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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9061062 No.9061062 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player:

IRC: irc.rizon.net #jp-radio
Skype Chatroom: Add Japanese Bird (the one from Spaghettiville), ferongr or skippyfail and one of them will shortly invite you to the convo.

Pleae enjoy!

>> No.9061066
File: 145 KB, 483x604, 1277990396480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also please note that the stream will be down for a while tonight for maintentance.
I will make sure Pyonta is going to do his best to fix some things.
We apologize for the inconvenience!

>> No.9061109

How did you get past my filter...
Can't you post using one tripcode ``please''?

>> No.9061220

You must be real bright.

It's two different individuals

>> No.9061255


Fuck off out of /jp/ ``please".

>> No.9061661
File: 90 KB, 500x324, 1292347994857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try harder.

Also, we're back up now!
Thanks for your patience!

>> No.9061977

Please stop requesting these long compilation songs. Even once every few weeks would be more than enough.

>> No.9061993

Contain your autism

>> No.9062033

How is that autism? If anything, it's autistic to want to spend 30+ minutes every day listening to multiple versions of the exact same song.

>> No.9062056

To be fair, it's not like most of the requests on this radio are tolerable in the first place.

>> No.9062062

>Stop liking what I don't like

Rephrased your post.

If you want to listen to stuff you like yourself, listen to your local library



>> No.9062081

Who are you quoting?
Also, music is good, but wubstep and people saying pomf or onichan into a microphone for 6 minutes isn't music.

>> No.9062093

Different strokes for different people. Also ``memes". Even the stream has some accumulated over the years.

If you want a tasteless weeb radio, just listen to r/a/dio

>> No.9062096

Please stop with the strawman arguing. THis isn't /a/.
It's not that I absolutely hate it, it just gets really tiring to listen to when it's such a long compilation with multiple versions played daily.

>> No.9062106


>> No.9062108

If I wanted to listen to unfunny memes then I would go to the /v/ music stream. And are you saying that these unfunny excuses for "Jokes" are tasteful?

>> No.9062117

>strawman arguing
Learn what "strawman" means.

> it just gets really tiring
Preferences. I have no problem with medleys and compilations.

> unfunny memes
> unfunny excuses for "Jokes"

Well that's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.9062127

Jesus christ, just stop posting for you own sake. Everything you say is a reference to "everyone has their own taste" but not everyone enjoys eating their own feces.

>> No.9062130

>>Stop liking what I don't like
>Rephrased your post.
If this isn't a strawman argument, I don't know what is.

>Preferences. I have no problem with medleys and compilations.
Again, I have no problem with them either. What I do have a problem with is the same medley being played for 30+ minutes a day, just like I wouldn't like to listen to any other song for 30+ minutes every single day, much less try to make other people listen to it for 30+ minutes a day.

>> No.9062137

Not everyone tries to push their likes and opinions on others like you do.

>> No.9062149

Then by your own logic, whoever keeps requesting these medleys shouldn't be trying to force his music tastes on everyone else.

>> No.9062155

But he's not forcing anything, it's a privilege given to him to be able to request tracks and he can use it as he wants. It's you who are free to tune out if you don't like something.

>> No.9062175

Please respond to >>9062130.

>> No.9062193

It's a request based radio. If you can't see the difference go ask your shrink for different meds.

>> No.9062224

Spartan dude, I wish I could hate you to death

>> No.9063166

98% of the song:
in the background

>> No.9063178

I'm really tired, someone please request my bi-daily My Dearest whenever the track can be requested again. Should be around 11.

>> No.9063189

>please help me force people to endure DAILY DOSE faggotry
no thanks

>> No.9063216


It's a good song.

>> No.9063387
File: 73 KB, 960x720, jerid goes super saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be on an opposite schedule, because I never hear Braiger yet I can't request it yet either.

>> No.9063561

Autism and daily doses go hand-in-hand.

And you know where you are, don't you?

>> No.9063736

You know, you guys can voteskip and, if the song is really annoying, you won't be the only one.

Also, when is the radio going up again? ;_;

>> No.9063960

Oh, it's up.

>> No.9064633

/mu/ pls go

>> No.9065263

Voteskip and mute for those 6 minutes, it won't kill you I promise.

>> No.9065421

Could Pyonta-kun block requests for one day? SAM has far better taste than any /jp/ers.

>> No.9065453

DMX wattafuck?

>> No.9067239

just couldn't and CAN'T stop laugh!

>> No.9067264

Hey can one of you nerds post that list of half decent headphones?

>> No.9067270

I think you want >>>/g/

>> No.9067287

Can it, nerd.

>> No.9067568
File: 9 KB, 714x176, radioqueue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck does that? Fuck you, I'm skipping your shit.

>> No.9067574

/g/ is not about nerds anymore, they're just a subset of /b/ and /v/

>> No.9067690
File: 14 KB, 711x208, radioqueue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faglord's obviously trolling.

I'm gonna skip all your shit, still.

>> No.9067748

no one was even requesting anything
I threw in a skip vote for each song I requested
have sex off with spoilers

>> No.9068904


I thought it died months ago.

>> No.9069884

It did.

>> No.9070560

it's still shit though

>> No.9070707

Like always.

That'd be a nice experiment.

>> No.9071224

Don't do it, SAM requests trolltracks and nigger music.

>> No.9071400

SAM likes nigger music though.

>> No.9071422

A true /jp/sy if there ever was one.

>> No.9072143

>SAM has far better taste than any /jp/ers.
/jp/ers uploaded those songs, retard. SAM picks up stuff I uploaded all the time.

>> No.9072532

>nails-on-chalkboard CHIGAU DESHURRDURR
fuck this I'm out.
nighty-night /jp/

>> No.9073931

>Gay horse, gay horse, I want a gay horse
