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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9157259 No.9157259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php
Note2: If you encounter sprite glitches, try a Version >= r5101 from http://pcsx2.net/svn.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book:
Atelier Official Chronicle:

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

>> No.9157264

That's a lovely image. Where may I beget a larger version?

>> No.9157298

io cant stop llookgin at ter feet

>> No.9157309

I like it

>> No.9157342

Here is the newest Ayesha video.


>> No.9157423

Non-doujin roleplaying game with a Western release.
No important news has happened, just the same copy-pastable template.

>> No.9157442


Ayesha is out this month and Meruru is a new thing. I would say that's enough to talk about.

>> No.9157447

It's been a while so I might not be informed, but where is OP's usual trip and the extra contents?

>> No.9157448

I'll make this short.
Voice de Toukousphere Final where?
Any hint would be much appreciated. Yes, I already know "It's possibly been uploaded", thanks.

>> No.9157464

Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~

Istoria~Kalliope, Akiko Shikata's latest album:


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc
- original /jp/ stuff

>> No.9157462

The other day someone made a thread with a video of the Totori NEET bad end. What other fun bad ends are in Meruru?

My cockth going into your vag00 and butt is the latest and most important news, Anon.

>> No.9157466

Finally got around to finishing AT 2 after 2 years. I had already finished 3 in the interim so it was kind of jarring to go back to 2d graphics, but got used to that quick.

So, about this shitty, awful, typo-ridden translation. I got into act 3 when the torrent on the original Japanese one finally finished (one seed with around 30-50 kB/s) but it seems I can't transfer my save. Does anyone know an easy way to remedy this? I figure there's nothing I can do and I'll just play the other girl's route on that version when I get a chance, but I might as well ask.

>> No.9157468

Ciel no Surge, the only game I'm interested in, was out like a month ago and all we got was a couple of screenshots from some anon.

These threads are always the same: same kopike, same disguised blogging and western JRPG monologues.

>> No.9157471


He is gone I guess. He did a damn good job with it so I wish he would come back.

>> No.9157473

We have a new internet superhero!

Thanks Gust !kQ195lX.s2, you're such a swell guy for making these threads :-)

Do you have an Amazon wishlist or PayPal or anything?

>> No.9157475


Feel free to address all of your complaints to me. Not everyone owns a Vita and wants to pay to import a untranslated game. I own the game but haven't been playing it much due to Diablo 3 and such so I will start talking about it when I get back into it.

>> No.9157477

He left because he understood that these placeholder threads were going nowhere.

>> No.9157487

This. Take a hint.

I seriously don't get why you guys want these. Nothing happens. At least in the STG generals people discover new games or make replays or even just need some help. GUST generals are 50% complaining, 50% status updates.

>> No.9157491

Fun bit of trivia you're free to not believe:

SHiN (former /a/ and /jp/ tripfag) was the guy who originally did these as "generals", mostly to troll.

Japanese bird effect, I guess.

>> No.9157522
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I'm on year 3 in Meruru. When are you able to make items that decrease your traveling time?

It's like a 15 day walk to to the latest area now!

>> No.9157530


I can't wait to start playing it again as soon as I am done with a few other thing.

Also this is great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThSUGbdDD6M&feature=plcp

>> No.9157756


I still need to finish AT2&3 as well. I have gotten really lazy and I have neen letting these games stack up for a long time now. Thank god the Atelier games aren't too long.

>> No.9157782

congrats dude

>> No.9157810

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9160239


I was just thinking about it right now.


>> No.9160805
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>> No.9160830

Alchemy lv35, but you probably don't have good enough World Spirits to pull off the Spring effect.

Anyway, a good place to get high quality World Spirits is by developing Modis Ruins and search the surrounding areas or pick one up in the Endless Corridor.

The teleportation pad comes at Alchemy lv40, just so you know.

>> No.9162759
File: 536 KB, 700x859, atelier24004397_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimi's social skills are so autismic level. I love her.

Oh cool, I'm like alchemy level 32 or something. Guess I'll grind that.

>> No.9163097

Where is everybody? Still playing Meruru?

>> No.9164173


Yes about to start it now.

>> No.9164190

Is it bad that I only like the Kishida Mel art games from the Atelier games? I only enjoy them because of the moe

>> No.9164217

So how about that Finally, As Planned ending in Meruru. It's the kick in the balls that keeps on kicking. What the fuck, Gust. Why would you even make an ending like that?

>> No.9166345


Official normalfag opinion of Meruru is in.

>The Bad
>Extremely annoying title character
>Sexualized outfits on very young female protagonists
>Bland campaign hobbled by timed quests.

>> No.9166377


>Not everyone owns a Vita and wants to pay to import a untranslated game.

That's pretty much why it hasn't been discussed much. Not everyone owns a vita, not everyone can read Japanese (or wants to import a game they can't understand) and then there's the fact that the game itself is heavily DLC based so most of us never really bothered.


Sounds great.

>> No.9166471


I just want to meet these people in real life. Who in there right mind think its funny to rate a game so poorly just because you know bags of shit would be thrown at you to those who like the game? And on top of that, they hire people from (cragslist) who don't like specific genres to review them anyway.

>> No.9166492

Its ok, the next Atelier game has an on rails AC-130 sequence so it will probably get an 8 or 9.

>> No.9166635

>Meruru is the stereotypical spoiled princess.
Not gonna bother reading that, sir.

>> No.9166640

>Sexualized outfits on very young female protagonists
Superfluous? Definitely. Sexualised? What the hell?

>> No.9166647

It's because photorealistic game women in slutty clothes is acceptable and awesome character design.

>> No.9166679

>a world so sickeningly sweet that you should get screened for adult-onset diabetes the moment you put down the gamepad.
Who the hell did they get to do this review? I don't think he has ever played "our" kind of game before.
>one of the most vapid gaming protagonists ever created
Actually, I don't think he has ever played videogames.

Bullshit aside, is Meruru fun?

>> No.9166832

Yes. It has the best item creation system in a modern video game. The armor/weapon crafting is fun and satisfying due to the bonuses you can give your items. You won't see this level of quality in any online game when it comes to crafting.

The other areas of the game are quite sound too (music, battles, dialogue). I got no complaints really. It's leagues better in every aspect compared to games like say, Diablo 3.

>> No.9166991

> gamespot
There's your problem.

>> No.9167342

That's one of the more bizarre parts of the review. You don't need to play the game for more than 20 minutes to see otherwise. I don't even know what to think about something like. It's just... false.

>> No.9168299

I bet they're skimming through Let's Plays to write their reviews now.

>> No.9168310

Valuable comment.

Page 10 was just too mainstream.

>> No.9168881

New video about the world map.


>> No.9169962

Fuckin' hot air balloons. Or possibly some sort of quasi-magical alchemic floating device, because why be practical when you have alchemy.

The backgrounds continue to strike me as a bit bare, but considering the occasional framerate issues in Meruru due to excessive decoration I guess that's not such a bad thing.

>> No.9169972
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>>hot air balloons
