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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 438x533, above average intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9221511 No.9221511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9221516

No, I'm pretty dumb.

>> No.9221519

I don't think I'm smart.

>> No.9221524
File: 228 KB, 622x720, 1340218518139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but in the next life, after life or rebirth ill be a little girl and you will still be an unhappy normal fag trying to one up on your neighbor.

>> No.9221525

What if I have an IQ under 130?

>> No.9221526 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure I'm borderline retarded and most likely has autism.

>> No.9221527
File: 11 KB, 344x135, 2 (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not smart

>> No.9221529

But /jp/ considers me a normalfag because I'm successful.

I'm pretty much perfect.

>> No.9221531

I'm not smart
however I think most others are just much dumber than me

>> No.9221534

Smart is an opinion.


>> No.9221536

Pretty sure I'm below average

People stop thinking the whole "quiet people are smart by default" thing once you enter the world of adults.

>> No.9221541

I'm way too fucking lazy to be smart.

>> No.9221543
File: 232 KB, 856x571, sadNEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9221550

I have an IQ of 132 but I don't program, mod games ot perform redundant tasks in a lab.

>> No.9221549

but mine is 110 according to internet IQ tests

>> No.9221553

You must have a real IQ of 60 then.
I've taken plenty of those IQ tests online and it hovers at 140-150

My real IQ is likely in the average range of 100-110.

>> No.9221555

This actually makes alot of sense.

>> No.9221556

Generally, the people who claim to have a very high IQ on the internet, have never taken a legitimate IQ test like the WAIS-IV.

They're really just making it up to sound smart.

For what it's worth, I took the WAIS-III in 7th grade, because I had straight 0's in EVERY class, (sort of my own way of protesting), which led them to believe I was retarded. Jokes on them, I got <130.

I don't think any IQ is an accurate evaluation of someone's intelligence though, let alone one you take when you're a kid. I'm sure I would do much worse now because all the previous drug use has fried my brain.

>> No.9221562

My IQ is probably 105 max. I don't think I can even comprehend programing to waste my days doing useless shit with it.

>> No.9221567

An IQ test's purpose is to measure your aptitude of learning new material.

>> No.9221569

Im around 134. I dont do those things either. I hate repetitive shit. I dont have any ambition or drive.

I will say that the only time that my mind actually trys to work is when its in some way related to the erotic. Whether its writing erotic literature for 4chan or decensoring Japanese rape simulators. To bad I cant get a job in America making rape simulators or writing erotic literature.

>> No.9221578


Are you implying I already didn't know that?

I know there is a strict line between intellect and knowledge.

>> No.9221586

ITT: normalfag OP trying to rationale what we, smart people, do.

>> No.9221590

I'm dumb as fuck, never claimed to be otherwise.

>> No.9221642

IQ is not a good measure of intelligence.

>> No.9221660

what does socializing, taking care of your body or caring about friends and family have to do with being smart? Actual retards care about their friends and family, brain dead morons can workout, and social skills are something you need to gain. That or if you are born pretty and have self esteem, you will have social skills. Actually most normal people can't even socialize with each other and are all miserable too, they just get to have sex with each other.

>> No.9221680

Actually it is.

For populations, not individuals.

>> No.9221694

Do you even piss in a bottle?

>> No.9221696

I'm not reading all that shit.

>> No.9221700

This is a Mensa certified quiz.
What score can you get under the time limit?
Mine is 25/30

>> No.9221716
File: 93 KB, 351x241, 1337393071575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define smart, smartass.

>> No.9221715

139, IQ doesn't mean shit.

I do most of both lists. The last one on each I'm iffy on. I'm very polite to my imageboard brethren, and I realize many people may be smarter, but it's what I do with it that matters. I'm currently programming in python, but I'm not sure what I want to do with it.

>> No.9221721

I've never taken an IQ test of any sort before, but I don't think I could be anything but below average. I have difficulty with numbers and I'm very forgetful.

>> No.9221774

I got 21/30 which is better than I thought I'd do. However when I looked over the results I realized I didn't choose the right answers because I knew they were right but instead chose what "felt" right.

I barely made it out of highschool so I'm not surprised.

>> No.9221777
File: 83 KB, 697x482, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed one that asked me "what is the only other word you can make with the letters in this word"

I'm not that great with those sort of things.

>> No.9221778

Go to /a/ if you're looking for pseudo-intellectuals. We're too busy taking it easy to even give a shit about this kind of stuff.

>> No.9221783

>writing erotic literature
It's possible.

>> No.9221907

27. I'm not very good with the English language though, so I lost a couple of points there.

>> No.9222063

OP is projecting, kind of sad actually that he takes effort to make this sort of image macro.

>> No.9222089

Why is /jp/ even taking the OP seriously?

I thought you guys were better than that.

>> No.9222095

Actually, my IQ is 132, so the joke's on you.

>> No.9222098 [DELETED] 

People who think they're smart are usually rather dumb.
That doesn't mean people who think they're dumb are smart, by the way.
Chances are, if you browse 4chan more often than not, you are dumb.

>> No.9222102

OP's IQ seems to be in imbalance with his low EQ, making him to look like a smug. I pity him.

>> No.9222103

I am Mensa certified 130 homosexual. Problem OP? Suck my cock dude.

>> No.9222106 [DELETED] 

What smart people DON'T do:
Sit around in a cubicle 40 hours a week working for next to nothing and dying of stress just so they can go home and watch mindless television, occasionally saving up enough money to pump themselves full of depressants or to pay child support to their bitch of an ex-wife who was just a single stepping stone in making their life a miserable hell.
But hey, if you think you're happy being a drone and not doing what you want, that's fine by me. You people work so I don't have to. You can have your shitty video games and shitty Hollywood movies and shitty Facebook updates and whatever else and convince yourself you're something more than an overworked, underslept sheep, and I'll be here doing "boring" stuff that I actually enjoy.

>> No.9222121

this thread belongs at /g/.

>> No.9222134

It's interesting reading the types of responses in this thread

>I accept that I am dumb
Low self esteem -or- just wants OP to leave
>I'm going to prove you wrong, OP
>Stop feeding the troll, guys
Frustrated and/or disappointed
>I'm going to compose a serious rebuttal
Autism (I'm only half joking) -or- literally has nothing better to do

>> No.9222157 [DELETED] 


are u a psychologist, dude??

>> No.9222165


>> No.9222168

I just realized that I sounded like a total troll.

Oh well, whatever.

>> No.9222174

where do u fit in faglet lmao

>> No.9222183

I guess you can classify me as "nothing better to do."
I just had dinner.

>> No.9222191

>pump themselves full of depressants
Either you meant anti-depressants or your sense of humor is awe-inspiring.

>> No.9222196 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 493x335, photolibrary_rm_photo_of_man_drinking_beer_at_bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9222198

OP is confusing the idea of being a wise person, or good person and being a smart person. These are far from the same. There have been many highly intelligent people out there who have committed murder and fraud on a massive scale, which most people consider far worse than toiling away in a laboratory.

As for me, you can tell that I'm not smart because I seriously responded to OP.
