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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 536x425, This slut is my friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9231626 No.9231626 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9231683

>Talking to other people

>> No.9231691

Could I brag about /jp/ being my friends?

>> No.9231696

Ah, Tomoko you try so hard.

If she wasn't so autist i'm sure she could be a normal girl and have all the sex she wanted just like her eroge

>> No.9231702

That feel when you'll never have a slut as a friend. ;_;

>> No.9231704

That's because YOU are the slut.

>> No.9231710

Why would you want a slut as a friend, ZUN!bar-kun...? Don't tell me you actually LIKE that kind of girl?!

>> No.9231717

what mango is that? the one about that autist girl trying to become popular? i can't tell from the pic.

>> No.9231718

ZUN!bar loving sluts is /jp/ canon.

>> No.9231732

Dude I like all girls.

Pure ones, slutty ones, autistic ones, whatever.

>> No.9231737

That makes you a slut too, you know.

>> No.9231740


This any idiot wishing for one doesn't know what they're in for

I have a friend who knows a ton of sluts and all the does is complain about how they don't have sex with him all the time on twitter

>> No.9231742

In highschool I used to try to stand around groups of people so it didn't look like I was alone.

Eventually I figured it was just easier to make myself out of sight entirely and would just hide out in empty halls or rooms.

>> No.9231746

>on twitter

Won't the sluts notice?

>> No.9231745

people can have sex on twitter now?

whoa, technology is amazing

>> No.9231765


Doesn't matter most of them won't touch him anyway and other will comment on there teasing him of said situation with shit like " oh but I respect you you're a GOOD FRIEND" or " You're like a brother to me" etc. all the typical slut answers that aren't even valid truly it's a pathetic world we live in when sluts would rather fuck complete assholes whine about it and not fuck their virgin friends even once.

>> No.9231771

yeah man in the 1800s women were totally fucking nice guys what has the world come to

maybe you should have a paradigm shift and accept all the stuff you were taught about women liking "nice guys" was a lie from the get-go, line the disney idea that beauty is entirely on the inside (it isent)
its not the sluts that are wrong, its you. if you're all that bothered, go out and get status and wealth and the other things women have been attracted to for thousands of years

the whole idea that theres some "nice guy syndrome" and "friendzone" is just an excuse from idiots to feel better about themselves

>> No.9231775

Should be fine if you friendzone the sluts automatically rather than being a pussy who goes "why they won't sex me ;_;" on Twitter.

>> No.9231778

This "friend" is you, isn't it?

>> No.9231799


tbh I don't care I was posting that story for the rest of /jp/ I know full and well what women are really like and i'm better off not caring for them or going out of my way to be a souless tryhard that spends all his time at the gym, or all his time acquiring wealth, or wasting time on being vain just to pick up some slut that''ll leave once the next man that come out with a slightly better anything comes around.

There's no point for either sex to go out their way for love if it's so fragile. /jp/ love 2D and you know they might be on to something with that no matter how sad a pathetic it is they do have some points with it.

>> No.9231807

>>That makes you a slut too, you know.

No it doesn't. I said for friends.

I just want to discuss lewd things with slutty/lewd people. I don't want to actually DO anything lewd. That's one of the reasons why I'm here actually.

>> No.9231809

2d is best because its easiest, yeah (and thats not a bad thing)

i just dont get r9k types who have a warped view of the world then insist every1 else is wrong

at least jp found a reasonable and arguably superior alternative in 2d

>> No.9231824
File: 21 KB, 388x291, maaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I should get up to date with this manga-
The horror.

>> No.9231855


Well the r9k thing is these "nice guys" feel they're the victim and in most cases they kinda are but it's not a valid excuse for being single no there is things you can do but as I said it's a line you have to be prepared to cross. Most people aren't willing to cross that line thus they come up with this "nice guy" to fit their set of ideals to avoid conformity, /jp/ takes responsibility admits it's weakness and wears it's emotions on it's sleeve it has no reason to hide and neither to conform so it chooses 2D.

2D does not require it to sacrifice
2D will not allow it to hide with like minded individuals

>> No.9231886

I get what you're saying, and I'm sure there are people like this on /jp/, but you're generalizing a little. I'm pretty neurotic and average looking, but I could get a girlfriend if I want. I have done in the past. But I prefer 2D because it's simply superior to me. I didn't really "choose" it because there was no option or anything like that.

>> No.9232008

for some reason all my female best friends were either really attractive or sluts, but never both at the same time. the sults would be average but have a nice, outgoing personality and the pretty, attractive girls were always really shy or socially akward, but somehow managed to make it look cute. everyone wanted to bang both types.
i always wondered why i always end up being friends with exactly these types of girls, but i never figured it out.

>> No.9232085

You're gay
