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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1328424049889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9421449 No.9421449 [Reply] [Original]

I like to pretend that I am Patchy, sorting and managing a large library.

>> No.9421456

I used to have them well sorted, with folders and tags. Picasa was a good system for that.
Then I found myself saving less images and just bookmarking pixiv artists or remembering their descriptions to find in booru when needed.

So now I just have a small dump folder. Still manageable after years.

>> No.9421468

I don't really save that many pictures, only 50 or so 4chan-related ones.
I usually get my moe pictures from the internet when I feel the urge.

>> No.9421473

I know you're referring to little girls but that will create a shitstorm.

>> No.9421478

I organize them based on source material and character.

>> No.9421477

-My Pictures-
Touhou - Screenshots - Other - Recieved
Touhou -> Character -> Lewd - Non-Lewd
Screenshots - > Game

>> No.9421479

I don't download images. My hard drive space is too precious for petty stuff like that.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I've got no help to offer. Apologies.

>> No.9421490
File: 558 KB, 500x750, 17422267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Series - Character

>> No.9421491

>My hard drive space is too precious for petty stuff like that.
Do you perchance have a 20MB HDD or something like that?

>> No.9421497

I have over 100,000 images over 1500 folders. They are sorted according to content, and character. All images are assigned random names in the 4chan convention(just time(), but I just generated a random number and added it to 1200000000000).

I don't save porn though. I used to keep a stash of loli hidden cleverly on the desktop, but I realized that I never opened it and just wanted new material or a specific image, which I just went straight to the internet for.

>> No.9421499

I just put everything in one big folder.

>> No.9421504

I don't hoard anymore since my 56k days, but 7 has a great picture tagging system.

Best alternative would be tagging them booru style and then sorting or using the search when you need something.

>> No.9421509


>> No.9421522

Shit yes! Don't you realize that data storage cost .0000000001$ per byte? For every 10 100KB images that you save it is costing you .01$.

Think about his next time you right click that Sudo image.

It can't tag PNGs, which is what is most useful.

>> No.9421527

Wow, you're right. What the hell Microsoft.

>> No.9421529 [DELETED] 

>saving images
>I like to pretend that I am Patchy

I bet you like to pretend I'm not going to violate your ass to the fullest extent possible, also. Reported.

>> No.9421535

It's not Microsoft's fault. The JPEG format has the metadata in the specification, because it is supposed to be used for photography. PNG was supposed to take GIFs place as a tiny format for stupid little cartoons on geocities homepages, and it was left out.

>> No.9421539


Sure thing, Bill.

>> No.9421541 [DELETED] 

Global rule #7:>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported it or another post is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports.

Also, troll.

>> No.9421542

>Think about his next time you right click that Sudo image.
That only applies if I'm saving those. Cache isn't supposed to be persistent, and mine is disabled anyway due to security concerns.

>> No.9421548

Stop trying to blow my cover Steve.

>> No.9421549

I rarely save any images. I have a couple lewd images and a few things I think are funny, but that's it.

Usually if I want to post a picture, I google it, download it, use it, and then delete it.

>> No.9421553
File: 69 KB, 600x600, 1335836573414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloads folder.

Downloads 2 folder when Downloads loads too slow.

Next folder: Downloads 3.

You get the idea

>> No.9421563

No one has or ever will try to target you. Enable caching and stop clogging up the internet by having to relaod every single thumbnail with your constant F5ing of Lolita City and 4chan.

>> No.9421571

I save everything to a folder called `Sandbox'. Every once in a while, I'll go sort all the files in there to their proper place.... But it's been over a year since I did that and now there are 5000 images in there, and I dread doing all that sorting more and more as it grows.

>> No.9421580
File: 57 KB, 320x240, 1195620232890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kept everything in one folder since 2006 when I started hoarding. The existence of persistent image hosts has really deterred me from getting stuff as often, though. 9,153 pictures, and here's my first 4chan save.

>> No.9421575

I said "disabled", but that's not really true. In reality, I've put my cache folder on a ramdisk and it is cleared everytime I close the browser (once or twice a day). Not only is it faster, it's also somewhat safer. I was just simplifying it.

>> No.9421581

>Then I found myself saving less images and just bookmarking pixiv artists or remembering their descriptions to find in booru when needed.
I tried doing that, but it only made me realize how often the nips like to delete images, and how retarded the moderators of the boorus are.

>> No.9421583

Lolita City

Tell me more.

>> No.9421585

Do you even find a picture when you look for it?

>> No.9421586


>> No.9421594

...That's the current name. The correct one would be 1195620232890. You did get the date right, though, as long as his timezone is GMT-5 or less.

>> No.9421596

>that feel when blocked on danbooru and mass-deleted based on tag on gelbooru and sad panda and you have to just draw it from memory and fap
feels bad man :-:

>> No.9421597

inb4 he deletes the post. You sure nerdrekt him.

>> No.9421601
File: 29 KB, 474x474, 1335506510329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of the time, yes. For some reason, I like my images arranged chronologically. When I scroll down, it just takes me a moment to recognize which images i've saved in what general order, and narrow it down to get what I want.

It still takes longer than i'd like, at 30 seconds up to a minute, but it's better than spending long hours sorting them, I think.

I also found out that the "date created" category on images are reset when you make a copy of a folder and paste it somewhere else.

It was hell, since I couldn't find any of the images I was searching for.

>> No.9421604

I though posting >Wed, 21 Nov 2007 04:43:52 GMT would be to distracting.

>> No.9421610

Patchy is lazy. I bet your images are poorly sorted and there are many duplicates.

>> No.9421608

You could just have dropped the day and greentexted "November 2007".

>> No.9421614

Yes, but that wouldn't be quoting. I'm pasting that, you see; the short one is the usual text, and the long one is the mouseover.

>> No.9421618

I open my images in MS Paint, resize them to 99%, and then post them on /jp/ to be hosted on foolz.

>> No.9421620

Well, that makes sense, since a copy is technically creating everything again, so it was created on that day. Personally, I can't handle keeping thing unorganized because 30 seconds to 1 minute is easily enough time to lose your opportunity to post that one thing that had been nagging you. Someone might beat you to it or the discussion might take an unexpected turn.

>> No.9421622
File: 509 KB, 1276x1754, RanXerox_RX-a-NewYork_Scanned-By-Lezard_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't say 'I was on 4chan since 2006' merely that I was hoarding (mostly bmps like the cancer I was). Earliest image, period, would be this.

>> No.9421628

I hope you realize that JPGs lose lots of quality in that process due to recompression, and PNGs are saved uncompressed, thus wasting space.

>> No.9421641
File: 29 KB, 471x500, 1273512409994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the joke

>> No.9421648

Manga -> "Year" -> "Month" (for single tomes)
Manga -> "Name" (for certain long series)
Manga H -> "Year" -> "Month"

Touhou -> "Pairing / Game"
Touhou -> Wallpapers, Else - Gif

Garbage -> Screencaps - Gifs - Cosplay - Porn - Etc

And I use alldup to check duplicated files, pretty handy.

>> No.9421657
File: 143 KB, 850x599, 4chanfolder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever look at your folder and the filenames and tell yourself ``Holy shit I used to be a fucking idiot back then''? Because I do. Constantly.

>> No.9421676
File: 287 KB, 150x147, pokemonfunny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I second that notion [in fact, I tend to fall into a self recriminating mindset whenever I'm not busy], although I'm just as much an idiot as I was then if I'm still here.

>> No.9421687


I have deleted entire folders for that reason on occasion.

>> No.9421710
File: 49 KB, 300x381, 788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda like this.

>> No.9421716

folders for every artist
and one big folder for artists with only a few pictures/artists i'm too lazy to make a folder for

>> No.9421721

Do you guys hid your porn? It seems like most people do, but I've never seen the need. Even as a kid, I just saved it to the desktop.

>> No.9421722

Different Anon: I wish I was able to do it in so little time, and I have a vast and extensive folder system.
(I know tags would help - I also know I should get a job)

>> No.9421725
File: 122 KB, 600x600, nbcrazy1336600566433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9421727


I hide it out of habit from the days of my yoof.

>> No.9421736

That would be a pain in the ass since I sort my images by series.

Also pointless.

>> No.9421737

>9,153 pictures
>since 2006
Less than 5 images per day - and you call that hoarding?

>> No.9421770

I used to make a maze of folders and put everything porn-related at the end after renaming it to simple numbers that nobody would think to enter into the search engine.
Nowadays I just save the porn in the respective franchise folders. If it doesn't have a real big title it belongs to, then it goes into that old porn-maze, but without renaming.

>> No.9421768

I actually just rearranged mine the other day...(well, it took like three days)
I have mine separated like this:
・/jp/-related (memes, janitor seals of approval, kusosure, etc.)
・wallpaper (sorted by source (game/animu/mango/etc.) and then by character)
・animu/mango (genre -> title of series -> character)
・catchall assorted otaku-stuff (vocaloid/utau/etc., idols (overall label or agency -> group -> member), OS-tans, Nijiura maids)
・Doujin Soft & Vidya (Developer -> series -> character)
・original art (arranged by artist or pixiv ID, some of the unknowns are sorted by type like maids or meganekko or whatever)
・Touhou Project (sorted by location (youkai mountain, scarlet devil mansion, etc.) -> character name, with a separate folder for yukkuris and screenshots)

>> No.9421773
File: 17 KB, 450x400, ozoi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijiura medios

>> No.9421781

Back in high school, the school got some grant for computer science and bought us some routers and servers and shit. We set up a LAN system and a file server, with games and shit so we could all play instead of doing subnets or whatever the fuck we were supposed to be doing. I was admin, but had no games. Some random kid (who I thought was a normalfag) brought Halo, so I copied it to the server and let everyone download it to the station and play.

Anyway, as it turned out, he hid his porn in that Halo folder. I kid you fucking not, it was some weird furry vampire porn and some flash files that I never opened. Copied to 30 or so stations.

>> No.9421789

First level: by type: Anime(& Manga)/Game/Textual/Artsy/Porn/Erotic*/Funny/Reaction Images**/Comics***/Personal stuff / (etc)
For anime and games, it goes on like this:
Second level: by company
Thirdly by title
Fourthly by whatever tags I can make up.

I try to keep it at less than 90 items per folder, though there are a few folders which are "slightly" above that. All in all, I have 1811 subfolders.
Of course I know that folders are not very good for this kind of thing, and that I should use tags, and I once gave tags even a try, but after a few days and only about 5k tagged images I just abandoned the project.

* Erotic is not material for masturbation, but still obviously sexual.
** don't really use that one anymore, could probably delete it, if I hadn't stopped deleting small fries.
*** This is only comics/doujins that don't already belong to a game/anime which already has its own folder elsewhere. Touhou doujins go into the Touhou folder.

>> No.9421796

Despite being on 4chan for about 7 years, I can count the number of images I've saved on one hand. Guess I'm not really suited to imageboards. I don't really save many images from elsewhere, too, because I never really feel the need to look at the same image twice. When there's already enough porn out there that it would take me a good few decades to get through it, I don't really re-use material.

>> No.9421795

Why didn't you just make the folder and items all hidden and make a batch file to automatically hide/open if you put in a password or some shit? I mean it's easy and very few normal parents will know what a batch file is, or how to remove a hidden attribute...

>> No.9421800

Because I didn't want to hide it from normal people - I wanted to hide it from people who knew a little about computers.
My mother wasn't going to touch my computer anyway, but a chum of mine actually set out (and failed) to locate porn on my PC.

>> No.9421805

I keep several gigabytes of lolicon and... more shameful, but legal, stuff.

I keep it just in case of an apocalypse. I can't fap to normalfag shit that I would find in houses.

>> No.9421811

EMP is going to fry your hard drive. Enjoy fapping to scavenged Playboy and Penthouse, faggot!

>> No.9421813

I think I'd really enjoy salvaging old HDDs from houses. I can't think of much that would give you a deeper insight into a person, aside from a locked diary or something. Breaking into abandoned houses to search for cans of food, taking hard drives with you to learn more about the person that's gone. Plus, free porn. That's always a bonus.

>> No.9421815

People like you are why I encrypt the entire disk. Please just let me rest in peace.

>> No.9421834

Being in the EMP range of a nuclear blast brings with it a whole other range of problems.
I'd be happy finding some charred corpses to fuck, to be honest.

>> No.9421835
File: 110 KB, 367x455, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tons of folders. This is the drive I keep images and music on. There are 16213 music files in 1619 folders, which still leaves me with a bunch of images in a ton of folders. Is there a way to see all the folders expanded so I can post the structure?

>> No.9421894

I just realized that I need this. I also need to start archiving VNs, music, anime, movies, games, ROMs, random utilities, books, Japanese books (surely I'll get around to learning kanji after everyone else is dead), schematics, survival guides, and other shit.

Does SSD survive EMP, or will I have to by a bluray burner? What would I need to make a computer survive any sort of blast? Should I buy several and keep them in vacuum sealed lead vaults until it is time to use them?

>> No.9421897

go into command prompt
to go to your c drive
cd Folder
to change directory to your folder
dir /s > dir.txt
to list the directory, including subfolders, and dump them in the file dir.txt (will automatically be created).
once done, open the file, copypaste and upload to pastebin

>> No.9421933

Only a few gigabytes? I got over 150GB of lolicon.

>> No.9421937

Discs will just warp with heat and decay anyway if they aren't kept in perfect conditions.

>> No.9421952

Yeah, but you downloaded yours from a torrent, and it's mostly disgusting scat rape, 400x300 static GIFs and shit that you will never look at, nor ever care to look at.

My disaster stash is all hand selected and beautify, categorized by character and fetish, with not a single duplicate.

>> No.9421970

It's actually mostly JPEG or PNG, I haven't found one with a GIF format so far. Nor is it all rape or scat. It's mostly male on female missionary consensual sex. Plus, I'll be able to look at new and fresh loli for a long time while you're browsing over loli you've seen many times before.

>> No.9421986
File: 67 KB, 282x322, aya highly interested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

win7 has some kind of tagging system?

>> No.9421992

Yes. All NT based Windows do. Just create a few alternate data stream for each file and and use a hex editor in disk mode to search for your images.

>> No.9422018
File: 178 KB, 800x800, 1332551329603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sounds way too wizard for me.

>> No.9422030

I mostly don't, other than some basic things for my porn folder (normal, loli, /d/ stuff, and so on). My general images folder is a mess, my folder for Touhou images is another mess and I hardly ever rename things, because Save Image in Folder made me 200% lazier.

>> No.9422034
File: 1.21 MB, 1550x1400, 577473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ folder = toho and shitposting
sub folders: kaguya, 3dpd, original content

1500+ images

similar structure but much less pics.

Non /jp/ related pictures: anime, food, /g/, vydia, my shit mmo's, cats, girls, info, /int/ and a related folder, /m/, reaction faces, /tg/, spam, wallpaper, /x/

thousands of pics, i have no idea how many

many, many pic folders

>> No.9422037
File: 39 KB, 300x300, 1332632465129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like something you'd hear in 24.

>> No.9422058

Put everything in the same folder with no sub-folders. It is much easier to organize that way.

>> No.9422071
File: 1.03 MB, 1039x1441, 3d4199aaafd62cf5c8c36c57821bb400e2dc517b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a big folder called imagedump with various subfolders according to genre. When it gets too old I move it down a directory

>> No.9422099
File: 985 KB, 1851x2505, Untitled-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up just expanding some folders and screencapping. This should give you a bit of an idea how everything is more or less organized. I kept minimized some of the larger folders (Eromanga is way too big to post images of, screencaps is just annoying). The folders holding images in Anime Images either have one folder holding fanart images, or they also have another for animated gifs. Most of the upper folders have functions and purposes so I know what to do with the images inside, mostly sort them. For instance, the first Folder is where almost all things are downloaded to or placed for sorting. For instance, pic is where DTA points to, Holding gets most of the things I download on the fly without thinking where to put, screencaps is where screencaps from media programs go, Camera is where pictures from my camera go, jdownloader is where jdownloader points, ect. Doujinshi not downloaded from PD or share get downloaded to Holding\doujinshi before passing something like a quality control test and having their folder names standardized and transferred.

There's a place for almost everything. If there isn't, then it's not too hard to make a folder in the appropriate area. I wonder if posting this is a good idea or not.

>> No.9422102

I like you ! I'm doing the same.

>> No.9422111


>> No.9422124
File: 167 KB, 600x800, a2f627f749a646ac7a5e7a6a88d6b11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save everything to my 二次元 folder.

>> No.9422259

It's well over 20gb and 50.000 files, and it got this way because, back when I started frequenting this place, I created the folder guessing I'd just save some cool stuff as I passed by, and would find a fitting way to organize it as some pictures gathered. But, obviously, I started saving more and more shit everyday, and quickly the main attraction of lurking here was to save pics and give them names. The folder had a fuckload of stuff far too quick. Way before I could've ever guessed, I had thousands of pictures, but kept saving shit. As the days passed, it just became more and more impossible to ever try to solve the situation. I tried creating the Touhou folder in a vain attempt to separate stuff, but it was far too late.

Nowadays I only HOPE to find something. The good thing is that I have a good memory and, most times, can remember the name I gave to the image I'm searching, or guess a few things I might've named it/words I could search. I've been saving pictures more than once with different names to increase my odds of finding them later. It's fucking out of control.

>> No.9422255

I've always been reasonably organized with my folders, organizing my shit, memorizing orders, locations and patterns and creating different systems for each kind of stuff, but I have one fucking folder that has gone completely out of control due to carelessness. It grew out into a fucking monster, and it stares back at me from the other side of the screen every day.

My 4chan folder is a huge fucking CLUSTERFUCK. It's a labyrinth of chaos and disorder. It has only three sub-folders inside it: Ohayou, with a bunch of, obviously, Ohayou pictures, Baww, old as FUCK shit that I haven't touched in ages, yet would feel bad to delete (I have the bad habit of never deleting ANYTHING) and Touhou, with everything I save from this site that is Touhou-related. Everything else is thrown around in the folder itself, each picture with a name I give it the moment it's saved.


>> No.9422291

I had a folder like that once. If you have the discipline, it's doable. Just don't attack the mainfolder. Take a small batch of images (less than 300) to a separate folder and organize those (if you want to keep using folders you must pay attention at this point that your system can survive a flood of several thousand images!) then get the next bunch. It's going to take forever, but it can also give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

>> No.9422418


>I've been saving pictures more than once with different names to increase my odds of finding them later. It's fucking out of control.

Holy shit, are you me?

Sometimes, I know some old but worthwhile images are just doing to get buried in the dump that is my downloads folder, that I just download them again, adding MORE clusterfuck to my downloads folder...

>> No.9422577

I find it best to download a local copy of a booru.
I have my own local server on my computer just for searching my booru.

>> No.9422634

All dumped with random names inside folders within folders within a folder titled asdasdasd.
Opening them later is like an adventure, I never know if I'm going to find lewd loli mango or router configuration files.

>> No.9422722

Is there a way to make the booru use folders already made rather than duplicate it...

>> No.9422873

ACDSee Pro
