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9388474 No.9388474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would you take advantage of drunk alice ?

>> No.9388484


>> No.9388488

What do you mean by take advantage of? If she consents it's all fine.

>> No.9388500
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i wanna SQUEEZE her

>> No.9388499

like while she is passed out due too much alcohol

>> No.9388498

No, I would not. Consent can be given from those who are completely in control of their mental facilities, not drunk beyond the point of reason. Alice has a drinking problem.

>> No.9388506

I'd only stuttering moeshit alice.

Yes, I am a horrible human being who likes fanonshit.

>> No.9388519


>actually believes in the double-standard concept of "consent"

If you get drunk it's your own fault. That's why most countries have more stringent penalties for DUI.

>> No.9388537

so sir, you are not fully aware of what you do when you are drugged or drunk

the lack of inhibitions alcohol causes can make you do thibks you will never consent of you were fine

>> No.9388532

You're talking to an anon who does not believe in the consumption of alcohol in the first place.

>> No.9388544

Can I kill people when I'm drunk and get away with diminished responsibility? Or would I still be found in full control of my actions?

>> No.9388555

They are just as bad, drinking while driving is a reckless thing to do same as taking advantage of people who in a waking state would not consent.

>> No.9388559
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Because it wasn't you that decided to get drunk while still sober in the first place, obviously, right?

>> No.9388561

>If you get drunk it's your own fault.
>so sir, you are not fully aware of what you do when you are drugged or drunk
What am I even reading?

>> No.9388558

>Yes, I am a horrible human being who likes fanonshit.
You are horrible human who gives a ufck about all that canon/fanon trollcrap.
Any kind of Alice is fine 'till you okay with that.

>> No.9388563

She is my second worst touhou so no, I wouldn't care about her. I'd let her sleep in her vomit.

>> No.9388571

youl be responsble of murder but without malice

>> No.9388576

But I wasn't in control because I was drunk.

>> No.9388580

You do realize that in one of the scenarios you are a victim of yourself and in another you are victimizing another person? For example, you wouldn't let a drunk friend drive if you are driving home. Why would you take advantage of a friend when that person is drunk?

>> No.9388590
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>> No.9388598

Then it might count as manslaughter.

>> No.9388603

I don't think you understand the point I'm trying to make. You can be held responsible for your actions in plenty of other things when you're drunk, why can't you be held responsible for giving consent, why is this impossible?

>> No.9388621

Responsibility != accountability

>> No.9388608
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The two are not mutually exclusive. Someone who decides to drink, was sober at a previous state of mind and can be still held accountable for their later actions.

>Driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), drunken driving, drunk driving, operating under the influence, drinking and driving, or impaired driving is the act of driving a motor vehicle with blood levels of alcohol in excess of a legal limit. Similar regulations cover driving or operating certain types of machinery while affected by drinking alcohol or taking other drugs. This is a criminal offense in most countries.

By my own convoluted logic, yes, drunk-as-fuck Alice fully deserves being taken advantage of. The only reason why people think otherwise is because "LOL, IT'S RAPE".

>> No.9388616

but you killed a person, and the resposability comes form the fact that it was yourself the one that put you in that state...say if someone else drugged you then is a different thing

>> No.9388615

Because you are not mentally capable of giving consent.

>> No.9388628

Can someone explain why you can't give consent when you're drunk? I'm confused.

>> No.9388634


>> No.9388653


Uh, no you're not. If you're under the effects of a mind-altering substance, it's not your fault.

>> No.9388648

Please see:
It's like you have no idea what you're even talking about.

>> No.9388658


If you are normally mentally capable of giving consent when you are sober, then by choosing to drink you have just consented to be drunk, and by extension, consented to whatever would have resulted from that action.

If you took PCP and was sane beforehand, knowing that doing so would cause you to possibly be unpredictable violent afterwards, you can be held accountable for the decision to take said substance in the first place (even if it wasn't illegal like in my example).

>> No.9388660


>please see the question I've asked

You're slow, yeah?

>> No.9388661

so if i rape a woman when i'm drunk, she'll go to jail because i didnt consent?

>> No.9388662

All we need is some sort of self-defence robots that sober people can hire out before they get drunk. If you forget and end up raped or dead, THEN it's your fault.

>> No.9388666


are you really trying to justify rape

fuck off idiot

>> No.9388667

Only if she's drunk too, because then it's like a double negative and it balances out.

>> No.9388668

>If you're under the effects of a mind-altering substance, it's not your fault.
Whos choice was it to take the mind-altering substance?

>> No.9388671

Many of you are very confused, I know that feminist dogma and the law can trick you into thinking that it's unfair treatment or illogical in the way the genders are treated so very differently when it comes to this point.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a moral stance against taking advantage of a situation when you yourself are clear-headed and completely in control of your facilities. The law might be skewed towards one sex but that does not mean that either sex has any less worth. Don't be so jaded and please stop projecting!

>> No.9388672

man = no excuses
woman = you're drunk so you had no control

>> No.9388673

no you go to jail but charge without malice

>> No.9388675


`choices' are not pure choice

they are influenced by many factors which are outside the chooser's control

>> No.9388677


can you stop trying to demonize `feminists' or really any other group

not all feminists think the same thing

>> No.9388678

Some guy raped his daughter while sleepwalking and he got away with it.

>> No.9388682

Yeah, why not show us that source? In most situations all a female has to say is rape and the guy is done for.

>> No.9388680


If he really was unconscious, why not? I don't condone rape ever, but that is out of his control.

>> No.9388685

That was not my intention, merely making a point.

>> No.9388688

>they are influenced by many factors which are outside the chooser's control
Provide some examples, because this sounds like bullshit.

>> No.9388692


Uh, no. You have no idea what you're talking about. Rape is taken as seriously and objectively in court as anything else. You need to stop victim blaming.

>> No.9388701

I'm not in a hurry and I don't think my post was too confusing or cluttering even though it was a little redundant.

>> No.9388698


person's parents die in car crash

person has a drink to cope with depression

person is now allowed to be raped according to you

>> No.9388708


>Rape is taken as seriously and objectively in court as anything else


>> No.9388715

Why is sex when drunk such a big thing? At the time the girl or guy is horny and wants to fuck someone, if they are drunk they are still horny, are you not allowed urges when drunk or something? If they regret it afterwards then I can't see how that's rape at all.

>> No.9388716


uh it is you fucking moron

have you ever seen a rape hearing outside of TV

>> No.9388717

they probably died due to drunk driver, so the daughter's drinking is doing a huge disservice to her parents' memory and completely disrespecting their deaths

>> No.9388727

The person still made the choice to drink.

>> No.9388729


Uhh, it's more like:

person's parents die in car crash

person has a drink to cope with depression

person shoots several people

person is not allowed to be held accountable for their actions because they supposedly according to you cannot consent

Double standards, etc. It's sad when the majority of anons actually believe for themselves the cognitive dissonance mainstream society has indoctrinated them with.

>> No.9388741

This thread just got boring and terrible.

>> No.9388744

It's funny how some misfits have a tendency of making up justifications for ``alternative'' ways of getting laid. Just deal with it, faggots. Stop thinking with your dong.

>> No.9388748

What about them?

>> No.9388759

At what point does someone become accountable for something, anyway? I know there are things like the insanity plea, but where do you draw the line?

If I had a rough day at work and shot someone, can I get a lesser sentence because I was stressed? What if my "motive" was simply mindless anger or grief? It's possible I wasn't in full control of my actions because of how I was feeling.

I guess all serious murderers suffer from some DSM disorder and I don't think they should get off the hook just because they're crazy, but it makes no sense to me because being drunk or under the influence of drugs could be much less (or much more) severe than having a mood disorder or something.

>> No.9388762
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Also, the maxim of not being able to give consent when drunk and so initiating sex with them is rape is inconsistent with the act of getting drunk and then raping people. The former is a crime for the perpetrator, while the latter is still a crime for the perpetrator even though, according to the logic of the former, the latter shouldn't be able to account for their actions because of their drunken state.

It's all based on a victim-perpetrator dichotomy where it depends on who gets labelled the victim (who is given sympathy and thus exonerated), and who is labelled the perpetrator (and thus viewed as a monster and criminal).

Obviously, since women are traditionally the weaker sex, men's protective urges tend to gravitate towards labeling the woman as the victim in these kinds of scenarios, hence she is the one that is "raped".

Can we go back to posting Alice now?

>> No.9388765


If you don't cry at your mother's funeral, you'll definitely be executed.

>> No.9388774


This is a really shit comparison. A person shooting others is doing something - a person being raped is having something done to them.

>> No.9388772

But I didn't cry at my mother's funeral.

And everyone thought I was a dick.

>> No.9388777


I'm pretty sure you would get executed or get a hefty jail sentence anyway for shooting an unarmed person multiple times, regardless.

>> No.9388788
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That's a weak argument.

If there was a drowning baby right next to you, and it would cost you nothing to save it, what would people think of your answer of "I didn't do anything, therefore i'm not at fault?"

>> No.9388789

All sex is someone manipulating another person, anyway.

Pretty much every non-virgin I've spoken to has had sex at one point when they didn't want to, or later regretted it in retrospect because of how it happened.

It's like "emotional rape". If the person is drunk, it's just quicker.

>> No.9388798


You really need to stop with the analogies. Analogies are for helping the other person to understand your argument, not to pull a sneaky strawman or pretend you were arguing something you weren't.

>> No.9388799
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Or maybe you just hang around beta faggots, anon.

>> No.9388806


Please don't use sexual preference indicators as insults. Thanks.

>> No.9388817

"Faggot" isn't a homophobic slur on 4chan (well, it probably is to a few edgy teens). It's just a stock insult that has lost its discriminatory connotations outside of a hyper-politically-correct environment.

So shut your faggot face, you stupid nigger.

>> No.9388820

Happened in England, policemen said "we are not trained to deal with shallow water situations" court ruled in favour of police

>> No.9388827


It's a homophobic slur. You are saying the person is `as bad as' a homosexual. You are doing it to appear edgy and to fit in. We don't want you here.

>> No.9388829
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>At what point does someone become accountable for something, anyway? I know there are things like the insanity plea, but where do you draw the

iT depends of the evidence, in the case of insanity and such iis up to the expert in that field(psychiatric) to evaluate the stae of the person.

people often forget that in a case what matters is what you can prove

is about who is the person that receives the harm

in th efirst case is the woman who never gave you hsi consent ad thus you assaulted her when you had sex with her if you were sober and she was drunk

i the second case the one harmed was the woman who also never gave you her consent

>> No.9388831
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Then show my why the analogy is wrong, instead of talking about something completely unrelated.

It's an example that shows that inaction can be equal or even worse to action, depending on the context.

The anon above was arguing that shooting someone is an action, and being raped is an inaction, and was arguing based on that fact that one is responsible for actions and not responsible for inactions, which I just proved incoherent with the example of not saving a baby through inaction (which would fall under some form of criminal negligence, depending on the situation).

>> No.9388839

Are you saying homosexuals are ``faggots''?

I don't care if you're trolling, reported to the FBI for hate crime.

>> No.9388838


I'm not going to waste my time responding to your dumb two-second arguments. You can choose your words carefully or I'll ignore you.

>> No.9388841


Oh yeah, and I am aware that if this happened in public it's difficult to hold anyone legally accountable since everyone are under the status of bystanders, but if you were babysitting someone's baby in their home, you can't plead "whoops, I guess I just left him face-down in the bathtub, too bad".

>> No.9388842

This, but only because I'm getting confused. I thought the car thing was about the person initiating the sex, then you said something weird, then you brought up the baby thing and I don't know what the fuck it is you're saying.

>> No.9388852

Can anyone answer this please? I'm really confused.

>> No.9388861

Why are you arguing over obvious things like little kids? Are you 17? I'm used to higher quality.

>> No.9388876
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I'm sorry, but it gets a bit hard to figure out which anon i'm responding to. If it was several different people, then yes, you'd understandably get confused since I would be talking about things I assumed the person I was just quoting had in mind.

It's not my fault if you can't understand things either, since I was speaking with correct grammar and all ;_;

>> No.9388881

becaue sex with strangers is dangerous, any person could have STDs, or if you are woman let you pregnant

the rules of logic that we presume everyone follows says that if you are sober you think twice before engaging in sexual activities with someone you dont know....and that you use preservatives or contraception measures

>> No.9388935

Because sex has other connotations in addition to just being something people do because it feels good.
It's a carryover from the old days when sex was governed by religion.

I actually see this as an example of why sexual liberty doesn't work. Most people who are all for fucking with no marital (or even romantic) attachment would probably scoff at the idea of having sex drunk, drugged, or with children, so their double standards suggest sex isn't just some feelgood activity as they like to think.

>> No.9388948

People with poor vision should be arrested if they don't have sex while wearing glasses or contact lenses.

>> No.9388945

My boss almost saw that picture, coul've been fired.

>> No.9389029


>> No.9389040


Could I have another source which isn't prone to making up bs?

>> No.9389058

I'm not saying it's false, but do you really think any *worthwhile* paper would print a story like that?

>> No.9389115
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Would you help Alice clean up after a party or leave like everyone else?

>> No.9389164

These threads are pointless because it's never going to happen. Just stop.

>> No.9389193


Cleaning up is kind of a satisfying work since you can see your progress pretty clearly. You also get some alone time with Alice and you're being nice to her.

So yes, I'd help her

>> No.9389216

I'm usually one of the first to leave, so no
Back when I left my house, anyway

>> No.9389227
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>You also get some alone time with Alice and you're being nice to her.
yeah, i'll be real nice to her when we're alone

>> No.9389831

I would not even show up.
Because noone would inform me, like always.

>> No.9393809

no dude
