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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9064536 No.9064536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's lovely outside, why aren't you having brain problems in the sun, /jp/?

>> No.9064537

Because the sun amplifies my brain problems and is uncomfortable as fuck

>> No.9064541 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 333x430, [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_01_[h264-720p][99001B5A].mkv_snapshot_03.35_[2012.01.26_18.34.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so hot i cant do anything today
it just makes me tired

>> No.9064542

It's almost 3am here you mentally disabled slut

>> No.9064547

>hot outside
Maybe for the plants, but not for humans. Give me cold weather or rain any day over blistering heat.

>> No.9064546

It's scorching hot outside.

>> No.9064549
File: 299 KB, 200x200, 1336678460.15183412.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna fuck?

>> No.9064550

Because it's nightime and raining, you inconsiderate shit.

>> No.9064554

Because the people outside who once knew me, will make fun of me. I wish, I could live somewhere else, where I don't know anybody.

>> No.9064555

The people who knew me don't recognize me.

>> No.9064558

No internet outside.


>> No.9064559

It's against the law for me to have sex with retarded people.

>> No.9064562

Lucky you, they still recognize me... And they probably always will, unless I move out.

>> No.9064563 [DELETED] 

yeah.. iktf... ;~;
people always ask me why im not at school

>> No.9064566

That explains a LOT.

>> No.9064565 [DELETED] 

yeah.. iktf... ;~;
people always ask me why im not at school

>> No.9064567

get your fucking deformed right hand and wonkey eyes away from me

>> No.9064572 [DELETED] 

ffs janitor what the hell is your problem

>> No.9064575
File: 351 KB, 512x512, 24185536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its too hot outside these days.
I wish there was a beach closer to where i lived, i want to swim and cool down.

>> No.9064578 [DELETED] 

well its so hot the glass on my window feels like its melting
i feel tired but im going to play tera later
go to hell n$j

>> No.9064584

Heat is definitely preferable to cold for me. I could spend all day outside when it's 115°F. It's usually around 90°F in my room, which is also nice. It starts to get uncomfortable below 65°F.

>> No.9064582 [DELETED] 

today is hot yes but a certain someone isnt making it easier
why dont you stop bullying? seriously an idiot could see that my posts are ontopic now
you are just harassing now
its not fair and it hurts my feelings

>> No.9064588

Fukune please go.
Your lack of punctuation and capital letters bothers me.

>> No.9064591

im sorry

>> No.9064610

How come Haruka feels like she doesn't have a gimmick and is thus boring even though she has a gimmick?

>> No.9064650

You leave one of mai waifu alone you faggot. She doesn't have a gimmick. She's wonderful and pure and perfect.

>> No.9065682

Guess you've got brain problem.

>> No.9065691

I live in my parents basement, it's chilly as fuck here, next to cold actually.

>> No.9065695 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 478x480, 1 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke up after sun passed my window
feels cool man

>> No.9065701

lovely? It's hotter than hell out there, I'm so glad I'm back inside.

>> No.9065707

Definitely the opposite for me. I can put more fabric on me endlessly, but once I'm naked, I can't take anything off to make it cooler.

>> No.9065712

Because there is no bed to lie down and roll around

>> No.9065725

I'm about to go outside soon, nice and sunny too.

Walk around this tourist trap shit-hole with my friend. (How do I get him to let me suck his dick /jp/?)

>> No.9065731

Because it's obnoxiously hot and my computer is inside. Also I need to clean my apartment some more.

>> No.9065738

Why don't you tell us, OP?

>> No.9065744

Take him into ally or bathroom and just do it.

>> No.9065747
File: 340 KB, 600x458, 26561886_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too sunny.

>> No.9065750
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Wimsicott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent idea, OP. I need some candy.

>> No.9065752


I could just do that in my house though!

I've known him for so long, since we were about 8, and he thinks I'm straight, I'm about to leave in about 30 minutes or so though.

I doubt he would hate me and never hang out with again if I asked, but it could seriously change our friendship.

>> No.9065757

Then do it in your house I don't see why it matters where. Just drop down and release his cock and lick it.

>> No.9065762

never ask just do it if you ask he might think its a trap so you can say lol what a faggot or something

>> No.9065764

Because I decided to learn Python today.

>> No.9065766

Lisp is the most powerful programming language.

>> No.9065768

it's 35 C

>> No.9065769
File: 80 KB, 330x320, みんな踊れ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, where u live...at the south pole with santa? xDc

>> No.9065777

North Louisiana

AKA hell

>> No.9065778

There is no magical way to do it unless he is gay.

Just has to be one of those lucky moments where you are both alone and he is horny and possibly drunk enough to be persuaded to let you give it a go.

My moment came when i was alone with my friend a few years ago and we were playing vidya games, it was rather late and we were making jokes about the game MC getting a blowjob from his current female.

He mentioned he wished he had a hot chick sucking his dick and i made a joke about the fact that i'd be his bitch.

He then dared me to do it and i went down on my knees infront of the couch he was sitting in and unzipped his pants.
He never expected me to go that far i could see that in his eyes.
So i basically just stopped after unzipping and just sat there and looked him in the eyes and asked him if he wanted me to continue.

After a few seconds of silence he nodded and i put my hands into his pants and grabbed his penis at this point he was in a half shocked state but let me continue.

Long story short i sucked his dick and he did not talk to me for a few weeks before he had made himself okay with it.
Now he asks me from time to time if i want to do it again.
I dont refuse.

>> No.9065795


As for advice to >>9065725
I'd ask him if he'd ever had sex outside. If he says yeah, ask him about it and he'll open up. Then tell him you want to try sucking a dick and ask him if he'd let you. If he says no, ask him if he'd want to. If he says no he wouldn't want to, try asking if he'd let you suck his dick outside, or inside if it made him feel better.

>> No.9065796

You're an American you piece of shit

Why are you speaking the language of the peasants from across the sea? Get that celsius shit out of here.

>> No.9065799

touhou wikia sucks ass

>> No.9065805

I have an conscious!

you fucking WANKER!!!
