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9169768 No.9169768 [Reply] [Original]

Do you play every difficulty on a Touhou game or do you just move on to the next game?

Instead of moving on to PCB after EoSD, I continued EoSD on hard, then lunatic.

Does anyone else do this?

>> No.9169776


>> No.9169781

I pick two games, then I play them until I've beaten them both on the highest difficulty/get the score I want. Then I pick two more games and do the same.

>> No.9169787

I'll tell you once I manage to beat one.

>> No.9169788

Well, it -is- an arcade style shooter, so just moving on would defeat the purpose, no?

>> No.9169795

check mah 2

>> No.9169815
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Sorry... Got too caught up in the "First" competition...

But yeah I did it like I do most games...
If the game looks casual as HELL I will play it on Hard / 1 level below the special super mega hard etc. difficulty; if not I just go with normal... The games I played 100% platinum gold bitch nigga are few...

>> No.9169870
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I can't even beat them on Normal

>> No.9169877

Everyone's like that at some point. Don't take it bad, anon.

>> No.9169879

I tried doing what op does but then I realized it's pointless and diversity is important

>> No.9169884
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No, I play for the story.

>> No.9169889

Who were you competing against?

>> No.9169890

yeah, it took me almost a year of everyday practicing to beat eosd, my first touhou game, on normal without continues

>> No.9169891

there are touhou games?

>> No.9169896
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But I've been playing Touhou for 4 years

>> No.9169897

yeah but it's some faggy game maker zero wing shit with awful graphics

>> No.9169912

shit game doesnt even have killstreaks

>> No.9169918

I don't know exactly... This morning I took a peek at /jp/ and there was this guy getting all the first / second / third etc... posts with his modified images... I think it was Satori(?)... But yeah, the guy looked strong so here I am

>> No.9169933

Usually I move right on to the next game because I'm excited to start a new game. Lately I've been going back and doing the harder difficulties though. It's also nice that the games feel kind of new again since I haven't played them in a while.

>> No.9169926

Don't worry. It gets easier. After I finally beat EoSD on normal, it was very easy to get started on PCB.

>> No.9169939

play more

if I, with serious concentration problems, ocd and damaged eye-hand coordination did it, then so will you

>> No.9169957

It doesn't help that I play on and off, and sometimes with long periods in between. I was working on MoF at one point, then I stopped. But recently I started again, but this time I decided to try EoSD again. I've gotten to Stage 4 though. Maybe one day.

>> No.9169960

I TRY the next difficulty when I beat it, but I don't obsess over beating it on the hardest difficulty before even touching the next one. I do beat it before moving onto the next one, though, so I somewhat see the appeal of what you're doing. It's related to autism.

I think if you just power through ONE it will hinder your ability to play the other games (especially with regards to EoSD, which is quite different to the others), and furthermore if you don't return to the game frequently then you'll just forget everything. I actually want to become better at the games than just beat them.

Besides, what you're doing won't work forever - you'll realise there's no way in hell you're going to beat the Extra Stage without more general practise on the other Touhou games.

>> No.9169963

I'm not sure how often you were playing over those four years, but I found that if I play regularly and often (about daily) then I had a noticeable improvement, even if its getting farther by just one spell card or attack or even just surviving a little longer. I think it does help to try playing regularly like that.

>> No.9169992

Seriously, how can you play the same shit for FOUR YEARS and not remember exactly what comes where and how to beat it?

Not being able to 1CC a Touhou game in that time would mean you're a pretty shitty normalfag player (in which case get out of /jp/), but not even being able to beat it WHATSOEVER in FOUR YEARS on NORMAL...

Wow. You're honestly one of the worst players I've ever heard of. Good job.

>> No.9170004
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Fuck you.

>> No.9170024

Did your autism cause you to seize up and not read the rest of the replies before posting this?

>> No.9170049

Even if you were playing as little as one single game attempt every month (which is ridiculously extreme even for him saying 'on and off'), four years and never having beaten normal is still utterly laughable.
