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9198531 No.9198531 [Reply] [Original]

Have any weird dreams lately ?

>> No.9198539
File: 190 KB, 500x500, 1 (69).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agughh i wrote a huge story about my dream a week or two ago but i think i deleted it

>> No.9198544

Yeah, I thought I was gonna accomplish something for once.

>> No.9198553

aww I wish I could have read it

>> No.9198554

Last night, my dream was all about Chicken Tikka Masala.

I never understood why, but one of my guests was Gordon Ramsay, who said it tasted good.

I'm not even a cook.

>> No.9198563
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Last night I had a dream that my mom turned into a childhood character who looked like Ayano and we started hugging while crying.

Pretty weird, duders.

>> No.9198568

For the past few weeks, I've had regular dreams.
Except for the end. Every single time, a fish would whisper in my ear. I have no idea what it was saying, it seemed to have been a foreign language.
Immediately after that, I wake up with an odd feeling in my right ear.

>> No.9198572

yeah, semi lucid.

was part of some revolution, drove a tank through some streets and fired at government buildings.

got fired on, suddenly I got paranoid about them seeing me so when the tank got damaged a tonne of kindle appeared and I set it alright.

spent the rest of my time hiding in a multi level building with some girl, and then when investigators came to talk about it (they didnt suspect me specifically) they showed me a tonne of pictures, one of which was me dressed as a trap being railed by said girl while I was sitting in her lap.

and then I woke up all paranoid.

>> No.9198584
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I dreamt last night about these huge spiders and bugs that escaped from under the wood floor tiles after i moved some furniture.
They were huge and some were colored blue.
My dog ate them.

>> No.9198582

Sounds like you are being abducted by aliens.

I've been having a few dreams where I end up getting into a fist fight
with some random person. I wake up punching my bed, or trying to grab the
person by the neck.

>> No.9198589

she is very cute, but i still dont get what the pakkin or the gamu means when she says that.

>> No.9198603

Hahaha, in your dreams, nerd!

Oh wait...

>> No.9198613

That's cold, man.

>> No.9198615

I had a dream where I was captured by some alien civilization or something like that, and they were going to put me to work as a slave in some kind of aerial tower(the view was pretty nice, and the tower had some cool architeture I'll give them that). While they were rounding up all the humans they captured, I met a former classmate of mine that studied with me 10 years ago. Then some shit I can't really remember happened and the last thing I remember is that I ended up in a shopping mall on earth again where I bought the volume 13 of the Wolfguy manga.

>> No.9198653

I-I'm sorry. I'm probably more incompetent than that Anon anyway, I don't know what came over me.

I hope you succeed at something, Anon-kun!

>> No.9198665
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misunderstood languages, aliens and uprisings

there has to be some sort of reason for that kind of pattern, right?

>> No.9198673

The only time that I can remember my dreams is where I'm drafted off to the military and I die, I'm on a very tall building, or insects are chasing me

>> No.9198682

It means our Atlantean overlords are waking up in their underground base in Jupiter and are going transcend all the choosen ones to the mindgalaxy of Thryxphtos

>> No.9198687

The only dream I've ever had in my entire life is me walking on a sidewalk, but the sidewalk slowly gets thinner.
It gets so thin that I can't walk on it, and then I get hit by a car. What does this mean?

>> No.9198703


>> No.9198800

Is there any trick to prevent me of forgetting my dreams when I wake up?
I usually forget them the instant I open my eyes.

>> No.9198808

Holy shit, I just beat this game earlier. Played it for the first time yesterday. Mind = blown

>> No.9198819

Not recently, but I have reoccuring dreams of some city. Usually I'm in some school. There's a 4 level-ish middle?(or maybe high) school with a fairly long campus.(not just the long main building but several other structures in the general area). It's usually near the end of the day and I'm either peeking in on empty classes, at a locker or waiting at the busstop outside it. It has a really large entryway that is on at least two sides and above a set of stairs. There's something like an engineering area or garage on the ground level under where the stairs are. I was in the bathrooms there once for some reason.
It's long shape with stairs at either end makes me feel somewhat claustrophobic, even though it's pretty big. It doesn't seem to have any windows outside the classrooms and entryway.

There some sort of ill defined college with multiple buildings. I'm rarely there, but when I am, I know there's a large central area that has a library, general student eating area, important offices and whatnot on different levels. It's kind of hard to realize I'm in the same place until I go outside whatever building I'm in.

The third school is some sort of ill defined highschool, which I gather is for rich people because it has a big fucking outdoor swimming pool area in the middle of it. With like hot tubs and gardens and stuff. The school seems to surround that area. I didn't realize it was even a school the first time I was there.

There's a lot of areas I can walk around, which I usually see out the windows of the bus from the middle school, but occasionally I'll be out and walking around the streets that are a few streets down from where I apparently "live" in that world. I usually recognize the area between the middle school and my home, but I don't know why I know the highschool and college are in the same world.

>> No.9198816

write down what you remember as soon as you wake up.

kind of like madotsuki without the rape

>> No.9198820

I'd say to think about them as soon as you get up, but I guess that wouldn't work too well for you.

>> No.9198831

There's also this freaky 5 level mall where the upper floors outside the stores are transparent, stairs included. It makes me think I am going to fall and die to walk on those floors, but I almost never wind up there thankfully. It's a pretty cool mall otherwise. It's not in the same universe as the other stuff though.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there's plenty of other students around, except for in the pool highschool where I didn't really see many at first. The middle/high school isn't empty at all, just it's usually time for everyone to be getting ready to head home when I'm there.

>> No.9198856

For the last 3 days I keep having different dreams where the result is always the same (I am killed violently; I experience the entire thing, including the pain and bleeding until I "die"). First I was stabbed in the back, then picked up and cut in half (again, "awake" the whole time and feeling it). Second, I was stabbed in the heart and bled out. Third, I apparently died in a car accident but that one was instantaneously awaking. I don't know what it means or if I am just hoping I die sub-consciously, but I really don't like that feeling of helplessness. It's fucking with me a bit too much. Oh well.

tl;dr iDie

>> No.9198874
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No weird ones, no.

Wouldn't mind one tonight, though. Pic related.

>> No.9198881

This is my fetish

>> No.9198940

I was in some sort of underground sewer system. I was sitting on the ground, masturbating, surrounded by corpses.

I could hear some people coming, and for some reason I started jacking off one of the corpses. A couple of girls walked in from one direction but didn't seem to notice me. Then some sort of sliding door opened on the other side with a few more people, but they didn't seem to notice me either.

I then ran off away to a tunnel in the sewer. A man attacked me and I pushed him down. For some reason he was electrocuted to death right as he hit the water.

I suddenly appeared in a large bathroom. One corner had a toilet, with a window right next to it. I started pissing and kept missing the seat.

>> No.9198945

Then the dream seemed to follow the two girls I saw earlier instead of me. Looking for me, they passed the corpse, noticed it, but didn't really think anything of it. They climbed up a latter into a dark condensed room. The room had a bunch of machinery in it, and the floor was scatter with something strange. I'm not sure if they were corpses or what, but I know it was something gross. One of them used some sort of hand vacuum to suck dust off some sort of vent in this room, while complaining about something. Suddenly the two girls had alien-like eyes and their voices had a strange echo to it, like they were underwater or something, but neither of them seemed to think it was anything strange. Suddenly I was actually seeing things from the point of view of one the girls. Some sort of fleshy monster materialized from the ground and started attacking us. I ran down a corridor with the other girl to an elevator. There were a bunch of buttons, and I grabbed the other girls hand, and used it to slowly click each and every one of them. Then there were some normal looking people yelling at me to go faster.

That's all I can remember from last night's dream. Sorry for drowning on, but I don't feel like going back and rewording anything.

>> No.9199746

i had a dream that someone messaged me, and even called me on skype!

when i woke up I rushed over to my computer to see if it was really a dream, and nothing.

maybe tomorrow.

>> No.9199769

The only dream I had recently was about me having a conversation with 3 old friends who I haven't met in two years or so. Not really weird though.

>> No.9200825
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Why yes i had.
I believe i just found another place in my subconscious.
I was having a good time with some kids i didn't know, i remember that one kid asked me to blow my nose because it was full of mucus, i was embaressed but i did it and all the kids started laughing.
In retrospect i think it's because i don't like being laughed at, but since they were kids it's no problem.
Strange... i think one of them became something like a shadow laughing at the end,playing too much horror games.

>> No.9200839

I always dream of zombies or any other kind of apocalypse. But most of the time it's zombies. It's not even funny anymore.
>Craaaaaawling iiiin my skiiiiiiiin

>> No.9200854

yea like for ex op being pounded by a 40 inch nigger cock

>> No.9200878

a rlly cute girl sat on my face and farted

>> No.9200960
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fucking shit

when I woke up I yelled "I LOVE YOU SATEN"

hopefully my flatmates were still sleeping. but there are people right outside my window working on the apartment next door.

oh well.

>> No.9200965

That's what you get for being in love with a comic book character.

>> No.9200969


>> No.9200999

I had a dream about talking to a couple /jp/ers in a store. It was awkward, but I really want those robe/trenchcoat things to be real.

I often end up dreaming about running on the sidewalks at night, and the streets are completely empty. I'm running fast, and jumping over the streets, and when I'm not running fast enough, I reach down and drag myself forward, pulling clumps of grass and earth out with my hands. The feeling of soaring through the night air, leaping stretches of land, and avoiding any obstacles by simply gliding over them is amazing. But near the end it always feels like I'm being watched.

>> No.9201006

>Americans kill flatmate, say they were afraid he was possessed by Satan.

>> No.9201022

I had a dream that I could fly, but then I woke up and felt bad about it.

>> No.9201031

I dreamt I was cutting up bodies last night.

>> No.9201109

I don't remember how I got to this point, but I was in a grassy field with giant metal balls around my hands that were chained to the floor, so I couldn't move anywhere. A girl was fighting off some monster while a robed man who looked like an older Archer tried to get me free with the help of some younger guy. They couldn't get my hands out of the metal balls so the older guy said he had to cut them off. So he pulls out a knife and lays it flat against my wrist and starts slicing. The thing is I felt it, I felt every single slice he made until my hand was cut off and it was terrifying. As soon as he finished I woke up and grabbed my hand because I still felt the pain. It went away as soon as I felt my hand was there.

I've never had anything like this before and I don't do well with scary things... I hope I never have a dream like this ever again.

>> No.9201125 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 250x352, 27f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you spend so much time browsing 4chan you browse 4chan while you dream

>> No.9201136 [DELETED] 
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>tfw your post is removed for no reason

>> No.9201169 [DELETED] 

Isn't this more of a /soc/ thread?

>> No.9201178 [DELETED] 

Sorry, but you're breaking global rule 8.

>> No.9201234

Wasn't there a thing that said if you memorize too much of the dream you get use to it.

Once you get use to it, apparently you can't differentiate reality and dreams.

>> No.9201241

I had a dream like this when I was younger that I remember. It's not recurring but stood out for some reason, I was running through the streets although it was day and it seemed like gravity had become less so I was taking huge jumps through the air. I think I remember it getting more difficult to run at the end or something, it's been so long that I don't remember any details clearly.

>> No.9201244

He is not complaining about the moderation of 4chan or similar, though I believe you are referring to >>9201136. Regardless, you are in violation of global rule number seven.

>Submitting false reports or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban of indeterminate length. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported it or another post is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports.

Please do not announce reports in the future - aside from the fact that it is not allowed, it does not contribute to the discussion at hand in any way. I hope that any future incidents may be cleared up now so we can avoid this issue later. Thank you for your time.

>> No.9201247

I keep dreaming my cat runs away. It scares me.

If something happens to her I will kill whoever causes her harm then myself.

>> No.9201254

I had a dream a while ago that I was being chased through an abandoned house by a dinosaur. Eventually I got to a safe place where it couldn't get me, but the dream would keep starting over every time I got to this place. It repeated like three times before I woke up.

>> No.9201265

Yes. Actually. There was this one manhole and there were two guys. Me and some guy. We decided that we should go down this manhole. Ladder we climbed down was covered with barbed fence. And it was fairly difficult. Other guy hopped off the ladder. And waved at me. He said to me. Are you ready dude!?!? I was like. Yeah, but we two know what will happen. He was like. "Yeah but we must do it. Otherwise we won't progress." So i let off the ladder and landed on floor. In instant there comes naked beaten corpse with gurgling scream and i head straight back for ladder. My friend follows quickly after me and gets dragged in darkness while laughing accompanied by sound of tearing flesh.

>> No.9201309

Dream diary.

>> No.9201356

My dream diary entries always end up being nonsense.
"broom spear/thing killing ghosts haunting apartment? upgrade long ----| hotel? clearwhite (there is a sketch here - it's pretty good) backpack inv. door>supermarket level, get mop, new backpack femghost stocking milk, woo woo ghost rape"
Apparently, I was in a videogame where the goal was to kill ghosts with a broom or mop, and upgrade both the weapon and backpack, which functioned like an inventory. Then I got distracted by a sexy ghost who was stocking the milk at a grocery store, and raped her (it?).

>> No.9201380

Is anyone else learning to control their dreamspace at will, on a more regular basis?

>> No.9201603
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I was a fairy, a toho fairy, kind of like Cirno. small wings, blue dress, no silly hat. me and other 2 fairies explored or patrolled a large area. i was the leader. it was a huge forest with tall mountains and an underground river with glowing flora. a really beautiful and mysterious place. we could see in the dark too. our mission was to reach the "forest palace" we knew that place was haunted by ghosts. the palace had this faint, jade colored glow. the ghosts had an ethereal form, vaguely humanoid. we flew really fast in a delta formation covering the entire forest and the subterranean places in very little time. i had the power to manipulate rocks and plants (like minecraft or something) that's why we could enter inside the mountains. sadly, i could not reach the palace. i just woke up.

I wonder what kind of dreams ZUN has
