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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9127462 No.9127462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We set up new rules to make /jp/ a better place

>> No.9127466

Are you trying to lure out the autists who write essays about this stuff?

>> No.9127471

Rule 1: OP is a faggot.
Rule 2: There are no other rules.

>> No.9127477 [DELETED] 

Rule 1: Take it easy - We don't care about how inuyashasgirlfriend1997 made the most retarded weeaboo video in youtube and you "raged" for 26 minutes to it while killing your cat with your keyboard in the process. Or how some kid in Gaia plays Touhou and FS/N. We just take it easy, since we know the cause of most of these things are kids acting like kids (and if they aren't kids, we know they are just retards). This also means we don't want stupid drama.

Rule 2: Don't respond to trolls - If some guy posted something really stupid and provocative that made you angry and you want to kill him, don't respond to him. Don't even bother to tell him off while using sage; it's most likely a troll that just wants some replies. In /jp/, troll threads tend to be really easy to spot, so there's really no excuse for this. If too many people get baited, it will end up in a stupid 200 post long drama thread nobody wants to see in the first page.

Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

Rule 4: Keep your memes in your board - We aren't meme fans, try to keep your memes in /b/. However, as every board in 4chan, we have our own memes too (even if we don't spam them all the time like in /b/). The most common ones are: The Pleasure of Being Cummed Inside (/lounge/ forced meme, became the generic response to every translation request), Japanese Bird Cooking pasta (forced meme that became popular), Hoopdog/Awesomedog (HOLY SHIT A DOG JUMPING 8 HOOPS ON FLAMES).

>> No.9127487

Why exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

Are you implying XD not Life-like texture

>> No.9127488

Merge with /a/

>> No.9127492

I always liked how 1 & 3 go against each other. I'm sorry, but you can't take it easy while getting upset with smileys O_o

>> No.9127534


Delete /jp/?

>> No.9127545
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>> No.9127547

Now that I think about it I haven't seen that one poster who rants about the rules Suigin drafted fo a while now.

>> No.9127713


>> No.9127714
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>> No.9127715

Rule 1: Stop shitposting even if you are being ironic

>> No.9127720

Rule 1: stop posting

>> No.9127726


>> No.9127730

Hii hii~

>> No.9127740

Rule. 1. /a/ is not fuckin' allowed here.

Go back to your board faggots.

>> No.9127741

rule #1
Suck my cock.

*whips out big white cock*

>> No.9127744

1-make 4chan into a forum
2-everybody needs an account
3-watch as the "trolls" suddenly start dissapearing, trolling isnt that fun when you need to make a new account everytime you feel like acting like a retard

>> No.9127746
File: 27 KB, 450x454, old8831382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1-make 4chan into a forum
fuck off

>> No.9127748

No metathreads or threads about rules, people can figure it out on their own.

>> No.9127755

got any better idea how to attack the real problem? anyway, it's not like it's going to happen; 4chan will still be "troll" friendly in nature and you'll keep making these threads.

>> No.9127776

moot should enforce DisplayID on /jp/ just so I can see the analdevastation of everyone.

>> No.9127791

4chan would be like facebook on this conditions.

>> No.9127794

Set up a shitposting quota. Once the quota is met every day start banning everyone off of /jp/ who shitposts.

>> No.9127801

no more fucking deletions or bans

i'm an otaku.

i am literally the fucking definition of otaku at this moment

this is a board for MY FUCKING CULTURE

yes! i mad!

>> No.9127810

You need to capitalize your sentences and use punctuation.

>> No.9127814

1. Don't post on /jp/ until school is back in session.

>> No.9127817
File: 110 KB, 512x768, Idoun26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule: Idoun is /jp/ related.

>> No.9127827


It is a convention from another imageboard. Still and all. My point stands. I am literally a fucking otaku. Deleting and banning stuff we do is bullshit. That includes that stupid fucking pigeon and his pasta. This place should not be where we're also put upon by people who aren't like us.

I'll tell you, though (and you should archive this, so you can show people later), no website ever gets better.

What's going to happen is that we'll get increasingly heavy moderation, /jp/ will be deleted probably, harsh language will become bannable, and we'll turn into another site for white, upper-middle-class people to talk about Game of Thrones and their ipods. No website in the history of the internet has ever gone in the direction of 'less-strict', and 'more-strict' has never benefited anyone but the people who always win anyway, the normal, non-otaku people.

>> No.9127829

their should be fun threads alowed but if there are too many some can be deleted but,.......... its good to have some fun threads where we can talk and blog and sutff

>> No.9127830

Sorry to burst your bubble, but /jp/ isn't about otaku culture. That's just a name

>> No.9127836

We might aswell save ourself some trouble and all go straight to gaia

>> No.9127842


Then change the name. Don't lie to me.

Mark my words, though. I was right about the other boards, I'm right about this. We're going down the shitter.

The best possible use of this thread would be to figure out where we're going to go after the mods fuck this one over.

>> No.9127845
File: 74 KB, 869x484, otherstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you watch the season finale? Shit was whack, yo.

>> No.9127849

>i'm an otaku.
otaku isnt a status symbol.
Back to >>>/a/

>> No.9127852


Yeah, Gaia is pretty much what it will be once they are done.

>> No.9127856


I'm not using it as one. Maybe if you comprehended what you read, you'd be less judgmental.

>> No.9127863
File: 157 KB, 430x437, frodo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they called white walkers if they were all riding horses?

>> No.9127857

gaia is for kids
jp is for truneets

>> No.9127867

for fucks sake frodo you are a smartass

>> No.9127869

They make the horses walk on snow, which is white.

>> No.9127904

I'd be up for this.

>> No.9127920

why arent u at gaia then

>> No.9127921


there are only five people on jp

>> No.9127925

If that was true, the board would have been deleted a long time ago.

>> No.9127970

rule 1: nobody can post

>> No.9127985

Rule 1: Out in Black Mountain, a child'll slap your face
Said, out in Black Mountain, a child'll slap your face
Rule 2: The babies cryin' for liquor
Rule 3: All the birds sing bass.

>> No.9127991
File: 93 KB, 474x486, elin_tera_race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is TERA worth playing? Why the lolis are chubby?

>> No.9128007

The board's quality would instantly skyrocket.

>> No.9128034

rules of /jp/

1) Please respond!
2) Suck my cock, dude!
3) Fuck off with your spoilers!
4) Always think about... who are you quoting?!
5) Merge all your VN discussions in one thread!
6) Take it easy!
7) Get out of /jp/ !
8) Go to /a/, /v/, /vg/, /cgl/, /b/ etc...

>> No.9128047

It's great that the mods in chat hate us. Maybe they'll leave us alone.

>> No.9128055

nbecause im a trueneet duh

>> No.9128063

p rove it

>> No.9128065

i dont have a job all i do is play video games allday :) and play with my toys and post on jp

>> No.9128068

Change, "All things otaku welcome! ^___^," to, "Lurk before you fucking post," and have our janitor submit ban reports instead of deleting threads so that they multiply.

>> No.9128077

you can avoid the ban by just reconnect your router, so banning people who shitpost would only make them angry and shitpost more

>> No.9128079


Way to have a stagnant board centered around the whims of a few jackholes in a chatroom

there is one good thing and one good thing only about this and that's that when shitmodding finally kills this site we'll be able to build it anew without the people that ruined it in the first place

>> No.9128089

At least that takes up to 60 seconds. Spam-delete-spam-delete-spam-spam-spam-delete-delete-delete is just dumb and never ends.

I don't even know what you're saying, but some of us are here to discuss on-topic stuff.
In before argument about what's "on-topic".

>> No.9128091


Also, one other good thing will be watching their drama tear their circle apart once there's nothing left to do. I look forward to all sorts of revelations coming from buttravished exiled mods thrown out due to infighting in the absence of an outside threat.

>> No.9128100

>In before argument about what's "on-topic".

that's always what the argument is

you're here to do what you want to do, and you don't want other people doing what they want to do, because your way is the only right way, and the board has to be pure for your posts to rest on

and if you don't get replies, it's someone's fault, damn it

let me tell you something, PAL

why don't you just MARRY your posts if you like them so fucking much

make a thread and shop a picture of you hugging your posts in a wedding dress, asshole. i'll congratulate your fucking marriage.

>> No.9128103

more like 5 seconds

>> No.9128110

Before you tell me that you're going to shitmod /jp/, there's something that you need to know, that you have to understand.

My life sucks. I was studying chemical engineering in hopes of getting a job at the local Dow plant. I spent four years getting a degree in a field I legitimately dislike, because I wanted a secure future in a job that I could use to provide for my family.

They closed that fucking plant. I guess offshore labor's cheaper. Can't pay extra for your fucking ant poison. Now I have an essentially useless degree. When my girlfriend realized I'd be unemployed, she left me. I don't blame her. There's nothing to do anymore. No one has any money because that place was where everyone worked. I rarely leave my room at this point, and it's probably wise not to, because roving gangs of poor teenagers are prowling the town.

Last fall, I started buying castor beans in bulk. At first, it was just a minor experiment, but at this moment, I've got twelve gallons of liquid ricin brewed and ready to spray. I have no hopes, no goals, and no future, and literally the only reason I have not popped the can and killed everyone in this miserable Godforsaken city is because, when I come here to post, I know my thread will be replied to and I'll talk to someone.

So before you tell me that the one bright spot in my life is gone, consider this: It's all I have.

>> No.9128197
File: 84 KB, 594x492, MarisasmileTH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be /jp/ - Japanese and Otaku culture.

It's a matter of fact that lot of otakus like Japanese musicians, idols, and many Japan-related things, also JP stands for Japan.

Seriously, there is no reason to forbid those discussions, because they are not harmful or shitposting, deal with it.

>> No.9128201

Great, except we tried "Japan/General" and "Japanese Culture" and they worked out awfully. Lurk more.

>> No.9128250


/jp/ - Japan/Random is better.

Or /jp/ - Shitposting Culture. At least it's honest that way.

>> No.9128351

anime and mango go to /a/
mainstream vidya go to /v/
everything else japanese related goes into /jp/


>> No.9128405

How about gust or vanillaware generals?
theoretically is /vg/ territory.

>> No.9128414

Answer is. Delete /jp/ get rid of the shit. And if we think it this way. All japanese stuff should go in /int/ and language in /lang/.

I'm totally fine with weaboo /b/.

>> No.9128425

weeaboo /b/?
/v/ is already full of pandering normalfags, I can't imagine how is today's /b/.

>> No.9128428

Ban idol threads

>> No.9128432

Remove zunbar.
Remove anime.
Remove "vidya".

>> No.9128437

We had threads like this every few days ever since /jp/ was created. Metathreads .

>> No.9128449

If you are so obsessed with normalfaggots why don't you fuck off to tornet where you can discuss about raping dead toddlers with like minded individuals whatsoever?

>> No.9128453
File: 57 KB, 317x317, 27555761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.9128455


>> No.9128462

add gradients.
add rounded corners.
add shadows.
add transitions.
