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File: 18 KB, 128x128, Perfect_Dark_(ソフトウェア)_アイコン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9035011 No.9035011 [Reply] [Original]

does anybody here use Perfect Dark?
can those people explain to me how to get decent speeds with it?

I can leave my computer all night and not make any progress on a download. I thought 'count' referred to how many seeds there are, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

>> No.9035014

Move to Japan.

>> No.9035031

Download ten things at a time, something will download every now and then so it doesn't feel so slow.

I mostly use it for porn so that works for me.

>> No.9035035

>sort by count
>top files are CP
oh japan

>> No.9035040

I never have any problems with download speeds when I find something to download.
I seldom ever find what I'm looking for, though.

>> No.9035057

Niggas crazy.

>> No.9035054

where do you live?
did you change any of the network settings?

>> No.9035175

Obviously your speeds are going to suck, it's traditional P2P not to mention encrypted.

Your speeds are only ever going to be as high as the guys internet can upload.

>> No.9035183

my download speed is mostly 0
if 'count' is over 1000 shouldn't there always be somebody who can upload to me?

>> No.9035247

You might have to forward a port. With Share P2P I believe port forwarding is required, not sure about Perfect Dark. There's like 90GB of CP on Perfect Dark (just to warn you).

>> No.9035255

Count is the number of people that have downloaded the file total, but PD isn't like torrents. It's not seeded by downloaders, rather, by everyone in the network. So it's pretty random.
Also, you don't start downloading until your unity is at LEAST 2gb, and you will get faster downloads as your unity and upload total increases.

>> No.9035256

>There's like 90GB of CP on Perfect Dark
Was it good?

>> No.9035268

yes 10/10 pthc
would download again
no virus :)

>> No.9035266

I uploaded 2 gb of Linux ISOs (heheheheheh), to get my unity over 2 gb a few days ago so I could at least start downloading

so, would it be helpful to do more of this or would it be better to just wait for unity to grow naturally?

yeah, I port forwarded already

>> No.9035273

In the reference section of Perfect Dark's wiki there's a link to this tutorial: http://p2p.ayrezonline.com/?page_id=39

I've recently followed that tutorial and it worked fine. Don't listen to these guys about speed, Perfect Dark downloads stuff just as fast as torrents for me. If your ISP gives you a decent download speed you should have no problems using it. Start searching and downloading random things. With time your download speeds will increase. Within 2 days of using it I had downloaded Gigabytes worth of random shit.

>> No.9035294

Perfect Dark has higher quality stuff than Share P2P if that's what you're asking. Everything about Perfect Dark is better than Share P2P. It's easier to find Comiket material. zero dangers of getting viruses and it's more secure from the feds.

>> No.9035318

Are you guys talking about that old n64 game? Or Perfect dark zero for the xbawks 360?

I used to love perfect dark n64... But I'm pretty sure you guys are talking about some shit I have no clue about.

>> No.9035321

Which board did you come from again?

>> No.9035326

Where did you install it to? Perhaps you don't have read/write privileges for the folders. The general rule of thumb is that if your account isn't admin or if you don't know how UAC works on Windows you should install the software to your desktop. Unlike the system folders, the desktop folder doesn't have safety by default.

By the way, make sure the folder paths are set. It could be possible you didn't set them.

>> No.9035327

back to >>>/v/ adventurer

>> No.9035329

Anyone got a keyword list/guide?

>> No.9035330

>so, would it be helpful to do more of this or would it be better to just wait for unity to grow naturally?
Yes. The more you've seeded to other downloaders, the higher priority you get in the network. Random pieces acquired by just waiting is the best way to do this.

>> No.9035344

thanks anon, this is what I needed to know

to clarify, I have been able to download a little bit, but it's extremely slow and unpredictable (eg I've left my computer on the past 3 nights, once I managed to download 250 mb, the other times nothing). So yes, I do have r/w permissions.

I'll be hanging around for a while in case anybody has other advice but that's probably all I need for now

thanks for your patience everyone

>> No.9035360

Your ISP is a huge factor. You should google around for speed test and check to see how fast your connection is. If your speed is shit then there's nothing you can do about that. Perfect Dark at its best should be able to download just as fast as torrents.

>> No.9035365

my download speed goes up to 4 MB/s on torrents

looks like it'll just take a while before I can build up to that with PD
