.9522236

Read the thread. He posts about anime adaptations of light novels, usually to share images of a character he likes. There are exceptions though, like he'll discuss an original anime character (e.g. Homu) or the anime itself (e.g. http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S8751889))

>> No.9522237

You guys need to pay more attention.

>> No.9522239

I've got two computers trying to do that, CPU only so it's going to take a while (if ever). Also Sudo's.

>> No.9522251

Not sure if he even remembers it. But I do anon.

>> No.9522245
File: 583 KB, 800x891, 25564508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>let's just talk about me instead of the light novel girls

No. Stop.

>> No.9522250

Every thread he posts in gets deleted, he must be trying a new strategy to disguise his pseudo-random-2d imagedumps.


>> No.9522263

Sorry, I used the quote function incorrectly.

>> No.9522255

Congrats on the marriage.

>> No.9522257


>> No.9522267


I'm fucking blind apparently.

>> No.9522271

What do you want to talk about exactly?

>> No.9522279


He wants to talk about himself but look modest at the same time. He has a mental illness.


>> No.9522281

He wants to talk about anime girls.

>> No.9522284
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>> No.9522296


I've always suspected this, because whenever someone makes a good and lengthy post he tries to belittle them for stealing his fame or whatever. This is very histrionic behavior.

Remember that thread with the ironic goodposting about pedophilia/bestiality, and he spammed it non-stop about how the person doing the ironic goodposting was "probably a psychology dropout" or w/e?

>> No.9522303

Eve from the light novel "Black Cat" is the greatest girl of all time.

>> No.9522302


You made me refresh the thread in excitement. Asshole.

>> No.9522306


What? Like, little girls having sex with dogs?

>> No.9522308
File: 539 KB, 2000x2480, 28925582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Think of all your favorite light novel series.

2) Do you like any female characters from any of those series?

If yes, then feel free to post whatever you want about that character. Your thoughts, fanart, why she's the best, etc. Or feel free to comment on the posts of others.

>> No.9522311

So what did everyone think of the light novel?

>> No.9522314
File: 479 KB, 909x1378, img011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's some pasta about narcissists, perfectly defining zunbar.

Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.

Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may reinflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person.

Paranoia: Mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution.

And to stay on topic of the Lights Novels, here's some random page from Oda Nobuna no Yabou.

>> No.9522315


Why don't you leave to Gaia or whatever if you love discussing anime, having an identity, and posting "normally" so much?



>> No.9522321

Congrats on the marriage.

>> No.9522322

He's derailed a few of my threads like this, to get his important opinion in or to take the thread in the direction he wants. I imagine he'd say I'm paranoid, but when he says statements or imperatives like "this thread is now about sword girls" or "everyone post more satens", it's pretty clear he's trying to take control of the thread. I've actually had a couple of my threads deleted (and I was even banned once) because of his actions.

>> No.9522324

You're the only one talking about anime, anon.

>> No.9522329
File: 443 KB, 909x1378, img012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really reading youtube comments.

You should call your shitposting buddies so they can help you in your inane image dumps.

>> No.9522331
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1343870122809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9522338

Do you guys remember the thread where he argued about the board rules, couldn't accept that he was wrong and ended up deleting his posts after someone explained to him why he's posting offtopic content?


>> No.9522332

Have you read this light novel series?

>> No.9522342


He also threw a literal tantrum on /ghost/ following this

>> No.9522352

I wonder what happens when people are out in force against him like this. Does he just close the tab and turn his nose to the criticism?

People who are incapable of self-critical thought are disgusting.

>> No.9522363

He deletes his posts a lot. particularly if he realises he could get in trouble. For example, I called him out on a NSFW image (that wasn't even NSFW, I was just being a dick) so he deleted it.
I know this is a normal reaction to rule-breaking, but it's clear he's skirting around the rules to do whatever he wants. Search his /ghost/ posts, he's a lot more vocal about it there. If anything, I admire his honesty.

>> No.9522376
File: 209 KB, 950x1250, 28829700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Anon desperately trying to troll me into the stratosphere 24/7, 365 days a year

Yes. It's great because it reminds me of koihime.

>> No.9522368

Ichiko is relevant to this thread since there's a Binbougami Ga LN.

>> No.9522380
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, asuna_contrast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9522381
File: 432 KB, 1109x1600, 08_307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, please zunbar, from where do you know all these hot as HELL light novels gurls?
Masaka, you actually read LNs?

Why is Saru's LN version so ugly by the way?

>> No.9522385
File: 6 KB, 192x256, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys please stop posting 2D on a 3D board.
Thank you very much

>> No.9522387


>protip: if somebody is being an insufferable faggot, please e-mail me.

ZUN!bar is worse than Jim Profit was (though at least ZB doesn't use an avatar), so I think it's fair to say he qualifies as an "insufferable faggot". And he's been at it longer.

Go email moot. Drop what you're doing, email him.

>> No.9522389

At least he finally changes out of the uniform.

>> No.9522390


You can put your tripcode back on, dude.

>> No.9522392

Congrats on the marriage.

>> No.9522397
File: 103 KB, 826x1200, suitai_05_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see >>9522314

>> No.9522401

What? I'm criticizing him. Unless you think I'm somebody else.

>> No.9522405

He is very handsome, no homo.

>> No.9522410

moot does not care about /jp/

>> No.9522417


Doing this now, hopefully we'll catch him on one of those times when he feels like doing stuff for the board and being the hero.

>> No.9522426
File: 188 KB, 600x848, 70ee3764698dd80cf33d05cd8978a58d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9522431

ZUN!bar is moot's friend hired to weasel out trolls, shitposters, and people with thin skin who don't belong on the board. He has mod immunity and knows in advance about threadbans.

>> No.9522440

Honestly, a thread like this is an obvious attempt to stir shit. !bar, you were never a great poster, but when did you become such a huge fucking retard?

>> No.9522442
File: 206 KB, 459x666, Campione_v9_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>For example, I called him out on a NSFW image (that wasn't even NSFW, I was just being a dick) so he deleted it.

Because I don't want to bother people with porn on a worksafe website.

That's it. I only delete my posts for legit/simples reasons like this. Some of you e-autists are already going full theorycraft into this.

>> No.9522449

I fucking hate him for the sheer fact that his mere presence rallies all his irc friends who either post threads about him or derail existing ones.

>> No.9522462

Any one of you can go into IRC right now, query a mod, and explain this to him. ZUN!bar would get banned for it.

You have had hundreds of opportunities like this.

But you never take them. And you know why? Because you don't care. You would rather bitch and moan and flame and troll for hours than spend up to an hour of effort actually getting shit done.

>> No.9522467
File: 724 KB, 822x1200, Dan5-061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him, he's the funniest tripuser on /jp/, a true clown.

This beautiful man is hot as hell by the way, I love his ass and his blue eyes and his blond hair, no homo.

>> No.9522472
File: 426 KB, 736x800, 15442121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alerting a mod to this thread would only result in them being banned for derailing it into meta shit.

>> No.9522487

Mods are human beings with the same reading comprehension and critical thinking skills as the rest of us.

Well, mostly. Team 4chan is largely made up of /v/irgins.

>> No.9522495
File: 556 KB, 1937x1600, 08_000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for making meaningless threads that reek of shitposting.
Things would go much smoother if he dropped his tripcode.

>> No.9522498

I can picture the board going apeshit and having a spiritual enlightenment regarding posting if !bar was banned. It would be great.

>> No.9522506


>> No.9522498,1 [INTERNAL] 

In before 404.

>> No.9522516

He would probably get banned for three days, wait it out, come back, and then continue as normal. If asked, he'd say something like, "Yeah d00d I got a 3 day ban for posting h0mu."
Nothing else would be different.

>> No.9522510
File: 27 KB, 402x329, 1341937566248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that's totally worked before right

>> No.9522523

I'm getting really tired of your bullshit zun!bar.
Fuck off, seriously.

>> No.9522523,1 [INTERNAL] 

In after 404.

>> No.9522523,2 [INTERNAL] 

My god zunbar is such a clown.

>> No.9522523,3 [INTERNAL] 

Back to page 1

>> No.9522523,4 [INTERNAL] 

Dude I remember this.

It was a totally legit & sincere character thread ruined by the usual /ghost/-trolls like Jim Profit-chan here >>9522387 and here http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S9852170#p9852185_198

Damn you crazy guys really were following me around 24/7, weren't you.

>> No.9522523,5 [INTERNAL] 

every time i don't see you around for a while i start to wonder why that one poster was so annoyed by your presence

then you come back and i am suddenly reminded

>> No.9522523,6 [INTERNAL] 

I recognizing your posting style so trust me, the feeling is mutual.

>> No.9522523,7 [INTERNAL] 

It's precisely shit like this. The first time I ever called you a faggot you said you recognized my style. You're a paranoid delusional retarded faggot and I'm glad that somebody was fucking crazy enough to get trash like you permabanned.

>> No.9522523,8 [INTERNAL] 

Quit fighting, ZUN and Sion, you're breaking my image of /jp/'s classic OTP

>> No.9522523,9 [INTERNAL] 

You're a fucking retard if you can't see different posting styles.

>> No.9522523,10 [INTERNAL] 

I can clearly see your "zunbar defence force" posting style.

I am familiar with that sensation. Whenever I disagreed with zunbar, I was automatically labeled as that Paper guy.

>> No.9522523,11 [INTERNAL] 

Disregard that, I am Autism paper kun.

also check out my double sage, IM so edgy

>> No.9522523,12 [INTERNAL] 

I've see you. You're "shit like this"-kun. You always get mad at ZUN!bar because of the arguments he gets in. One wonders why you ever got involved in the first place if you don't care about his regular posting.

>> No.9522523,13 [INTERNAL] 

Ooh, do me next! Who am I?

>> No.9522523,14 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, I remember you, you are that ``I only keep the bar portion of zunbar's tripcode'' guy! It's me, Andrew! How have you been?

>> No.9522523,15 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't you that [i]do me next![/u] cockaddict?

>> No.9522523,16 [INTERNAL] 

You're faggot who chokes of many dicks-kun

now come here and choke on my dick
