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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 289 KB, 1920x1080, hagure-yuusha-no-estetica-vs-queens-blade-rebellion-pv-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9272092 No.9272092 [Reply] [Original]

Somehow... this makes me frustrated... I want to kick this bastard's ass


>> No.9272099

Wait what? Who put this faggot in my Queen's Blade?

>> No.9272103

Thanks OP, thar armor girls is hot as HELL. I'm adding this video to my youtube bookmarks.

>> No.9272108

How is that sword going to cut anything?

>> No.9272109
File: 83 KB, 498x500, yumi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought QB was girls only :\

>> No.9272126

well thats not nice :|

>> No.9272311

What the fuck? Who does this faggot thinks he is? Some hot shit? I want to smash his fucking face. I don't think I hated anyone this season so much aside from that Lardass World permabeta fatass.

>> No.9272332

>Male character

Ruined forever.

>> No.9272336

Who let this faggot into my QB?

>> No.9272372

>Everything needs a male character, they might think we're pandering to lesbians or something!

Japan confirmed for ultra-beta.

>> No.9272381


Who is this faggot?

>> No.9272390

who cares?
seriously, at least he doesn't have cow tits, unlike every other character

>> No.9272396

I don't know what this Hagure Yuusha no Estetica is, but I hate it intensively already. Worst advertisement for anime ever.

>> No.9272405

Yeah instead he's in gay suit with a retarded giant sword, beating delicious chicks.
Feels like somekind of gay pride movie.

>> No.9272410

I care though. I've been a fan of QB for a long time already. It had no beta males and no alpha males, so there was almost nothing for me to rage at, I could simply enjoy the show. Even though Rebellion might not be the best, but it makes me kinda mad that they shove some shitty try-hard protag just to pander manchild betaboy.

>> No.9272412

It's like a shounenshit faggot from ANN somehow got himself into QB.

>> No.9272422

To add
I actually liked chars like Kazuma from Kaze no Stigma and Ikuto from ShugoChara. Both were pretty alpha and cool guys, unlike this sack of shit.

>> No.9272434

As much as I hate him already, I wouldn't mind him raping Elina and Nanael. Though I'd prefer some ogres or tentacles instead.

>> No.9272436

You know, if QB was about little girls in frilly bonnets beating each other with big weapons you might have had a point
but it's not
it's about muscular cows in stupid armors beating ech other with big weapons

I'd prefer gay pride over that any time every time

>> No.9272445


Thank you for coming out to us, spermlord.

>> No.9272446
File: 209 KB, 1966x720, 132859416019..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u no like this muscular cow?

>> No.9272448

since when does queens blade have guys

>> No.9272455

You should try /hm/, mate.

>> No.9272451

>Muscular Cows in stupid armor

Maybe 12chan is a better place for you? Just sayin'.

>> No.9272456

Next you're going to tell us to check our CIS privilege

>> No.9272457

This isn't only about QB, it's an advertisement for a completely different series.

>> No.9272462

An advertisement for a mary sue like character's show by inserting him into another show officially makes him a mary sue. Fuck this fag and whoever thought it was a good idea.

>> No.9272464

I can't hear you over the size of her ass!

>> No.9272471
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 13246305092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the size of her chest?

>> No.9272473

Hasn't Queen's Blade crossed over with a bunch of shit?

>> No.9272476

The things I'd do to Ymir...

>> No.9272479

I wonder if some guys who play QB/G together jerk off when they play.

>> No.9272481

now I can hear you
but were are her nipples?

>> No.9272490

I wonder if japs try to compensate lack of manliness by making such characters. I mean, come on. Rance is realistic "alpha" because he's gaijin. Japs can't be alpha that's why Rance is so popular - because he's realistic. He's gaijin, he rapes and has a big cock. Pretty unrealistic for jap. And that's why I also like Rance. Because he's gaijin.

>> No.9272503

Can't show that in a TV show.

>> No.9272504

>Not hating Gaijin and passive-agressively showing that hate in their various media


>> No.9272506

Rance also would never hurt a women(a good looking one). He would only rape. That's why I also like Rance. All Alicesoft girls belong to Rance.
Girls(good looking ones) shouldn't be hurt, only raped.

>> No.9272513

It isn't rape if the girls like it.

>> No.9272517

Exept girls always end up liking.

>> No.9272525


I stopped caring after WW2 Propaganda: The Game

>> No.9272532
File: 218 KB, 492x600, babbyfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll harm you faggot.

>> No.9272542

Yeah. I liked some things about it, but ultimately Daiteikoku sucked ass.

>> No.9272564

>Jewtube takes down video

>> No.9272579

/jp/ - anime

>> No.9272594

I just found the overall concept offensive. And this isn't coming from some red-blooded American who thinks "Axis powers are teh evils!", it's just that it literally felt like propaganda.
For fuck's sake Nanking is summerized as "AND THEN THEY ALL HAD TEA TOGETHER" and America's only badass president is portrayed as an evil intergalactic rapebot.

>> No.9272651

Well, to be honest this may make us faggots, but I hated it for same reasons. I also disliked how girls put down their pants and started leaking as soon as MC shows up as if he's an aphrodisiac bottle.

>> No.9272684

Yeah, now if he raped them!... It would be a different story...

>> No.9272706
File: 293 KB, 645x446, Tougou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you two such insecure faggots that you can't enjoy alternate history where america isn't portrayed as the super hero? I think it portrayed america really well. The characters from the military were great, but were secretly being controlled by corporations. I only wished I could have recruited Douglas sooner.

The Queen and her knights weren't bad either, just had corruption everywhere. Russia was shown as the tyrant they were, and Himmler was portrayed as the asshole he was, Germany betrayed you as soon as the war was over. The only thing remotely propaganda was how innocent Retia and Mikado were.

CORE was there as the typical "It's sudden true evil time" Alicesoft always pulls.

>> No.9272729

This is an insult to QB fans.

>> No.9272743

Germany is honorable who always sticks by their allies no matter what.

Worst insult to Prussia

>> No.9272755

This isn't about America. It's about Japanese Empire being portated as White Knights ruled by a princess with a strong sense of justice, who save the World and fight fair and square. Sure, Togo probably wasn't a bad guy, but same cannot be said about Japanese Empire during WW2.

>> No.9272759


That's what we call propaganda, anon. If at least one wapanese idiot is falling for it, then at least we know that Alicesoft is good at what it does.

>I think it portrayed America really well
>Everybody is blonde, gung-ho and war-hungry. With eyepatches.
>The Queen wasn't that bad either
>Churchill is rolling in his fucking grave

>> No.9272772

>"It's true sudden evil time"
>Harry Truman


>> No.9272785

Every side commits crimes against humanity. The winners' are just toned down in order to further villify the losers.

Also bear in mind this is a game made for a japanese audience, not western. I think Alicesoft found it would sell better if they made japan good guys instead of making a realistic depiction of the second world war. There's far better mediums to do that, rather than eroge.

Please spend the next few weeks outside 4chan and study how to properly present an argument without using greentext or exaggerating your opponent's point of view in order to look better. You don't. You just look stupid.

Alternatively, fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.9272805

It's just that the winners tone down their crimes? Are you serious pulling that shit. Listen, the internment camps were fucking bullshit and they were a huge mistake. But at least the Americans had the balls to say "sorry about that".
Nanking? Not so much, dipshit. And quit pulling that "go back to x" horseshit.

>> No.9272823

>Every side commits crimes against humanity. The winners' are just toned down in order to further villify the losers.

Soviets raped their own people, chinese and germans. Americans and Brits bombed german cities and killed civilians. I'm not denying that. But Japan's crimes in Asia ain't that small to be portrayed as the heroes of justice. Besides Japan is also hailed as the oldest(what about China? lol) and greatest nation in the world.

>Also bear in mind this is a game made for a japanese audience, not western. I think Alicesoft found it would sell better if they made japan good guys instead of making a realistic depiction of the second world war. There's far better mediums to do that, rather than eroge.
I know that. That's why I didn't rage as many people did when it came out.

>> No.9272840

The allies weren't just the United States. There was also Russia. Also, as far as I know the United States never properly issued an apology to the people who were put into internment camps.

>In 2005, activists formed an organization called the German American Internee Coalition to publicize the "internment, repatriation and exchange of civilians of German ethnicity" during World War II and to seek U.S. government review and acknowledgment of civil rights violations.

Now please, leave.

>> No.9272841

Yes. And what this guy said. I hate how Japanese refuse to admit their crimes yet they have balls to portray themsevels as heroes of WW2.

>> No.9272843
File: 49 KB, 500x129, ICE BURN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9272849

It's a japanese game only released in japan. Did you expect anyone else to be the main faction? I mentioned how innocent Mikado was one of the only things remotely propaganda. Also it's not like only japan committed atrocious acts, it's just that Japan stayed on Axis till the forced end, unlike Russia. There were no good guys in WWII, just lesser degrees of bad guys.

Did I ever say it didn't portray the allies as the good guys, or the axis as cool? One of my favorite characters, Douglas, was from America. And I'm pretty sure I showed contempt towards Germany for being douche bags. Not everybody was blond, but that's the stereotype of America. Blond hair, blue eyes with a rowdy personality.

I don't see what's wrong with the Queen, I liked her.

>> No.9272865

>Did you expect anyone else to be the main faction?
No, of course I did not. It's a game to pander japanese, not westerners. But that's a lame argument in this case. We all know that.

>> No.9272872

>never issued an apology to the people put in interment camps

Do wapanese people not pay attention in class or something. It was a shitty apology, mind you(every citizen and decendant only got like 6000 bucks) but it still happened.
>Now please leave

I'm sorry I offended your paradise, but they(or at least the military in charge at the time) are by absolutely no means heroes in any sense.

>> No.9272874

>It's a japanese game only released in japan.
It's funny because German would never do a game like this.

>> No.9272878

You left out the part where Alicesoft blocked off foreign IPs during the game's development and release.
Also, stereotypes are still stereotypes. It doesn't matter if they pull it all the time.

>> No.9272876

Because they'd get shit from all over the world over it because they are the only ones that did WW2 in most people's eyes. I bet if you go on the street right now and ask 10 people they wouldn't know Japan was Germany's ally.

>> No.9272881


Germany CAN'T do a game like this

>> No.9272882

Germany hates their history more than anyone else. Of course they wouldn't.

>> No.9272884

>Because they'd get shit from all over the world over it
That is not even close to the main reason why they wouldn't do a game like that, and to think that it is shows you know nothing about the German view of their actions in WWII.

>> No.9272885

Because they are retarded normalfags who think TOSHIBA SAMURAI HONDA? MYSTERIOUS EAST BEST THING EVER

>> No.9272887
File: 26 KB, 449x575, unamused yui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people so shocked and appaled at this? Did /jp/ forget it's Japan we're talking about here, or did we get a couple of new users?

>> No.9272889

>Insult glorious nihon on Otaku Culture board because of shitty game
>Get called new

Nothing new.

>> No.9272891

Not really. People get a second breath and start raging again, not really something to be surprised about.
Didn't you see how much rage Daiteikoku spawned when it came out?

>> No.9272895

Wait, do you actually think /jp/ is like that? You are new as fuck.

>> No.9272902

>You are new as fuck.

One might say he's still very green.

>> No.9272899

Who knew Americans were so overly sensitive

>> No.9272906

They sue everyone for a reason.

>> No.9272908

I stayed away from the threads before and after release for quite some time to avoid spoilers, so I didn't see how much rage there was.

I'm >>9272706
and don't see why anyone would rage over this. It was a pretty enjoyable game.

>> No.9272926

Is that a stereotype? Because there are a lot of countries that are more lawsuit happy than the US.

>> No.9272928

> It was a pretty enjoyable game.

It is, kinda, if you stay ignorant to its historical parts.

>> No.9272934

I played Daiteikoku to fuck countries. Why didn't you?

>> No.9272940

Such as?

>> No.9272942

People generally don't play alternate history games for their historical accuracy.

>> No.9272945

I was busy raging at portrayal of Japan in game. I did enjoy porn though.

>> No.9272953

Yeah, but not THAT much alternate. I wouldn't be mad if Japs admited their crimes.

>> No.9272961
File: 327 KB, 809x800, 1283766004199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have any problem with the historical parts as it was alternate history and a lot of officers turned into cute girls. With it being in space as well, I treated it as a entirely different history.

It's hard to imagine Retia as Hitler, and Katherine as Stalin, you know? Even if Katherine was a tyrant, she was pretty cute.

>> No.9272958

China is a big one and would fit the "People suing for anything" stereotype more accurately.

>> No.9272962

I thought this thread was about some faggot beating up our favorite QB girls and not about WW2

>> No.9272969

Shamefully posted on /a/ with almost the same text
if somebody wants to have a good laugh, on that shithole kids are still trying to demonstrate that who doesn't like this is a femminist
have a good laugh
Oh, yes...op stop using reversals, you a gay

>> No.9272964

I wouldn't know. I'm part of the 1% I don't speak moon.

>> No.9272972

Well, not everyone can take it easy as you.

>> No.9272974

Queen's Blade is shit. News at 11.

>> No.9272981

You're dick is shit after having been in my mums anus lmao

>> No.9272986

The video is removed now, but I like this. I hate anime where the world revolves around OP as fuck women. Even though that may not be the point of this anime, it makes it unbearable to watch for me.

>> No.9272987

OP here. I seen that crossover video on /a/, indeed, so I decided to post it here since /jp/ does have its share of QB fans. I also disliked that guy.

>> No.9272995
File: 314 KB, 611x800, 1283766662545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty good at taking it easy, yeah. It makes it easier to enjoy more things. Though I'm shit at competitive games because of it.

Still, you've gotta admit they are cute, aren't they?

>> No.9273000

His attitude about this kind of thing seems pretty normal.

>> No.9273002

Cute is subjective. Besides I prefer sexy girls because I can actually get hard to them.

>> No.9273010
File: 55 KB, 154x253, ugly fag bangs your mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9273020

Yeah, I liked girls in Daiteikoku.
Well, I have a strong sense of justice in some cases.

>> No.9273034

You don't like this? it strange how you're giving it visiblity though. not that the already braindead animu watchers of today and the the industry can feel anymore pain...

>> No.9273037
File: 58 KB, 154x253, ugly fag bangs your mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry guys, I just fixed it. you can save now.

>> No.9273046
File: 300 KB, 740x1040, 3fc0522a875ac1cafdcc37c9ec4a9dcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy is good too, but you've gotta have a good balance. I like all beautiful women.

Cute for your upper heart, sexy for your lower heart.

>> No.9273063
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, Yuuko-san 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a horrible thing to say, Spotty! I disliked that asshole guy from promo HY video too.

>> No.9273127

Okay, but I hope you understand that throwing a thing like that on /a/ is like free advertising.
moreover at june, with many newcomers still shaping their taste.
have you read that "finally a ALPHA MC that don't take shit from women"? apart trolling, only someone very young or at his first shows can type something so retarded.
think before moving.

>> No.9273143

Are you fresh off the boat?

>> No.9273213

...what that is supposed to mean

>> No.9273219

I think it's a masturbation joke.

>> No.9273249

