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9431056 No.9431056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How happy did you feel when you first got approved for autismbux?

I feel like I can really take it easy and love my life for the first time. Everything is happy and all of the scary thoughts are gone. This must be what that euphoria stuff feels like.

>> No.9431072

Life must be great for NEETs in the UK. They can just go right to the job centre and get on the dole.

>> No.9431077

I don't know that feel because I live in a third world country. Feels bad.

>> No.9431089

wow u can go fake something and get money im borderline homeless and my states like well u get 400 bucks a month from unemployment so we cant help....where the hell does it cost that cheap to live...

>> No.9431099

Don't you get like 600 bucks a month from that? Hell, I live with my mother and I still have to spend more than that on rent and utilities and food. And it's the cheapest around deal I can get, too.

>> No.9431113

Same here.

Maybe i should get a gun and rob a collector car or something. Fuck this world.

>> No.9431117
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Happiest moment of my life.

My mom understands that I'm crazy and she says that she will let me live with her for as long as she's alive, if she were to die then I get several hundred thousand dollars in life insurance, and I get my bux every month.

Feeling so secure is amazing. All I ever wanted to do was be able to stay at my computer and absorb all of the knowledge and fun that the internet has to offer and I can actually do that now without losing the majority of my life to work.

>> No.9431124

Been getting about 900 euros a month for about 6 years now, and not once have I even been questioned about anything. And because I'm still living with my father I actually have built up a sizable fortune. God I love the welfare system.

>> No.9431132


>Don't you get like 600 bucks a month from that?

Changes based on your living conditions. If you live with a parent or something like that then you get a smaller amount, but if you live alone then it's more like 1,000. There's also the subsidized housing and food stamps and all of that if you need it.

>> No.9431138

Thanks for reminding me I have to suicide because of money soon you bully.

Impolite sage.

>> No.9431142


>I live with my mother and I still have to spend more than that on rent and utilities and food

You live with your mother and she makes you pay for rent, utilities, and food? That seems mean.

>> No.9431145

I wish /pol/ was here again to show us how mad this stuff makes them.

>> No.9431150

>Impolite sage.
Cool nickname, bro.

>> No.9431153

It's reasonable if she asks a small amount as compensation. I pay my father 300 euros a month for food, water, electricity, etc.

>> No.9431159
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I can't get autism bux because you have to go outside.

>> No.9431160


If you can't get some kind of welfare then why don't you rob people or find some way to get money as a criminal?

Obviously it's not ideal, but it's better than dying and easier than work/pays more.

>> No.9431161

Being on autismbux is my dream. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm autistic, and even if I was, I'd be too afraid to enroll in the first place.

Just promise me you'll live your NEET life to the fullest in place of me and all the other poor suckers who have to work.

>> No.9431169

What if I'm a white male without a single disability? I'm also stuck in a small conservative town where I can't really get much government assistance if I tried to fake it. Don't have the money to move, either.

Them's the breaks. She makes me pay half of everything and buy my own food. I've already checked around town, nothing cheaper. It's even more aggravating because she begs me to stay with her and threatens to kill herself if I leave, but still demands money.

>> No.9431181

my mother wants me to go on bucks because we have financial problems, but how do? i don't even go to doctors anymore.
i bet i would be denied anyway.

>> No.9431184

The government is really cracking down on UK NEETs, they're basically using them as a scapegoat for the economy crash to deflect some of the blame from the banks. Won't be long until any NEET gets forced slave labour if they want to keep getting money. You're already forced to take some course if you're on the dole for 6 months, I think.

>> No.9431186


I don't get why /pol/ gets grumpy about this. People on /jp/ aren't able to function. If we stay inside for years, never talk to people and can't handle socialization then there's obviously something wrong with our heads and that's what SSI is for.

It's not like we even live extravagantly. /pol/ has their flashy cars, big houses, and all of their expensive trinkets, but most people on /jp/ just want to take it easy in a tiny house with a computer.

>> No.9431198

not to mention people like us are a tiny percent of people on SSIs.
but /pol/ gets frustrated over everything.

>> No.9431204

Because many of you aren't mentally ill and still get welfare.

>> No.9431206

>I don't get why /pol/ gets grumpy about this

They're jealous. Any other reason they give is complete bullshit.

>> No.9431211

>i don't even go to doctors anymore.
I haven't been to a doctor in over ten years. I don't even know the process of seeing one, and I doubt I could afford it. I find it funny when people have a slight pain and rush to a doctor. Apparently some people go to doctors after pulling a tick out of their body.

Only went to a dentist once in my life, as well, as a kid. I know someone will say "i bet your teeth are bad" and I'll confirm yes, they are. That's obvious. One of my teeth had half of it fall off last year. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but it feels like it's "growing back". At least I brush every day, so my breath doesn't stink.

>> No.9431212

My friend, I think pretty much everyone who frequents /jp/ has a disability.

>> No.9431217

>doubt I could afford it
Poor Americans...

>> No.9431219

/pol/ thinks taxes are theft if they aren't used for science or enslaving niggers(and they are right).Now not only are taxes used to bail out banks and shit,they are used for people like /jp/ that aren't really that disfunctional.Oh and Greece is a nice example of average people abusing this to such a level they failed as a country.

>> No.9431220


This is what will make it easy for you to get autism bux though.

Just base your plan on the Uncle Remus guide and be natural. What happens because you're too scared to go outside? Panic attacks, can barely speak, stuttering and shaking? That's perfect.

Have your parents physically force you into the buildings and then let everything happen naturally from there. Have panic attacks or whatever happens to you when you go out while you talk to the case workers. This isn't like normal socialization where you have to try to be normal. The more socially inept you are the better your chances of getting on the bux.

>> No.9431225

Welfare states everywhere are running out of borrowed money. Enjoy the decline of the west while you can.

>> No.9431230

You can go back to your board now.

>> No.9431239

I have a math scholarship.

That's basically autismbux, right?

>> No.9431235

I have avoidant personality disorder. I wonder if I could get autismbux.

The problem with autismbux is that you don't really get quite enough. I would need at least $900 to be okay each month. (I know because my brother gets like $600 a month, and I think that's about as high as it gets, at least around here.)

$2000 a month would be nice. That could take care of an apartment, a car payment, groceries, internet, appliances (I rent a washer and dryer for $38 a month), and utilities. And there'd be some left over if you wanted to go out to eat once in a while or buy yourself something nice.

I know that's a fantasy scenario, though. But it shouldn't be. If the government in this fucking country can afford to spend hundreds of billions on defense, they can afford to give me a couple grand every month.

>> No.9431238

>not having glorious comrade grandparents that stole the nations pension money(after 1989) and are now false anti-socialists
How does it feel to be of inferior lineage /jp/

>> No.9431240
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>> No.9431245

>Suffer from Sleep Paralysis
>Receive checks from the government, as it is a disability
>I haven't had it in over a year

>> No.9431248

No autism bucks here, only a 170€ aid to pay my rent.

>> No.9431250


>people like /jp/ that aren't really that disfunctional

Most people on /jp/ haven't gone outside in years. How is this not dysfunctional? You don't have to be a drooling semi-catatonic that speaks through a series of grunts to still be too fucked up to handle a job.

>> No.9431251

How does that affect your ability to do a job?

>> No.9431252

I thought everyone got sleep paralysis

>> No.9431255

According to /pol/, people on /jp/ just have to "man the fuck up".

>> No.9431258

>$2000 a month would be nice
The last time i was in America(2002-2004) that was a whole load of cash.How can you expect to get that for free.I'd only allow this if its some motion dissability and give you a constant nurse(or pay one of your relatives for that).

>> No.9431259

>Most people on /jp/ haven't gone outside in years.

This meme probably only applies to <1% of the /jp/ population.

>> No.9431260

I don't think I can qualify since I have a high school diploma, a 4 year degree, and a driver's license that I use.

I wish I could get some autism bux ;_;

>> No.9431262

Well it's true.

>> No.9431266

Say you contracted autism just recently.

>> No.9431267

Except it isn't.

Stop acting like only physical disorders are real.

>> No.9431268

That's an insane amount of money for being worthless. I could do fine on 100 bucks a month if I lived at home, 600 is more than enough for rented accommodation and food bills.

Wanting a fucking car when you're meant to be poor, renting shit you don't even slightly need (really? 38 bucks? A laundromat costs a few bucks a month), or buying nice things is meant for people who have a fucking job. If autism bux were more appealing than an actual job to most people, that would end society. The reason it isn't appealing is because morons like you think you need thousands of bucks to be happy.

>> No.9431270


Years? Wow.

And here I thought I was in bad shape only walking five miles a day.

>> No.9431274

I think it has more to do with the fact that /pol/ can't deal with the thought that someone, somewhere might not be as miserable as they are.

>> No.9431271

Going to the job centre is genuinely difficult if you have some sort of anxiety. I guess it might sound whiny and trivial, but it is a very scary place filled with a lot of very scary people. I actually ended up not getting any money because I only went a few times and was too anxious to go again.

But as of two weeks ago I'm getting Employment and Support Allowance, so it's all good.

>> No.9431277

/pol/ here.Don't worry we tell each other to man the fuck up and become Breiviks all day without trolling.I personally don't see /jp/ers having an impact on the welfare system.But healthy niggers and other leeching scum i detest with hate.Welfare should be for ill people and temporary unempoyment.And all the rustling from /pol/ because of a post that clearly say that someone was manipulating the system.

>> No.9431280

I can understand helping out with food and utilities. Gas for the car, every once in a while, if they have to drive you places.

But paying rent to your parents is complete and utter HORSESHIT. They're your parents, not some Jew landlord or a property leasing company. (Sorry, I just get a bit riled up when people demand rent from their kids.)

>> No.9431282

Renting objects is never a good idea in any sort of long term situation. Just buy on a payment plan.

>> No.9431293

I've never seen a parent charge more for accommodation than a landlord, they could probably kick you out and get some other kid to pay more. It's a perfectly reasonable expectation if your kid is into his mid 20s and shows no signs of moving out.

>> No.9431298

I don't have a problem with people who abuse the welfare system, they would be stupid if they didn't, it's free money. However, I think the situation of most NEETs could have been prevented, I don't think you're born doomed to be a NEET your whole life. There are people with legit mental disorders here, but I'd say 90% are just normals with some kind of anxiety disorder because their father didn't love them.

>> No.9431301

The last time I went outside was 7 months ago, just because we had to move to another house.
Before that I didn't stepped outside since I was 14, I'm 22 now.

>> No.9431304

This.You americans and west Europe(not counting South) are brainwashed into thinking that you need to get out of the house at 18.I live in a 300 square metre house with 2 other generations of my family and haven't heard the "get out" ever.I know privacy is a big matter,but in these economic times you must compromise.

>> No.9431308

>more than enough

Not here it isn't (unless you want to live in a neighborhood where you're pretty much guaranteed to get murdered by a nigger). Come to Alabama, then you'll see what I'm talking about, THEN try to tell me that I'm crazy.

>> No.9431309

I agree with you on that one. The money I pay my father is ONLY for food and water, etc. But he has always said he doesn't want anything for "rent".

And so 300 euros was what we found me living in with him cost per month so that's what I'd pay him.

>> No.9431311

Just like most physical disorders, mental ones can be cured to the point where one can function in the society. Most people on /jp/ probably don't have schizophrenia or some other incurable illness that makes it impossible for them to work.

>> No.9431313

The fact you can think that means you don't belong here. I would hazard to guess that at least half of the /jp/ regulars go outside less than 5 times a year (those 5 times being forced by family). Probably 10% don't go out at all.

>> No.9431314

My mother says she can't pay it all herself because she needs to pay for her medicine (she is elderly and sick and can't work. Or drive. She gets money from the government for it). Based on my calculations she still gets plenty to pay for the bills and food, but apparently her medicine is extremely expensive.

My dad's dead so he isn't helping.

>> No.9431315

US /JP/ERS!!!!!!

>> No.9431317

How much do you fucking eat? You could rent some 1 room place with bills included for slightly more.

>> No.9431318

No, it's because their father loved them too much.

>> No.9431319

>And here I thought I was in bad shape only walking five miles a day.

Is this supposed to be ironic?

>> No.9431324

How do you deal with it? I don't do anything, but I couldn't stand not going outside. I like driving to the park to walk around and I like going on hikes since I like looking at nature. I don't really like people, but enjoying nature is really nice.

>> No.9431328

>at least half of the /jp/ regulars go outside less than 5 times a year

You're delusional. If you stay here for more than a week you will see all the blogging threads about college and working, wishing they had friends etc.

>> No.9431329

By browsing /jp/.

>> No.9431338

> I would hazard to guess that at least half of the /jp/ regulars go outside less than 5 times a year

You cannot seriously believe this if you've been on /jp/ for more than a few days.

>> No.9431330

Don't you have a window?

>> No.9431337

Most blog threads are blatant trolling.

>> No.9431341

>However, I think the situation of most NEETs could have been prevented,

I don't think that's a real reason though, as a lot of normalfags claim. Sure, if I was born into some evil dictatorship I'd probably be working right now. I might be doing a good job. I could be happy, even. Fact is, I wasn't.

And personality is largely genetic, so I have a hunch that a lot of the people who are NEETs today would have been unemployed if they were born 20, 50, or 100 years ago.

>> No.9431343

I find it funny when on other web sites with normals, I've heard people say that making 400 bucks a week "isn't good" and "not enough to live on". Fuck, if I could make even 900 bucks a month, I could live and be happy. 800 and I could still live, without as many luxuries. What do they buy so much of that they need thousands of dollars a month?

>> No.9431354


I don't know. I spend over an hour a day just walking to and from places, and I still feel like I've been in better shape. What's normal?

>> No.9431357

I could live with 400 month.

>> No.9431359

My window has a shitty view.
I get bored with the internet too quickly to browse for more than a few hours at a time. I have to do other things.

>> No.9431362

Advertisements tell their tiny minds that they NEED pointless luxury garbage, like cars and the latest ipad gadget shit. Then they take out loans to pay for all this to avoid looking like a loser in front of their buddies, and you end up with an economy crash.

>> No.9431368

>I get bored with the internet too quickly to browse for more than a few hours at a time. I have to do other things.
I spend around 16 hours a day in front of the internet. So does pretty much everyone here.

>> No.9431371


>On the roof of your Ford Focus, incidentally, you are expected to fit a storage box to accommodate supplies for a week's self-catering holiday in the UK.

>No cigarettes or tobacco are on the list of needs, but a couple are permitted to buy four cans of lager and a bottle of red (keeps better than white) wine each week.

>A TV is allowed - only Freeview, no cable or satellite contracts.

Normals are so high maintenance.

>> No.9431372

>I might be doing a good job. I could be happy, even. Fact is, I wasn't.

The point being that NEETs are a natural byproduct of a society that tolerates this sort of behavior. Like I said, there are people born with personalities that prefer to be alone 24/7(truNEETs xD), but that is nowhere near the majority. Even on /jp/ I'd say a large portion, maybe even the majority, long for some kind of personal interaction. Therefore they are just normals who ended up isolated because of anxiety or something else.

>> No.9431373

>other things

That's where games / VN / anime etc come in

>> No.9431384

Watch The Century of the Self. Western society has basically shifted from earning enough to eat, sleep, and play being a good thing, to earning *only* enough to eat, sleep, and play being a *miserable* thing. People constantly need to buy things now. Zionist consumerism has done a hell of a good job.

>> No.9431386


>but I'd say 90% are just normals with some kind of anxiety disorder because their father didn't love them.

This probably only applies to the people who are complaining in the loneliness threads and all that.

Take me for example. I haven't left my home in seven years, aside from obligations like going to a funeral once every few years or getting the mail. The only social anxiety I have comes from just not being able to understand people or getting bullied from poorly attempting to mimic the appropriate facial expressions and emotions for social situations. I've never felt any loneliness in my life, I feel sick if I have skin-to-skin contact with anyone since I don't understand it and it's gross, etc. I can't handle a job because any kind of employment requires some form of socialization which I can't do. People feel creeped out when they talk to me since it apparently, "feels like I'm talking to a robot" and I hate being around them since I don't know how to behave normally.

I think a lot of people on /jp/ are like this. If everyone here was just an anxious normal then how could they handle such long periods of isolation? They would go insane without going outside and socializing, but most people on /jp/ love it and only feel depressed when thinking about needing to eventually socialize.

>> No.9431389

Don't your eyes hurt if you stare at the monitor all day long?

Lately mine are feeling quite strained. I take the dog out for walks more often now to get away from the screen.

>> No.9431392

dis nigga knows. Whenever I'm able to use public transport, I use it to reach interesting parts of my city (I'm quite the fan of suburban scenery) and go running or taking photos. Hikki a shit, a window can't replace cool, outside air.

>> No.9431401

My astigmatism is quite high and my old as fuck glasses are not longer efficient.

>> No.9431402

It's fun to go outside and stare off into oblivion though. It's also fun going fishing, there's a lake on my road and I just walk down there and sit there in my fold out chair fishing all afternoon.

It's very entertaining, especially when the fish are biting. There's a lot more stuff you can enjoy as a NEET other than the internet.

>> No.9431408

Sorry to burst your bubble but the whole "autism" thing is just a meme. You are an outcast even among us.

>> No.9431410

I get schizophrenia checks.

Easy money.

>> No.9431414
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>Signed on for JSA
>Got a grant from college because of it
>Only going to college so I can get into uni and get a good student loan and bursary from the University that I'll be attending

I just need a couple of sources of income that I can get while I'm at uni and I'm set for the next 4-5 years. At the moment I get like $100 a month or so filling in surveys for like an hour each day.

>> No.9431418

That's a pretty interesting article, thank you.

What bugs me is
>the minimum earnings for a family of four with both parents working worked out at just under £37,000 a year.

This means that if you follow the traditional family model of a working dad with a stay-at-home mum (which is sensible, as well as zomgsexist), the dad would have to earn ~£74,000 per annum. And that's not even for a particularly glamorous family life, according to this.
How sad.

>> No.9431422

I don't really get the thing with my eyes hurting

I like to go outside sometimes yeah, but I prefer not to when the schools are out during holidays and things.
Where I live is a pretty small town too, so it's not like there's much of interest like there would be in a city, and it's also pretty lacking in the scenery department.

>> No.9431430
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What are options if there are no autismbux here?
I've heard some guys ripped out an ATM loaded with cash out of wall using a truck, that's probably good, but they weren't doing it by one person and I don't go out anyway...

>> No.9431431

I feel too well adjusted for /jp/. I have no problems about going outside, socialising or acquiring currency to support myself.

I just don't live near anyone I like being around right now, so I stay in seclusion without any real feelings of loneliness. I don't understand how normals are particularly bothered about being by themselves for as little as a few weeks/months either.

>> No.9431436

I think my problem is dealing with high school kids, some adults were pretty cool to talk to, especially the elderly. But because I still look like a kid or I'm really short, I feel like I'm being taken advantage of.

That and having a real life friend to talk to.

>> No.9431439

Surely there are more efficient ways to make money on the internet. $3 an hour is just painful to think about.

>> No.9431443

Uni in the UK is insanely easy for money. Pick some simple course that doesn't take a lot of effort (I took biology), make sure your parents are divorced/earn next to nothing, and you get a crazy amount of grants and loans that you never have to pay back unless you get a job. I think I'll be up about 10 grand when I finish my 3 year course.

>> No.9431444

I actually agree with him. I don't think everyone on /jp/ is autistic (and armchair self-diagnosticians can go fuck themselves), but autism has been linked with nerdiness and introversion. What he said doesn't strictly apply to autism anyway. We're all introverts, and most of us socially retarded (even if we don't have a disorder).

>> No.9431445

And by "right now" I mean for most of my life up till now.

>> No.9431451

This. They introduced a university equivalent of EMA, though I forgot what it's called. Unfortunately, I never ended up getting it due to my parents being cunts. It would have covered most of the cost of my tuition (though this was before the fees rose).

>> No.9431455

And to think, working class Britons are still so incredibly braindead that they don't realise that they don't have to pay fees upfront or even at all until they start earning quite a lot. I feel ill every time they complain that the higher university fees bar lower classes from going.

I guess it really is true that most poor people are poor because they're stupid.

>> No.9431458


>Sorry to burst your bubble but the whole "autism" thing is just a meme.

Why are you pretending then?

If you're not like this and you really are just an anxious normal that's too scared to go outside then that's not much of an excuse. At least I have something permanently wrong with me that makes it impossible for me to understand how to socialize, but all you need to do is swallow some sedatives and go out.

What's the point? You can't be happy here. I can take all the anxiety pills in the world and it will only make me weirder, but the solution to your problem is so simple. It's like self-torture to spend time here pretending you're autistic if you really wish you were out there.

>> No.9431475

Some of us are perfectly fine with social interaction, but we don't care for it. You seem to actually want social interaction, but you're too retarded to get it. You're the one who doesn't belong here.

>> No.9431481

There's a huge difference with having autistic traits and actually being autistic. Even the nerdiest nerds can be complete normal when it comes to understanding social situation and talking to people but an autist will stand out even in a group of said nerds.

I've known a few autistic people and not even /jp/ would stand their presence for long.

>> No.9431484

The funny part about the repayments is most of the people on the new fees will actually never pay them back anyway. It's just a permanent tax increase for people on low income.

>> No.9431495

Eh, its money for nothing and I just fill them in with random answers while watching something. Probably about 80% of the questions are just tickbox answers so its easy to do without even looking at it. I've been looking for other ways but I've not really found anything specific yet that seems worth any time.

I made some money with the Diablo 3 RMAH but thats dried up now and I can't be bothered to play it anymore. Recently my bot account got banned so its not like I can just afk for free money by selling gold anymore either. Was worth it while it lasted though. Made about $600 in 3 weeks just off the bot alone.

>> No.9431499


>You seem to actually want social interaction

I don't want social interaction, I'm perfectly happy inside, but I do want to live. If you can't get some kind of government aid then you're going to die without a job. It's simple.

You're not going to get any money for, "I'm great at socializing, but I just don't like doing it. So give me that money so I don't have to give a job."

>> No.9431506

It's not that hard to fake an illness.

>> No.9431512

These threads move way too fast. I can't even do my usual thing of reading posts "in bulk", because you nerds are posting faster than I can read.

>> No.9431517

I got denied autism bux and now I have to go see a lawyer. It's not fair since I genuinely need it unlike most of the fakers out there.

>> No.9431518

Don't worry, take your time. Even if you respond to a really old post we won't ignore you because we're all buddies.

>> No.9431524


Sure, but then you're the same people that everyone is complaining about. Normals who don't actually need any help at all, but they're conning their way through life and getting benefits by faking disorders that other people actually have.

I don't give a shit how you get your money. Good luck with trying to get autismbux, but it doesn't change the fact that you're just a normal who got bored of socializing and came to hang out with the internet aspies.

>> No.9431548

No experience?
No qualifications?
Want to be your own boss?
Want to make money online?
Want to work a minimum amount of hours?

Here's what you do:
1. Learn to program. Specifically, learn to program in some hipster Web language like Python or Ruby. You should also know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
2. Form or join a startup. It is not difficult. You do not need to front any money yourself, because companies like Y Combinator will give you the money in exchange for a portion of your equity.
3. ????
4. (hopefully) Profit.

You lose nothing if you fail. And most startups do fail. But the successful ones are big money makers. Even if your company/site isn't doing well, businesses like Google often buy startups basically at random for millions of dollars, because they can.

If you don't do this, you're probably going to be kicking yourself in a few years' time when the "startup bubble" bursts and you wish you had listened to me. It obviously takes work, but it's all work you can do.

>> No.9431553


Which survey site do you use?

>> No.9431559


Wouldn't it take a few years to learn a new language?

>> No.9431571

A combination of a few. I use Mysurvey, GlobalTestMarket, SurveyNetwork and Opinion Outpost.

I'm on the lookout for others that are worthwhile, and tbh Opinion Outpost's rewards are pretty stingy comparative to the others.

>> No.9431567


>Form or join a startup

These sound like socializing words. I don't want to have to work with other people.

Why aren't there more online jobs where I can be alone? Give me some repetitive task which earns minimum wage, doesn't require any talking with other people, and let me do it from my computer. That would be perfect.

>> No.9431568


>> No.9431573

A few months, maybe.

>> No.9431574

You guys are lucky

Every day for me is like standing in a field and watching stormclouds in the distance fast approaching me. I know soon something will have to give, I'm already at the end of my neet leash and things are about to hit the fan.

>> No.9431576
File: 520 KB, 1280x720, gate trap urushibara_ruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been running *nix since forever and I still haven’t learned programming.
I don’t think I can, I’m too dumb/mathematically inept.

>> No.9431579
File: 37 KB, 460x276, tesco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of interest to BritNEETs:

Basically, Tesco wrote a very trivial algorithm to generate their discount barcodes. So if you live near a Tesco with a self-service checkout, you can just key in your own barcodes (or generate them with your phone), and get any item for £0.01 or any price you choose.

>> No.9431580

No. It's fast as HELL if you're experienced.

>> No.9431581

I've no experience. Also, I'm stupid and learn very slowly.

>> No.9431582


Humans are inherently social so all jobs have some degree of socialization. I worked at a warehouse and you were still forced to talk to your coworkers. Lifting fucking boxes all day and they think this requires talking.

>> No.9431591

I’m not nearly as anti-social as the truNEET /jp/ populace but I would love to earn some money, preferably more legitimately than those surveys, that don’t require me to leave the computer.

I would love to write stuff from home and get paid for it.

>> No.9431592

I don't think it's possible for someone that is actually actively trying to take years to learn any language on a fundamental level. Seriously, a few months is already kind of slow for most.

>> No.9431586

Something like Python? No. Obviously there are a lot of herp derp Become An EXPERT PROGRAMMER in Nine Minutes bullshit guides out there, but it's easy enough to learn Python in a few days, even with no prior programming experience. Your programs won't be as ZOMGOPTIMIZED as they could be, but they'll work.

>> No.9431593

Getting autismbucks was anticlimactic. I'm 28 and have basically been living off my parents since I was 2, so there really wanst much financial change for me. The damage to my parent's retirement was already done, and being almost 29 with practically my first source of income left me with the feeling that I should have been independent or on the bux a long time ago. Now I don't even get enough to buy cigarettes and that bums me out. I would almost rather have a part time job so I could buy alcohol and cigs, but no place would hire me. It was serious bullshit that I never got hired anywhere. But that is all in the past and at least I have enough to pay for rent, utilities and a meager food budget. They took away my $200 in food stamps per month and that pissed me off. I could just skate by if I had just a couple hundred more bux, so I have to have my parents pay for some of my shit now too.

>> No.9431597

You can run a startup by yourself (and a lot of people do) but obviously you're going to have to fire off a few emails here and there. It'll be transactional stuff though, so it's not like you're going to have to make friends and discuss your interests.

>> No.9431608

I tried following some Python and Ruby tutorials but I got utterly lost immediately after Hello World.

>> No.9431599

You remind me of myself. We're tough guys.

I had a chunk of metal in my eye for a few days until I finally got it all out, healed fine.

>> No.9431601


>Why aren't there more online jobs where I can be alone? Give me some repetitive task which earns minimum wage, doesn't require any talking with other people, and let me do it from my computer. That would be perfect.

This, but even to get a job like that you'd probably have to contact someone.
I'm >>9431517 and they denied me saying I could work as long as I have a job away from people. Which is true, but I can't even contact people in order to get such a job, hell, I can't even leave the fucking house without my mother with me. If the phone or doorbell rings I get a panic attack. It's like they didn't even review my case at all. Sorry for the tangent, I'm just really fucking mad about this still.

>> No.9431602

How did you support yourself when you were 1?

>> No.9431610

>y been living off my parents since I was 2

So what, were you a baby accountant or something?

>> No.9431618


He could have been adopted or something

>> No.9431627

What? You guys didn't support yourself at 1? Where I come from, mother's leave newborn babies in the woods for a year to weed out the weenies.

>> No.9431644

That's because you're a fagtastic turbonerd who doesn't want to learn. I'll bet you justified it right after with, "Wahh but I'm not learning!" or, "My brain isn't taking in the information!", or, "This is too haaard!" or some permutation of, "What's the point?"

It's not difficult. You're not a retard. You're reading my post. There, you're qualified. In fact: I, Anonymous, confer upon you the following broken text art certificate:

║ a.k.a >>9431608-san, IS PERFECTLY
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

This goes to all of you. You are capable of learning to program. Don't beat yourself up just because that's easier than actually learning. Just do it. No, really. Just go and do it, right now.

>> No.9431659

I justified giving up after reading through the very beginning of the tutorials for ten times. As soon as it got more complicated than just printing one line, my brain gave up.
I’m sorry 9431644-san.

>> No.9431670


read it a hundred fucking times if need be.
don't you have enough autism in your for that?

>> No.9431674


I only know HTML. I tried to learn CSS a few years ago and I started to cry because I was so dumb and had no idea what I was doing. There's no way someone like me could learn a real programming language.

>> No.9431675

where do you live? murrica?

>> No.9431680


Did you go to the hospital and do the suicide act to get your 5150 like Uncle Remus suggests?

>> No.9431681

Why not just read it some more? I mean, you're on /jp/ right now. You clearly aren't the most busy person.

>> No.9431698




No, looking back, I should have, but I started this whole application thing before I even knew Uncle Remus' guide existed.

>> No.9431701

dude, some people are not cut to learn programming, period. just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for everyone. and why the fuck would he waste his time learning something he clearly has big problems with? he might as well use this time to learn something he's actually good at, it's not like python is the only useful knowledge ever.

>> No.9431702

Do you even lift? I bench 510lbs and eat 15,000 calories per day.

>> No.9431712

I don’t have autism, I think. I was diagnosed with aspergers which is in the ”autism spectrum” but I doubt the veracity of their claims.
I’m not the busiest person, but I am actually still enrolled in a college course (which I am failing — I might not be able to go back in some months). I just have a lot of problems with pushing myself. I lack motivation and run away from things.

>> No.9431713

Algorithms and the heavy math and stuff, sure. But learning Python syntax and how to write a simple program isn't complicated. There's no "you just get it or you don't". It's following simple instructions and learning information as simple as it can be (programming languages are designed to be as human readable but simple as possible).

You could actually have some memory disorder where you seriously cannot retain any information about the syntax or various functions. Print out a cheatsheet, problem solved.

Programming isn't easy. Learning to program is.

>> No.9431724


>Programming isn't easy. Learning to program is.
So then what would be the point of learning a programming language? If I’m not going to be able to make something more useful than printing hello world, then why bother? I wouldn’t be able to do anything useful with it.

>> No.9431761

The boxes the money for ATMs is stored in also contains special color that explodes all over the money and you can't get it off.

Saw that on TV, not sure if it's a lie to keep NEETs fromm stealing ATMs with trucks. I live in Germany though, I guess a third world country wouldn't put magic color in their moneyboxes to prevent theft. It's probably pretty expensive.

>> No.9431774

Most developed places do. They don't in Japan though, because it's not a popular enough crime and they don't have a system in place for the banks to bother replacing the dyed notes

>> No.9431788

Germans are the smuggest assholes. I hate Germans.

>> No.9431783

I live in England and some local crime gang did this with a street full of ATMs no problem. If anything, it sounded pretty easy.
