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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9134856 No.9134856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Muv Luv so anti-American? I don't remember Muramasa being so anti-American like this...

>> No.9134867
File: 423 KB, 850x478, 1327957589546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok. After all, America is shit. I'm being serious here. It's a shit country and americans are shit for the most part too.

>> No.9134865

Because Amerikkkans are fucking stoopid.

>> No.9134866
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Please onegai

>> No.9134877
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>> No.9134876

Poor wittle Amerifags can't deal with their feelings being hurt :(

>> No.9134878

But every country is shit. But you know why? Because people are shit.

>> No.9134882

Never cared about Muv-Luv but now I'm going to play it.

>> No.9134892

I must have skipped that line on accident when they were doing the hours of explanations that no one gives a shit about.

>> No.9134893

I hope there aren't many americunts on /jp/

>> No.9134890


Every country likes pretending Americans are stupid even though we have the greatest universities in the world by far and a majority of technological advancement comes from our shores.

And most of the europoors who pretend they're smart live in mud holes anyway. America strong.

>> No.9134904

... what is with all of the hate Muv Luv gets these days?

>> No.9134911

sage for kusoge

>> No.9134949

We should just nuke everyone who isn't American.

>> No.9134954


>> No.9134960

Why doesn't moot just rangeban all of America?

>> No.9134957

Such is the fate of every VN.

>> No.9134965

it's translated so you must hate it to fit in

>> No.9134964
File: 33 KB, 460x345, cbs_usa_flag_3dHRJ_3868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because USA not Amrrikka is the cause of all wars and missery in the recent history. This happens because USA wants to be 1st and destroys all possible competence. Everything that USA doesn´t controll is a terrorist.

>> No.9134963

You're getting prostate penetrated over some kusoge author?

>> No.9134969

This almost as gay as The United States of Japan in Code Geass.

>> No.9134975

except we dont call everyone terrorists. Not the Europeans, africans, or asians. And our media goes out of its way to make muslims look good. Infact we send more foreign aid to countries than any other nation in the world. This is despite the fact that we are in debt. But its cool cus everyone hates us for invading a few 3rd world shitholes. American immigrant here, sorry if english isnt perfect

>> No.9134979

The USA isn't the only United States out there, anon.

>> No.9134984

Shut the fuck up!

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain;
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea.

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine.

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self control,
Thy liberty in law.

>> No.9134989

>>mfw when amerifats clap after shitposting

>> No.9134994

God FUCK the Queen.

>> No.9134998

Bombing country, send aid to the last four alive niggers, convert to glorious democracy with a puppet president, send all USA bussines to drill for natural resources. XXI century colonialism at his best.

>> No.9135008

Typical americunt who thinks he's talking with british people because he doesn't know a second language and think everyone else must be equally retarded.

>> No.9135029

Somebody's mad that they have to twiddle in a mudhut while Superior Americans get free cash from sitting on their asses all day.

>> No.9135052

Sounds like the Yuropoors are upset because they didn't get their semen rations. Don't worry guys, we're working on it.

>> No.9135067
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America is number one and everyone is jealous of our superior quality of living.

>> No.9135118

This isn't just Muv-Luv though, there's been antiamericanism in a lot of japanese media.

Gasaraki is probably the most antiamerican anime I've ever seen.

In Read or Die the president of the united states pisses in his pants on a regular basis.

Recently Guilty Crown didn't depict americans in such a good light either.

At least Muv Luv has Walken as a redeeming factor. which still loses against superior uberschmen true yamato soldier of glorious Japan, despite the technical inferiority of his TFS

>> No.9135125

This is why I hate Japan and so should weaboos.

>> No.9135127

Every minor slight against America in fiction should be punishable by death.

>> No.9135129

>list of nations that US sends aid to
West Bank/ Gaza

Name one of these countries that we are currently bombing, with the exception of Pakistan (Which we have bombed on very rare occasions) . The only reason Pakistan gets aid is to convince them to leave Isreal alone. WE literally throw millions of dollars around the world to PREVENT wars. But we are only known for causing them. Also Business arn't controlled by the United States government, infact its the complete opposite. You can hate Corporations, but hating the United States itself is just a typical sign of someone who has a narrow view of world politics. Also most of the US puppets governments have either fallen, are in process of falling, or have changed their own government enough to gain true independence. The US along with Europeans will always make puppet governments, probably because those people tend to have completely corrupt or no real governments at all. What exactly do you hate about the United States, that doesnt go for every other 1st world country in existence?

>> No.9135132

Sup /b/ro

>> No.9135139

Thats only who gets the most amount of money, the actual list is much larger

>> No.9135134

Europe: Chavs & Slavs

>> No.9135143
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>> No.9135144

Its just Japan being mad because we annihilated two cities because it was a hell of a lot easier than destroying their whole country.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.9135151

They will be crying at our knees for military help when China is going after their asses.

>> No.9135149

Americans, could they be more shitty and nationalistic? "USA #1 WE BEST COUNTRY"
Sounds stupid. Most of them know shit about other countries, have never traveled abroad, don't know other (better) languages, and are warmongering idiots (lulz im gunna watch the stream of sandnigger execution while drinking soda hurhur)
They also cut their penises and are fat, how worse can you get?
It's no wonder a much better culture like Japan laughs at you all the time.

>> No.9135163

But China are your overlords already. You're literally sucking Chinese cock for money.

>> No.9135166 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9135178

>which still loses against superior uberschmen true yamato soldier of glorious Japan, despite the technical inferiority of his TFS

Raptor implied to have been sabotaged.

>> No.9135179
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China is giving us free money that sounds good to me.

>> No.9135183

Speaking as an American, I thought Muv-Luv's portrayal of America was pretty fair, actually. America's actions were logical, and Walken was the only rational one in the group during the coup d'etat. Yeah, it went a little overboard with the JAPANESE WARRIOR SPIRIT shit, but if you read past that, it wasn't particularly anti-American.

>> No.9135184


>> No.9135189
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I'm not going to /a/ autist. If you want to be upset because you live in a third world country go to /pol/.

>> No.9135197

your antics are embarassing

>> No.9135205
File: 96 KB, 779x376, 1334942490162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw amerifats don't realize there isn't a single nation around that doesn't wish murrika was gone

>> No.9135208

All you are proving by responding to me is that you are visibly upset and a baby because baww I hate Americans ;_;

>> No.9135214
File: 38 KB, 300x217, wat-020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he says while consuming american movies and television shows

>> No.9135219

i am american and i don't give a fuck about this thread, i'm just pointing out your faggotry
thanks for making it easy to filter your stupidity

>> No.9135218

You are the embarssement here. I agree with IAG on this one. You are whining like America raped you in the butt.

>> No.9135220

This entire thread is an embarrassment.

>> No.9135223

>implying we give a fuck

I'll just sit here in my big house on my fat ass and laugh as the worst parts of our culture slowly destroy your nation's original culture.

Hate us all you want, you will soon be us.

>> No.9135226

Agreed. Should I delete it?

>> No.9135230
File: 58 KB, 400x400, disgust-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't understand this board newfag.

>> No.9135231


>> No.9135232

I think ...Muv Luv is fair.but millitary anime is anti americanism everywhere.
but It is syouganai...

>> No.9135234

