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9510802 No.9510802 [Reply] [Original]

When does Youmu get good?
Also, is there ever going to be a time where I don't use Sanae? I'm using Marisa over Patchy at the moment for personal preference, Sakuya and Mokou as my physical damage dealers again because of personal preference, but it seems Sanae will always be required in the party.

>> No.9510816

Oh shit, forgot about this game. Thanks for reminding me dude.

>> No.9510826

Don't mention it but that doesn't help me out.

>> No.9510827

I haven't been using Sanae at all and I'm at Komachi. Speaking of which.

Are there any tips to beating Komachi? Her target all rapes me so hard. Alice does nothing but survive and laugh at her fallen comrades.

>> No.9510832

Pray that Mokou revives and gets her last word?
I don't know. I haven't gotten that far yet, I just beat Youmu+Yuyuko

Also, how have you been surviving boss fights without Sanae?

>> No.9510833

has the latest expansion been translated yet?

>> No.9510834

Alice just greedily eats up damage like a cock-hungry whore.

>> No.9510836
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Right but then you get hit by a breath attack or something along the lines of that a couple times and everyone around her wipes. Also, I wasn't too keen on relying on RNG to prevent her from being hit with Death without having a backup.

>> No.9510837

The shield she has is nice + mariionette pararr = ggnore
Also Youmu get's good around level 15, give her a good katana if you have a leftover celestial peach.

>> No.9510838

I remember always using Sanae once I could dump 25 points in her buffing tree, so they were cheap enough to use constantly. Having her in the party will become an increasingly good idea as the game goes on, as enemies start to throw out more and more status effects.

Komachi is all about land manipulation.
Boost light field power with Reimu, then hit her with light attacks from Reimu, Patchy, and Satori if she's got any. Alice can tank most of her attacks, though price of life will still hit like a truck. Sanae is good for buffing your RES against her death attacks. Her buffs and high light field will take the teeth out of everything Komachi has.

>> No.9510843

Youmu takes awhile to get good. She's inferior to Sakuya when you're going into random battles and just wiping things out as quickly as possible on the first two turns. Eventually fights will get tougher and longer; that's when Youmu gets GOOD.

>> No.9510844


I went ahead and farmed a bunch of peaches once I saw how often they dropped from the stuff in Hakugyokurou and how many recipes used them, I'm just missing an Iron to make her a decently good sword.

>> No.9510845

Land manipulation?? This game just got complex.

>> No.9510854

Do you mean the remake or the sequel? Either way it hasn't.

Do many of the other bosses use the land much?

>> No.9510856


There's three sliders that show the status of the land.
Dark <-> Light
Fire <-> Water
Earth <-> Lightening

Casting spells that are affiliated with a certain land type will slowly shift the land toward that. The most obvious benefit is that spells that are the same element as the land will be boosted and the opposing element weakened, but there are subtle things too, such as wearing fire armor in a fire land will heal you over time.

>> No.9510857

Not really.
Three tiers; Fire/Water, Earth/Electric, Light/Dark. Fire damage boosts fire land, strengthening fire and weakening water, etc.
Regeneration is also part of this. Things with fire regeneration will regenerate more with higher fire land and less with high water.

>> No.9510862

Is there a way to greatly raise the land marker? Reimu is about level 16, I don't use her very often, not since Okuu at least.

>> No.9510868

A few.
It's kinda hard to answer that. Any boss that uses a certain element a lot manipulates land. It's not very important now, but you'll definitely need to keep an eye on it latter.

>> No.9510869

Some spells are designed to affect the land and shift it in one direction, I want to say Patchy can do this but I'm not entirely certain since I've been using Marisa the whole time.

>> No.9510870

Patchy has a whole tree for it, I believe.

>> No.9510875

Patchouli has a lot of land manipulating spells. It's one of her best traits.
DO NOT let party members trail behind. Use everyone you can; the commander slot is great for catching up people who are falling behind.

>> No.9510878

I'll look into swapping out Satorin for Patchy then, cheers. I've been switching commanders often, the furthest behind anyone is is by 4 levels.

>> No.9510880

It's not a huge deal, since you can always return and level up those characters that fell back using the commander slot.

>> No.9510891

fuck utsuho and her mega flareing or whatever its called ass

>> No.9510886

All right, you should be fine then.

>> No.9510893

Use Reimu, cast fantasy heaven twice, fight over.

>> No.9510901

Pretty much. Reimu's weaker than other spellcasters, but half the game being weak to light makes up for it. Also barriers.

>> No.9510906

Everyone says this exact same thing, I was really underwhelmed when I used Reimu, she's like a hybrid caster and healer and is mediocre at both. I don't get it.

>> No.9510910

When you hit late game, you will be facing faggot angel and flying bitch smallboss that will rape your team.
They have no elemental weakness and is fucking strong against phyiscal attack.
Usually your best bet against them is Reimu and Youmu.

>> No.9510920

There are so many problems that can be solved by barriers. You probably haven't run into many of them yet.
And she's a better healer than Sanae with points in her healing tree. Just make sure you get the barrier-enhancing talent, wherever it is.

>> No.9510951

I'll try switching out Sanae with Reimu then, thanks for the advice.

>> No.9510960
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hey OP, do you play the weekend easy mode one? You can get a dirt cheap Kusanagi later on. Game broken.
If you don't, get it anyway.

>> No.9510965


No I'm playing the older version, as far as I know. I'm not exactly sure how to check, I got it from one these threads a couple months ago.

>> No.9513620

Is there a good place to farm for iron that is lower level?

>> No.9513686

The Youkai Encyclopedia shows which monsters drop which items. Material drops are usually, what, 1%?

>> No.9517611
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Why are sparks so fun

>> No.9517650

I'm on lakebed temple. What's a good party combination for the 3 route split? I keep getting raped hard.

>> No.9517660

I never beat this shit because it started to feel too grindy. yomoo only seemed good for bombing. I think she gets an ability at level 99 to use all of her stance moves at once but fuck grinding that much.

I think the last boss I beat was raymoo's turtle. how much of the game did I have left?

>> No.9517814 [SPOILER] 
File: 554 KB, 633x481, GoS clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are close before the worst part, namely >>9517650 . And it only gets worse. Worse than worst

>> No.9517831

You can beat it with a single team, turn on the switch go back to the start and repeat it with the same team.

Even though you do this, you still need to make sure your members are evenly level since you still need to split the party up to kill the bosses.

>> No.9517839

I quit this game months ago because I couldn't beat the first Gorgon Sister. I have no idea what I'm even supposed to do, she always manages to 1hko Marisa and Patchouli, even with both of them sharing the hp equips. Unless I use Sanae's HP up buff, but once a party member or two gets killed it's nearly impossible to revive them without them just dying again immediately after, and there's never time to reuse the hp buff.

>> No.9517853

Are you fighting the one that hyper fang crush your whole team?

>> No.9517888

No, I beat those bosses. I mean the boss after them. The first of the three main villains.

>> No.9517890

you mean Ana? Perhaps you can order Alice to shield at least Patchouli (in my opinion better for sustained damage) every turn. I strongly recommend Mokou as commander, someone WILL die. Give her an Awakened Soul (god tier accessory) and you will last hopefully long enough to kill her.

What I remember doing (somewhat gutsy) is debuffing her with Byakuren. Even though she has a chance each turn to cleanse her debuff. Pretty gutsy.

>> No.9517904

I almost beat the Existence hater just now. Then I accidentally tried to retreat instead of accessing the commander spells.
It's not even the first time I did this either.

>> No.9517939

I've been using alice and spamming little legion and marrionette, but it doesn't seem to be enough. But just shielding a single party member seems kind of... risky. Perhaps I'm too underleveled so I just don't have the hp to finish the fight. I'm also using freefight, because when I tried with hinotori skydance she'd end up hitting every single party member anyway.

>> No.9517948

there's a really odd glitch when you enter the expansion final battle without a party split and try to switch out. At least it was when I played it last time.

>> No.9517954

I'm not supposed to have two parties for this am I?
If I am how do I do that here?

>> No.9517962 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 640x480, satori learning in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, perhaps try this one: employ Aya tanking. You know, her EVA field. Combined with Sanae's evasion (and perhaps the occasional ACC debuff from Satori or Byakuren) and a Crush-damage-reducing accessory (get that Full Body Cushion or the upgrade) just in case you should stand your ground even underleveled.

what are you talking about? The existence hater is not the final boss and has no split

>> No.9517972

I'm sorry I didn't know that.
But if I mention the Existence hater and get responded to by someone talking about the final boss I can't help but think maybe they are the same.

>> No.9517973

Use Poison Shield. Alice in the front spot with hourai doll up will attract all of Ana's attacks, and with her physical defend skill and/or some blunt-resistant stuff she can take it all like nothing. Use a Reimu barrier or defensive commander spell when she needs to recast hourai.

>> No.9517981

oh, I see, sorry I thought you were talking about a glitch. When you retreat during a boss you lose a turn, huh.

>> No.9519789

I managed to beat Anastasia just now. She was nothing compared to the logistical mess that was the stage beforehand, fuck splitting your party into 3. At least with one boss you can figure out how to make a balanced party with the tools you need.

It did cut quite close, she started juggling party members literally, but she couldn't touch my damage dealers before they killed her. Her regeneration is pretty crazy.

>> No.9522169

Yeah, that muscle revolution spam at the end is brutal.
She's probably the hardest of the three, though. Unless you overthink the last one like I did.

>> No.9522659

The new version is 3.0 and hasn't been translated yet.

>> No.9524704

When I get the Perfect Harmony Stance does that mean I can put points in all stance trees at once and get bonuses from each?
Will I get PATK, ACC, CRT, PDEF and EVA bonuses all at once from this stance?

>> No.9526680


>> No.9526698 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9526714

The bonuses you get from the stances skilltrees are always applied to Youmu, regardless of what stance she's in, or even if she is in a stance at all.

>> No.9526749

I could have used that info before level 93.

It also seems this stance gives bonus HP instead of stat bonuses.

>> No.9526781


I'm pretty sure that's incorrect.

Regardless, the crit stance is by far the strongest. Crescent moon slash and Slash of eternity are very good and cheap.

>> No.9529407

Just tested, what he said is valid. Removed all points from Youmu`s Asura Stance tree and she lost PATK as shown by her stats. Same happened with EVA for the Devaloka tree. So no matter what stance you use, bonuses from all trees apply.

>> No.9529468

Anyone beat this game without dying?

>> No.9533072


>> No.9533794
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Divine Temple is hard to navigate with all these ruthless enemies around. Just managed to get the two golden keys to get through the initial door.

Fuck those squids and their stormcloud-with-eyeball buddies, fuck the greek mythos, too, they take too long to kill.

On the other hand my current dungeon clearing party has gained 6-7+ levels.
Picture has the easiest enemy in the dungeon.

>> No.9533828

Yeah, it's pretty tough. What I did was put together a team that could easily handle MOST of the enemies, and ran like hell from the rest. Those Omastar-looking things were anathema to me.

The next stages enemies are a lot easier, honestly, just because there's less variety in them. Except for the minibosses...

>> No.9534330

What's a reasonable level range for the first final boss? I mean the three sisters and whatever monster from hell the second phase could be.

>> No.9534338

lvl 1 or else scrub

>> No.9534358

I think I was 57-60 when I beat the final boss. I know Youmu at least was 60.
It's definitely a hard fight, harder than anything else in the main game. Expect lots of frustration before you get it right.

>> No.9534376

The second phase isn't so bad; it's the third that's a killer.

>> No.9534397

Ohhh shit.

>> No.9535750

I havent played since I beat reisen and tewi. I think I maxed out raymoo's healing, so she aoe heals. my usual party consists of alice, either reimu or sanae, sakuya, moku youmu, and someone else, I cant remember.

Anyway I've been playing DoD more, just got to the third level.

>> No.9539083


>> No.9539114

Is DoD being translated atm?

>> No.9539239

This is probably a stupid question, but how do Nitori's chaser skills work? All it says is 'Follows up after a water/fire/electric attack'.

>> No.9539380

1) Use chaser skill
2) Every time an enemy gets hit by *chaser element/weapon* Nitori will attack it
3) Maximum activations depend on one of her skilltrees

>> No.9539990

Hold the fuck up, is this a game where Yuugi is actually playable?

>> No.9540025
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In the expansion, she can even use Suika as a weapon.

>> No.9545201 [DELETED] 


>> No.9549158


>> No.9549195

Isn't it clever how the Kusanagi requires a lot of iron (metal scraps), just like Rinnosuke in Curiosities of Lotus Asia? I thought it was.

>>9533794 here
Divine Temple is still scary, I hope the boss isn't this terrifying.

>> No.9554716

bumping for the hell of it

>> No.9555070
File: 157 KB, 646x506, open sesame please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how do I actually open the second green door on Stage 20: Divine Temple / Great Temple

I thought the idea is to enter doorways with the face on the other side, so their eyes light up, but I still can't get past the door, am I missing something? Right now I'm entering from the right, doing a lap if I have to, and looping around to the left, it's not working.

>> No.9555077

How do you deal with the crippling depression of losing a diamond to a game over?

>> No.9555153

Switch over to another game. I am about to get a PS3, personally.

>> No.9555248

You're assuming that I'm not a floor-shitting NEET with no money.

>> No.9555334

Someone else is buying it for me. But either way, there are still other games. I am also currently playing Labyrinth of Touhou

>> No.9556354

Use the wiki. I could have been stuck there for ages without the directions.

>> No.9557438

you remember that you can farm them super duper easily later on and laugh

>> No.9557468

I had to consult a video playthrough to figure that out. It's a jarringly hard puzzle and it comes out of fucking nowhere.
I THINK you need all the faces lit up at the same time.

>> No.9557519

Fuck tenshi. just saying.

>> No.9557595
File: 151 KB, 640x480, tenshi sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not hard. I remember being pissed about how easy she was in my playthrough.

Use Poison Shield. Alice in front, Sakuya/Youmu, Sanae, Patchouli, and Byakuren. Give Alice anti-earth equipment.
Alice's element blocking spell (use earth) negates almost all of her attacks. Have her use little legion on the first turn, (maybe along with a defensive commander spell) and whenever Tenshi uses drill. The element shield with Sanaes defensive buffs should make you pretty safe, and with both Byakuren and Sanae you'll have plenty of healing.

For offense, pick dark or thunder. Dark does more damage, but thunder reduces Tenshi's regain and earth damage. Have Byakuren enchant Sakuya/Youmu with thunder and buff her attack, then let both of them lay into Tenshi. Byakuren's debuffs can do terrible things to Tenshi, if she's got enough IND. Patchy should hit her with whatever element you're using. Sanae buffs and heals.

If you're still having trouble, Sakuya's got a sword that gets slayer on Tenshi. It's not that great outside of this fight though; try to do without it. Or try another element. Thunder's weaker than dark, but it's still going to tear her to shreds. She's really not a hard boss when Alice is standing between you and her.

>> No.9559102
File: 95 KB, 283x271, read a book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone willing to have some in-depth discussion about party building? I understand the basics of the game but there's so much depth across the board for party setups and I see so little discussion on the pros and cons of each character's different trees.

Between party selection (Who works best with who? Stuff like Nitori and Patchy is self evident, but what about the less obvious combos?), growth assignment (Do I focus on a weapon? Which weapon? Do I max out one tree for the end bonuses, or build as a hybrid to spend points more efficiently? With four innate trees plus whatever weapon, there's so many options and they often all seem useful. Are stats ever worth spending points on except when you have some leftover?), skill loadouts (I mostly just try out skills and switch out ones I don't seem to use often.), gear choices (What are the mechanics behind all the stats, anyway?) and formation (I just keep using Hakurei Formation because it's well rounded, but I know the others must be more useful..), there's just so much to wrap my head around. It's all really overwhelming.

Post too long ;_;

>> No.9559108

>>9559102 cont.

I'm on Stage 8 and I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Mainly using Manussya Youmu (She's great on bosses), 2hander Sakuya (So much damage!), Alice split between Manipulation and Craft (I don't know if she's really necessary, but I'm so used to crutching on paladin-type characters in RPGs and I don't know how to stop), Barrier Reimu (I like that it buffs both needles and her support skills) and Laser Marisa (All those multi-target spells are great.). I put whoever's lowest level in the commander slot until I hit the boss then I switch to Sanae for the stat boost skill. I use that after individual characters finish buffing up and the bosses have just melted so far. Sometimes it takes one or two tries to figure out their gimmick, but I feel like I'm probably going to run into trouble rushing down bosses soon. As I said, I'm still using Hakurei formation, obviously with Youmu and Sakuya in front, Alice in the middle, and Reimu/Mari in back.

Am I doing anything terribly wrong? I feel like I'm making too many trips in and out of a dungeon to heal up and refresh bombs, like I could be doing better. Am I mistaken? Do I just think I'm doing poorly when I'm not?

>> No.9559119

The game is tailored (except bosses) to play with what characters you like. I'm on Forest of Magic 2 and right now I'm using Marisa, Satori, Nitori, Youmu and Alice. Right now I use Nitori's chasers with elemental attacks from Satori and Marisa, it just rips through enemies.

>> No.9559302

>growth assignment
It honestly depends too much to say from touhou to touhou and on what you are trying to beat for me to tell you anything about how to spend growth points.
Stat bonuses are worthless though.
>skill loadouts (I mostly just try out skills and switch out ones I don't seem to use often.)
That's a sensible thing to do I think. Just remember the other moves for later when you may need them.
>gear choices (What are the mechanics behind all the stats, anyway?)
Oh man that could take a while to go through and I'm not sure if I could fit it in one post...
>and formation
I change my formations according to what my party looks like, and I change my party according to what enemies I'm facing. It depends on what you need to do.

>> No.9559306

my favorite sweeping tactic was buffing Satori with Byakuren and stunning the entire enemy opposition (and Mokou nuking those who are immune). Petro breath = autobattle until everything is dead

some anon in the previous thread claimed that Aya with a Death weapon is broken, too. Perhaps you should try such things. Status effects are utterly murderous in this game, just saying.

And then there's Lithos who pretty much encourages you to be lazy and run out often to reload her MP

>> No.9559313

>some anon in the previous thread claimed that Aya with a Death weapon is broken, too.

It was pretty effective, until about you get to like Stage 17, where everything has 50+ RES, or death immunity. It became impossible for her or Sakuya, even with 100+ IND, to kill anything like that anymore. But before then it was awesome.

>> No.9559333

someone argued that death is not a "permanent effect" but a "quick effect" and thus unaffected by IND. A Youmu without any IND gear can kill guys with her katana remarkably often, but maybe it's just my imagination.

>> No.9559348

Death is a quick effect. I din't know they weren't affected by IND though.
It is still hindered by RES though right? So I could lower the enemies RES to buff my chances?

>> No.9559815
File: 14 KB, 727x499, fuck you divine temple you make no sense at least try to communicate the nature of the puzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I consulted someone's playthrough, and discovered how the red eyes truly work.
The goal is to get every face to light up, obviously.
However, due to the nature of the dungeon, how you can't really observe the states of the red eyes outside of the room you're in, it's nearly impossible to figure out what triggers them.

I thought that the eyes trigger when you step into the doorway where they're on the other side, and turn off if you go the wrong way through.

In reality, the eyes only shut off when you step into a doorway where there is no face waiting for you on the other side! However there is one exception, it won't happen when all the eyes are lit and you use the east passageway to return to the beginning. You just hope that the player figures out what makes them turn on, and the player decides to use the east passage to return, rather than the closer west one.

>> No.9559866

Have you tried reading the manual? The mechanics of stats aren't too complicated, just enough to allow for depth.

Besides the usual Strength = +PATK and others, it's fairly simple. When you attack, you first calculate the resistance modifier if there is any, and then you subtract the opponents appropriate defense (PDEF/2 or MDEF/2). There's also the chance of a miss (Attackers ACC minus Defenders EVA is the actual chance to hit). There's a lot of additional tricks like Perfect Dodge that can always happen and generally can't be negated with ACC, you need a specific ability or trait.
There's also IND for the strength and application of status effects (supposedly it also works for buffs), and RES to fight against it. If your IND beats opponent's RES a lot, your poison can upgrade into venom or toxic.

The EVA on shields is their chance to activate and grant you all of the stats on them, however the EVA only functions with the attack type listed in the shield's description, if it has a modifier for a type, that increases or decreases the listed EVA chance accordingly, shields won't activate if you swing a two-handed weapon or cast a spell in that turn. Alice's Marionette Parrar ability allows Alice's Shield to be used by the people she casts it on, it's pretty wild, you're essentially duplicating your shield.

>> No.9562398

