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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9269388 No.9269388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's find out how much of an autist you are /jp/!


>> No.9269394

I'm a girl, by the way

>> No.9269450
File: 82 KB, 640x400, amiautistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9269454
File: 80 KB, 640x400, i dont belong here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9269458
File: 146 KB, 923x743, ss (2012-07-01 at 06.43.18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9269462
File: 205 KB, 792x500, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really know what this means.
I've learned nothing.

>> No.9269467
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's a graph of things that haven't really been defined.

>> No.9269499
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grossly, if your graphs tends towards the left then you're a normalfag, and if it tends towards the right you're autistic. The "intellectual" and "physical" marks don't need explanations.

>> No.9269503
File: 81 KB, 640x400, neuroaspie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew...Not bad I guess...?

>> No.9269508

Look at all the special tripfag snowflakes coming out of their holes to post how special they are.

>> No.9269511

all...one of them?

>> No.9269515
File: 80 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. im not autistic, unless im on /jp/. I already knew I was neurotypical. which is basically another BS word invented for abnormal so physiologists can justify their paychecks.

>> No.9269518

Why do I get the feeling this site should be hosted on geocities? Lol.

>> No.9269521

Yeah. Only the "compulsive" part of the left side is undesirable. The others are what make you a decent, socially acceptable person.
But of course we're on /jp/ and we don't welcome normalfags here, so get out.

>> No.9269527
File: 82 KB, 640x400, closetaspie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm weak to surveys please don't hate me
That said, apparently I'm more of an aspie since last time I took it, even though now I socialize more. Go figure.

>> No.9269539

No. Neurotypical litterally means "normal". Besides that wouldn't make any sense if the test could only label you as autistic or deranged. Yoor stoopid.

>> No.9269534
File: 81 KB, 640x400, MAXIMUM AUTIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't trust my own judgment so these results mean shit all anyways.

How am I the most autistic person here?

>> No.9269538
File: 81 KB, 640x400, Aspie Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine looks like a Metapod

>> No.9269549

But it can. Look at these crazies.


>> No.9269557

So its another bullshit word for normal. Knew it was one of those.

>> No.9269564

u jelly cuz your a freak aspie!

>> No.9269569

why are you so edgy

take it easy

>> No.9269576

these tests are pointless. i've done several and all of them say I'm an aspie

>> No.9269579

Get tired of all the bullshit. Are you saying you like bullshit?

>> No.9269586
File: 81 KB, 640x400, asspie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9269601

Yeah, but this does have some basis in real life. People with autism (or people who act like they do/possess many of the symptoms) do generally have a harder time with fulfilling normal obligations as opposed to neurotypical people, and that's been proven in many scientific studies.

Not to mention, just look here. Probably a significant portion of this board is autistic, or acts in the same way an autistic person would. And look at all the truNEETs (at least 50% are trolling, I know, but there are a few who really are)

>> No.9269609

>Probably a significant portion of this board is autistic, or acts in the same way an autistic person would. And look at all the truNEETs (at least 50% are trolling, I know, but there are a few who really are)

>> No.9269611
File: 81 KB, 640x400, i guess i dont belong on jp anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I'm an outcast.

>> No.9269615
File: 203 KB, 929x679, josh4893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is kind of disappointing

my ideal view of /jp/ has been shattered

>> No.9269624
File: 81 KB, 640x400, ivereallyimproved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meds are helping, i guess

>> No.9269628

Putting "normal" instead of a milder term like "neurotypical" would be kinda mean to the autistic people. That would automatically imply they're abnormal creatures or something like that. Try to put yourself in their shoes.
That's only a test for autism anyway. Even assuming it's somewhat reliable (that's an internet quizz...), you could still be a sociopath and get a perfect score like >>9269503

>> No.9269632
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what this means...

>> No.9269633
File: 100 KB, 640x405, ASSBURGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these always make me really nervous for some reason.

>> No.9269634

is there any way of contact with the authors of the test? is mailing the mail on the main rdos.net site the same as mailing the author?

>> No.9269645


normal is a derogatory terms. In case you weren't aware, it's insulting to normals not to aspies. Considering that normals tend to be on intelligence level of cows, and these 'abnormals' are responsible for every scientific break through in human history.

>> No.9269648

>would be kinda mean to the autistic people
Good, we don't need to coddle the mentally inferior with special perks just cause they have "feelings" and they might cry if you point out how they're defective.

>> No.9269653

All the way to the right you go

>> No.9269655

Isn't it the idea that neurotypicals are the ones with pussy feelings while autists want to do nothing in their lives except concentrate on some pointless activity?

>> No.9269656
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bad?

>> No.9269658

sooo...what does this mean?

>> No.9269659

I know you probably think it's funny, but you hurt my feelings a little every time you say that

>> No.9269663
File: 150 KB, 833x696, nobullying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine too, anon.

>> No.9269673

Good thing I only said it once, huh?

>> No.9269695
File: 410 KB, 654x1332, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is rotting away~

And, I deduce people with similar graphs are more likely to get along, yes?

>> No.9269698

Like I said, another bullshit word.

>> No.9269699
File: 82 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very likely an Aspie

>> No.9269702
File: 82 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i was lying, i found a lot of the questions asked applied to me when i was much younger but i since grew out of them (ie toe walking, fixation on traps, not knowing where arms go etc).

it might of been anxiety due to my porn addiction since age like 13 though.

>> No.9269706

"Mentally inferior" ? Autism has no impact on intelligence. It mainly concerns difficulties in interacting with others / one's surroundings. And I'd take an average autistic guy any day over a "normal" douchebag like you.

>> No.9269714

youse an dumb autist

bow down before us normalgods

>> No.9269726

>I'd take an average autistic guy
You'd take advantage of a mentally challenged antisocial virgin?
You're worse than I am. Sicko.

>> No.9269733

i dont think you appreciate just how fucking annoying the condition is to everyone around them.

>> No.9269734
File: 75 KB, 641x402, aspie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken this a few times before, and I really tried to think about it and answer even more honestly, but I keep getting the same thing.

>> No.9269742
File: 55 KB, 331x331, 1333163317808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9269737

I want jocks to leave


>> No.9269738

Except autists are probably more likely to act like a jackass than a "normal"

>> No.9269740
File: 80 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it even mEAN

>> No.9269749

nothing at all. go see a psychiatrist, sperglord

>> No.9269763

And you think guys like :
aren't annoying to the people around them ?

>> No.9269769

y-yeah! you tell him!!

>> No.9269785


oh god...I originally linked the wrong result. This one is mine:
Oh fuck.

>> No.9269779
File: 237 KB, 659x707, aspie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low intellectual and low physical

does it mean i'm a stupid, weak aspie?

>> No.9269791

yeah, but there's a lot worse than being an autist, too, and it probably depends on the individual in question.

autists who take care of their family, or who perhaps at least earn a meager paycheck are probably regarded much higher by people who have to live with/support them (which generally ends up happening) than those who live like a truNEET.

>> No.9269794
File: 4 KB, 126x124, 1302393245449s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aspie confirmed, you didn't even need the test.

>> No.9269800

Am I instinctually frightened by the sound of a motorbike? Is that a thing common to autists?

>> No.9269808

what if you hate repetitive stuff, and love constant novelty. what condition would that be?

>> No.9269811

They're really loud. I guess it pretty much means you're scared of really loud noises.

>> No.9269812

Whenever I'm driving and a motorcycle passes me, I almost always shit myself.

I'm this retard btw

>> No.9269820

If I've got aspergers what do I do? Where do I go?

I don't understand my next step and I don't have money for disability lawyers

>> No.9269823

I think you have to have an official diagnosis, meaning you need to visit a psychiatrist. Not sure after that.

>> No.9269851

There's no miracle cure. You have to deal with it. Some people are born blind and lead happy lives. It's only as serious as you consider it to be.

>> No.9269853

dont do it, it wont make you any happier and you will be an official retard instead of potentially one

>> No.9269858

I kinda want to get an official one just because I'm curious, but I don't want to pay for it, or talk to someone.

>> No.9269862

yeah but you can get autismbux which are nice.

>> No.9269863


It's easier to get autismbux with an official diagnosis, though.

>> No.9269865

I always score autism in these tests but I'm not autist.

>> No.9269882


Would you really want to go through life KNOWING you're a retard though? Also that shit probably goes on the record and might mess up any future opportunities.

>> No.9269905


Why be a retard when you can be a retard master?

>> No.9269915

You are an Autistic Superstar

>> No.9269927

At least in the USA, employers aren't allowed to discriminate based on the fact that you *are* an aspie, just on the facts of how you can do the job. If it's customer service, yeah, most aspies will flunk right out. I don't know of an employer in the USA that even looks for that sort of stuff, as it would be inviting a pretty serious lawsuit.

WRT the other note, I'd rather know more about myself so I can adapt to it better. Knowing your limitations is as important as knowing your strengths.

Ah, writing serious responses to troll comments, how my life has gone downhill

>> No.9269923

I don't really mind. I mean, I know I have some issues, an official diagnosis would just be something on paper. If I'm diagnosed or not doesn't change the fact that I have certain problems. And besides, don't they give privileges to people with "disabilities"? I can't get a job anyways, and that's without the official papers saying why.

>> No.9269935

Do I get any powers?

>> No.9269940

you get this
*grabs dick*

>> No.9269941
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9269948

If he cares more about this "curiosity" of his (or autismbux), than his condition, then he's not autistic at all. Just another lazy, watered-down hikki like so many people here.

>> No.9269950

sadly the cure for assburgers pretending you're a normal.

>> No.9269951

Yeah, like they'd put it down that you didn't get the job because of autism. More likely they'd just think up something else and use that as an excuse.

You get the power to never get laid

>> No.9269963
File: 101 KB, 649x443, aspie_quiz_june.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly certain that I have the attention span of a 15 year old girl. That said, this quiz is obviously not completely accurate.

At least I'm not a virgin.
But I shall never know love.

>> No.9269966

>Do you have an alternative view of what is attractive in the opposite sex?
Yeah, you might say that..

>> No.9269968

wat an aspie

>> No.9269971


Here is a more normalfag board for example

>> No.9269978

I don't really care about autismbux though. I feel bad enough for how I am, getting paid for it wouldn't be any better.

>> No.9269977

Like they'd tell you anything at all if you didn't get the job. I'd know, I've been applying to a lot of places - a rejection letter is probably 1/100.

>> No.9269989

don't feel bad, anon.
only you can love yourself, no one else will

>> No.9269995

But beautiful people get paid for being beautiful, intelligent people get paid for being intelligent, etc. They were born that way and still happily accept payment for it, even if it was just luck.

Why shouldn't you take the same?

>> No.9270025

I know, but I can't help but feel bad about it. I guess it's just the view that society accepts. That something like this is undesirable. I try not to feel bad about it, but being proud of it isn't an option. I really do feel bad when I fuck up in social situations, that I can't figure out how to act in them, how to respond to people, stuff like that. It's not like I don't try. I think I try too hard actually, since I end up overthinking what I should say and do, what people are thinking. The stress is too great, so I avoid them, try to stay inside. Now I feel awful because I'm blogging.

>> No.9270030

Because it's fucking pity money. Having ASD doesn't mean you can't have dignity.

>> No.9270036

unlike money, dignity is worthless

>> No.9270053
File: 500 KB, 1181x1181, cautionneets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're my hero.

>> No.9270054
File: 82 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shape is all weird.

>> No.9270064

And what do you use money for ? To buy things that can make your life somewhat enjoyable. My life isn't the least enjoyable if I can't even look at myself in the mirror.

>> No.9270066
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug :---D

>> No.9270072

>But beautiful people get paid for being beautiful, intelligent people get paid for being intelligent, etc
not really, at least not in the way you get paid for autism. they do need their beauty/intelligence for their jobs, but they still need to go out of their way to do stuff in order to get paid. with autism bucks, you just sit on your ass and get money for nothing. the closest thing i could think of is a trophy wife, but she still has to put effort into looking presentable, while a person on autism bucks doesn't have to work on being more autistic or anything like that.

>> No.9270080

it looks like a japanese bird with a top hat

>> No.9270102

Wow, that would be a fucking job. Not only are you autistic, but your job is to be even more autistic. Sounds difficult.

>> No.9270121

fug they don't give autismcoin in my country. if mom dies my only option is commiting seppuku

>> No.9270130

Dont you mean sudoku?

>> No.9270139


>> No.9270141
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9270149

where do you live? they probably do and just have more strict rules that disqualify most typical autism-bucks people.

>> No.9270154
File: 73 KB, 638x398, 100%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9270156

>typical autism-bucks people
i meant stereotypical. minor change.

>> No.9270171

Because he was autistic enough to actually edit that shit in Paint rather than just take the test.

>> No.9270165

So who is the biggest aspie here?

>> No.9270179

costa rica. and only some really special cases can get it.

>> No.9270175

150 questions? Fuck that, my adhd can't handle it.

>> No.9270181

Spergmeister, king of the spergs.

>> No.9270193

I bow down at your feet, my sperglord

>> No.9270191

You purposely aimed for that. It's impossible to be this much autistic.
But wait... You spent probably 10 min or so to get that result, just so you could make a """funny""" post on /jp/. Actually, maybe it IS possible !

>> No.9270208
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I still stay if I want to sniff some 2hu butts?

>> No.9270215
File: 302 KB, 640x400, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what... does this mean?

>> No.9270217


>> No.9270219

thnx /b/ro keep trolling XD

>> No.9270222


>>9269467 here, you'll be okay if you just keep shitposting. That's what brings us all together in the end.

>> No.9270227
File: 81 KB, 640x400, checkit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, I guess I'm an average person.

>> No.9270234
File: 43 KB, 410x306, le american clap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9270262

If shitposting were a crime against humanity then /jp/ would be worse than Nazi Germany, Maoist China, Imperial Japan, and Soviet Russia all combined into one.

In other words great job guys keep up the good work 10/10

>> No.9270267
File: 80 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam I pretty much had to say yes to most of those questions..

>> No.9270271

cool le #meme

>> No.9270277
File: 67 KB, 646x569, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is why i get goverment aspie bucks

>> No.9270291

Wow, Aaeru's thread has more than 120 replies now. I thought you /jp/sies hated her, but you're real tsunderes actually.

>> No.9270307
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me forever to find my results the first time i took this shitty test

>> No.9270326
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you often don't know where to put your arms?

Story of my life

>> No.9270334
File: 82 KB, 640x400, poly12c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Your Aspie score: 122 of 200
>>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 89 of 200
>>You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits

I come on /jp/ to make fun of autists and asspies and it turns out I'm the aspie.

god damn it. I should've expected this

>> No.9270339
File: 294 KB, 530x590, 1310491902907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly, you have asperger-level social skills. Which isn't very surprising seeing how you're here.

>> No.9270346
File: 117 KB, 643x581, Results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I average? I don't really get this kind of thing.
Can someone explain me this?

>> No.9270349

>I come on /jp/ to make fun of autists and asspies and it turns out I'm the aspie.
It's funny because you were the last one to notice it.

>> No.9270359

At least it isn't i the negatives, right?
