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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9487229 No.9487229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This rotten so called "board" is horrible and pathetic. Yet, I come here everyday.

Even though most of you /jp/sies are pathetic, overweight loser I still come here. Everyday I feel my brain melting away as I browse /jp/ but I still do I it.

I torture myself everyday by browsing this pathetic, lowlife board.

And why?

The answer is simple: It's because I love this community and It's browsers. I love you all. No matter how fat or pathetic you are...

>> No.9487240


>> No.9487241

/jp/ is underweight

>> No.9487247

well hi there /a/

>> No.9487254

Atleast it isn't as bad as /a/ yet.

>> No.9487257


>implying that most of /jp/ is overweight

>> No.9487273
File: 28 KB, 357x223, a0e957e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same OP, I feel the same.

>> No.9487283


>> No.9487278


Glad to hear im not alone <3

>> No.9487287

I'm anorexic,d00d.

Why are you misusing the quote function?

>> No.9487290

sudo is fat as HELL

>> No.9487297

who is this ``sudo"?

>> No.9487298

I fucking hate /jp/ but there's no where else to discuss Japanese visual novels and I fucking love shitposting.

>> No.9487301
File: 82 KB, 480x540, 1325194256550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9487306

It's super user do. It's from linux, nerd

>> No.9487321

Ah. I'm a super windows user, a power user to be exact.

>> No.9487325

That's pretty much my only reason as well except shitposting already got boring since everyone else takes it as a chance to post unfunny humor.

And /vg/ doesn't talk about untranslated novels, and only tweets their progress instead of making any constructive discussion on the stories themselves

>> No.9487329


Take it easy...

>> No.9487333

He hasn't been fat for years.

>> No.9487342

He's gaining weight though. I suspect it's all the donuts he eats.

>> No.9487347

thank 4 the .GIF op :)

>> No.9487366



>> No.9487419

I'm not pathetic I'm definetly don't love you you piece of shit

>> No.9487429

Those are hurtful words OP, I don't find anyone here pathetic, rotten or horrible. I like everyone here and I believe that the people here are awesome people.

>> No.9487447

Just stop refreshing it for hours, that really causes serious brain damage.
I just check this shit for 5 minutes in-between doing something.

>> No.9487452

Not pathetic could be right, it's a matter of perspective of "success".
Rotten, you should be more introspective and admit your faults. But then again most of the world is rotten.
Horrible, yeah, not everyone here is horrible. But a lot of the rotten side of people shows when browsing anonymously.

You can still like people, even with their faults. You guys are not the best people in the world, but I still like you.

>> No.9487525

I promise I will end this desperation! I will stop doing any autistic things, I will forget anything that makes me autistic, this shit board, NEET, 2hu and shit, I will return to my old self and have a proper life, I will become myself again I promise!

until I've finished read this doujin and posting on some thread on /jp/

>> No.9487532
File: 465 KB, 1024x687, alphaasfuck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I frequent /v/. I come here because of some odd fascination.

>> No.9487615

I think we have varying opinions of the word rotten. I see somehow rotten as someone horrible, evil, ugly on the inside. I know I have a almost unending list of faults, but I wouldn't call myself rotten for it. Nor would I call any of you rotten.

>> No.9487667

>Not pathetic could be right, it's a matter of perspective of "success".
I disagree. There's a lot of blatant anti-intellectualism on /jp/ which is always a disappointing quality for an exceptional community. People put too much weight on the correlation of thinking and "success". It is criminal to abandon a good habit because of envy or envy-motivated peer pressure.
