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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9409534 No.9409534 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9409547

rustle traces pc lel

>> No.9409552
File: 98 KB, 937x522, ┌∩┐.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh angry japanese

>> No.9409560

I'll have to admit, this video is slowly becoming funny.

>> No.9409556


>> No.9409572 [DELETED] 

``We don't give a shit about Japan, we just like their media.''
--Tryhard /jp/er, weeaboo in denial

>> No.9409577

Oh man... I'm so happy. That race that adores other's culture is getting its face getting kicked in by one they adore. Again.

>> No.9409579

Is he really a Corean troll?
Did anyone confirm? Just seems silly to treat badly your tourists when you just suffered through a disaster and the economy is in the shitter.

>> No.9409580


>> No.9409584
File: 215 KB, 600x792, 1301803571784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie, i wish the west was as xenophobic as japan and korea at times.

Would be great to be able to go out on the streets and shout "Burakku piggu go h0mu!"

But instead we welcome anyone and anything and in time there wont be anything left.

>> No.9409591

there wont be anything left besides niggers, sandniggers and moslems.
Enjoy your shariah law dude.

>> No.9409597

I would like to go homu

>> No.9409599 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 460x288, EDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just join a racist group, dude.

I'm a multiculturalist, but I've joined in with a few EDL protests because they're so darn fun.

>> No.9409602

Shariah law aint a problem because i am male, i am looking forward to the day i can have a harem of 11 year old girls who i can stone to death if i think they are being sluts

Shariah law vs feminists will be interesting.

>> No.9409604

Is it bad if I haven't even realized that this video has been posted to cause butthurt in weeaboos?

>> No.9409613

I have buddhist friends who traveled to Japan and they had nothing but good things to say.

Not that I'd like it in there.

>> No.9409616


Yes, battle of the politically correctness.
Which group would it be more insensitive to oppose, I wonder, the oppressed wymyne or those poor Muslim folk. What a dilemma for the modern age.

>> No.9409619

Sorry to burst your bubble but it's more like the really rich guys get to have a harem while the poor guys kill each other for food.

In a way it's not at all different from the west.

>> No.9409623


>> No.9409626



>> No.9409627 [DELETED] 

Thing is, the law isn't even that sexist. It's patriarchal, sure, but people whine about the most stupid things. The idea that women have to wear burqas is a matter for debate. Shariah itself basically says, "Don't dress like a slut." I think it uses some term like, "Don't show off your ornaments."

Besides the stupid shit about alcohol and religious propagation, Shariah is a pretty cool system. Certainly a lot more modern and sensible than Jewish and Christian equivalents.

>> No.9409631 [DELETED] 

>the poor guys kill each other for food.

Then we get a harem of virgins in Jannah.

Yes I know this is largely a myth, shut up.

>> No.9409633

It is definitely funny.
The waito piggus face was priceless.
Maybe cause I aint white but even if I am waito, I would probably find it hilarious as fuck as well.

>> No.9409634

I mean, how does it even work? Do people really think with their dicks? Are you supposed to get mad at the fact that some kind of xenophobia exists? Whatafack man?

>> No.9409637

I'm all for modesty, but I'm not a fan of having it enforced by law.

>> No.9409639

Whaito piggu, go back to Europu

>> No.9409642

I can't even see the faces because of the low quality.

>> No.9409654

> Certainly a lot more modern and sensible than Jewish and Christian equivalents.
Given that sharia outlaws the charging of interest on loans, it's probably the least sensible and modern legal system around.

>> No.9409650 [DELETED] 

Eh, what else can you do?
People are dumb. Hopefully now that we've had our fun in the ``Sexual Revolution'' society will start to grow out of it. Especially now that it's causing real problems with disease and teenage pregnancy. I hope that within our lifetime, people will start dressing appropriately and acting like grown adults again, without needing some religious or legal bullshite to coax them into it.

>> No.9409656

Seriously?? What would great and glorious omnipotent Japan have against Europe? We helped them in every way! They idolize Germans and Italians. White fat pigs are you, Americans.

>> No.9409657

What about the waitto piggos who were traveling on business and didn't even want to be there?

>> No.9409668

They can sneer at their close-minded clients and feel fine with using their resources on his company's budget

>> No.9409669

Go back to /bun/ Jones

>> No.9409674 [DELETED] 

Yeah, riba is dumb. Even the moral idea behind it is dumb. There are banks that work around it effectively, though, which I guess is kind of the point.

>> No.9409681

That's exactly the problem, surely that's not good for business relations.

>> No.9409686 [DELETED] 

Those waito piggus can go home once they're finished. It's pretty beneficial to both parties, really. Polite, even.

>> No.9409692

There's this thing called VISA that already enforces you go home if you're there for work, dude.

>> No.9409693

Unlike what /jp/ and internet nerds believe, the Japanese treat white people very well, specially if they are tourists.

>> No.9409709 [DELETED] 

u mena ``without hate, but with suspicion''

>> No.9409710

If someone has gotten to that point, I'm pretty sure he's fully capable of putting on a polite face.

That's kind of what I figured from the first time seeing the video, just an unlucky encounter with one of those marches.

>> No.9409714

On the other hand, I wonder what's with the Japan hate on all of 4chan.

People will even mention that stupid whale hunt thing as a reason to bash on them nihon-ji.

>> No.9409721 [DELETED] 

None of this bothers me. I'll fit in perfectly in Japan. I've been watching anime since I was 8 years old, and I know over 200 words of Japanese. I also bow to my superiors even in the West, and always sit seppuku.
If it wasn't for the color of my skin, they'd probably think I'm one of them.

>> No.9409733 [DELETED] 

When you like something long enough, you become tsundere for it. Watch:

* Something Awful
* moot
* Azumanga Daioh
* Memes
* Anime

>> No.9409741 [DELETED] 

Don't forget ``faggot quotes''.

>> No.9409744


/jp/ isn't tsundere for those yet, they still use them unironically.

>> No.9409763

Except for Azumanga that list really makes sense.

Realistically speaking none of us has any chance of ever fitting in on Japan anyway because we all have a gap year or two in our curriculum, and over there if you don't get from college into a career right away you're out of the system and it's really had to get back in.

Still, I like them, their women are proper ladies and everyone is a huge closet pedo with rape fantasies. And social awkwardness is an everyday thing, which is awful in a schadenfraude way.

>> No.9409776 [DELETED] 

I've seen a lot of people railing against Azumanga lately. I guess it just hasn't aged well.

>> No.9409784

Outside of pacing issues there's nothing wrong with it, it's just muscle reaction to shitposters spamming RAPVERRY HEAVEN IM COMING FOR YOU everyday.

Unless you grew out of SoLs in which case it can't be helped.

>> No.9409785

It gets thrown in with the BIG 3 and other low-level series, unfairly

>> No.9409791

Why would anybody give a flying fuck about that?

>> No.9409795 [DELETED] 

Association fallacy or whatever it's called. It can't be helped.

>> No.9409799 [DELETED] 

Help it, then.

>> No.9409796

Yes it can.

>> No.9409798

You can do worse than that shitposter kun.

>> No.9409818

Please stop it. It's embarassing.

>> No.9409857
File: 87 KB, 452x486, 1333896666018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9409868

``I've been a loser nerd for longer than some teenagers so I must differentiate myself from them by not moving on but by closely studying their preferences and adjusting my own''
       ー anonymous imageboard user, 2012
