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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9434705 No.9434705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys like Japan instead of China?

China has better relations with America than Japan.
China was an ally with Americans in WW2
They're currently buddies with America economically
American has had a hand in helping bring up their current government
There are a lot more chinese immigrants in America than Japanese
American has always favored Chinese culture and media (Kung fu, Bruce lee, jackie chan etc etc) since their media is usually superior

So with all this in mind why are Americans fond of Japan instead China?

BTW I'm An AMerican and I like both, just curios to what makes you guys exclusively weeaboos as opposed to cheeaboos.

>> No.9434713

Why won't you Americans go eat a dick for a while.

Also why? Kid, you like oriental stuff right? Well we like anime shit. Now stop complaining.

>> No.9434714

They are fucking commies

>> No.9434716

Are you one of these niggers from /tv/ we keep hearing about.

>> No.9434717

Probably because China has neither Japanese video games, anime, VNs ando ther shit.

>> No.9434726

Whats with the negative response. Jesus, I've seen other boards gentler than you guys.

>> No.9434732

/jp/ you are hurting Chinese lurkers' feelings. Please stop.

>> No.9434734

>america america america
I know we NEET, but they are all sleeping at this time. What's the point of alienating most of the board.

>> No.9434741

You didn't really answer my question and from what I gather you ARE from another board, what are you doing in here then?

>> No.9434746

Any positive image of China is from someone who has never been there and dealt with the Chinese on an extended basis. Holy shit what the fuck, China.

>> No.9434749

How about because some of us arent american? Thought of that, huh?

>> No.9434750


they allied with the Soviets after WW2, also the fought against the Americans in the Korean war

in reality, they're like a third world country back then and was only good for their manpower for mass production of parts needed by the wealthy companies to make the parts for their stuffs to sell

>> No.9434751


>> No.9434755

So what if I have chinese blood running in my family? Wahts so wrong with that.

I don't know how you guys got the idea I was from /tv/ but that's correct. Problem?

>> No.9434758

China is also stealing all of America's jobs.

>> No.9434763

>I don't know how you guys got the idea I was from /tv/ but that's correct. Problem?
What the hell son, why do you suck at this so much.

It's painful to watch.

>> No.9434764


>> No.9434766

great friends huh

>> No.9434768

People are weeaboos because they like the media that Japan puts out more than the media that China puts out.

The end. Thread over. /pol/ get out.

>> No.9434769

Which is worse, China or korea? I'm torn here.

>> No.9434774

Why is it we always get the crazy chinese and korean people on here?I like chinese music (well pop music) but I don't like /tv/ so please leave.

>> No.9434777

I thought japanese Ips were banned alltogher??? not sure why tho.

>> No.9434778

China, easily.

>> No.9434779

Why do you guys like China instead of Japan?

Japan has better relations with Germany than China.
Japan was an ally with Germany in WW2
They're currently buddies with Germany economically
Germany has had a hand in helping bring up their industrial efficiency
There are a lot more Japanese immigrants in Germany than Chinese
Germans has always favored Japanese culture and media since their media is usually superior

So with all this in mind why are Germans fond of China instead Japan ?

BTW I'm An GErman and I like both, just curios to what makes you guys exclusively cheeabooas opposed to weaboo

>> No.9434781

>China has better relations with America

that's a mere lie, they're commies like their ally North Korea

Japan is the one with the relation with the Americans, you'll easily see it in their armaments especially with aircrafts

Japan is armed with American F-15s, China is armed with Soviet MiGs

>> No.9434786

>Soviet MiGs

No it´s called chinese ripoff of a monkey model flying coffin.

>> No.9434787

What are you saying

>> No.9434789

Why are you so hipster to me???>>9434769

>> No.9434793

Why are you all pretending to be retards in this thread?

Are you trying to mock someone? Or is flinging shit around just too much fun?

>> No.9434798
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>> No.9434805

I've never seen any Chinese videogames or heard of any Chinese rock bands. I've also not see any Chinese porn or Cars.

>> No.9434807



>> No.9434810

I've never seen any Chinese videogames or heard of any Chinese rock stars

I've also not see any Chinese porn or Cars.

>> No.9434819

>Chinese videogames
They all have the same story (old chinese legends)
>Chinese rock bands
Rock is shit
>Chinese porn
Banned in mainland
Don't care about cars

>> No.9434827
File: 39 KB, 247x229, jnoir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.9434833

Isn't that because China is communist? I would assume rock stars, video games, etc. are more capitalist country things.

>> No.9434834

Moot lifted the ban a long time ago. It was only ever there because there used to be more Japanese lurkers than the site could handle.

>> No.9434845

>China has better relations with America than Japan.
That's not a good thing.

>China was an ally with Americans in WW2
That's not a good thing.
>They're currently buddies with America economically
That's not a good thing.
>American has had a hand in helping bring up their current government
That's not a good thing.
>There are a lot more chinese immigrants in America than Japanese
I don't give 2 shits about the US, I don't even live there.
>American has always favored Chinese culture and media (Kung fu, Bruce lee, jackie chan etc etc) since their media is usually superior
Good for you guys then, we don't.

>> No.9434847

Well there you go, I answered your question, I don't care about your tastes really.

I don't care about alliances in the past, I don't care about economical partnerships, I don't care about world governments, or immigrants in my country.

The things I listed in the post you're replying to is what affects me the most, which is why I like Japan better. If China wants me to like them maybe they should start manufacturing sports cars and making video games.

>> No.9434875
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/tv/ here, I am fucking ashamed, feel like committing seppuku.

>Chinese rock bands
>Rock is shit
I bet you don't exactly go to /mu/ or bother to listen to anything but shitty chinese/gook music. Good lord, what a loser.

>> No.9434900


>China better relations with japan.

2/10 Got me to reply.

>> No.9434895

I said before I like chinese music rock music is just a horrible genre.

I like softer music


>> No.9434907


Should read

>China better relations with USA

2/10 Got me to reply.

>> No.9434914

>Implying more than 50% of /jp/ is made of Americunts

>> No.9434916


>> No.9434918

I'd be interested to see what the makeup of /jp/ is. It would be cool if moot made a post comparing various boards in that regard.

>> No.9434938

The practically-bootleg semi-unnoficial Dodonpachi 2 was Chinese if I recall correctly.

It's so bad people didn't even bother emulating it correctly.

>> No.9434960

Thats was Republic Of China(Taiwan) not PRC

>> No.9434961

I hate it when people are like.; Hey! Those guys like country where I'm from! I fucking love them! Why you should do that? You are not your country anyway. Such thinking is for idiots.

>> No.9434979

>Thats was
Hi Taiwan, how's the self-slavery and pretending to be japanese going.

>> No.9434996

I am not chinese you sperg

>> No.9435001

Oh so you're a redneck? Cool.

>> No.9435022

china by far.

>> No.9435032

I wake up and I see this.

And people say Phillipines is the worst asian country...

>> No.9435033

My original post was about how the demography of /jp/ isnt wholly made up of americans - nowhere did i say anything about japanese lurkers.

>> No.9435044

They're asian?
I always considered them Spics in Asia.

>> No.9435061

Hey that's not cool bro...

>> No.9435070

Some of them are mixed with spanish blood but the majority I believe have chinese blood.(I may be wrong though)

>> No.9435092

China does not use soviet MiGs at all, the only use russian export models and domestic built models

>> No.9435094

That's correct but some of us have never even seen a spanish person before. We're not spics, and I don't think spics are anyone but mexicans, spanish people are spaniards, we are asian.

>> No.9435102

Get real. china has better music than japan? that's just personal preference there's great music in every country faggot


>> No.9435104

Where is NSJ when we have shit threads like this.

>> No.9435105

Wait so, apart from romance of the 3 kingdoms, what else has china created that's remotely significant?

A country with over billions of people. and nothing good has come out of there. Shitty culture or shittiest culture

Cheap nikes dont count

>> No.9435113

Am I the only one laughing at this shitty thread.

>> No.9435122

Jackie Chan

Took me an hour to come up with that.
Please respond. Bampa,

>> No.9435136

Dream of the Red Chamber, Journey to the West, Water Margin

>> No.9435135

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.9435168

OP, why don't you go back to whichever board you came from?

/tv/ says they have gook actor lovers in there so you must be one of them, go back there. /jp/ isn't meant for you nor offtopic shit.

>> No.9435175

This thread is horrible, now I know I can't interact with most of the people in /jp/ due to my Chinese blood.

My grandparents aren't even born in China, I am not even staying in China, but everyone hates me simply because I look like a Chinese.

I am hated for something I have never done, it was never my fault. I never choose to be born a male Chinese descendant.

I hope when I go to Gensokyo I will be a youkai, at least I can be like Meiling and not hated by everyone

>> No.9435176

Jackie Chan was born in British Hong Kong.

>> No.9435180

dont forget that china made the MiaoDao which is superior to the favored weeb weapon, the katana

>> No.9435184

I know that feel.

>> No.9435191

>I am hated for something I have never done
You were born, you scum.

>> No.9435200

I DON'T hate China I hate stupid people like OP.

I like chinese otaku culture and idol music.

(Though i'm a nigger so I might not represent most of /jp/)

>> No.9435201
File: 28 KB, 430x278, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep telling yourself that chink

>> No.9435211

That's still China and asian, even if it's not in the boundaries.

>> No.9435219

I'm actually taking a Chinese language course next quarter. Not that I'll ever have much of a use for it...

>> No.9435226
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>> No.9435237

Nigger im white, and the MiaoDao is superior to the katana in every way except size of fanbase, commonality and cost
The MiaoDao has a better design, superior steel, Same type of hammon but keeps an edge longer due to better steel, longer, and a better handle that cant fly apart like a katana, along with a better sheath.

>> No.9435239

Are you implying that rock music can't be soft?


>> No.9435243

Please don't bother...my distant brother who works as police officer tried to take professional chinese classes just to deal with the fuckers and when he tried to actually use it after a while of learning, an old chink scammed him in the fish market because "he really couldn't understand the dialect he used".

Chinese is too complicated and even if you learn it, people are very desperate and racist, they will never look at you the same way, no matter the age or anything.

>> No.9435250

But you were also born.
Don't tell me you're a tulpa.

>> No.9435254

You just said the disadvantages, which are even apparent to the poor chinks who never heard of it.

You're not going to be able to use that shit effectively, you god damned cheeaboo.

>> No.9435269
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>That's still China
Legally it was Britain.
Culturally they were pretty westernized for hell of a long time.
And they fucking hate mainland.

So it definitely isn't a point for mainland.

>> No.9435284

if those are disadvantages then name one way in which the katana is better in a traditional battlefield with equally trained opponents

>> No.9435286

>But you were also born.
I'm not chinise though, so it's okay.

>> No.9435312
File: 90 KB, 255x255, MeirinHS[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but China is my favourite 2hu. and i don't really like japan.

>> No.9435318

230 katanas vs 200 chink katanas due to production differences. Go.

>> No.9435317

Flan you were always the shittiest 2hu

>> No.9435337

too bad for you that china had better production capacity of the MiaoDao at the time it was created due to the fact that it was later and more refined production methods were availiable and china has access to higher quality iron naturally

INB4 hurr later
i never mentioned they were from the same time period

>> No.9435346

In the end it's down to which decorative piece of metal looks better hanged at my wall?

>> No.9435360

Is one of these girls gay and the other straight?
What's going on here?

>> No.9435365

that is completely true and a valid point but as far as a functional katana style weapon goes the MiaoDao is based on the katana but improved in nearly every way and dosent share the disadvantages the katana has when the katana is compared to western swords

>> No.9435371

Are you high or something, chinks wouldn't even have armor because that weapon is shit and heavy and would take the most effort. Katana is ligher and japs always used decent light armor that could let them dodge fatal blows and counterattack unless they were stabs.

>> No.9435388

at the time of the miaodao chainmail was common and mass produced, so it would be expected that the chinese would be using it

>> No.9435394

please respond

>> No.9435399

A better question would be, how do they even communicate with gender signs?

>> No.9435401

Japan has katana
Englishland has longsword

What's chinas weapons?

>> No.9435410

China was pretty cool some centuries ago

Now it is shit.

>> No.9435420

When I was a kid, I used to invent new words ands sounds to replace those cencored swear words in comics. You know the ones with bombs fists and whatnot.

Good times.

>> No.9435424

Only one is a girl.

>> No.9435425

its a trap

>> No.9435440

You forgot Claymores. Those are badass.

China's best would be glaives actually.

>> No.9435441 [DELETED] 

its a trap

>> No.9435443

It's an autist.

>> No.9435449


jian straight swords, dao and dadao scimitar-type swords,

>> No.9435452

glaive is european, the chinese equivalent is the GuanDao
the best chinese bladed weapon commonly used would be the MiaoDao

>> No.9435454

Probably either an oxtail dao or a staff, if we're going for a "this is what comes to mind when you think of the country" weapon instead of a "best" weapon.

>> No.9435455

What did they sound like?

>> No.9435458

Same shit.

>> No.9435462

I'm Chinese and I like everyone but buggers and spics.

Yes that is an auto correct by the Android that I can't bother fixing

>> No.9435467

Not at all. That's like saying that a halberd and a grosses messer are the same thing.

>> No.9435469

what area do you live in? how do you feel about Shenzhen

>> No.9435470

No, that's like chinks saw a Glaive and Halberd and ripped it off.

>> No.9435472
File: 291 KB, 600x476, 1342417830971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can NEETs feel nationalism? I don't really even consider myself an American.

Obviously I live in America, but I never actually go outside. Isn't it kind of difficult to feel like a member of your country when you probably spend most of the day talking to British and European guys on /jp/?

>> No.9435476

A miandao is a two-handed saber and a guandao is a polearm. That's a massive difference.

>> No.9435477

This sucks, so /jp/ hates Chinese people too?
Well, Singaporeans, Malaysians, Hong Kong people, Koreans, Japan Russians, Pinoys (fuck them though)... what a list.

>> No.9435483


I live in North Carolina but I have a strong London accent. I'm so scared of the rednecks around here that I never go outside and I spend all of my time watching TV from the UK so I naturally picked up the accent.

My whole family mocks me.

>> No.9435484

No god damnit, I meant a guandao compared to halberds and normal glaives.

>> No.9435487

Han had glaives at least 400 years before any peoples of Europe.

>> No.9435490

I don't hate anyone but shitty posts and people.

>> No.9435497


Don't forget kikes.

>> No.9435501

Yeah sure, I should start believing that copypasta factory chinks had fake halberds before anyone else did, because they say so.

>> No.9435504

Whats up with the racism, /jp/?

>> No.9435505

Oh, pardon me then. Yeah, glaives and guandaos are basically the same thing; pretty much every culture ever has had their own flavor of "big knife-ish thing on the end of a stick".

>> No.9435515

I know what you mean.

Most of the people I talk are American or Japanese and I don't talk to any British people in real life other than my mother. I don't really fit into this country.

>> No.9435518


Three Kingdoms Period happened in 3 Century AD, when Hellenistic peoples hadn't innovated past the pike and Germanic peoples had shit for polearms. Chinese were pretty awesome until the Manchu fucked them over.

>> No.9435528

People were just trying to find Otaku Interests related to China, there's no racism here besides OP.

>> No.9435530 [DELETED] 

Guandongs(heh) fucked you over because you can't into focusing on a single weapon.

>> No.9435534

You mean the Mongolians. Please, Kangxi and Qianlong were great emperors, and it's not as if the Ming were great at governing. K

>> No.9435537

Guandongs(heh) fucked you over because you can't into a single weapon as opposed to having a retarded army of million different weapons plus the outdated shit nobody needs and was still being used by some.

>> No.9435545
File: 223 KB, 590x335, 1331183607852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't into focusing on a single weapon.
>talking at me like I'm responsible for actions of the Han ethnicity
>implying I'm not a dirty Slav

>> No.9435549

Chinese here.

OP, this isn't Otaku Culture. If you want to ask a similar question, try /int/, I hear they love talking about shit like this. Not really.

/jp/ is for Touhous and lewd 2D porno games.


>> No.9435556

Sorry for the deletion, 4chan error something and then I saw the two posted when I rewrote everything.

>> No.9435557


>> No.9435565 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 428x440, black-man-troll-face-5k4MDp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, you fell into my trap, /jp/.

I'm not even Chinese.

>> No.9435573



老子就跟你说: 这个thread根/jp/没关系,请不要乱搞。

>> No.9435576

I was born in mainland but my parents are legitimate Hong Kong citizens. I've lived in Hong Kong, all over mainland, Shanghai, Belgium, and the States. The only time where I met anyone from shenzen was when I had to translate for a new shenzen transfer student once. The misinformed teachers didn't know about Chinese dialects so it didn't go so well with my poor Mandarin.

He was a sick after learning a bit of English and Spanish I hate him.

>> No.9435583

Also ics auto correct really is shit tier.

>> No.9435587
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>Google Translating these two

>> No.9435631

Because China doesn't have anything cool anymore and they are just an oppressive country that makes cheap garbage.

They don't look as cool either

>> No.9435624


>> No.9435665

/jp/ is(was) the core of old /a/ that split off.
The residents have always been interested in 2d shit from that galapagos.

What does China offer to 2d nerds?

Anything interesting and from China came out a few hundred/thousand years ago, or Taiwan.

>> No.9435673

Why are you fuckers trying to take over south china sea

Leave my rocks and fishes alone

>> No.9435686

None of us can control where we come from. If you are worried about such a thing, then you are likely more of a brother to us than most of the posters on the board now days.

>> No.9435693

I'm Japanese, I don't hate Chinese people.

It's just OP is retarded.

>> No.9435696

non americuns plz leave

>> No.9435708

So just don't bring it up? We're all anonymous here; nobody can look at you and say "Hey, a chink! What's he doing on a board for Japanese things?".

Nobody (or at least not many) here really hate Chinese, it's just that when we're forced to pick a side we'll side with Japan because, y'know, this is /jp/.

>> No.9435723

Japanese fag here, and I actually respect 毛沢東. Because he was a lolicon and had had sex with lolis for real.

>> No.9435730

Hey, a chink! What's he doing on a board for Japanese things?

>> No.9435731

I don't get along with Chinese people like I get along with Japanese people. They never seem very interesting.

>> No.9435738

China is trying to bully Japan about who owns the shitpaktu islands or something near Okinawa.

>> No.9435745

China and America both suck dick.

>> No.9435750

fuck off pleb
