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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9045801 No.9045801 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to brush your teeth tonight /jp/.

>> No.9045821
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>> No.9045819

I love how these threads that keep getting randomly posted help keep my lifestyle healthy and regimented.

Thank you /jp/

>> No.9045831

Do you mean before going to bed or right now?

>> No.9045848

I can't remember the last time I did that but my head hurts too much that I can barely type. Walking is out of the question.

>> No.9045849
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>> No.9045921

I haven't brushed my teeth in many years.

I just gargle with hydrogen peroxide some days, and then scrub my teeth really good with a rag, some days I just use water instead of H202.

Why should I brush my teeth?

>> No.9045931

I suppose a /jp/ teeth brushing thread is overdue. I better brush mine later.

>> No.9046179

Humans survived before tooth paste. If it was good enough for my ancestors then it's good enough for me.

>> No.9046192

I brush maybe once a month but I found a cavity on my molar.

It doesn't hurt or anything but I'm scared

>> No.9046326

Hey, talk in Engilsh
This is /jp/

>> No.9046334

Every morning and every night.

>> No.9046342

I have already brushed them three times today.

>> No.9046354

>talk in English
Nice grammar.

>> No.9046360

Tell your friends on /jp/ you love them before going to sleep!

>> No.9046370
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Every morning when I wake up and every evening before I go to bed. It's important to remove food particles and scrub off plaque to prevent build up on your teeth. Just remember to wait an hour after eating or drinking anything acidic before brushing so you don't damage your enamel!

Be careful to avoid drinks that stain your teeth and try to eat cashews every so often as they can aid in building enamel.

>> No.9046380

Why do you brush your teeth in the morning if you brush them before you go to bed?
Do you eat while you sleep?

>> No.9046386

cuddle me /jp/

>> No.9046394

Why do you brush your teeth at night when you'll just be sleeping afterwards anyway?
Do you care how clean they are while you're asleep?

>> No.9046395

Yes, Dental care is expensive

>> No.9046397

If you're one of those faggots that eats 3 meals a day and wakes up in the morning and eats breakfast, you should brush after breakfast so that your teeth will be clean during the day.

>> No.9046401

dont even fucking remind me of this

>> No.9046403


You are supposed to brush your teeth at night because there will ALWAYS be bacteria and plaque on your teeth (no matter how many times you brush during the day). If you leave this overnight, they can grow and the acidity can degrade the enamel or the gums can become swollen.

>> No.9046404

Because you stop producing saliva when you're asleep so bacteria builds up in your mouth which is why you have really bad breath when you wake up. If you don't carefully remove food particles and excess plaque then you're giving the bacteria more food sources so they multiply faster, and that can be bad for your teeth.

>> No.9046412

Thanks for giving me a real answer among those silly ones.
I guess I better start brushing my teeth in the morning, bacteria don't sound good.

>> No.9046429

/jp/ is so savant

>> No.9046602


Ideally one should brush after eating anything, if it's possible to do so.

Otherwise, 3 times a day at least is sufficient, with flossing and mouth wash and all that.

>> No.9046624

You haven't answered my question, fucker.

>> No.9047883

I had been brushing my teeth every night and half of the time in the morning, and one day I woke up to a dent in a tooth near my gum ;_; What happened and what do I do?

>> No.9047896
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>> No.9047997

I brush my teeth everyday now. Ever since I got this huge cavity on my right molar. Fucking milky way candy. At first it was a small hole, but it kept breaking. Then one of my top tooth on the left side has a hole on the side. Brush to prevent cavities /jp/. Shit sucks when I drink cold beverages.

>> No.9048007

don't brush too hard though

>> No.9048408

Be sure to floss every couple of days as well. If your gums bleed a lot you probably haven't flossed enough or have very sensitive gums. Continue flossing anyway.
