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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9511863 No.9511863 [Reply] [Original]

He learned Japanese in 15 days.


What's your excuse?

>> No.9511864

I'll do it tomorrow

>> No.9511866

I am not that guy.

>> No.9511870

Thank for the virus OP ):

>> No.9511871
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>> No.9511872

He didnt learn shit

>> No.9511873

If I try, I'm sure I can do that too. Just knowing I could do it is enough for me.

>> No.9511877

o yea well guess what op i learn german, chinese and sanskrit in 4 minutes top dat faggotron

>> No.9511878
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 42562462456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just eaten 15 chocolate fingers.

>> No.9511880



>> No.9511882

But he's right.

>> No.9511885

But he didn't actually learn anything.

>> No.9511887


How? Anyone can learn things quickly if they don't procrastinate constantly and they keep up their reviewing.

The only people who have troubles with long-term memory when cramming are people who are too lazy to review.

>> No.9511888

That's not relevant to anything here.

>> No.9511890

I'm a pathetic piece of shit who can't motivation himself to do anything in life and I'd be better off killing myself but I'm too pathetic to even do that?

I think that's a fair excuse.

>> No.9511895

He didn't learn shit for Japanese.
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.9511897

He learnt how to write and recognise the characters. Which sounds like what /jp/ is always struggling with.

>> No.9511899

I think you're cute ;)

>> No.9511901

I like how people always react with hostility when confronted with someone who has an intellect far superior to their own.

>> No.9511903

I'm sure that with 8 hours a day I'd learn over half joyos in 15 days, but I can't because I'm not healthy.

>> No.9511905

I like how you keep bumping this shitty thread that has no actual reason to exist with irrelevant nonsense.

>> No.9511907

Just because you can write or recognize a character doesn't mean shit if you don't know the on-yomi or the kun-yomi.

>> No.9511909

In other words, he knows as much japanese as a chinese person who never has studied japanese

Basically, its as much as saying you know latin because you can read english

>> No.9511911

Not OP but it'd be nice if I could stop having to hear /jp/ complain about Japanese orthography when it's actually not that hard.

>> No.9511912

Thank you anon.

>> No.9511914

No one is seriously saying he learnt Japanese. I thought it was obvious that

>He learned Japanese in 15 days.

was a joke.

>> No.9511920

One day we will have no need to learn Japanese, we'll be able to translate text perfectly with the click of a mouse

I just hope that day comes soon

>> No.9511922

It will never happen though.

>> No.9511931


>> No.9511926

wishful thinking: the post.

>> No.9511932

Go away Cudder.

>> No.9511933


Typical /jp/ mentality.

No wonder you're such a useless sack of shit.

>> No.9511939

I know all the kana very well, but I don't know how to proceed and have idly picked my nose for nearly a week now.

I'm stupid and don't get how to properly use Tae Kim or Kanjidamage.

>> No.9511942

That's impossible.

>> No.9511944

Just have sex with a Japanese high school girl. Guaranteed to teach you 100% japanese.

>> No.9511956

Willpower you mean.

Though intellect may be right because he isn't posting on /jp/.

>> No.9511958
File: 115 KB, 528x396, shinji[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mustn't run away...

>> No.9511959

/jp/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan.

>> No.9511961

We're on the same site right?

>> No.9511967

Have you ever visited any other board on 4chan? /jp/ is the only one with consistently good grammar and original content.

>> No.9511973

He is right.
/jp/ is the most intelligent board if you look past all the spam.

>> No.9511981

meanwhile, thread #90122 or "How to I learn Japanese" is made asking /jp/ the best way to learn kanji from anons who still are on kanjidamage or have quit because they find some guys method to be useless cause they have ADHD.

>> No.9511993

>good grammar
not a firm indication of anything other than some users are anal and can't handle a lack of capitals in an otherwise completely coherent sentence

>original content
yeah every day there is a new flan thread.

>> No.9511995

What is your problem? Did you get bullied today?

>> No.9511999

did my post come off as passive aggressive? i am just pointing out that i think what you said is incorrect.

>> No.9512002
File: 7 KB, 731x122, lel butthurt showoff faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baww he made a comment about beating my time ;_; ban him pls admin ;_;

>> No.9512008

/jp/ is the only board here that actively try to beat the current system.
Profiting from other people hard work is a mark of intelligent.

>> No.9512014
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>> No.9512037

I did it in 2 days

>> No.9512042

I can't keep working for 15 days.

Does it not bother you how this is completely asymmetrical? This could be a really nice pentagon.

And then there will be people like us, who can't bring up the energy to do a mouse click, and they'll download pre-clicked stuff from the internet.
How is that different from now?

Are you saying that so long as you are allowed to be very selective you will be able to find better posts here than what your selective fingers would pull from other boards? You are amazing.

You sound very smart.

>> No.9512063

He didn't learn Japanese. He memorized RTK. It's a good first step, but the hard and actually time-consuming part starts now.

>> No.9512092


How are you beating the system when you have to wait ridiculously long amounts of time to read bad translations of a VN that has already been out for several years?

>> No.9512107

looks like 15 days of life wasted to me
im a chinese so kanji is not a problem, but i spent almost an year in japanese community and i still wouldnt say myself "learned". there are too many things textbooks cant cover

>> No.9512120

>looks like 15 days of life wasted to me
>im a chinese so kanji is not a problem

Spending 15 days to get to the point where "kanji is not a problem" is a waste of life?

>> No.9512130
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1304091635729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my driver's license.

(Books have been lying untouched for over a week.)

>> No.9512139

I'm lazy. Fortunately, I'm a chink, so this shit is easy for me.

Also some people are just better at learning shit than others.

>> No.9512141

He didn't learn a single concrete thing. All he did was lay the foundation for the actual learning. I myself have done RTK 1, but I dropped the method afterwards because I felt like it was too much of a pointless academic exercise. I would just study words and sentences in anki and write them down if I felt it was necessary. It's much easier for me to remember actual concrete information in the right context instead of learning very inaccurate keywords and the writing alone. You don't really start learning any japanese untill after RtK.

>> No.9512146

these two are unrelated. native chinese spend all elementary school time, about 6 years, learning how to write kanji
but you wont need that much irl

>> No.9512152

It takes them 6 years because kids are retarded and slow. RTK lets you do that in a month or two.

>> No.9512154

You're a fag.

>> No.9512158

I know someone who learned the contents of a basic university differential equations and algebra course in three weeks. I wouldn't expect most people to do that, though. People learn and memorize things at different rates.

>> No.9512155

meant to reply to

>> No.9512159

You must be full of shit.

>> No.9512162

>being a chink
da fuk

>> No.9512163

Nah, I just took a shit, so I'm empty now.

>> No.9512165

Kanji are still a problem for most chinese people since they use simplified versions that can look quite different and so they pretty much have to start from scratch. Then there's the fact chinese is as unrelated to japanese as english is when it
comes to syntax and structure.

Unless you've been taught kanji as a child there's no reason to think that being asian automatically makes you better at learning kanji, it's a completely cultural thing and has nothing to do with genetics. I've chatted with Japanese people that knew less kanji than I do, and I'm as white as it gets.

>> No.9512173

No, I mean it's easy because I learned Chinese when I was a child, not because of my SUPERIOR GENETICS. I learned both traditional and simplified characters.

>> No.9512181

And if you learning them to play eroge you dont even need to memorize kanji.
Just learn grammar and sentence structure and fire up TA and play the games.
The only reason why you actually need to memorize kanji is if you want to play console games or read light novel and we all know how light novel is just a worthless medium.
He wasted 15 days of his life for nothing.

>> No.9512186

>He wasted 15 days of his life

As opposed to 15 days potentially spent shitposting on /jp/?

>> No.9512188

What if you want to play PSP games?
Most (good) PSP games are in japanese.

>> No.9512196

SRW and Idolmaster are pretty easy with elementary level Japanese.

>> No.9512206

The OP said he learned Japanese, but he didn't. He learned the stories for kanji, but he still can't read them. He.p might be able to guess the meaning of a compound but he will never understand the meaning of a sentence. He should have done his project after a few years of actual study and practice rather than at the beginning because he will just become cocky.

>> No.9512210

>The OP said he learned Japanese, but he didn't.


>> No.9512215

This is /jp/ - ministry of autism. Please do not joke here

>> No.9512226

I managed to complete RTK1 in three months and I'm still just getting started.

>> No.9512237

Wait, I thought children learn faster than grown-ups?

>> No.9512246


Children learn faster than adults who in turn learn faster than /jp/.

>> No.9512242


I bet you would believe the shit "Right side of the brain" tells you too.

>> No.9512248

Should I believe the left side of my brain instead?

>> No.9512256


No, you should only believe your right side.

>> No.9512267

But Hitler was right wing!

>> No.9512271

And Hitler was a nice guy. Don't believe the left wing propaganda.

>> No.9512280

If kanji captcha is implemented and you spam/shitpost on /jp/ at least 20x a day, that is 40kanjis a day.
In a year, you would have went through 14600kanji.
Lets say the rate of repeat is 33%, that is still at least 5000kanjis.

>> No.9512281

I mastered japanese after watching 1 episode of naruto , dubbed.

>> No.9512286

Are you gay? Who watches Naruto

>> No.9512290

No they don't. They take all of elementary school to get basic arithmetic down.

It takes a kid from birth at least about 13-18 years to start speaking English like an adult. An adult foreigner can do it in 3-5.

>> No.9512297

You do some funny calculations, dude.
The total amount of kanji (and your amount of samples) determines the repeat rate.
It would be unwise to use more than 2500.
If everybody goes through 14600, then I forgot the formulas to derive how many everybody has learned on average.

>> No.9512301

That's because they have to learn dozens of things on the side.

>> No.9512308

I just want a magic translator program that can do most text and get it right 95% of the time.

Then I could play all the JP only VNs and games that I want.

>> No.9512306

No matter the amount or how much they repeat, you will have learn enough of the common kanji to read book and play games.

>> No.9512339


I'm willing to give this method a try. Anyone know where they sell school girls?

>> No.9512346

Try Japan.

>> No.9512347


Apparently they have a lot of vending machines over there, I'm sure you could find a school girl vending machine.

>> No.9512355
File: 677 KB, 1406x755, sanae selling herself for $$.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pretty common there.

>> No.9512365


It exists, sort of:



I'd downloaded something like this to try, but I think it was another one, can't find it.

>> No.9512369
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>> No.9512375

HAHA I was not trolled from the start!

>> No.9512427

Learning kanji is the hardest part of learning Japanese.

Don't diminish his accomplishment because you're jealous

>> No.9512460

*Inserts cock into your mouth while you are wearing a ballgag so you can't bite and force your mouth up and down my shaft*

>> No.9512465


*dodges* ^_^

>> No.9512475


we 2006 now

>> No.9512478

Too late!
*Sends a clear stream of white liquid down your throatpussy*

>> No.9512488



>> No.9512491

And it's on the wrong board.

>> No.9512493

This isn't the Japanese board.

>> No.9512496

*coughs up your liquid*
It tastes like peach yogurt
*licks up the leftovers from the pinnacle of your cock*
*stares at your cock while sucking other anons cock*

>> No.9512507

Waitto piggu go homu

>> No.9513462

RTK is shit
