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9357202 No.9357202 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom just died
>Don't give a shit

Is this experiencing Satori?

>> No.9357212

That's mean.

>> No.9357217

This is getting old. Find some other classic novels to reference.

>> No.9357221
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You're just in the first stage of grief, b-baka.

>> No.9357222


>> No.9357226

No OP, I think that's probably pretty normal.

>> No.9357243

When my grandma died I hated having to pretend to be sad.

>> No.9357252

le Meursault face

>> No.9357256
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>cirrhosis of liver
>don't give a shit

Is this experiencing Satori?

>> No.9357286
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>Mom dies
>felt like a part of me died
>Cry and grief for weeks
>Find out last week that she gave all her assets to my brother and cousin.
>Left only a shitty car for me.

Her funeral is tomorrow and I'm skipping it.

>> No.9357303
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>not viewing contents of will first before undergoing grief

Your fault.

>> No.9357315

>Her funeral is tomorrow and I'm skipping it.
This is accepted (and expected) behavior for /jp/.

>> No.9357317

I would not expect the average /jp/er to skip a family funeral.

>> No.9357329

If my mom died and left all the money to other people, I'd skip her funeral.

The bitch is dead to me (so to speak) and I have eroge to play through.

>> No.9357336


>not knowing when the funeral is anyway so skipping it is a non-issue

Get on my level nerd.

>> No.9357340

You're not edgy, you're not special.
But for them, your family, you're. Go show them your respect.
Not because it's social contract, not because you'll miss them nor because you want to say godbye.

It's a matter of honour, be human and show love.

>> No.9357343

I've skipped all of them. I don't talk to anyone in my family other than my parents so I don't really give a shit about them. They're all strangers to me.

>> No.9357355

I was thinking about immediate family. If some uncle you know nothing about dies you're not quite as obligated to go.

>> No.9357349

>It's a matter of honour, be human and show love.
Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.9357352
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>> No.9357629


how do you show love if it's literally not there

do you just show up and look sad for a while then leave

seems like a waste of time

>> No.9359182

If you didn't give a shit you wouldn't be distressed to the point you make a blogpost shit thread on /jp/ where you misuse the quoting function.

>> No.9359197
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edgy as hell /b/ro

>> No.9359231
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What is the point of funerals? I've always found the whole thing to be disgusting.

If my mother died I know that I wouldn't go to her funeral. Not because I don't love her, but because I don't want my last memory of her to be seeing this corpse that has been gutted and filled with all sorts of chemicals so that her flesh isn't rotting away in the casket.

What morbid bastard thought that funerals were ever a good idea? Burials are even worse. Put the body in a box, dig a big hole, and just let them decay and rot away as the worms and maggots eat them away. It's fucking horrifying.

Just wrap the body in cloth and burn it on a pyre. At least that isn't completely repulsive.

>> No.9359243

It's about seeing your loved ones dead, accepting it and saying goodbye.
And the religious/cultural aspect.

That said I don't like them either. I don't feel anything.

>> No.9359273

Hey man stop stealing my gimmick of reposting old threads.
